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File: anger.jpg (484 KB, 2940x1960)
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Why the FUCK are xbox 360 games prices so damn high? 50$ equivalent for a 2nd hand old game. FUCK OFF. Not even original xbox games have got this bad. FUCKING FUCKS DESERVE TO DIE YOUFUCKING SCALPER SHITS GO BACK TO SHOVING THE WII CONTROLLER UP YOUR ASS
This is what i go here for.
Or ... Pirate them

I just emulate them
Because collecting vidya is a dead hobby now consoomed by rich manchildren. Use that money in a more wiser way like starting a pirated bluray collection for PC games. There's not many games that aren't on PC yet.

Or just wait until switch 2 and play your bing bing wahoo
XBOX 360 EMULATION FUCKING SUCKS YOU RETARDS. you would know this if you weren't the biggest zoomers alive in your hemispheres. You would also know that NOT EVERY GAME GOT A PC PORT. Or maybe because of the fact I HAVEN@T HAD A GAY MING PC FOR THE PAST YEAR. KYS fucking scalper apologists.
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Xbox 360 emulation is actually quite fucking decent for how recent it is, you ungrateful piece of shit
xbox 360 games can run on a toaster
i think youre just too retarded to emulate
retarded soillennial get fucked lmao
>toaster is a 1080Ti+ whatever the fuck my daddy bought me
You should get raped by a pack niggers though I know you would enjoy it mongoloid scalper fuck.
Because the 360 was the peak of console gaming.
I could never get into xbox cause the stick is in the wrong place
Never bought an XBox 360 when they were popular because of the dreaded "Red Ring of Death" which made your games unusable and wrecked your console (i.e., planned obsolescence).

Agreed about inflation and scalpers (lowest of the low). With an increasing demand and diminishing supply for physical classic vidya, these practices get more and more ridiculously outrageous and scummy each passing year.
The xbox 360 arcade store is shutting down tomorrow, so the 2nd hand market is now all there is.
Best part is, they discounted a bunch of games but won't let you use a credit card or add prepay money, so the discounted stuff literally can't sell

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