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File: European Hands.jpg (86 KB, 749x763)
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Prove you're European.
nice one lol
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I heard black men are often men who have sex with men. They don't identify as gay, but they have relationships with women and sex with men.
I was going to post a picture off my passport with my brown hands for a funny joke but I'm too scared of people making fun of me
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This isn't true. They have the most aids here because the CIA injects aids into the mcdonald's chicken nuggets in the ghetto, not because they receive gay anal sex.
This is true. Black "men" have the most estrogen and like to have their bussies pounded
im not im a brown immigrants
but i identify as black (transracial)
Only one person in this thread has proved that they're European.
I'm not European.
My spanish ancestors were romans
Yes, your ancestors were GAY.
This nigga got protruding knuckles
Politics and paperwork doesn't legitimise something that is otherwise biological. You are certainly 'not' European, nor an Anglo, sorry.
Then you are not Australian. There are no Americans. We are all Africans.

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