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Does anyone else use cbd what's your opinion on it
I am a law abiding citizen, sorry folk.
it's a NSAID, that's about it. Can alleviate muscle pain some, but no better than an Aleve.
Cbd is legal in most countries now, cbd is in weed but it doesn't get you high
I still aint gonna do drugs.
just smoke weed pussy cbd doesnt do shit
CBD is fucking nothing. although I smoke 3g a day of 29% indica, so no wonder I don't notice anything
not bad but i prefer actual flower for chronic pain management reasons. dabs are stupid tho unless it's co2 extract, otherwise you lose all terpenes in the extraction process, which means you lose pain relief properties and also like half of the high
Sorry i snoke cbd bud
Wish flower was legal here, you can get cbd buds but that probably has the same problems since in the uk the thc needs to be less than like 0.3% or some shit
i use cbd to cope for the fact that im losing money holding superverse
Junkies out
I have pretty bad social anxiety and panic attacks and cannot smoke weed because it INCREASES my anxiety intensely.
I've tried cbd a bunch of times and I feel it does nothing (good or bad) and doesn't help me calm down or relax.
Ymmv though.

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