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File: IMG_9362.png (163 KB, 850x820)
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septoil edition
>what is this general for
It's for talking about the septoil

septagon or something like that
knot theory or something
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908 KB PNG
or someone...
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826 KB PNG
thats not me
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slow day today
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554 KB PNG
ooga wa booga wa booga
ooga wa booga wa booga
oonaguru wa boonaguru wa boonga
oonaguru wa boonaguru wa boonga
ooguru wa booguru wan booga
ooguru wa booguru wan booga
ooga wa booga wa booga
ooga wa booga wa booga
Incomprensible Krab
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I was the last post in the last thread
Erm ding ding ding ding ding quints alert
I want to learn the alpine butterfly loop but I don't have any application for it right now.
i'm going insane
i'm going insane
my mind has gone off the rails
this is a moment in history

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