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What is your favourite anime/manga series?
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I don't watch tranime/tranga
I dunno.
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Hestia make pp hard
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For manga, for me it has to be a tie between Koya ni Kemono Doukokusu, story by Yumemakura Baku and illustrated by Itoh Sei (pic related) and Keyman: The Hand of Judgement by Warai Naku. I absolutely devoured those.
BLAME by Tsutomu Nihei; Berserk by Kentaro Miura (RIP); and 20th Century Boys by Naoki Urasawa get honorable mentions from me. I consider each of them a masterpiece in their own ways, even though all of them have their faults.

As for anime, I find it more difficult to make up my mind on a favourite. I really liked Made in Abyss, Steins;Gate, Afro Samurai, Cowboy Bebop, Gungrave and Koe no Katachi. I consider many of the Ghibli films to be part of anime Canon.

Feel free to laugh your ass off at my casualcore taste.
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It's still Highschool DXD. Bunny girl senpai is a solid runner up
That would be chuunibyou followed by konosuba.
I may have seen better anime since then but that is what left the biggest impression on teenage me.
i don't watch much anime so i don't really have a favourite
i don't have a favourite manga either but that's because both yotsuba& and berserk are super good and i can't choose between them
what flaws do you think berserk has?
I can't decide on one favourite of all time but right now I am fond most of Mushoku Tensei

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