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File: 1716997891623030.jpg (188 KB, 1280x720)
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classic magic trick
wow impressive
this is real magic
this is not " classic " .learn what your words mean before you use them.
wow ok can we all just calm down
cheese magic trick
nice magic trick
why are you such a negative nancy
im just a truth teller
no you are negative nancy
i think i would know if my name were nancy.
wow ok guys please can everyone please just calm down sorry please
nancy is being negative as usual
you need to calm down people are stressing out and not taking it easy like the eagles said to do
well i dont speak eagle so i would not know anything about their language or sayings
don't worry take it easy
now im worrying about eagles trying to talk to me but i cant understand them
if they talked to you just trust your instincts and intuition
amazing! thanks for sharing, OP
stop embarrassing Australians with your negative attitude
thank you craig
i am not him but thanks
how would i know if they are talking to me if i cant understand them
shut it

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