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Why did games on ps2 and xbox take like a year and now gta 6 is taking 14 years and every other game series is basically dead or rushed and buggy af
Because just like any enterprise, they made their name, they made their money, nowadays, they don't even have to make video games anymore in order to get money
Vice city’s map was unfinished but other than that it was fun
because fuck you you'll pay for it anyway
Loads of them have gone bankrupt or been bought by much larger companies they aren't making that much
>trans blm fist
Because now they have to make absurdly large open world maps that take years to create and 100+ hours of content.
the games are more bloated now. they have an underlying physics engine not just for the players interactions, but even for the way water, rocks, and other inanimate objects interact with their environment. maps are bigger, soundtracks are long, storylines arent as linear, in many games there will open ended choices that affect the rest of the game, rather than just simply go from point a to point b.
Most AAA games have these super bloated unnecessarily large teams and the developers have to take on these hyper specialized roles instead of being the sort of jack of all trades (comparatively) they used to be which paradoxically makes development take longer despite having more people and outsourcing makes this problem a so much worse. There's so much downtime just waiting to hear back from developers in other departments and its especially frustrating when you're dealing with a problem you could easily fix but you have to wait for someone else to do it because its their job.
Unoptimized codeslop that runs at 20fps on powerful 12+ core 5ghz+ cpus and 12gb+ vram cards. Why? Because denuvo or whatever fucking retarded antipiracy crap spyware forced down your throat.

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