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America looks like THAT?
Based fellow colonial enjoyer
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Where dis? Williamsburg? Here's Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. The real Louisbourg was 5 times denser but the British levelled the whole thing after the war and just left rubble and foundations to rot for 200 years. Than the Nova Scotian and federal governments decided to finance a make work restoration project to give unemployed Cape Bretoners a reason to get out of bed in morning (and stay sober until evening). They rebuilt most of the walls and a little less than a quarter of the town. Now they have historical re-enactors giving tours around the place for students and shit (Trudeau added new Black and Indigenous culture representation to the site! because it's TOTALLY 100% accurate and was just overlooked, or racistily ignored, all these years). Louisbourg was the last Capital and sort of fall back fortress of the Acadian people before the Freemasonic Anglo Empire obliterated their nation state, separated husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and scattered them up and down both sides of the Atlantic with nothing and no one. Eventually the broken diaspora made it's way to one of two places, the swamps of Louisiana, or the now French-speaking parts of New Brunswick (although many were lost like tears in rain).
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>Based fellow colonial enjoyer
Very beautiful webm. Would like to visit Williamsburg.
they should shoot a rap video here
I know right? Beautiful heritage communities like this are so implicitly and unacceptably WHITE. Thank Heavens we in Canada now have the Trudeau regime to install black and indigenous representatshon into all these spaces so the vile whitoids are always reminded of their status in the 21th century: subjugated.
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>they should shoot a rap video here
That would indeed be proper historical representation and not the whitewashed lies of the baby-dicked cracker chuds. They have clearly never seen a single period piece made by netflix or the british broadcasting corporation (BBC for short). They no nothing of true nubianite history.
It really is a shame Canada has fallen so far. There are pockets of leafland that are kino beyond measure but theyre always overshadowed by us and your leadership, who should be hung in public.
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Shhhhhh!! Don't say where it is or they'll hear you.
Weird that a place deliberately kept 3 centuries in the past is so much more appealing than modern clownworld, a fact that is no doubt lost on the tiktokers that updooted this clip.
Looks too walkable to be American. Needs more highways and Walmarts.
Quebec is far too gone, Montreal is like 50% niggers 30% arabs 15% pajeets 5% french libs dumbasses
God not even 20 years ago Quebec was something truly special. Grew up in NH, took French in highschool which of course meant class trips to Quebec. Absolute shame what's happening to Canada at large... haven't been there in nearly 2 decades hopefully the rot has infected Quebec yet...
Say what you will about the modern woman, there are no men uploading videos of these places
>Shhhhhh!! Don't say where it is or they'll hear you
Yeah. Also don't watch the webm because it says in the second one where it is.
>Weird that a place deliberately kept 3 centuries in the past is so much more appealing than modern clownworld, a fact that is no doubt lost on the tiktokers that updooted this clip.
Is it really weird though?
Their vanity serves a purpose
this just looks like a normal nice area, is your country that much of a shithole this is considered a fairy tale?
fairytale? that was the norm back in the day. Americans are truly braindrained
We need to go back to building with stone I'm so sick of toothpick construction.
Men built it for them to take videos
Average NZ town apart from the 100k horse and carriage is a 3k suzuki swift
>Montreal is like 50% niggers 30% arabs 15% pajeets 5% french libs dumbasses
Well that's an exaggeration. Montréal is in a bad state. But it's still by FAR the whitest of all the cities with over a million people in Canada.
The wifi in your cuckshed is impressive Sven
Needs a better bus connection.
that view is stunning I need to take another trip sometime
Lived on the south shore all my life until a couple years ago. Now everyone I know talks of moving out of greater Montreal because it's become such an overpriced, nigger infested shithole
These places are just malls wearing a real community's skinsuit. Muh exposed brick and gelato. I grew up in Massachusetts near towns like this. They're fake and gay.
>Chateau Frontenac
un bijou impeccable
theres nothing special about that, its how the vast majority of europe looks like.
its nice but its just sad it's considered a fairy tale tier.
You can if you like you'll just get half the house for your money. A man might like that but good luck getting that past your foid wife
America looked like that
Now it's a dystopian nightmare
Where's the section 8 housing?
>God not even 20 years ago Quebec was something truly special. Grew up in NH, took French in highschool which of course meant class trips to Quebec. Absolute shame what's happening to Canada at large... haven't been there in nearly 2 decades hopefully the rot has infected Quebec yet
Hasn't infected to quite the degree that this anon:>>20854922 claimed but it is pretty bad. And spreading rapidly.
>believing jewish lies
Sad, many such cases
Better than Vancouver and Toronto I suppose. Still not great though
2 blocks away. I bet that's a small overpriced boomer refuge
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I took this video because all you fags do is google.
>t.Trump supporter in forest that's not in a leftist shithole and I'm even on the west coast
It did until Kikes needed more money for Israel.
I mean you can’t really claim to be a minority while also being the largest demographic on the planet.
>guys check out this quick cut of the 5 square miles of Flyover Town, Penslytucky! america is actually a paradise
>Historical Theme Park that lives out of turism
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Used to look like that everywhere until the kike virus killed Lady Liberty from within. The future is China
>Better than Vancouver and Toronto I suppose.
And Calgary and Edmonton (demographics wise) and Ottawa and even Winnipeg. To get a whiter population than Montréal you have to go to a much, much, smaller city these days and that's not even a guarantee anymore.
>Still not great though
I agree.
>I grew up in Massachusetts near towns like this. They're fake and gay.
they're fake and gay because fags like you grew up in them.
I've never thought I would see catalpa trees described as out of a fairy tale.
I've walked on cobblestone streets lined with old buildings drinking overpriced coffee with my girlfriend. There are plenty of places where you can do that where I live. It's overrated.
only far north in the summertime. of course the shitskins are actively doing research on where to move to, thus why you see these webms of white people land
Nah. They're fake and gay because they're tourist traps designed for taking women's money.
they were free back then
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That town looks dope.
...From the twisted mind of Jordon Peele...

Mixed use zoning neighborhoods are literal fairytales in America because they only know the residence-only zoning that exists in the suburban hellscape. Meanwhile the rest of the world enjoys residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and entertainment use all in the same neighborhood. Americans are mind blown when they visit Europe and get to experience third places in a residential neighborhood
>Mixed use zoning neighborhoods are literal fairytales in America
Old east coast cities and towns have them.
Never been to Mackinaw. Based?
If you go outside the large cities of NY rural New York towns are awesome.
Fuck off we're full

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