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What keeps you going?
faith, love, courage, curiosity, instinct, etc.
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I just lay in my bed in the dark and masturbate and wait to kill myself
crumb of pussy
ceramic jug with face
My wife is a real gem and adores me. Without her I would have killed myself years ago since I'm personally sick of living, but she brings some light into my world
I have no one and I hate myself
My ambitions
I used to take an edible and go on a fast food binge like three times a week when my wife was working her second job. That would give me something to look forward to and help me get through the dull patches until major events I was looking forward to. It also let me sleep a lot.

Now I'm on a new job that drug tests and existence is suffering. I just sit around bored most of the time. Thanks for reading my blog.
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Post a selfie and I will consider. Don't worry, it's safe to post here. I even posted my Facebook account and nothing happened.
I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you unfortunately besides the fact that having no one was absolutely miles better than being with someone who's a total piece of shit : /
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Feet keep me going. Nothing better than feet, truly. The grip that keeps giving.
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just search in ze archive

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