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seeing a lot of men and women walking their cats on leashes. is this r*ddit soiboi behavior?
Only if the person at the end of the leash is an onions boy
I've never seen somebody walk a cat before.
I doubt cats like to walk anyway they are usually either lazy fat fucks or they like to run around like schizos and kill tiny animals.
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Personally I leash up my cat boy and take him around the neighborhood at least 3 times a day
>give cat exercise / enrichment without worrying about it running away
>get sun and fresh air
>get attention from girls

yeah totally op, fag behavior
Cat leashes are designed to break free when pulled a little hard. I never knew that and couldn't figure out why my dog, when puppy, kept getting out.
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i walk my cat, at night. people leave me alone that way.
It's definitely something that can be good for your cat. My mother accidentally got herself a Maine Coon, he's 24 pounds now, and there simply isn't enough space in her apartment for him to burn off his energy. Taking him for a walk keeps him calm, whereas when he was just lounging around her place the thing was damn near having a breakdown from boredom. Losing bits of fur, puking up his food, etc.
Imagine if gigachad was walking a kitty on a leash though, that would be cool because he doesn't care what others think of him
a pitbull could easily kill them right off your leash
dogs kneel to my beast
It's a bit weird. Cats aren't really made for leashes. If you don't live on a farm, just keep them indoors.
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I could never do that to my cats. They're not like dogs, at all. Maybe if I had some land and no people or dogs I might.
>is this r*ddit soiboi behavior?
Definitely. I think it's dangerous for both the owner and the cat. Reddit fags must die
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that's a Bengal isn't it? tell him ps ps ps please. Do you walk that Chad on a leash?
Total dog death
A .45 could go through your niggerbull's skull like a hot knife through butter.
i walk him at night, dogs and people beware.
owned an American pitbull terrier for 17 years. he was a baby. i have 5 bucks on the feline. =]
They're more confident with their own masculinity than you'll ever be and don't give a shit what other people think
a cat doesn’t want to be fed it wants to hunt like TRex
that is a cool fuckin cat man
>i walk him at night, dogs and people beware.

You carry a gun on you to shoot any shitbulls that might attack your cat, right?
>walks cat for attention or as a mental crunch support animal
>hurr durr I don’t care what people think of me
Nice unit u got there.
yeah ok
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They should be leashed. They'll lock their jaw on a baby's jugular.
that cat would scratch and kick and bite the fuck out of any shitskin that approached it , but yes a gun is always a necessity just in case
My parents have a bruiser of a cat. Raggamuffin which is the Maine coons bad attitude cousin. He was indoor/outdoor until we found out he was going around the neighborhood sending small dogs to the ER. 28lb behemoth mauling on chihuahuas and jack rustles. They figured out he was the culprit and quietly made him indoor only.
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Well that boy is amazing. Take care, guys.
its mental illness allowed and encouraged by women who hate men
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indeed i do.. Glock 43 modified mags
(not pictured)
not sure i need it though, he growls and people step back. muahhahaa
Anything involving cats except for mice and rat problems is soiboy behavior.
I keep mine indoors. I adopted one of three 5 week old kittens about 10 years ago, and the other two died because their owners let them wander outside
killer paintjob bro, your cat looks awesome
Cute kitty cat pspspspspps
If your cat comes to my yard I'm stealing it. Sorry but finders keepers.
I'm feeding it and I'm going to keep the cute fuzzy cat.
So yeah leash it unless you want me selling it on craigslist
people cry these days about cats being let outdoors to roam. in some places it's even illegal or at least restricted. so, you gotta compromise I guess.
Dude are you mexican?
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>28lb behemoth mauling on chihuahuas
What a fucking unit
you are a convicted pedophile and i know where you live, mr. lafayette
>Training your indoor pet to go outside with you and get sunshine/exercise is considered soi and cringe now
You guys are fucking insane lol.
your name is Ben
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i just like Mexican beer, and Mexican tequila. =]
dead wrong
try again
>refuse to just walk your retarded fur baby, let it wander outside
>cry when it gets shot for being a nuisance or ran over by a car
why are cat owners like this
Understandable. Corona goes down easy.
I will put a bullet in both u and your dog if you ever come close to my cat
Fucking dirty mutt your life literally mean nothing
Off your self brown mutt
I'm going to start checking craigslist for cats for sale.

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