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>this is a korean with jap and white blood
I think everything will be fine.
Just breed asians and genetics will fix itself.
WMAF being the dominant couple in the world says it all. Its is Gods plan.
Is it even a Korean if they’re a White/Jap hapa?
lmao he looks impressive until the camera zooms out and you realize he's like 5'6
im blonde. (and not gay) and I can assure you my body hair is not dark fucking brown.
Except that person does not look white in the slightest.
God I need my womb filled to bursting with his cum NOW.
I noticed getting tattoos is nigger and white behavior. Asians very rarely get tattoos, but hapas very often do. Tattoos are disgusting and degenerate, and nobody indulges in it quite like whites and their half-breed spawnlings.
men dont have wombs, faggot. you mean your colon
dude dyed his hair right before this photo... also child head
would suck her dick. ngl.
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I won't cheat on Melon69
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would like to sit underneath this and let it drip into my mouth
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The phenotype with feminine faces will age gracefully.
My dick doesn't get hard looking at these guys. Thanks God I am still not a faggot.
u still a nigger lil nigga
his childlike smooth face looks grafted into his hypermasculine body

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