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So its night now and im too scared to sleep cause i watched a bunch of scary videos about carl jungs paranormal experiences.
I really wanna sleep though.
Does this happen in your country?
wanna be my gf or something (o algo)
close it eyes and sleep
the wendigo isn't slowly driving you towards madness and cannibalism and Rocco's basilisk isn't plotting against you before it's conception.
im probably more masculine than your twink ass sorry
roccos basilisk is like the most non scary thing ever. Like ok then how about we just dont make it? Easy enough. And its gonna "punish" you for not contributing?
Yeah ok what am i supposed to do now then? I have neither skills nor knowledge how to contribute.
stop being scared its illogical
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no this does not happen. le paranormal spooky ghosts and alienlmaos do not scare me in the slightest. I fear not what I can see and comprehend.
What does scare me is whatever is hiding in the woods. I live in the woods and there is always something in those trees watching. It will not approach your home but it will circle around your property. You can feel its stare at night anytime past 8 p.m.
Did you have any encounters with the otherworldly ever?
>le spooky ghost but in le woods
or is it some bear youre afraid of?

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