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Pajeet hate thread
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Kamala and Vances wife are both indian. Pajeet hate threads aern't gonna gain traction this election season
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Watch the Pajeet Codex:
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is anyone else's shart-mart 98% pajeet from the customers to the staff?
dayum that nigga got hit hard, type of dude to ignore it, ignore that bitch
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God damn right
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National anthem of India
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Yes they will, Trump got tons of hate. It’s the Pajeet’s turn.
a POO IN THE LOO met his fate by train here
same here but only the staff
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Seething poo nigger.
didn't know Indians can spit fire
Hinduism promotes rape snd the Hindu gods themselves are rapists. So is it any surprise that Hindu men are rapists?
Why the hate all of a sudden?
Were doctor and CeO
Work hard
Pay taxes
Date white
Why are white women refusing to birth indian babies?
>date white
that's one of the reasons why. stop trying to shit up our bloodlines. just return to Pooland and we'll lose 90% of our hate to you
What are they trying to accomplish? Is it some kind of tiktok challenge?
No for our code and doctors we want your womb
We dont, we stick to our own
ESPECIALLY the poorjeets you've imported for god knows why
Indians have an obsession with looking badass and cool so I assume the point is to get as close as possible to the train without touching it so they can be like "look how cool I am"
Guy who survived on bottom left a real POS kek he knows what hes doing
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I see you chinks stopped panicking for a minute about JD Vance and got back to poo posting.
I still wonder if he died or juust became a veggie.
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Indians are strong, brave and beloved!
In a small village in India, there was a man named Rajesh who had an unusual hobby. Every day, he would go out to the fields behind his house, where the cows grazed. There, he would find fresh cow dung and start his peculiar pastime. Rajesh believed in the traditional use of cow dung, often used as a disinfectant and fuel.

He would carefully shape the dung into small cakes, patting them down with precision. As he worked, he thought about the practical uses of his creations. Villagers often used these cakes to fuel their fires or as a coating for their walls to keep insects away. Rajesh’s hands became skilled at molding the dung into uniform shapes, and he took pride in the efficiency and uniformity of his work.

Children from the village would sometimes watch Rajesh, curious about his task. He would explain to them the importance of cow dung in their culture and its various uses. Though his activity might seem unappealing to some, Rajesh found a sense of purpose and contentment in it. His work, though humble, was a small but vital part of village life, rooted in ancient practices and practical wisdom.
he turned into jesus
Anyone got the AI song of pajeets getting run over by trains?
guy in the bottom left's leg was up before his buddy even got hit
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>a POO IN THE LOO met his fate by train here
It begins...
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I assume this as well, an attempt to show how fearless and cool they are. If only their spatial awareness was equal to their ego.
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and SHAZAM! chink hate thread has been activated! remember anons if mr lee fails in his attempt to ragebait us he will be sent to a ccp gulag, and we wouldnt want that now
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Couch fuckers BTFO.
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mmmmm chink olive oil mmmm
Indians are literally obsessed with looking cool by any means necessary, the problem is stuff they think is cool is incredibly childish.
>webm related
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Incognito fucks me over again.
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hey guys just stop squinting all the time, it makes driving alot easier
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If only people had listened to H.P. Lovecraft's warning about the Hindoo.
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I don’t hate Pajeets that stay in India.
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one of the unfortunate outcomes of a low social credit score
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Hahaha I can hate chinks and poos, you fucking subhuman.

You're both abominations, you fucking abomination.
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fuck off microcock
Honestly OP, you nailed it with the start of a good thread.
That dude with the light pole every time. such bad luck man
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literally final destination, reaper had a hardon for him that day!
They do flips. They always wear gay sunglasses and pose for pictures like gay people. They try to fit in, but it will never work. I hope they all die in a huge napalm drop.
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Hindu rape apes only know how to rape. They can't do anything else cause they are literally braindead
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another fake projection by you guys, you need better response scripts
That's the gayest shit I've ever seen
Uh, the use of traditional characters means this is probably Hong Kong and the fucker is probably Indian.
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>another fake projection by you guys, you need better response scripts
Yea true. Indians are fucking cringe. Like they look literally retarded. They have no intelligence or swag or coolness at all. The least cool race of all. This is true for both indian men and women.
you're the same!
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have a look on /b/ then newfag
mmm nice tasty cope thanx for that
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hey there /bant/fags, do jump in

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