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post a pic of your fridge right now
>amerifattard doesn't know how to rotate pics
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idk why all mine upload sideways i hate 4chan also fuck captcha
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its right on everything but 4chan and even if i rotate them so it looks sideways they still upload sideways
nice meme word for food
there's nothing in your fridge except condiments and mold you fat blob
It's because your phone never actually rotates the image, it sets a metadata tag designated for orientation. 4chan ignores it because it's old software, and actually strips all the metadata from your images when you upload them to the server anyway as a safety feature.

You'd have to actually run the image through idk some photo editor app you might be able to install on your phone, dirty phoneposter.
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what do i win
>most disorganised fridge award
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>raw kefir
supremely omega based
i post from computer

what hotel?
I can already imagine the sort of limpwristed faggot you must be to need all that overpriced onions.
why u put honey in the fridge bro?
my fridge is almost empty, I'd take a picture but it's not worth seeing, it's literally just some leftovers, a few bottles of water, and a jug of milk
I hate being poor
Don't fedora tip too hard, you might pull something.
Excuse me?
What did you say leaf?
I can't help it if you can't afford good food behind the rainbow curtain.
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he probably can't digest the dairy
you're a nigger. Everything is story bought bottle of slop.
That strawberry Jam with the plaid top is from Costco? Made in France? Shit is so good.
yeah french brand called bon mammande, very nice jam.
OP is a fridge gnome abort thread
lol, a refrigerator full of sauces and no food
Your phone is storing them with the actual orientation and displaying them a certain way. Just because you rotate them in a gallery app doesn't mean the physical file always associates that data with it, it's just implied.
this. it's why you use something like paint and rotate it and save it. the phone just says
>oh you want to show it like this , ok.
doesn't actually change anything.
>phone poster
>not keeping drink in the door
Just kys
wypipo only have food OR seasoning. no in-between
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my freezer lawl with black gf helping
theres food
i post computer
i use computer
mods move these threads here to just die. fuck jannies
we know you are
Not even my style but based

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