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How glorious will it be if this White God knocks this false nigger idols head clean off and the ape dies on the spot?

How hard will monkeys chimp out?
Incel gay alien skull vs warrior skull.

Tyson gonna make wyt boi his bitch
Pretty sure Jake Paul is Jewish lmao
They gonna kiss
i mean he know he is in his prime and tyson is way past his prime and has health issues, the man almost die before by them, still it will be glorious watching paul get wrecked
Paul is going to learn to respect a former champion.
What if Paul killed Tyson that would be pretty funny.
It could happen Paul has knock out power, and Tyson is 60 years old with health problems.
Ecelebs are cancer, I hope you get assraped by a pack of rabid niggers
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Even at 70 he looks better than most of us here fat ugly sub 5 incels
He's a kike you dumb fucking mutt.
Not very. Mike is in his 60s (?) so even if he loses, which I'm doubtful of, he's got a built-in excuse. Lose/lose for whitey.
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Niggers literally have no chin, just like you chang. Strongest men and hardest hitters have always been and will always be White. Cope in my unread (you)s
Tyson will murder him
Paul cant even box
I hope that kike gets brain damage
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Cope, who has the deeper set eyes, who has the bigger brow-ridge, the more projected nose, and the larger chin and more robust jaw?

Jake Paul better prepare his booty
Your entire race is overwhelmingly the weakest and most dysgenic frail pussies on the planet aside from indians.
The entire fight is bs. Mike Tyson is 60+ years old. Who watches this fantasy trash?
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>white rejects
They’re like Gypsy, where they’re not consider white even when they are.
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They look exactly the same
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>this is who /pol/ idolizes
Isn't Mike Tyson in his 80's now? How old is the other guy? 35? Hardly seems fair to be pummeling nursing home residents who used to box.
>lapsed athlete in his 60s
>guy who got "athletic" in his 30s
Who to root for?
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Well /pol is Jewish board obsessed with black dick, makes sense.
It's fucking Jake Paul don't get your hopes high
Which one is voting Trump?
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It's an exhibition fight, all you're going to see are blocks and hugs.
Where can I bet on this fight? I'll put a fuckin thousand on Mike. You'd have to be retarded to not take those odds.
The fight is rigged for Paul dumbass. You really think Logan Paul can hold his own with Floyd Mayweather?
Tyson is going to knock his head off.
Leslie Nielson said always bet on the black man
Mike Tyson is a big underdog +200

I'd take your money all day.
Paul is beating professional fighters, just looked really good against Mike Perry.

Tyson got knocked out and retired over 20 years ago.
Recently had a health scare trying to get in shape for the original fight date.

Paul is on steroids and looks legit.
He will be MUCH faster than Tyson.
He will be able to take more damage than Tyson.
This won't be a close fight.
That was Nestly Swipes.
57 and he’s still jacked
just watch mike tyson training


Jake Paul better bring lube for the fight...
Holy fucking shit, you are absolutely retarded and know literally nothing about boxing.

The only way Tyson is losing is if he's been paid off and it's a publicity stunt.
Didn't you learn anything from the Mayweather and Irishman fight? Professional boxer beats MMA fighter in a professional boxing match, ez. Also Mike is a fuckin animal, still trains daily and taches at his gym. Where do I place bets?
1/2 of Tyson’s career was fighting championship caliber boxers, how many champions has Paul fought and defeated ?
i reckon i could knock both of them out after 18 pints
Okay actually I'm putting my money on this anon
You big dosser get off the booze and rematch Usyk
>he's with (((Jake Paul)))
I'm with the nigga on this one

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