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Sexy saturday..
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this shit is too time consuming </3
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illegal in Kivotos..
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golgo, about that video game thing. do you even finish the games you play? I'm definitely fucked in the head because I see bideogames as something to complete, i.e. a chore rather than something to wind down and have fun on.
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I'm sorry if I'm just not interested in your bideogame shit sometimes... I'm more concerned with my weird psychedelic drug obsession atm because I am a broken person and as much as anyone might like bideogames, you have to agree that they're not very useful in the journey of personal growth. You've simply found your calling already and have the tools to appreciate them more than me.
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me with bulgogi
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mostly i do around 80% of the gaymes i play.. also enjoy playin vidyas that dont have an ending like palworld etc..
cute white aryan kot..
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How do you manage to play several games at once? Balancing your own social life outside of bideogame stuff + work? I could do that too back then without thinking too hard about it.

And why rarely show any emotions ur not mob from mob psycho...
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