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Is dating in your 30s really as miserable as Reddit says it is?

if you're ugly, yeah. if you're not you can just date whoever, but younger girls are generally a fucking headache.
For soibois like pic related? Give it up completely. Castrate yourself, get comfortable with your hand or bear asshole. That old man is probably a pedophile, as they have said.
no idea i bought my wife from russia when i was 21.
Take the Roblox-pill
Does this guy seriously not know he's ugly? Holy fuck am I butt ugly and I just don't know it?
It most likely is if you use reddit. But, if you actually have something going for you it's probably easy.
that guy looks 40
Post your face, leaf. We will be honest.
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It doesn't matter if you meet the 666 rule if you're AN UGLY INCEL LIKE THE GUY IN OP

If your face isn't chad it doesn't matter if you are 6' tall
>666 rule
Niggers on suicide watch.
I'm 5'10'', make only 70k dollars, and i'm only 6 inches and my wife let me smash because I made her laugh once and told her to her face if she is interested to call me.

Face>personality>anything else.
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What exactly is a 666 rule and why are the goyim still falling for it?
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Dating in your 30s is amazing. You have money, a house and a nice car. Younger women look at men their own age and see broke losers. They look at me and see their father. Zoomette pussy is so easy it almost takes the fun out of it. Almost.
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>ugly small chinky eyes
>fat bulbous nose
>pudgy rounded non-existent jaw
>no zygos

It's over...
>six feet tall
>six inch dick
>six digit salary
It's cope for ugly anons.
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666 rules means six pack. That man does not have a six pack.
Honestly man, if you were smiling really big and had some charisma, you wouldn't come across as ugly.
This, I'm 34 and I look way better lmao.
Dude looks like a rapist.
This guy would be better off trying a dating service that forces face to face interaction. He's not disgusting, but kind of blah, below average on the looks. If he has a decent personality that would help a lot, but you got to force the contact with a face like that.
Problem with online crap is every landwhale thinks she's 7+ and there are enough normies with slightly better looks than this guy bottom feeding just above him. That's a tough competitive environment for him.
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Dating in general is more miserable than it was 10 years ago because Jews own all the dating services and direct prime Goy Shiksas to themselves, and everybody else to Black people.

10 years ago when dating sites were free an average person in their mid-30's could get lots of average pussy if they could handle rejections in between. Not anymore, because well Jews.

Online dating is just one facet of the ongoing Jewish attacks on America.
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Nigga looks 40 to 50 years old. At this point if you're not physically fit by 30 just go on TRT and lift.
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>direct prime Goy Shiksas to CHAD

Wrong. men must NEVER SMILE for photos,
If you smile you will look goofy and soi infused.
Men should look serous.
That goes for most men to be honest. That and a good haircut goes a long way, as long as the ugly stick didn't hit you square in the face.
Dont listen to Reddit
you guys will always blame women for going for the 'top 1%' of men on these dating apps, without realising, that women's psychology of choosing a mate is different. where a guy chooses solely based off of looks, an average looking guy such as pictured here, can actually seem very attractive to a woman, whether that's his charisma, charm, emotional intelligence, drive, wealth, or any other subconcious thing a woman might like about a man. this cannot be conveyed through a freaking picture!!! it does not mean women are shallow, but as women are picky in real life, this holds true to tinder, but tinder is a meat market basically so its skewed. someone who could have a very attractive profile pic might not be so in real life, as the camera can distort the face and be unreliable in giving off the essence of a person. dont rely on these fuckign apps immerse yourself irl
What if you don't have a money or a house?
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>charisma, charm, emotional intelligence, drive,

>charisma: Hunter eyes
>charm: Zygos
>emotional intelligence: Brow-ridge
>drive: Jawline
aint nobody gettin wet for 'buy Life Insurance, Today!' face here
>but younger girls are generally a fucking headache.
And they're not in your teens and 20's?
If you’re dating redditors, sure. This poor bastard is getting the public shame treatment all because he had the audacity to add his image to a dating profile. The people that use that website are miserable, neurotic, and self-centric
If you don't look like vidrel it's over for you.

Just know that your competition all look like models and are over 6' tall.

>really as miserable as Reddit says it is?
Compared to what? Dating in your 20's or dating in your 50's? Dating as a man or dating as a woman?
He should buy a sportscar and put it in the picture with him.
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Bullshit, I'm always fucking smiling. That shit is contagious. If you stand next to me, then you're gonna smile too.

People can sense that on you. They don't just see your face, your personality shines through. If you are a happy life of the party person, people pick up on that immediately. Anyone who's ever worked as an entertainer knows this. You can project yourself on people. If you get good at it you can shine a light on those around you. I doesn't even matter how you look really, they will like you for brightening their day.
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If you are ugly dating is difficult in your teens, twenties and thirties lol
Both you and the pic from OP look fine, physically.
In the case of OP, the problem is probably the 'whole package'. The combination of everything that he has expressed in his profile, probably doesn't attract many dating app girls.
But there are many other girls that don't use apps, so try those instead.
I'm so fucking glad I'm married. The dating scene was always shit but I can't even imagine what it's been like since the Chinese flu.
Cope, see

if you never smile women will think youre retarded and steer clear,
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Chad doesn't need to smile
it's more nuanced than that, but autistic incels never get it
that guy looks 40.
>The dating scene was always shit but I can't even imagine what it's been like since the Chinese flu.
It actually wasn't as bad during Covid, since everyone had to do online dating, so at least things felt level in a way. Still crap, but everyone had to deal with the same crap.
Now it's hellish though
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Based as fuck. Chadmaxxing and frenpilled
Private Paula
Is that the beach shower suds rage nigger?
I love that clip, it always makes me smile.
Men like this were supposed to be married off at max age 20 to the girl in their local village church around his age. This is how things would be in peak society. Instead he's stuck on apps having aged poorly and will have to betabuxx. Sad state of affairs, but perhaps its an act of mercy that his genes arent allowed to proliferate.
It's pretty easy for bar hookups at least, I run into a lot of zoomer women who say their zoomer ex bfs couldn't get it up because they ruined their brain with porn and that they prefer older men.
Fuck off liftcel.
>captcha PRNGR
Cant you post normal guys, you raging homosexuals?
No. That is just the uggos crying.
you're autistic
most women would be fearful of this
damn thats a brutal 30
he's below average. i'm 34, handsome and get interest from 18 year olds regularly

English chad phenotype. That is the phenotype that conquered the known world under the crown.
>666 rule
what 600lb 60 dollars in bank 6cm dick?
Lol, Charlie knew.
When you hairline starts receding hard that's when you need to lock down a wife.
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Women don't want "normal" men, which basically looks like the guy in the OP, they want BRUCE WAYNE (picrel) and Clark Kent.
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If that dude has a decent job, I don't feel like he should have a problem finding a wife. He is on reddit though, which is a huge strike against him. He's no doubt soi as fuck. Women can smell the desperation and patheticness of a "male feminist" a mile away.
he looks like he eats cheese with his dog.
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>English incel phenotype

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Definitely not, it's actually much easier now, if you are in good shape, have some money, and car it's way easier to land hot women, either young chicks or milfs.

That is some sad shit. How do you look 47 at age 30??? He’s totally fucked. He looks like someone who would be hired to play a minor character that is an insurance salesman in a low budget movie.
How tall r u
Eyes are too squinty, if he grew a beard and wore sunglasses he could probably get at least some gash.
Why are white people so dysgenic and unattractive
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Yeah, I was in a relationship with a hot younger girl for 8 years but it was miserable because she was crazy. I always thought, "Well at least I'm not single in these fucked up times" because I saw how hard it was for men now. Well, we broke up at the end of last year and now I am single and over 40, so I'm basically fucked.

If I end up getting diagnosed with a terminal illness I'm probably going to hunt down and rape some onlyfans sluts.
6 foot. bald too, but good jawline and cheekbones
not your problem, you congenital incels. keep coping.
i accepted being alone when I turned, 21 im 31 now and still accept it
how does one do this?
it makes us have to hustle
Doesn't matter.

I bet I could get the guy in the OP pic surrounded by females in fucking bikinis in a year or two.
Siz inches makes it impossible to truly pleasure a woman.

Ladies need their cervix bumped.
What race are you? I ask because I know you won't say. If you did, everybody would immediately mock and deride you because every other race is uglier than whites.
That’s fag shit, you’re not gonna smile in a picture with your kids? My father died when I was young and never had much pictures of him, and the ones we did have , he never smiled yet all I hear was how he had a smile that could light up a room. So I always smile and take lots of pictures with a big shit eating grin on my face. Love the memories but just in case, something for kids. As long as you don’t suck dick and take it up the ass, the things you do aren’t faggy.
Obviously smile when ur creating memories to show your family retard.
But for dating apps, at most one pic. the rest you gotta be stone cold others bitches get the "ick". Women are retarded, and you have to game these apps.
that rule was made a decade ago. adjust to 200k for inflation

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