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schizoless edish
Alright I’ll give this a try
IDing a poo
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This could be a game changer
/brit/ and similar generals on /int/ was genuinely why /bant/ was made btw
>ids so no more samefagging
We need to get people here but avoid the freaks
the IDs could actually really help with easily filtering out heathernonce and the likes
totally agree with you mate
Can you post porn in this one? I use tomorrow so I don't know board colour
We could get a bit of blue slagposting for the lads
Hello? Is the group chat for the shaggers?
yes, you can post porn and racsim here
if you look at the drop down box of items you can report a post for it changes depending on the board
yeah you can post anything i reckon
also have a way shorter post cooldown
only got 2mb file size limit tho
damn still no pony content allowed
playing some rct2
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it'll never catch on
*does a poo in the corner of the thread*
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they have big brad, we have bent brad
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I'm not going to post where I'm expected to post anymore
British generals taking over every board
high quality posts but a bit slow
get the big brads wanked
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need to shower
How many ethnic women have you wanked over
yank free thread? not on my watch
a thread without australians? no on my watch.
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a thread without jordan poo? not on my watch.
get the niggers housed
Bant bames
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Fuck already 40 seconds in and alrwady doxxed
can you post nudie pictures here
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this the new?
can he post the mice here?
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I'd still fuck her. Do you think she'd be up for doing femdom shit while she's dressed up in all her slaggy equine shit?
great post
dunno mate let me ask her
heh banned from /int/, shan't be resetting the router as I'm watching the tennis

She does seem like the type to argue with random that send her weird shit on socials so it might be worth a shot.
this is where /brit/ really belongs these days.
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this is it... the first ever /brit/
(on /bant/)
kek this is me

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