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/bant/ crew back at (You) #
rip old /bant/
gone but not forgotten
we still have faggy canadians
*flies 747 into thread*
hi, nice digits
forced culture slop
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A moment of silence for all the dead memes who could not make it to this year's ( 9 )...
why did fishe die? i wasnt there during the good bant times but i think fishe should have lived as long as kot
There are more frogs on the log than cirno because touhou troons are insanely unoriginal and unfunny so when their tranny board was discovered by others the culture immediately fizzled out
Anime posters are simply not funny and they can never really be a dominant culture anywhere when all they do is blog, goon and cry. Funny always wins ultimately on 4chan.
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did this guy actually post here regularly or is it jsut a meme
Least delusional hypocrite from an inferior locked board
bant is dead and qa2 is thriving ywngb
literally who?
Least delusional hypocrite with an inferior locked black pecker
site must suck if even it's promoter is using 4chan instead
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You have no creativity or culture

My frogs are better and they are morebbant related than you go back to s4s
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>back to [s4s]
How do I go back to a place I did not come from? You're a /qa/ tourist anyways.
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What artistically do you have to contribute?

You have nothing you have no OC no unique culture

All you got is pisshou and discord drama that's all
Anurans are the true defenders and punishers of bant you're nothing but a s4s discord tranny immigrant
Still here bros. It's painful. The board has been through so much. I'm glad our queen hasn't been forgotten by the powers at be.
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Hi can you post your ugly face so i draw it getting hit my a rock thank you~
Troonism will end any good community
Its why troons must be fought at every turn
they subvert and destroy what do not understand and what they cannot control.
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There's nothing good about your so called community discord trannies redditor and s4s tier crap everywhere
where is the good in your posts?
fuck off to trant culture faggots
your discord controlled troonhou spam is OVER
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Completely finished
...because some faggot from an inferior website said so
But what does that post have to do with business and finance?
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Back at you?

I got a shotgun for any retarded /b*nt/loid s4s yokel come and get it
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>I said it's over and I speak for the whole board and everyone on it you WILL listen to me OR ELSE
It's truly pathetic that a little ice fairy can send so many into a seething foaming at the mouth rage.
actually i find it hilarious.
all that impotent rage and not a shred of the power necessary to affect such a change.
they can cry and shit themselves about it all they like but i'll still be posting whatever i want.
everything is a meme
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>um ackshually le troon fairy won doever because homosexual tripfags said so
nobody sayed that and you guys just suck
you can stop blaming other people for all your failures now, we'll let you join the adults table.
Nobody sayed they won. I'm laughing at all of you seething because of a frosty girl.
I'm feeling too apathetic to give a history lesson here, so I'll keep it short. He was a meme for a solid 2 years, and iirc the initial Alzheimers Man spam is why /bant/'s thread limit went from 5 to 3.
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xaxaxaxaxaxa)))))))) KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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Who’s this hot tamale?
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An essential member of the /bant/ crew
thats me
me and my gf
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Somebody from backwards land
Where's Yonkers, the pooplord?
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bant-tan is shocked
smol progress has been made in the bnat manga
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Neat. Keep us updated.
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A toast to simpler times
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I miss him
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borche is such a simple character but i everytime i draw him he looks uncanny
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Do you get the head blob wrong?
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reddit crew
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/qa/ tourist here, I believe in /bant/s right to their land actually
things would have gone a lot differently if more people started this whole thing with that mindset.
nobody won and there are a lot of bitter people just because tribalism and me first mentality.
what does that mean though
all this old school /bant/ culture shit, and in fact even 2hu posting, doesn't exist organically anymore and requires acts of mod and endless necrobumping to have a presence on this board
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kottle of another reality
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It was a great time, and I’m glad it happened
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it's one of them fuckin ghouls from fallout 3
i cant remember
i think the first one you normally meet is in megaton city, that bar near the back of the town
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kys söynigger
perhaps, i just use the circle tool for his head
bant tan!
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The /bant/astic.
moar progress on the bant manga but i am slowly realizing it isn't as funny as previous chapters, i hope this is just me
Care to give any insights on what you think's the snag, or do you not want any spoilers?
i planned on adding a banter but i had another character in mind which doesnt fit with said banter's personality
im thinking of including him anyway by adding a few pages but i dont want to delay chapter 3 too much
Wow, /bant/ has it's own OC? That's cute.
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I see. I hope you can resolve something, or at worse save the gag for a more appropriate time.
Reminisce in the rich past of /bant/er.
They're old memes from 2017 and noone but like 4 extremely sad autist cares about them
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Republic of bant? More like shitstain of bant
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hoes mad
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Faggot madokafaggots
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BBBRRRAAAPPP aw shit that was a goodun
maggot fadokamaggots

captcha: 0GR00
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Well its obvisious you're shit fearing creature
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she's being lewd with the bananer!!!!
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The primary objective of discord is to sow discord into society.
I disagree.
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are these drawn regularly? i would like to be in one (i am very important)
I can't remember if we tried drawing one this year or not yet
the last one got ruined by anzu and the artist hasn't been back since
you were not here
I posted in 2018-19 then left for a while
what did anzu do? should we publicly execute him on the bant plaza?
based anzu dabbing on shitty unfunny forced discord culture
spammed both threads to make them unusable, then kalash didn't finish the pic or come back
>taking yearly stock of the people and culture of the board is somehow a bad thing
I'm sorry you hate fun and community, discord has nothing to do with it
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i love this
fake bant-tan was the one who named cirno the queen?
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The digits named Cirno the queen
So this is where everyone has been hiding. Hey bantcore!
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Some other anon's map
I posted Lauren Mayberry everyday for years straight and you all liked it. You have all been conditioned to think of flatulence whenever you see her picture.
Rare version with Jinzo included, since he came back for a bit in 2019.
Unfortunately not, but it's not like polandballs are impossible to draw. Issue's just doing it quickly and giving it life.
i can recognize like 3 of these people, if i had more knowledge on bant's roster i would do it
Yeah go frogs
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Countryballs? If you can't draw a circle consider a lobotomy
Everyone knows how to draw a circle
Also faggotballs only interest autistic kids who pretend to know geopolitics

Go kill yourself s4s discord immigrant Twitter faggot

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