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i managed to draw something for cirno day before the day is over
That's pretty neat, Irenon.
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thanks but im italian
this post was too late, i already colored -.-
gonna sleep now
sweet dreams
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Welp, you two look the same to me, I'm colorblind. Have a good night, I hope you found something strong about this 9/9!
it was a below average day, i guess cirno didnt bestow luck to me
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In the words of Dan Quayle, the future will be better tomorrow.
What's the name of the green haired bitch when you get banned?

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blue id get
>italian filename
what did you mean by this
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she's saying the n word
is this the infamous bant army?
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In respect for the recently departed, she'll refrain just this once.
You mean these guys?
the /bant/ army is renown worldwide for their efficiency and success
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That's pretty funky OP! Hope you had a cool Cirno Day.
I recognize that pallet.
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could have been better
join the bant army today!
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A true inspiration of all time
more advancements have been made in the bant manga, however i cant show any more or else i might as well spoil it

i should probably stop calling it a "manga" to be desu, it's more accurate to say "comic"
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Now, things are starting to make sense.
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what the heck happened to her?!
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She became one with the second.
become one with dirt
bum ø
why do my bant-tan threads never get to live this long ;_;
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The 9th day must have stirred more general interest in /bant/er culture.
1 shy of 99 get
ah yes, i remember drawing the bant-tan gyate only for some brazilianon to make it 100x better by coloring it
How are you not in prison yet? If i remember correctly somebody with that exact style drew some loles altough they are illegal in italy.
i dont know what you're talking about
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So close...
Neat, I always thought they came from a specific template, like a more sophisticated version of walfas
i want bant-tan related stuff to be drawn by my hand because i love her so much
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page 8 of the bant comic/manga is almost completely done! i just need to come up with a cool effect for the faces of a few characters
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What's a troonhou
its a word born out of nuchan's lack of creativity, usually adopted by people so obsessed with trannies they think calling the other party a tranny (or a word which contains tranny) is a good comeback
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looks like sept 9 is never over
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Eternal September (9th!)
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Nigga no pls you think your cupboard tank can withstand a cheer might of Anuran imperium?

Join bant army get ass ptsd and ass cancer
>anuran before being destroyed by a bant tank shell
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Cirno xisters...
they filled the jar so there is no more space for the cum, very smart of them
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If we deleted danbooru and gelbooru bant republic or kingdom and otaku discord will literally collapse and will go enxtinct
anuran delusion
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What you call """delusion""" is sometimes a reality
anuran war propaganda isn't very effective
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Yet there's no truth in your so called whatever you call yourself fake news you're like ukraine making up stuff meanwhile looosing so badly

That's why Anuran race is the most superior race
>ukraine out of nowhere
are you lost? >>>/pol/ is that way
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Ho, hohohoho losing so badly?

Enjoy losing so badly in the future bant tan will become lost media soon
bant will be triumphant, anurans will know true fear
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Guess what time it is?

Its your social studies and history lesson horray

Back in 2014 the old ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych has fucked up badly so nazi organisations and fascist paramiliteries have overthrown and destroyed their own country

So whats the similarities between bant and ukraine?

Both are shitholes that were destroyed by their own so they can immigrate far away from it

While Russians that are Anurans are defending their home and culture

Ukrainians that are /b*nt/loids are prostituting themselves to foreigners and destroying their own nation
blah blah blah
keep bumping
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Most bant "culture" is lost and forgotten it relies on anime image website and foreign aid from S4s there are no New oc it is designed to fail and collapse from Its own incompetence

Anurans however can't really die as it is Its own unigue frog race and culture with diffrent frogs with Its own culture and lore the Anurans have literally outlived the bant itself
>no New oc
>op is oc
I would call it fan art work OC is when you drew your own character

Btw i drew shitno better lol
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a scifi touhou
Cirno is great.
a bit dumb though
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...cirno thread?
this is (now) a cirno drawthread, draw your best cirno!
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microscopic advancement has been made in the bant manga today
3 more panels before a page is done
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i hope you succeed
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not cirno????
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Cirno is a state of mind
how dare you...
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you are irish now sorry
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femtoscopic progress has been made on the banters shounen jump today, drew a little bit of the boring/ugly characters so i dont end up drawing all the shitty parts at the end
also made a little revision which should allow me to add a couple more jokes in there, however i expect this chapter to be 20+ pages ;_;
i hope this will all be worth it
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Carry on.
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today is one of the cant draw days, 0 progress...
i also have to make the bant-tan image for the 4cup thing ;_;
Don't force yourself
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planned out part of the extra pages, i think it will be at least somewhat funny
unfortunately the banter featured in them hasn't posted in a while, oh well
i thought about making one for every player too, would be cool i think
Just for /bant/-tan is good. Also the portrait is a 128x128, don't make it fancy
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*sleeps on the job 2 minutes later*
Today on: Life of a /bant/ mangaka who isn't really a mangaka....
smol progress has been made on the manga to be featured on the weekly lolicon jump, but its still going to take a lot longer than a week to come out, soooo.... yearly lolicon jump?
what about monthly lolicon jump?
its been months since i started chapter 3, i already missed like 6 issues ;_;
semestral lolicon jump then
i got an idea yesterday that changes my storyline somewhat
i dont know if i should keep the original idea or pursue this new one, what do you guys think?
hard to say, could still be a while
whats the original one like?
bant-tan (my wife) and cirno looking for old memes to team up and dethrone janny while also making new friends along the way
i already thought of who they meet and where but this new idea will scramble that list a bit
I think it should start off with /bant/-tan meeting Cirno at first and then from there them trying to figure out where all the other jokes went while navigating a minefield of cross-board raiders and /pol/ transplants dumped by the janny claw?
But what's your Plan B?
much too late for that, i already posted chapter 1 and 2 and they took too much work for me to just discard them and start over
the scale is bigger in the current story, /pol/ trash will surely be included but it focuses on current /bant/ lolcows in their natural habitat and/or around /bant/
for example if blender polly ever gets included he will be some guy living in /3dcg/
the downside to this is that i have to get familiar with that board so i can represent it and its jokes better
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tiny progress on the bnaters comicbook to be featured in E3 of 2025 today, small but i feel my creativity regaining steam, perhaps i will also be able to finish that comic i made for /a/ someday?

also it's starting to be somewhat funny again now that i finally introduced this chapter's lolcow, it's 20 pages long, nearly 2x what i originally intended to draw and will probably be a few pages longer still
got to work on an early draft, what do you think?
Nice, she will be recognizable even if small
Also I will be posting some progress updates on the models starting when I get home Monday or Tuesday to force myself to not do everything in the last day.
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I'm a better artist than you

Fuck you s4s Brazilnigger
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to be honest it looked better in my head
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That one's gone.
what do you mean by that mr. QwO id?

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