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Bru Akaibu
Lunch -> pvp -> work in that order
then I'm gonna eat some salmon and stir fry tonight
/loli pedophile general/
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that's the /nip/ thread tho
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pvp done
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why is this country so fucking FAT?
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Previous: >>21157353
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>bru aka
>bru akaibu
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pvp done spam attacked AGAIN
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ue30 junko tomorrow
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pvp SOON
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I just realized Ubuntu is the official /bant/ distro because it is a word in the BANTU language.
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PvP done
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Why are her rates so shit?!?
Finally, this garbage raid is over. Fuck Mystic content, seriously. Thank God bHoshino and Kuroko made this shit more redundant than yellow and red.
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>I don't like playing videogames
This was the most fun raid in a while. You actually have some freedom in your team comps.
If you're a whale, yeah. This was the most constraint raid experience I've had.
I'm not a whale and I had nearly everyone I used raised from previous raids. The only student I put any investment into was noa for my cleanup team and that was a bare min invest. Not even UE50 Wakamo was required.
Eye Heart Miners
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free 10pull
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dead game
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pvp soon
pvp done
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fuck this dead week
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dead ass game
As long as we have Neru, it's a very alive game.
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I'm about to masturbate to Toki.
Toki milked me.
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Touhoufags will seriously spend $60 on a fucking mahjong client

she's mine come her banner
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when my vr headset comes in I'm gonna play Mahjong... in vr
Another guide task DONE
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thumbnails now load automatically
blue archive posting will be much easier
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pvp soon
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pvp done
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Nexon, I am disgusted.
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all complete + hina
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another perma event reread
The blue archive community on bant is dead
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go back to jerking off in your barn NOW
I finished all my backlogs.
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Time to have fun with Reisa.
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this is why I don't bother
no point fighting against whales
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But my team isn't even whale territory...
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pvp soon and then anger (see misskey)
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I think imma be playing BluAka again for a week because my gf will be gone till overnext monday
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ue50 mutsuki
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I now have 20 UE50 students
22 ue40
30 ue30
20 4*
44 3*
3 2*
>I'm not a whale
>the whale:
I've only ever bought the half monthly packs and then the monthly packs as well for ~6 months (I've stopped)
far from whale territory
I should also mention a large part of those are farmables
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Soon we'll be playing Blue Archive on Steam.
keywords: waydroid, proton-arm64
Either this is just Proton for arm devices or linux/steam deck will be able to run android apps on steam at some point...
I don't think these add up. I think I somehow overshot by 10-20 students. Typo?
so because the recent drama they opened the emergency case and made Rumi a loli?
And reran bunnies for a fourth time, breaking the archival rule.
bunnies deserve it
Still Rank 1 on PvP wtf??? Been there the whole day wtf?????
What am I supposed to do with my spare ticket...
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they were cooking this for a while
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extremely dead dead week dying to do SOMETHING
what an image lol
good luck
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So, Blue Archive is officially dying?
More like Blue Archive is officially HEALING
pvp done
time to log on for a mere 5 minutes in 15 minutes

broken captcha
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I got enough elephs to UE40 Hina but I already closed the game
Didn't happen, then.
Your elephs were given to me instead.
dead week = LOW EFFORT BUMPS
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She will be UE40 at 9am
UE40 Hina acquired. Also wtf was with the maintenance shit?
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I still think about ACAP
New event + tower drop in a few hours.
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maintenance nigger
Maintenance? What maintenance?
I'm inside the game.
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See? I'm in the game.
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All Canadians Are Pedos?
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literally no time to play today

there should be a grace period between maint and reset at least. I shouldn't be forced to wake up and play
nice a gehenna / hayyakikiyoukourakiyo event
hopefully no hina
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>hopefully no hina
Nobody tell him...
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stop attacking me kikes
I wish I got assigned your bracket next refresh.
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fun challenges

2 kinda sucked tho. I just brought the standard blue raid formation and made quick work of it. The other two, I at least had to change some stuff around and figure it out.
I'll do the ex sometime later.
never gonna happen
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oh its chapter F
I'm not doing vol 1 chapter 3 until it's complete
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I think I've been pronouncing Mine wrong this entire time.
I have.
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EX clear.
How did you pronounce it?
English pronunciation of Mi.
Japanese pronunciation of Ne.
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now that I can't exercise, tons of time for Blue Archive
((they))) are attacking me again
also I tried out set. Pretty cool. What are the towers for? Do I need to do this every day?
>Pretty cool
Until you reach Floor 50 or so.
>What are the towers for?
No idea but people strategize having one down and the other full of HP to prevent Set from striking the one closest to the DPS unit since the attack's got an AoE effect.
>Do I need to do this every day?
Nope. You also don't need to start from Floor 1. You can do the max floor allowed on the tier and move on to the next one. Only once and that's it.
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need to do set
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>this was only level 49
I'm gonna have to read up and study this dude, won't I? even tho this is supposed to be "extreme" level
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Ideally I do pvp soon
dumb whalecuck pedohitler thread
You are so tsun. I know you want to play Blue Archive, dt.
no way

gacha is all time wasting casino trash
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slit your throat
shiiit I forgot to log on
4* kaede
let's fucking goo
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I hate the tower.
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You have a month the figure it out.
I reached Floor 49. I can already call it quits, specially since no one in my club has a 5+3 wappi and I don't have any more eligmas + no banners to pull.
>he doesn't have a whale on his friends list who has maxed units for every raid
find one NOW
We do. It's just that not even him could be arsed to 5+3 her.
I'm also missing nyAkari.
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we are all missing that bitch.
anyways just wait for kuroko and enjoy easy set
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>bull whacker
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this is AI
Nuke Toronto
Firebomb Ottawa
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why the fuck won't my game start???
I just needed to complain for it to work
Floor 74 is hard, I'm not sure floor 100 might be doable without Sakurako or NYAkari.
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2mb file size is so shit
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time for GYM
lifting WEIGHTS
then pvp when I return home perchance
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yeah it's time to spend 5 minutes of my life attacking and losing
I think it's about time I continue the event story
never actually ended up doing it
really like this colour palette
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it's very appealing
this one is too glossy
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the glossiness enhances their sexiness
I like it more simple
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simple can occasionally be good
also go to sleep
hello sarr im a pedophile sarr
I'm white as fuck
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pvp DONE
time to do the ENTIRE event story
once Izumi (Swimsuit) and Saya (Casual) are bond 20, I'll have completed project bond t2 (as long as nobody else needs t2 items)
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so far this event sucks
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oh nice the next stage is some bullshit with the gourmet food club
I totally haven't seen this same shit play out by these hack writers over and over again
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I went up to stage 8. I'll do the rest later
event is mid
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pvp SOON
actually soon now frfr
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Lord lead me not into temptation...
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pvp done

Why? There's literally nothing worthy of pulling right now.
Bands, Hoshino, Kuroko, Kiki..
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>actually pulling for mxj2 slop
That slop is sadly core for red Set and I can't afford skipping Floor 74 due to filtering if I wanna keep up with the game.
What mostly kills me is the Fest units. Having two is overkill. I also want them UE50, nothing else. Need to be, more like.
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I need help...

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