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How do we repair Japanese animation, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
Pie ID
Don't let westerners touch it ever again
You are valid sis
So true bestie
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lole pie id get
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good night r/banter
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off to work
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me on the right
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play demons roots
and king exit too
kill niggers
less isekai?
more specifically less "i died and was reborn in a videogame" type of isekai
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Less isekai in general would be preferable desu
u r half nigger tho
you suck at bumping
why are you still on the old board
MEGA-Make Ecchi Great Again
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>why are you still on the old board
why not
I wish to see you have more constructive posts on an actually active board
>constructive posts
I've never been into 2hu and r/banter altchans are dominated by 2hu
and this board is just dominated by stagnation
what is better?
not like 2hu is the only thing there
r/banter's been stagnant for over 5 years
good night r/banter
what is a good show to watch now? it feels like its taking forever for the last shit season of shows to run its course
I remember that day like it was 5 years ago
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what anime is that
popee the performer
sick spanish pedophile hand made this drawing.
where were you when ssp died
bantculture is ran by a gay shotacon pedo though
good night r/banter
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475 KB GIF
happy birthday 4chin

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