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Anti-Mining Environmentalists Stink Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Iron Ore, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum, Molybdenum, and Cobalt
Water, Agricultural, Lithium, Salt

>Mining for Noobs (MUST READ)
>Ore Deposits 101 Series (MUST WATCH)
>How to Value Mining Stocks

>General Commodities
>Metals and mining:
>Oil and gas:

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

Youtube channels to follow
>Mining Specific
Kitco Mining, Crescat Capital, Mining Stocks Education, Crux Investor, Metals Investor Forum, Resource Talks, Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, Rule Investment Media, Hedgeless Horseman
>Market Commentary
Peter Schiff, Liberty and Finance, Finding Value Finance, Commodity Culture, Palisade Gold Radio, Sprott Money, Rob Kientz, Mike Maloney, Macro Voices, Decouple Podcast, Saxo Market Call
>Twitter Pages for Mining News
JrMiningNetwork, JuniorMiningHub, KitcoMining, MinerDeck, MiningVisuals, Mining

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money? (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), Profit & Loss (Mises)
U.S. coal miners are seeing healthy growth in exports to Asia and even Africa, but stinky anti-carbon environmentalists are opposing efforts to increase American coal-export capacity.

Biggest winner of the week. Go.
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I'm still waiting on my all Benton Resources portfolio to moon. :)
What do you call this diet
In order the three best performers I follow were: Erdene Resource Development, Paladin Energy, Freeport McMoran.
I like Macro Voices, good uranium video
Reddit: the thread.
UEC filed their 10-K so expect a bit of a sell off as investors struggle to understand why a pre-revenue company might have lost money over the last 12 months.

Kazatomprom sold off in ETF rebalancing. Downside of chasing bargains when everyone just buys the basket. Price weakness leads to more weakness, justified or not (it's a little justified, the new taxes are killers).
This makes me want to be extremely bullish on energy and utilities

Look at >>21300006! Apparently the spot price only makes up like 15% of the U space and much of the value is based around buy-side contract demand. There's a lot more nuance that I missed
Kazatom is apparently a play for cheap currencies; now that Kazakhstan has more expensive prices, there's no alpha for buyers to source from them
>Kazatom is apparently a play for cheap currencies
That's a factor but they also have ideal geology for cheap ISR operations rather than conventional mining, and lax environment restrictions allow them to use stronger acids for better/quicker recoveries. Their costs are rising from "unbelievably cheap" to merely "comparable witht he best projects in the world".
Kazatomprom also happens to be the biggest and lowest opex uranium miner in the world so there's that. I still haven't calculated how the new taxes will affect FCF but I will when I have the time. It should still be exceptionally cheap, mostly due to jurisdiction fears and lack of access for most investors
Err, uh...why isn't it moving?
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when pre-production companies start collecting awards that's a big flashing warning sign.
Was just about to say it's all downhill from here.
I figured the manlet would be Ella, not the big dude.
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kek, a flashing sign that their MRE next spring will be 10Moz+
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Me on the right
its over
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Ella pictured here, possible tranny so you are kind of right
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How big is her penis tho?
goldbros... are we topping?
o&g chads... we're so back
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How about we do nuclear carpet bombing of Moscow this evening?
If it weren't for the Polish princes' indulgence of the jews, the globohomo clown world of today wouldn't exist.
The Ruskies also committed an entire region for their Jews. It seems (((everybody))) keeps kissing their asses.

Sand bros....they're plugging the holes they just fracked.
Could be bad news for the long term
not sure if memeing or
The Pale of Settlement was established after Russia acquired the Polish princes' lands. They didn't know what to do with the jews and didn't want them in Russia proper. The jew revenge lust against Russia is responsible for Bolshevism and continues today with the Ukrainian wank fest in the west. Had the Polish princes not showed compassion to kikes, they would have had nothing to complain about in the Russian empire.
Russia has a fair bit of sway over Kazahkstan; hopefully it wouldnt result in western sanctions but it isnt unheard of. A lot of the availability and supply reports for U include stuff below ground, so the inventory is very constrained. Takes like 2 or 3 years to go from ground to plant. Hell, even Microsoft is apparently getting Three Mile Island reactor up again
That is a concern but as the biggest uranium producer Kazakhstan supplies not only Russia and China but most of the rest of the world as well. Sanctions have so far focused on Russia, and Kazakhstan has distanced itself from Russia at least in the political theatre.
Good evening Russian Embassy US.

Kazakhs are going to have to choose sooner or later are they with civilization or with subhuman savages that genocided them and would happily genocide them again.
Kazakhstan are conveniently placed between two major nuclear nations with growing fleets, the US needs their uranium far more than Kazakhstan needs US customers. They've already stated that selling to geographic neighbours is more convenient and cost-effective for them anyway.

That's why most of my uranium money is in the US producers. Very likely they will be able to charge a premium on long term domestic supply, either through direct government contracts for stockpiling, subsidised procurement programs, or simply utlilities not wanting to give themselves potential headaches (like the current waivers confusion). Even if they can't get premiums having open order books provides them with better margin opportunity than cheaper producers like Cameco and Kazatomprom.
DXY hangs in the balance. If it breaks up we dump probably. If it breaks down we gigapump. Stay tuned next week
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Schiff live in 30 mins.
Lemme guess he would include a long rant in which he would deepthroat Trump?
No he critizing trump a decent amount.
He's live now get in here boys
and yet has a pinned post that says "just because someone did pew-pew in direction of Trump's head it's enough to vote him". Govt bad but not Republican govt with old fart Trump as president?
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So ....radical Marxism instead?
Trump is shilling a gold watch which is enough to earn single issue maniac Schiff's undying devotion.
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Found your Grindr account
Yes, Northern Vietnam style, comrade!

At least you are not hiding that you are a Grindr user.

Sounds legit. I don't get why Republicans do not replace him with someone who is not seen as a half retarded geriatic mental asylum patient.
>implying the Republicans are on Trump's side by choice
Everybody on Capitol Hill hates the guy because he's not part of their club. No other Republican nominee got any votes so they were left with no choice, not that they're eager to back him. Sort of same issue happened in the Democrat camp, they were fumbling around for a long time about who their candidate should be and then they just settled for Kamala even though nobody likes her either.

This has to be the biggest shitshow of an election in US history.
Apparently OPEC wants to keep oil prices low so that US voters think Democrats are doing a good job. I suppose their angle is that they'll do a poor job economically, allowing them to take economic advantage against the US
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I just noticed that interestingly oil and DXY have been correlated these past five years. Really weird. When DXY goes up, oil goes up. When DXY goes down, oil goes down. See the 5y charts yourself.
Then why the fuck they even allowed him in the 1st place? Watched Home Alone 2 too many times on a loop?
They didn't. They were backing Ted Cruz in 2016 but Trump took the win anyways. When Ted lost overwhelmingly against Trump in Manhattan he officially resigned from the race. His campaign had the biggest financial backing for a Republican candidate ever to date back then too.

This article sums up the relevant points pretty well.
>Given an opening to unite the party in opposition to a man many see as an existential threat to it, Mr. Cruz was unable to consolidate support, leaving Republican leaders lurching toward a fateful bet: Live with the risk of a Trump nomination rather than elevate a figure they loathe.
I meant why he was allowed to even run, it's not like knowledge about his IQ level was a secret or that he was being a KGB pupil for few decades already https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/
And DXY about to break support and fall further...curious as to where oil will go though!
Why do Eastern Europeans, and even many Western Europeans, seethe so hard against Russia and Putin?
The U.S. doesn't exist to protect you from "muh ebil Ruzzia." I'm sick of every other country thinking it's owed something by the United States.
Most of the recent immigrant here, including Indians and Eastern Europeans, don't give a fuck about the USA except to use it to further their own tribal agendas back home. They don't want to integrate and contribute to their new country. They want to use this country as a tool to settle ancient tribal grievances and help their real homeland advance in the world.
It's quite disgusting really, and these disloyal fake Americans should all be deported.
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>I'm sick of every other country thinking it's owed something by the United States.
True every other week it's
>fuck you America
>America please save us pleasseeeeeeeee, we are dying over here
The rest of the world act like niggers. The complain about the world police and then when there is crime or something goes bad they wish the world police will be there to save them.
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Japan is giving away free housing in the country side. Is now our time boys?
He was allowed to run because the law says so. Russiagate is political theater with no basis in reality btw. Just another manifestation of America's insanity.
I agree, all the English and German settlers who refused to integrate with real Americans should be sent back home. Italians and Irish, get back on the boats if you're so proud of where you came from.
The real Americans were literally genocided by European settlers
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Modi visited the US a short while ago and drew huge crowds of "Indian-Americans." Indians in the US also stink up message boards with pro-Indian, anti-US rhetoric. These people are far more loyal to India than what is supposedly their adopted country. They are using the US for India's advancement and taking many positions of power and authority in the US. They're like Jews, except there are 1.5 billion of them.
>Japan is giving away free housing in the country side. Is now our time boys?
two more weeks, we just need the miners to moon.
Did you see the Sanu NR about Anglogold doing a strategic investment?
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How many shares of Bayhorse will we need for a full renovation?
No, I was working today, just came back home.
Damn they worn 14% of the company now. Hopefully they drill some good holes with that cash.
Maybe like 100 bayhorse shares valued at $10000 should be enough.
I saw a movie called wolf children where a mom takes her kids to an ugly japan countryside house like in that video. I remember thinking how fucking gross it must be an how much work it must take to make it liveable. Very good movie.
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can't you just buy a crappy old abandoned house that's sitting on great land and have it bulldozed and build a modern house that is maintenance-free so instead of spending all our time doing repairs we can do important stuff like shitpost and bang big-tiddy QTs?
Wolf Children is an absolute timeless classic. Based taste.
>house that is maintenance-free
doesn't exist
>maintenance free
Still living with your parents at 35?

Over Status: It is
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Political theater. Redirected exports will always find their way to where the demand is.
The important part is what such redirection means for existing supply contracts. Uranium conversion and enrichment costs have shot up by mutliples in the last 12 months due to bottlenecks in capacity. It would definitely be in Russia's interest to cross out a bunch of old volume from their order book and renegotiate elsewhere.
Dunno, the fact that he wants to invade us may have a lot to do to that, but I understand that getting conquered by Mongols is a normal day to likes of you and you dream about sex with Putin every time you close your eyes or blink.
I swear, you commode fags are just like trannies...
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/cmmg will never make it
>Whoever said "just buy mining stocks" is a fucking liar!
>I've been in mining stocks for 7 years. 7!!!
>When the fuck does it happen?!?!
What gave it away?
>What gave it away?
You believe that after just another 2 moar weeks of HRT you will turn into girls.
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You will never be a make it.
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Bros, what's the case for oil now? OPEC wants to increase production, US is producing and is doing well, China and EU unsure recovery. Saudi Arabia also came out and was eager to increase production despite low prices.
What the hell is the case now?
The newest cope for oil is it's too heavily shorted.
In uranium land, what do you think a buyout/merger price for Denison would be? $2.50 a share?
Phoenix alone is worth more than that lol
Isn't that one problematic to develop from an engineering point of view?
It's ambitious, since they want to use ISR for the lowest possible costs. The deposit can still be developed whether it works or not, and tests there and on one of the JVs (Midwest maybe?) have gone well. If Phoenix is developed underground as Gryphon is planned to be it's still a cash cow.

Denison would be a strange takeover target given they have so many working partnerships and other baggage. Would be far easier for someone to take out the single asset companies in the Athabasca, or those that have to raise equity to progress what they have.
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gold-backed currencies, am I right?
Backed my ass.
You mean like Weimeir Germany? When would you learn you morons that gold backed means exchangeable for gold, not "some dude in 5th world shithole like for example Chinkland or Kacapstan said we gold backed nao, we so better than US dollar!!!!1111oneoneeleven". You are so easy to be manipulated it's not even funny. Not to mention exchangeable does not mean "we neve eva gunna do maniprintagoezbrrr". Shitholes famous for printing like madmen are not going to suddenly become fiscally responsible just because someone said that "we gold backed nao". Use your brains for fuck sake instead of jizzing your pants in Pavlovian reflex to phrase "gold backed currency".
You heard it here first, this poster's ass has been blacked.
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I think we should all print a lot of gold-backed currency, that way everybody can be a gold-backed billionaire.
bullish for zimbabwe miners.
Fuck off, you dumb pollack. The U.S. is not your lapdog to settle your country's old scores. You people have been nothing but a nuisance to the world throughout your history and would be better off being absorbed by Germany or Russia. In fact the whole Polish language and ethnicity needs to be exterminated by Germany or Russia.
Your genetics can continue, but your culture and identity are extremely flawed and need to be ridden from the world
copper isn't hanging around
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>Copper breached 4.6 with ease
Ehhhh recession bros, what is happening? Doctor copper is making a clear statement that the economy is bullish.
I wonder if steel is gonna follow.
You are not even American.
Plus you are not even making any sense and failing at basic history 101. But that's typical for Russians. So no one is even surprised you produced such a diarrhea of nonsense.

How so?

Inflation adjusted copper is crabbing.
I am pure blooded American of German descent, therefore far superior to your Polish ass.
Your history is one of being a nuisance and a loser of a nation. You are full of piss and vinegar without anything to back it up.
You dumb fucks assume anyone who doesn't kiss your ass is a Russian and people are getting sick of that line. I hope Russia takes your whole country and eliminates your ethnicity and culture wholesale. Someday you'll be speaking Russian, your culture and history will have been forgotten on pain of death, and you'll be much happier for it.
>I am pure blooded American
Cree? Aztec? Maya? Olmec?
>How so?
Miners sell in USD but pay large expenses like wages in local currencies. Devaluation means widening operating margins unless they gave everyone an equivalent pay rise.

BRO you okay?
He is not ok.
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Now see
I don't care about useless boomer rocks.
Unassailable fact.
Polack btfo by Fritz and Ivan.
He's a full blooded Winnetou after all straight from the womb of Karl May.
I'm hanging in there.
How many Russians have you hanged so far?
You should; they generate amazing margins
gold miners are not known for providing great returns to anyone but their own management teams. maybe this time is different, history isn't encouraging.
That's why you pick & choose instead of buying the index.
Picking the tallest midgets isn't worth the effort.
Vadim, we all know that you are butthurt, you don't have to post your face to confirm that
What happened...
>I don't care about how inflation adjusted copper price looks like
okey Earl Gray
Commodities dipped
That's not what you linked.
How so?
I hear Fathom Nickel is going to Dollartown.
Any opinions on Provenance Gold? It's getting pumped hard right now. What's the catch here, besides all the warrants and Oregon?
You linked copper in gold terms. Gold is an asset that rises and falls in price according to the whims of investors. You're not one of the lunatics that considers it "real value", are you?
looks like it's just going up due to VG in drill core as told in the recent NR.
>You're not one of the lunatics that considers it "real value", are you?
No, I'm Austrian school economist so I believe in final utility.
Winnetou, invest in real companies, not some shitty juniors
I don't take investment advice from Polish trannies.
Get in here boys
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Should I cut my losses on NVDA or hold to a higher price? I only have 16 shares that I impulse bought on the first small dip, but it's tying up a lot of funds.
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Oops. Thought this was my /smg/. I am exceptionally retarded.
Only from trv arisk German trannies like expected from a real fullblooded Apache?
Yes, we know. You are holding Nvidia after all.
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oilKINGS... we have officially bottomed
Possible, but still not confirmed.
I always knew that you have to be a bottom to invest in oil sector.
The oil is for anal lubrication.
explains a lot, OPEC sheiks are known for being horny bastards
>DXY gigapumping
oilCHADS... we keep winning
goldKEKS... we lost forever
make me a day and say goldstocks are falling even more than usual
They indeed are!
I wonder how December is going to look this year :eyeroll:
What up with Rhodium? on the kitco site it was a dog for years then exploded, now looks to be not updating with price and is a dog again. Was the previous price action just money laundering? I do not see the value in investing in rhodium as a PM.
Literally the same as palladium but much less volume. Same supply and same demand.
It's basically interchangeable with palladium. Comes from the same mines, has the same uses, rises and falls for the same reasons.
fuck off finn
so Moscow Mongols aka Moscals aka Russians unloading after getting rekt by sanctions
lol I was first stupid anglobong *dabs*
quick, pee in his tea!
They have a super cheap financing that unlocks in less than a month, and of course they could be looking to exit earlier than that via shorting.
why bet on individual miners, large or small, when it appears to be the safe yet lucrative bet is PM royalty streaming companies? MTA went from $0.06 to $12 from 2016 to 2020. The big royalty companies might be worth it if PMs continue to increase, but I would think there is real potential for new smaller royalty streamers, no? They spread their investments across multiple mines in multiple locations to diversify risk.
because life is bring without that sting of the battle
smaller royalty companies can have just as many problems as junior miners. dependence on a few important operations going well, portfolios of junk assets, dilution risk, ridiculous admin expenses etc.
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etf rebalancing in the last few minutes led to some funny moves
It's a question of risk and reward. Big royalty companies have very low risk but they are also already mostly priced to perfection. They will likely continue trending up over time. Smaller royalty companies are actually fairly risky because their G&A can be much higher than any profit they get from their small royalty portfolios. Midsized royalty companies are somewhere in the middle between the two. But if I want really big gains there are some mining companies that I can get for cheap, but that means taking on much more risk as well.
Might join a company that has seen healthy growth over the past decade (tripling its revenue in the past decade) and is beginning to branch out globally, including making sales in southeast Asia and Australia, and providing mine services there. They specialize in coal but also work in metals mines, diamond mines, limestone mines: the whole works.
I want to see them get into Indonesia, which is becoming a mining giant and is a country that is open for business. Indonesia is open to foreign expertise, consultants, products, and services, especially in their now-gigantic mining sector.
Of course, the biggest prize in the mining world is to get into India and China. India might be do-able in the future, but with the unfortunate tensions between the West and China nowadays, China might be a tough nut to crack. They do, however, remain somewhat open to foreign mine services firms, since the Chinese are interested in growth and modernization and the West still has a lot to offer them.
My biggest ambition now is to do my part to build a global mine services empire and this company has great potential.
And of course, when it comes to the future of mining, Africa is a prize because they have so much untapped mineral wealth and many African countries are in dire need of foreign investment, services, equipment, experts etc.
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And really, I don't have anything against Poles or Poland. In fact I quite admire their coal industry and their willingness to stick with coal as an inexpensive and abundant energy source to power their economy. That's uncommon in Europe these days, much to Europe's detriment.
I just can't stand that Polish commenter here who, when he disagrees with me, starts with the "How's the weather in Petersburg" bullshit. And it rubs me the wrong way when other countries just assume that it's America's responsibility to fix their problems. The US has become hollowed out by this "world policeman" bullshit. The homeland is rotting, the original stock of European-Americans are being vilified in our own land, and civil tension are rife.
The US would do well to turn inward for a while and fix its own house before trying to fix (and dominate) the world.
A good way to start would be if the US revitalized its mining and manufacturing sectors, but our overlords love cheap overseas labor, of if the labor must be done here, then they'd prefer to import cheap laborers from the third world to do the work.
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Wow, a Russian capable of writing more than two sentences long posts. Have Olgino troll farm in Petersburg received additional funds to finance writing all of that?
OIL bros...
Sheiks topping you bottoms again
we got too cocky...
oilbros... we're so back
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GOLD CHADS are gonna Japan-level WAGMI

What's the matter, chronic butthurt?
"Z" didn't play your piano last night?
Why are you so concerned about that, my sweet squishy Russian (may your country gets nuked) friend larping as a murrican?
Fallout doesn't stop at borders, retard. Enjoy your half lives.
Fallouts in case of nuking Kacapstan are mostly eastward. Little bit of skin glowing in the dark is a low price to pay for getting rid of that Volga tribes shithole. Enjoy getting evaporated in nanoseconds.
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Michael Oliver: Gold $3200 Silver $55 in a month

he's been cracked for a while. hate to see so many men fall down the rabbit hole of making bad predictions then doubling down.
I think he means two intervals of two more weeks right?
Stay in your lane
Stick to making soup
Not happening. With hyperbullish predictions coming I'd like to see the market cool down a bit again
Are you still stick to your bedsheet, Ivan?
The US has come out ready to spend.
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Everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian.
That is completely sane.
We're going shopping today due to port strike...
I bet we're not the only ones either
Everyone who serves Russia is Russian. Which part of "serves Russia" you do not understand, Vova? Were you chocking on Putin's cock for so long you get oxygen deficient?
If that's the case, then you must be the top Rabbi by now.
>Everyone who unmasks me serves Jehova
OK Alexey
If that was the case the morning wouldn't have been as dead as it was. Only the US thirst for oil is keeping commodity markets moving up now.
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So we're not correcting and will be going to $50-70 silver.
Did I read the RGI correctly?
RGI is flashing "BUY"
We are so back!
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Lion One bros...
I keep following the company, looks better all the time. How much will the equipment failure cost? They're running a very tight ship right now so every dollar counts.
If they manage to grow production they will get out alive from the shithole they put themselves in.
>How much will the equipment failure cost?
No idea, but hopefully It's not over 6 figs.
So far production growth seems to be progressing well along with drilling results, they just need to not fuck up operationally. I'm still looking for a good time to buy but for now I am content being on the sidelines. Better risk/reward elsewhere imo
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Any predictions regarding American steel with the upcoming Chinese recession?
>they just need to not fuck up operationally.
The management are dinosaurs in the sector, this should go smoothly, but we shall see.
>I'm still looking for a good time to buy but for now I am content being on the sidelines. Better risk/reward elsewhere imo
If you're expecting good news from them it might be ok to start dabbling a bit, once the news is out it's usually too late.
true true, I just want to keep my margin in check. If my other stocks pump a lot like they should that should free up some funds. But I invest all over the place, if I see a better opportunity elsewhere I will pursue that one instead. LIO is extremely high risk, high reward.
you missed the dip by a month.
>I just want to keep my margin in check.
Well I wouldn't be buying LIO with margin that's for sure. Can't blame you.
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long term uranium price ticked up again. no pullbacks in the monthly print in two years. US utilities got their new budgets today.

only a meltdown can stop us now. don't check the news out of ukraine...
good day. Thank you oil and gold. And thank God.
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We are soooo back!
The line to the Redding Costco parking lot is out to I-5
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>Iran fired 200 missiles at Israel
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Here we go again.
Hey apparently an east coast port company is on strike, with some folks panic buying food and supplies.
This comes just after rate cuts, a hurricane, and just before Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
Historically the market rallies for 3 weeks after cuts, then 13 month bear market. This seems like an excellent catalyst and narrative shift
turns out domestic US consumption doesn't move markets much any more, except a small recovery in depressed oil. china stimulus moved mountains by comparison.

expecting history to repeat based on one simple data point is a good way to get run over.
Definitely believe whatever the CCP says.

Have they ever lied before?
I feel like that this applies to every party/government.
do you think they're not doing a stimulus? the effects of the announcement were obvious across the commodities markets.

Iron ore is fucking ripping now steel had some time to pull ahead. I thought I'd have more time to cycle back into majors.
IsoEnergy buying out Anfield Energy. Consolidates operates in Utah and adds a permitted mill. Not ideal for me as I only really own them as speculation on the value of the Hurricane deposit.
The mill is 4 miles from Iso's near-term production mine, so if it doesn't require a lot of work (built in the 80s, barely used since) that's going to be a decent cost saving over trucking to Energy Fuels' White Mesa (currently under siege by Navajo). Tony M isn't a large resource, though, so limited long-term benefit unless exploration goes well.

Encore owned a decent % of Anfield. May be a decent transaction for them given the effective premium being paid via Iso shares.
>every government is exactly like CCP
okey Xiaomi Ping Pong
this but unironically. Glory to the CCP!
>Glory to the CCP!
Words of American nuclear launching panel operator a brief moment before starting IGNITION of US ICBM nukes targeted at Beijing.
I think the stimulus is real the the recovery data isn't

This but unironically

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Every single stock I had my eye on but chose not to buy yesterday has shot up today. EVERY FUCKING ONE
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Look at gayhorse and poo lagoon for a long time for me please.
>Gary says
We need another Gary to start shilling and make fun of next.
shoah shitcos
Time to sell everything

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I almost bought Copaur when it was around $1 but then I checked twitter and saw it was a GV shitco position that he was pumping hard and had gotten a lot of his followers to buy
Yes, it's last pump cycle is long dead. I got a partial position at 0.158 and anticipate a financing and pump soon.
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AAUC chads ww@?
Gold peaked, take profits now.

I've started trimming my uranium positions. That big move from the bottom in August (and again in September) has done very well for me. UEC from $4.39 to $6.75 in a matter of weeks. If only making money was always that easy.
No, I don't think I will.
OIL keeps getting shorted, won't end well for those shorting in my humble opinion.
Good market commentary.

>I saw a post on X saying Comex gold was heavily long, so I checked it out. Swap dealers are record short so at least half of OI is in EFPs maybe more. I’m not sure what the implications of this record are exactly but a swap of 25 mm toz Comex is no little thing and its getting bigger faster. At the highs the weak side is probably not the long side, just sayin’…

>Net noncommercial length is high, but total holdings of gold ETFs are still down 23 million from mid 2022. Open interest in Comex gold is down 30k with FND for Oct gold and aggregate OI has not changed since last March.

>FUD is everywhere because gold is so quiet, and longs are frustrated. Imo… when specs are winning high COTs are bullish. The mid-point of entry for these 315k lots of longs is Last March when gold was $500 lower.

>Registered gold inventories are 7 mm toz down from 18 mm in 2022. China is going to import 1000 tons or more this year (25% of newly mined gold). China and Russian production is another 1000 tons coming off the market. China is not the only buyer of gold. Poland Turkey the “Stans” India… are buyers and repatriating from foreign custody. But it’s hard to make money on the highs and when people get bored they often get bearish.
evening all hows things?
been busy with work, nothing massive happen this week i miss?
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Picrel says it all
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ah its like that then lovely.
>Good market commentary
>FUD is everywhere
This post is brought to (You) by the guy saying SELL SELL SELL THIS IS THE TOP
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If shitcos don't go up I'm going to say gamer words. Don't make me say it. I need a quick 10x on my shitcos and I promise I won't say it.
Thoughts on Sibanye, Expanded Energy (had SWN shares pre merge), Golden Ocean, Diana Shipping, Ur-Energy & Deep Yellow?
Ur-Energy are having real problems. They contracted all their production at low prices, and are now failing to meet those targets by a long distance (40% reduction in 2024 guidance). The other US producers could end up facing similar difficulties if they're not careful. Quality staff in short supply after a decade of industry hibernation.

I think Deep Yellow just hired a mine builder with a good record. Haven't looked into the company much.

Sibanye lose money on 3/4 of their projects. They do have a huge pile of uranium they're trying to sell to give them some breathing room, but it's not a pretty picture. Doesn't stop investors piling in to try to catch the bottom. Platinum should bounce back soon but palladium is challenged for another couple years.
Should I just rotate my URG bag into more DYLLF? I saw John Cash did a podcast yesterday & had a feeling the situation may have deteriorated.
I would be selling if I owned it for sure. Not sure about putting more into the miners during this run. I've been trimming some positions this week because they're up 30-40% on the lows and I was (and still am) overweight uranium. Bought some more physical via Yellow Cake because while the discount has closed the spot price hasn't moved much yet.

I think I'm selling Iso Energy. UEC hit $7 earlier and I sold another slice, they're getting a bit overheated and I expect them to dilute pretty soon if this keeps up. Cameco are nearly fully priced, I don't know enough about Westinghouse profits to judge that side of the business.

Encore Energy, Denison Mines and Kazatomprom (because that dog is still sinking) my long term uranium plays.
Sibanye is a gamble on PGMs. The company frankly sucks ass but that is exactly why it would outperform if PGMs go on a run. Deep Yellow is basically just a uranium trust in equity form. No comment on the others.
>Deep Yellow is basically just a uranium trust in equity form.
They're a mining company with a flagship project in Namibia and another in Australia, both approaching construction decisions.
Even KOLDfag went long.
Wait, silver is up yet miners are down almost 2% today
No one has any reason to think this push above $32 will last any longer than the last ones. Whole market seems to be down today, some sort of Jewish holiday.
My bad I conflated Deep Yellow with Yellowcake plc
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>The company frankly sucks ass
>if only you understood how over it it really is.
What's the plan?
bought back the UEC shares I sold premarket for a 35c discount.

SPUT traded at a premium again today. $35m saved up to spend in the spot market.
Amir is happy to hear this.
How racist am I on a scale from 1 to 10 if my immediate first image that comes to mind from hearing "Amir Adnani" is a bearded, turban-wearing arab in a marketplace selling carpets and trinkets?
Kinda mild, I'll give you a 3.
>we all rayciss
Oh thank God, I wouldn't want to be racist because it would make people sad and I would not have as much friends.
>Except for girls, because girls are not the same.
Based autist.
Needs more explosives involved. Maybe some beastiality and child rape

You'll get there
oilsissies... the cartel us losing...
(it's literally fake news from WSJ)
oilSLAVEOWNERS... we're so back
>oilSLAVEOWNERS... we're so back
okay now you're starting to sound a bit racist
oh shit I mean uhh oilEMPLOYERS... we're so back

doesn't have the same ring to it though. I guess racism is based after all
Silver is busting out
Oil meme lines which i believe
silver let's gooo (again) (for now)
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There's a conspiracy theory on twitter that the recent US hurricane was directly controlled by the government to clear out potential uranium and lithium deposits for mining. Extremely bullish news.
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AISC typically excludes all of those. Sometimes the company might include G&A but it's rather the exception than the rule
>Miners are where the cartel now concentrates their suppression efforts.
have we reached peak conspiracynuttery?

BC's could be getting a new Conservative government this election cycle, that would be fantastic for new projects.
Oh, noes, no shitco broes!
Are you ok?
It's not too late to get aboard the Dollartown express.
based shitcoRAPIST
Canadian o&g stocks will pump if they elect a conservative government and boot Turdeau
Give me your best shitcos to load up on before the train fully leaves the station. I know traditional shitcos we have. I want some good fresh blood to invest in before we moon.
>Sees my shitfolio
>sPoOnFeEd Me
Go back.
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No you will spoonfeed me
Add Benton
Ok, there's this great little copper company in Idaho that nobody knows about. It has a first class management team who really take care of small shareholders. They have the biggest porphyry deposit in the known universe. It's so undervalued that in Canada it trades for only FOUR CENTS!!!!! It's a sure thing, a slam dunk. I can't tell you anymore because I'm still buying.
Check out ARU shortbro. You'll love it.
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Audible kek
>ASIC $1500
>GOLD $2000
>Still losing money
Another day in mining.
Lassennigger here.

My buddy lives in West Carolina. They're taking chimney rock for the lithium and zinc.
Was a conspiracy theory and rumor five years ago or more.

I used to live in western north Carolina. Serious milita country up there in them hills
>They're taking chimney rock for the lithium and zinc.
Kek, the absolute fucking state...
Top signal
>Top signal.
Pick one.
Was a bad joke feom my side
classic German
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Based Mike is with us

Maybe it was uranium...I haven't lived there for a decade or more. They had no chance since it's a hippie liberal area up there.

Now they have the perfect opportunity

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