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How do Jews and Christians reconcile the fact that nobody knows who wrote the bible? People have been researching this book for centuries, and yet still, nobody knows where it came from.
>attacks the source
>can't attack the arguments

Marcion. Simple as.
The writers Demiurge through history
>y-you wanna know were the most famous piece of literature in human history?
>what are you, some kinda SHILL!??
lol k
>last part of Deuteronomy-Joshua
>Judges-2 Chronicles
Samuel, Elijah and the other prophets
>Ezra and Nehemiah
Ezra and Nehemiah
David and other authors (see titles)
>Proverbs-Song of Songs
As per the titles
As per the titles
But when you read it you get to know the authors all the same. I'm guessing they wanted all the glory to go to God.
>nobody knows who wrote the bible
>pretends it's one book and not a collection of books
Subhanallah we Muslims don't have this problem
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It's a collection of books from many different authors in history.
Yeah it's basically a portable library of books written over centuries, some of which is probably based on oral tradition that's even older.
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>attacks the source
>can't attack the arguments

jewish, eh?
what do you mean where'd it come from? the first 5 books were magically imprinted on 2 rocks in some ancient language that had to be decoded with a magic calculator apparently. the rest of it is just historical accounts of what happened after . moses just decoded it he didnt "write" it.
At the end of the world

Two will fight in a church where humanity is long gone. It looks like a painting. In a spring like field the church that will determine everything will be there 2000 years from now

The two will fight for everything

Is it two though?

War of the worlds
I’ll give you a hint as someone who meet our maker

Can you accept that someone is good and evil?
Humanity is always at war. We just like to take breaks because we’re the most brutal and I mean brutal creature in history. We love torture

There are no equals in this world.

How will man respond?
Much like the hypocrisy of the God who created evil but learnt to be tortured by evil.

Man will truly have everything
The Atheist and The Christian



Who’s right once again?
Kek. No. It was all written in
Greek on 272 BC Alexandria.
It took 300 years to write, collect and publish by the Greeks
Who made the stage?

That’s the question

And if the stage is full of errors

What does that mean?

You do realize the world we live in the best and worst one right?

Men will break or become the best versions of themselves
God Man and Satan play their game.
The game. The war of the worlds to decide the best way to be limitless
Moses isn't a historical figure and Exodus never happened as described in the Bible. How could he have written it?
Jews were never in Egypt yet Jesus mentions Moses?
>someone who meet our maker
The man who walked with God
The only man to enter heave alive
Noah's grandfather, Enoch
known as "the scribe of judgement"
"The last pureblood"
Wrote 3 Books

His books are not included in the bible
The bible refers to Enoch, several times, and to his writings.

But (((they))) don't want you to read Enoch
in kind
You're confusing "We don't know exactly what their names were" for "We don't know who they were." I'm not saying anything about how true the bible is, but we have a pretty good idea that the old testament was rabbinic oral tradition and the new was the first hand account of the apostles written down a few generations later as the small underground cult was getting bigger and more organized.
>snap of the world
The historical Moses of Herodotus was leader of a leper revolt in the 300sBC.
This. They tell you who wrote the books in the Bible it’s just up to you whether or not you believe it
Who’s they?
The Council of Nicaea.
They never named the authors of any of the books of the Bible.
>nobody knows who wrote the bible
The Church knows. If you're a Catholic you trust the Church. If you're a protestant you bleat on about sola scriptura but then trust the Church while pretending you don't.
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Isn't it odd that there isn't a single rabbi in the old testament?
The first page of the Catholic encyclopedia says in no uncertain terms that they have no idea what happened before the third century.
>you wanna know
You didn't ask in your OP where it came from. You asserted a strawman with a rhetorical question.
As weird as there being no Levites in the New Testament.
Isn't it odd that the israelites of the OT behave exactly like the modern kikes who supposedly have nothing to do with israelites?
The Catholic Encyclopedia is published by a private company, it is not part of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Judaism came from the Canaanite pantheon. Yahweh was one of the sons of the Canaanite Most High god, El. The Jews were Canaanites, and both the Jews and other Canaanite nations reference one another's gods and events and both talk about the pantheon mythologies.


There were several books written around Judaism and several books written around Christian myths. There were many Christian cults, each holding beliefs very different from one another.

Emperor Constantine ordered the Council of Nicaea to acquire as many of these books as they could and vote on which books they considered to be divinely inspired and destroy and suppress the other books. All rival Christian groups were violently suppressed and killed.

Constantine then commissioned the publication of the first 50 Bibles and founding Catholicism as the official religion of Christianity. These books were later lost.
>nobody knows who wrote the bible?
The Greeks most likely
Catholics belong to an ancient roman cult that existed long before Jesus' day. Jesus never set foot in rome. Some guy named saul, who never met Jesus, changed his name to paul when he joined the roman cult

These people do a demonic ritual, where they drink Jesus; blood and devour his flesh, to weaken Jesus, and to prevent his return.
Roman catholics are no Christians
Yet it’s used in every seminary as part of the curriculum.
Luke 10:32
And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

John 1:19
And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?

Acts 4:36
And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus,

The Bible was created by and for the Catholics. All other Christian faiths outside of Catholicism are definitionally heretical. The actual books in the Bible are just a few of the books that the Catholics allowed to survive. There used to be many Christian cults, including Christian sex cults and other typical cults you would find within the regions. The books in the Bible, mainly the Old Testament, themselves, are strongly influenced by their Canaanite polytheistic origins.

The "old testament" was assembled in 273ish BCE in Alexandria Egypt. See the Jewish section on the Elephantine papyri and Russell Gmirkin's work.
The first gospel was Marcion's... also Marcion "discovered" Paul's supposed letters. The canonical gospels a use Marcion's original as template. See Markus Vincent's work.
It is fiction and theology NOT history.
Wow. What incredibly retarded drivel you've written there. You really sound like a spastic spouting off that fedora tipping nonsense that zero actual historians believe. But I'm sure your mum will still make you tendies if you tidy your room.
>israelites of the OT behave exactly like the modern kikes
No they didn't
Every single bad thing the Israelites did the Greeks/Romans did at one point or another

>my lies are backed up by (((wikipedia)))
Jews DGAF, they know it’s bullshit but also useful. Christcucks are the ones who believe in the Bible unironically and do the Jews’ bidding b/c of it.
>noooooooooo White people are just as bad as jews
I don't remember the Greek or Romans stealing the foreskins of their slain enemies, kike.
>> my lies are backed up by (((wikipedia)))

The Canaanite Ugaritic Text, the Bible, and many sources back it up.

See how the Yahwists and other Canaanites record each other. Below is how Yahwists describe their conflict with the Moabites. The Moabites worshipped Chemosh, Yahweh's brother.

In 2 Kings 3, Moab was a vassal to Israel, and it decided to rebel against Israel. (v. 4-5) Israel, Judah, and Edom decide to strike back. They stop by the prophet Elisha to get Yahweh's word on whether they will be victorious. Elisha prophecies that "(Yahweh) will also deliver Moab into your hands. You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town." (v. 18-19)

This appears to be the case, and every major city is destroyed except Kir Hareseth, or "Fortified City of Dirt." Over and over, Moab is defeated. But, suddenly, in verse 27, the Moabite king sacrifices his own child, and "divine wrath" fell on Israel, causing them to retreat. The Hebrew word there, קֶצֶף, is exclusively used in Classical Hebrew to describe the wrath of a deity. The Moabites worshipped Chemosh.

We also have a Moabite stele with this exact scenario inscribed, paralleling 2 Kings 3: "Omri was king of Israel, and oppressed Moab during many days, and Chemosh was angry with his aggressions... and I took from it the vessels of Yahweh, and offered them before Chemosh... And the king of Israel fortified Jahaz, and occupied it, when he made war against me, and Chemosh drove him out before me."

This parallel is clear. in 2 Kings 3, Yahweh's prophecy of victory is a failure, and a Moabite god's wrath drives Israel into retreat. In the Moabite Inscription, Chemosh's wrath ends in Yahweh's defeat and the fleeing of Israel. Yahweh is not some sort of omnipotent being in much of the Bible. He is one of many gods, and he is a god that can be beaten.
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There are 12 Israelite tribes
Judah is the father of Judahites

For example the tribe of Dan Danish
Danish people are not Judahites

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Zero Europeans are descended from greasy israelite kikes.

According to the Canaanites beliefs. The Most High god, El, gave each of his children a nation. Yahweh was given Israel. The Bible confirms this here:

Dead Sea Scrolls: “When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene elohim). For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”. - Deuteronomy 32:8-9

While Israel is prohibited from worshipping the other gods, the prohibition is against the mode of their worship, not the deities themselves. Over and over again Israel is taught that they must not worship Yahweh in the same manner that they worshipped other gods. Deuteronomy 12:31 is characteristic of this teaching: “You shall not do thus for Yahweh, your God, for every abomination which Yahweh hates, they have performed for their gods.” In Deuteromony 29:26 Israel is warned about their ancestors’ transgressions: “They went and served other gods, and worshipped them, gods which they had not known, and whom he had not allotted to them.” They are banned from worshipping the other deities, for two reasons: (1) the gods of the nations were unknown to their fathers, and (2) the gods of the nations were not allotted to Israel. The nature of the polytheism of this culture is evident in the texts, if we read these texts as they are, apart from our cultural expectations of them.

Anyone who worships Yahweh outside of Israel is at risk of Divine Wrath either from the god that owns the land outside of Israel or from the Most High god, El, himself.
>desperate talmudic deflection
argument was about jews doing what Israelites did
Show me jews today that steal foreskins from their slain enemies
If you cannot do this you admit you're a kike that couldn't defend what you said because it was a lie.
You get one chance.

>The Canaanite Ugaritic Text, the Bible, and many sources back it up.
Source: rectum
>The Bible was created by and for the Catholics
try again
Catholics are not allowed to read the bible
not that they could, they have eyes but do not see, and ears but do not hear, because they turned their back on God
Smart men who wanted power over dumb men.
>the prohibition is against the mode of their worship, not the deities themselves.
>Exodus 34:14
>"You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me"

get a load of this canaanite
meant for
>> The Canaanite Ugaritic Text, the Bible, and many sources back it up.
> Source: rectum

I gave you quotes from the Bible and the Ugaritic text.


This is false and a stupid thing to say. The Catholic Church encourages everyone to read the Bible.

Reading religious texts encourages fanaticism, which is very important for invigorating religious hierarchies.
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>n-n-no israelites are actually more disgusting kikes than modern kikes
I accept your concession, kike. Imagine hating White people enough to claim they're just as bad as jews. Hope you don't plan on living long because when TKD comes you're fucked.
Saul/Paul and Ringo were beetles they wrote letters and songs
That is not gospel. Gospel is "the word of God"
>Yahweh was given Israel. The Bible confirms this here:
Nope. El = Yahweh
Nothing you said contradicts what I said.

The Most High god, El, have each of his children a nation. Yahweh was given Israel. Each god was jealous of each other.

This is how Canaanite elites (including Jews) justified their power and control over people, and how they explain political and natural events.

This is why, when Israel lost in the battle against the Moabites, they recorded this conflict as being a conflict between Yahweh and his brother Chemosh.
anti-christ thread

Originally Noah Gave Europe to his son Japheth
but later semites slithered in
OK, I'll try to explain this very slowly for you.

>Collection of letters, myths, stories, etc.,
>Put together over literal centuries
>Dozens of different authors
>The book is an anthology containing multiple texts
>"But we don't know who wrote it!!!"

The Vatican wrote the fucking Bible, the individual books within it were written by individuals as early as Sumeria (mentions and references of Sumerian gods, as well as Canaanite gods like Baal) and as late as the 5th century AD.

In short:

>You didn't read the book
>Make claims about book you didn't read

Why are atheists like this?
>says things
>provides no proof

>says things
>provides no proof


jewish huh
>some no name completely untraceable hebrew twitter calls to do it
>can't show proof they even did it
That isn't even searchable under duckduckgo
It's completely made up and only a tel aviv rat could find it

Thanks for admitting you're a jew
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getting real fucking tired of these niggerkike fables
You're going to die, kike :^)
YHWH is the Thunder God, same as Zeus, Thor, etc.; El has the same proto-deity roots as Ouranos. It's even mentioned in some more recently discovered temples that El had assigned YHWH Asherah as his wife.
>say goy
>believe this


>I gave you quotes from the Bible
And it didn't say what you desperately pretend it does
El = Yahweh
Elyon (El the Most High) is the title of the Most High Canaanite god, El.

Jews later absorbed the title "El" into Yahweh as the Jews began to absorb Canaan after the Assyrian Empire weakened the region. This was part of the "Yahweh-alone" movement that was reforming Yahwism to become increasingly monotheistic.

The Most High Canaanite god, El, even had a consort named Asherah. After the Yahwists absorbed El into Yahweh they gave this consort goddess to Yahweh as Yahweh's wife. But over time even Asherah was removed, hence why the Bible later states that Yahweh want all depictions of Asherah, specifically, to be destroyed.
I quoted the text before. Cope.


Fucking read the bible you kike-obsessed faggot. One of the books is literally just the letters from Saint Paul serialized.
>I quoted the text before
>doesn't link to the supposed post

>go find my evidence for me, goy

>deflects again after getting caught lying about foreskins
Neat cope but you admitted you're a kike you blood sucking parasite jew
Show me where your pic came from. You can't.

And it will be your 2nd admission you're a jew
You're going to die, kike :^)
the old testament was written in the 3rd century BC and the new testament in the 1st century AD. this has been known definitively since they found the dead sea scrolls in the 1940s.

no one person wrote the bible. the bible is a compilation of holy texts compiled and written by jews and christians.
>Elyon (El the Most High) is the title of the Most High Canaanite god, El.
>Jews later absorbed the title "El" into Yahweh as the Jews began to absorb Canaan after the Assyrian Empire weakened the region. This was part of the "Yahweh-alone" movement that was reforming Yahwism to become increasingly monotheistic.
>The Most High Canaanite god, El, even had a consort named Asherah. After the Yahwists absorbed El into Yahweh they gave this consort goddess to Yahweh as Yahweh's wife. But over time even Asherah was removed, hence why the Bible later states that Yahweh want all depictions of Asherah, specifically, to be destroyed.
Source: rectum

The picture on that jar was completely debunked
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Here's the full translation. One of your kike cousins in israel talking about how the IDF is harvesting foreskins from Hamas just like the israelites did to the Philistines. We're going to kill you kike and it won't be quick :^)
Literature is hard, I know, but if you put your mind to it you'll be able to understand the books literally state their authors. If you want to continue your tantrum go ahead but I am quite literally telling you what the answer is.
>kike is obsessed with buttholes
>can't show a soure for his tel aviv twitter
You admitted you are a kike a 2nd time haha!!

Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 3rd time
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

Start reading then.

Thou shalt make no graven image of anything that is holy.

better hide all those roman cult statues and painting up your butt before God sees them
especially the nudes in the vatican and the naughty pics of mary

Thou shalt praise no on before me.

a few prayers to roman idols, Mary, beads, the murder weapon used to kill Christ, some saints, a few apostles, are not allowed
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>Pick up book called "John"
>No author
>Google just returns the title after looking up who wrote it.
>Who tf wrote John???
That's literally King David's time. David was from Judah, separate from Israel at the time
Look up the Canaanite god, El. It's not even controversial information, many sources back it up.


Yahweh, for a long time was called "El Shaddai" because he was a god of the mountainous region which became known as Israel. As the Yahwists gained stronger control, they asserted the Yahweh's official name is Yahweh.
>no u r the kike
You're just saying "i know you are, but what am I" you 7 year old retard. Why don't you fuck off so the adults can talk? Also you're going to die, kike :^)
What a blatant lie.

I am an atheist. And I would certainly not worship Yahweh.

I like El much more, he's very down to Earth in comparison to Yahweh.
El was yhwhs father. Although Asher’s was his mother first, before she was his wife.
>"Apostles? what is this shit? Who the fuck could have possibly written the first-hand accounts of the apostles?!?"
These guys are failing at basic reading comprehension lmfao
2 Peter mentions Paul’s letters tho
>leaf is pompous retard who will end up in eternal torment
checks out
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roman judeo-catholic is bolshevik communism new world order globohomo
El fathered Yahweh and gave Israel to Yahweh. Yahweh has no authority outside of Israel.
Vulcan actually. Yhwh was the Canaanite god of metalurgy, first bronze, but later iron and all kinds. His temple is on Mt. Seir, if you want to search all the details.
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>Although Asher[a] was his mother first, before she was his wife.
>more (((bullsihit)))
>no proof

>God says rip down asherah poles
>because asherah was his wife
asherah is the whore of babylon

she has many names
>insert your mum's name
>here ___________________
>Can't show where the pic came from
>but here goy trust what my tel aviv kikes tell you in this random pic!!!
You admit you're a kike twice!
You are one stupid Goldberg

You admitted you're a kike TWICE and have absolutely zero proof for your foreskin stealing obsession
The bible comes from Iblees and his shayateen, it is their crowning acheivement.
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>(((more bullshit)))


you guys got bullied by Christians a lot for being dysgenic freaks, didn't you
>n-n-no the IDF would never steal foreskins! Uhhhhhh.... you kike!
Lmao what a retarded fucking kike. How did anyone ever fall for the high verbal IQ meme? Why don't you do something productive with your time before your imminent demise?
Which ones? Half of Paul’s letters are universally accepted as forgeries.
See the Bible itself says that El gave Israel to Yahweh.


And see here what happens to the Yahweh's human forces when they venture outside of Israel.


If you worship Yahweh outside of Israel, you are at risk of suffering Divine Wrath either from the rightful owner of the land outside Israel or from El himself.
You admitted you are a kike a 3rd time haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 4th time
>Judah, separate from Israel
Judah was given the land of Canaan
Canaan was not a Semite
Canaan was Ham's 4th son
Ham was given Africa
Canaan is on the west coast of Africa
Canaan is called Gabon today

Judah and his Judahites (jews) were nowhere near Palestine
Sorry kiddo, but your playground antics are no good here. I know you're getting curbstomped pretty hard, but I'm not going to stop humiliating you :^)
>See the Bible itself says that El gave Israel to Yahweh.
>can't prove that it does


>ew goy i linked already
>but never can iink to it
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>it's all fake goy stop

if it's all fake why does it make you so butthurt?

That was unintelligible.

It looks like your brain is short circuiting because you can't cope hard enough.

Yahweh is a false god. Give it time and this may become evidence to you.
Much later though. Asherah being yhwhs wife is why there were Asherah poles.
>asked to provide proof
>pretends he's retarded and can't read


The Bible verses I linked to did not say Yahweh or the other gods are fake. Rather it states, repeatedly, that Yahweh and the other gods are real.

Your brain is short circuiting.
>>the IDF would never steal foreskins! Uhhhhhh.... you kike!
Now you get it
What's so funny about all this is you're too stupid to realize Muslims don't have foreskins. Their rates of circumcision are far higher than your State of Pissrael.

You have been lying this whole time.
Kike Saul of tarsus copied Illyad and odesy to tailor it for white goyim
Mt. Seir, in Edom, where job was from and Jethro was a priest to yhwh, before Moses ever got there, just like the Bible says. Also where archaeology actually found a temple to yhwh, where he’s the Canaanite Baal of metalurgy.
You admitted you are a kike a 4th time haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 5th time
Attack the author
>The Bible verses I linked to
you never linked to any

that's why you're full of shit

now link to them and prove what you said

unless you can't
And here's a Palestinian source, you dumb inbred kike. Hope you don't like living because you won't be doing it much longer :^)
Sorry kiddo, but your playground antics are no good here. I know you're getting curbstomped pretty hard, but I'm not going to stop humiliating you :^)
>someone said something
>this guy goy

from where? what book?

sources chaimy

>attack the author
>attacking the source
>can't attack the arguments

Who was mathew mark luke and john? What were their last names? Where were their houses?
It’s in the ugaritic texts. It’s it even a closely guarded secret, it’s publicly available and archaeologically proven Fact. I’m afraid it’s you philosemitic fairytale fanboys that are the fringe.
King James wrote it retard it’s on the front of the book
>How do Jews and Christians reconcile the fact that nobody knows who wrote the bible?
Lots of people knew the people who wrote the bible, there are lists of people who heard John for example, Polycarp, Papias, Ignatius and so one. This was the John who took care of Jesus's mother and wrote the Gospel in his 90s. People heard him speak, they circulated his writings. He was a student of both Jesus and John the Baptist. He was there, he wrote it down, he was exiled to the Patmos island. You can go visit where he penned his stuff, including revelations. Jesus, said that the law came from Moses, so Jesus seemed to think that the early OT was written by Moses, though the law was sound, the truth was not heard until Jesus spoke it, meaning Jesus turned what could have been lies into truth to prove the divinity status. It is interesting stuff, the history is less esoteric once you know where to look.
Nobody pretends John the apostle is John of Patmos. That’s why one is called John the apostle and the other is called John of Patmos.
The very first buddhist teachings committed to writing that we know of were not in Sanskrit or Pali but in Greek and Aramaic
>buck broken kike still has to pretend a fake twitter post overrides the fact 99.9% of Palestinians are circumcised
You lied and admitted you're a blood sucking parasite jew

You admitted you are a kike a 5th time haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 6th time

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
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This is going to be (((you))) :^)
You admitted you are a kike a 6th time haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 7th time

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
anon is right though, there's not a peaceful solution for "people" like you
Deuteronomy 16:21:

"You shall not plant any tree as a sacred pole [asherah] beside the altar that you make for the Lord your God…"

1 Kings 14:23:

"For they also built for themselves high places, pillars, and sacred poles [asherim] on every high hill and under every green tree…"

This is because the early Yahwists worshipped Yahweh and Asherah after Yahweh had absorbed El. Later on, the "Yahweh-alone" movement took over and demanded the removal of Asherah.

2 Kings 18:1-37 ESV

In the third year of Hoshea son of Elah, king of Israel, Hezekiah the son of Ahaz, king of Judah, began to reign. He was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah. And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that David his father had done. He removed the high places and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah. And he broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it (it was called Nehushtan). He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel, so that there was none like him among all the kings of Judah after him, nor among those who were before him. ...

This largely happened because when the Assyrian Empire destroyed Israel, the Israeli elite needed an answer to the Assyrian monotheistic god, Assur. They wanted a more powerful god. So when the Assyrian Empire fell due to external conflicts, they came up with Yahweh as a monotheistic god.
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Here's your future :^)
I literally gave you the title and verse of the Bible, Deuteronomy talks about the sons of god, and the other is Kings talking about Yahweh defeat at the Divine Wrath of Chemosh.
it was literally two ancient religions fighting over who would be worshipped, and the hebrews kept a record of how this fighting happened

where does it ever say that they Yahweh and
were married?

>it doesn't
You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
In the archaeological record.
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This will be (((you))) soon :^)
You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
>In the archaeological record.

>it's over there
>in that pile of dirt

jews, everyone
seriously do christians here go out of their way to make people hate christians? i've never seen anyone more jewish than a self-proclaimed christian defending christianity on /pol/
>The most important book in human history
>Not even tampered by the Jews
>Somehow all of the contents is centered around Jews
>Jesus is a jew too
>His disciples are jews too

Yeah no, i dont believe this horseshit. There is no actual legit “original” bible, maybe the vatican has it who knows. All of “these” copies are bootlegs that was twisted by the Jews.
>jews said things so it must be true
why are christcucks like this?
Afraid so.
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>it was literally two ancient religions fighting over who would be worshipped, and the hebrews kept a record of how this fighting happened

>where does it ever say that they Yahweh and
>were married?

>In the archaeological record.

>it's over there
>in that pile of dirt

>believe in jewish fairytales or be called a jew.
You’re just homeless vagrants shouting nonsense while coveted in your own filth from bus stops at this point.
I accept your concession, future lampshade :^)
>Afraid so.
Don't be afraid
But you are still wrong
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>resorts to ad-hom when he's defeated

now tell me how butthurt Jesus Christ makes you
>i've never seen anyone more jewish than a self-proclaimed christian defending christianity on /pol/
Well they LARP as the real jews so there's that.
You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
Not at all.
>has repeatedly conceded
>still coming back to be degraded
Kikes really have a humiliation fetish, huh?
You are wrong. That is why you can't defend yourself
so just God then
The fucking irony
You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
>Who was mathew
Matthew was a Roman Tax collector.
>humiliation fetish: the post
>it shouts from a urine soaked blanket under the bridge
>nobody knows who wrote the bible?
use google you fucking nigger.
>you have to be 18 or older to post here.
burn in hell faggot
You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
Yahweh was Moses' assistant
>still can't defend a word it says
Asherah was connected with fertility, childbirth, and motherhood. These states were highly valued but dangerous and often elusive in ancient Israel. Therefore, people may have been scared not to worship her (basically seeing her cult as a form of insurance). There is some evidence from Kuntillet ‘Ajrud and Khirbet el-Qom (archaeological sites) that suggest Asherah was the wife of Yahweh, who may have assimilated the persona of El. Since Asherah was associated with El, she became associated with Yahweh. Yet, these inscriptions refer to “Yahweh and his Asherah.” The idea that Asherah was Yahweh’s wife is tenuous, but it is the best explanation of the evidence so far.

Asherah, by her definitional nature, is a consort to the highest god. As the Yahwists took over, they absorbed the Most High god, El, into Yahweh and gave Asherah to Yahweh as Yahweh's consort. This is why Israel at the time is littered with Asherah symbology. As the Yahweh-alone reformation began, the symbols of Asherah were banned and many destroyed, this was so important to the Israelite elite that they mentioned Asherah 40 times.
The average IQ in israel is below 100, but this kike seems dumber than the rest. Holy fuck, what a mouthbreather.
>find some forum or media
>post some ridiculous half truth for reactions
>disguise it as lulz
>sow distrust and indifference
>report back to Marxist student center
>make protest signs for next event
>smoke weed, hang out with ugly purple hair chicks that hate their rich parents
it’s a good life
John of Patmos, the exiled regular nobody John hanging around until someone wanted him exiled. Don't forget John the Elder too. Anything that validates causes seething, must make something up.
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>all dose woids

You admitted you are a kike again haha!!
Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again

The kike just can't stop admitting it!!
>hurls pissfilled bottle and stumbles off
They definitely have the DEI team working overtime with the situation in the north heating up. Most retarded fucking kike shills I've seen shitting the place up in a while.
Nobody pretends John of Patmos is the apostle John. Not a single theologian.
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Oh shit not this desert flaming bush worshiping shit thread again-- you all idiots just find desert religion attractive because you not island or frozen areas ppls... Anyway, whatever; whoever doesn't already realize religion is just law before police when every man policed himself back then is an idiot.
Grow up anons, religion is so last millenia.
Or just go for for Israel or Palestine if you're so into it. Dumbass.
Are you retarded? It literally tells you the authors and every archeological finding correlates the authorship.
Zero archeological findings.
>For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”. - Deuteronomy 32:8-9
This is an incorrect translation
It does not use the word "was".. it is present tense.

> 8When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance,
>when he divided mankind,
>he fixed the bordersa of the peoples
>according to the number of the sons of God.b
> 9But the Lord’s portion is his people,
>Jacob his allotted heritage.

Technically the word "to be" isn't even in the original text.

This illustrates it wasn't a separate action "between" Yahweh and El, it is the same action by the same entity because Yahweh = El.
just to clear up any confusion nobody reading this exchange thinks you're not the kike. hope that helps
Pentateuch is from Moses. Books otherwise typically say who wrote 'em.

You're just ignorant.
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The Kuntillet Ajrud inscriptions refers to a set of jar and plaster inscriptions, stone incisions, and art discovered at the site of Kuntillet Ajrud. They were found at a unique Judean crossroads location that was among an unusual number and variety of vessels and other inscriptions. They date to the late 9th century BC in the Sinai Peninsula.

Pic related:

Pithos A shows five figures. There are a bull and calf. A seated musician or weaver is to one side. An inscription in the pithos mentions "Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah."

For more, see:

>still cannot defend even a single word of his nonsense
Nope. Yhwh was given his portion by El.
So Moses only wrote in the third person? Also recorded his own death? That’s retarded.
>noises you hear through toothless mouths
The iliad was written in the 8th century retard you should have learned that in the 9th grade but you were too busy snorting fentanyl
>nuh uh goy
>not true
>nuh uh

>*gust of wind*
Moses and God were identical in Exodus. This is accepted.

>x was written in y
come on buddy you're so close
>t-t-t-trust me goy all my fellow whites think you are the k-k-k-kike
>Nope. Yhwh was given his portion by El.
I just explained why that is not true
Once again you cannot defend a word you say, your only argument is "nuh uh"
>>still cannot defend even a single word of his nonsense
Aliens built the pyramids
>moses didn't exist
Yes, he did.
It clearly states Elyon (El the Most High) and mentioned Yahweh. There would be no point in using two separate names.

This is especially important because Yahwists did not want anyone to use two names, hence they removed "El Shaddai" and asserted "Yahweh" as Yahweh's real name.

Also, "Lords" is often just an English corruption of "Adonai" which means lords but is just a place holder for YHWH because Canaanites, including Jews, were afraid of calling upon the name of their gods directly as it may be seen as insulting. The Viceroys (Kings) of each respective Canaanite nation can call upon the name of their respective gods since they are the vessels of the gods.
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Aliens are demons. And I've got their number.
> Moses and God were identical in Exodus. This is accepted.
By no one, anywhere, ever.
From inside a cardboard box in an alley next to a Chinese restaurant
Are you joking? Don't you know of Exodus? God spake to Moses who spake for God. Figure it OUT man.
they sure do because when you start a conversation off with
>europeans were just as bad as biblical jews
>now post proof that modern jews are as bad as biblical or you admit you're jewish
it's abundantly clear that you need gassed asap. jew
Nope. Yhwh was one of the 70 sons of El.
That's the thing, why don't you retards argue something on the fringe? Instead I'm met with a constant barrage of easily refuted 'nu-uhhhs.'

It's low effort pilpul.
Spoke to. You’re certifiable.
I didn't deny this. In fact, I affirmed this.
I'm regretting that we've spaken.
An actual high ranking likud member said they're stealing foreskins and the kike said it's a fake tweet and that I'm the kike for pointing it out lol. That retarded kike is going to kill itself in confusion.
It's because you're dull. Dull dull and small.
>sniffs glue. Feels satisfaction.
he's getting cooked and isn't handling it well
>Dull dull and small
quite the vocabulary you have
EL is not God

Uri EL
Ragu EL
Azra EL
Micha EL
Gadra EL
Gabri EL
Rapha EL
It descended from God down through the hands of generations of wise men. Ancient Jews are Aryan chads, modern Israelis are not the ancient Jews. swag swag
You should actually read the Bible. The ancient ones were even worse than the modern ones.
>It clearly states Elyon (El the Most High) and mentioned Yahweh
Yes, same being. The context clearly shows this
>There would be no point in using two separate names
Elyon means "most high" it is not a direct name it is a description you turbo brainlet
>it's true because my fee fees say so
You are the one defending that kike who shows untraceable debunked hebrew twitter as his only "proof"
So no, nobody here thinks I'm a kike except absolutely butt hurt jew puppets like yourself.
>Show me jews today that steal foreskins from their slain enemies
>If you cannot do this you admit you're a kike that couldn't defend what you said because it was a lie.
>You get one chance.
Holy fucking moses this is the most jewish thing I've ever read. Does this actually constitute a valid arguing tactic on /pol/? Reads like the talmud.
Shalom kike
No it's very easily traceable, you're just fucking retarded. In fact it looks like the link to the tweet is posted.
>Reads like the talmud
How would you know what it reads like, kike?
skibidi jesus
Somebody should let Shlomo know that only Aryans are allowed to steal foreskins now since the lost tribes of israel became Europeans or something. I don't know what these christian dumbfucks believe anymore.
>literally say it's untraceable twitter
>duur looks like he duur posted twitter duurr!
I said that you nigger brained nigger
There's no way to know if it's a real account, hence untraceable, and 99.9% of palestinians are circumcised so it's a lie anyway.

I don't speak your language
Go back to /pol/ you retarded nigger, you're not high IQ enough for this board.
If you're here to make people hate christians you're doing a great job. If that's not why you're here then I don't know what the fuck you're doing but you should stop.
>There's no way to know if it's a real account, hence untraceable
Goddamn the fucking pilpul lmfao. Why are you so nervous about a Likud kike getting exposed as a piece of shit?
>If you're here to make people hate christians you're doing a great job
Then I'm doing something right..
"“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you."
John 15:18
>Why are you so nervous about a Likud kike getting exposed as a piece of shit?
I did expose that untraceable account as a liar hence a piece of crap.
They aren't circumcising their enemies. It's either a lie, a troll, or a terrible joke.

But the kike above tried to use is proof that dead Palestinians are being circumcised and I exposed it.
Show me proof that the account belonging to Shlomo Karhi that has been verified as authentic is not authentic
If you cannot do this you admit you're a kike that couldn't defend what you said because it was a lie.
You get one chance.
>Show me proof that the account belonging to Shlomo Karhi that has been verified as authentic is not authentic
It's a kike account. The blue check is invalidated by default until real proof is provided.
Your request is invalidated. You need to prove it's real.
>If you cannot do this
I just did.

Since you're so badly want to defend that kike so much lets give you the same challenge shall we?

Show me jews today that steal foreskins from their slain enemies
If you cannot do this you admit you're a kike that couldn't defend what you said because it was a lie.
You get one chance.
>can't show a soure for his claim that it's an untraceable
You admitted you are a kike haha!!

Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew a 2nd time
Going to bed. I win. Anon admitted to being a kike. If he posts again ITT he's admitting he's also a pedophile.
>buck broken kike copycat can't show jews today that steal foreskins from their slain enemies
You admitted you are a kike haha and you're so mind broken you copy me hahaha!!!

Respond or reference me to admit you're a jew again
You're not leaving. We know you're a lying kike
No fucking way, this dude just admitted to being a kike AND a pedophile hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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>so desperate it samefags
Thanks for proving you're a lying kike
We all knew you weren't leaving
Now come back and prove you lied again, kike
>that pic
So you're the self admitted kike I broke so badly you made a thread pretending to be me haha!!

you need to take a break from posting, you're losing your shit
>a kike made a thread pretending to be you so he could say that anti-christians are kikes

Do you understand how fucking insane you sound right now?
idk if samefagging really works on a board with like 5 concurrent posters, max
>I renamed that file myself
>every post in the archive with that file name is clearly my handiwork
>it posts the same file with the same file name somehow and plays dumb
This is comical. You kikes are so broken and you know it.
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No, it made a thread to try and make me look desperate. Other anons were insulting that OP. That is how obsessed these kike are with me. I literally did not make that thread but it stole my filename and spit out my signature copypasta (and it did a bad job too, it didn't even edit out context specific stuff)

Pic related
>it made a thread to try and make me look desperate
You do a fine job of that on your own, schizoid.
The Bible was written by people who didn't eat bacon cheeseburgers.
I don't care if you think I'm right.
But imagine for 1 second I am right and someone really did make that thread pretending to be me.
How absolutely insane would that other "person" have to be?

Only a kike could be that insane and petty.
Not at all, you're incredibly neurotic and make yourself an easy target for ridicule. You probably made the thread yourself in a stupor and don't remember.
>Not at all,
Only the absolute biggest of retards would say a non jew would be that pathetic
>You probably made the thread yourself in a stupor and don't remember
Not a chance. The person who stole that pic started making anti-Christ comments shortly after with the same pic and file name, and then resized it to post twice in the same thread in a fit of cope but kept the same filename. It wasn't me. It's a single user that is deeply obsessed with me.

It was hands down the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.
Even for a /po/ skulking jew it is pathetic.
>Look up the Canaanite god, El.
Ba El
Ba El or Baal is the black bull of cukjews
Shut up you whiny faggot. Who follows a thread to another board?
The great flood literally happened. That is how the Adirondack mountains, the finger lakes, the great plains and the Rio grande formed.

This isn't something anyone argues. The brazil rainforest is a literal flood plain. The planet, mountain plains became oceans and plains became deserts when the shift happened. Watch more Diehold foundation videos.
This thread has become boring.
Some Jew faggot who self-inserts.

Y’all are all not welcome in any of my societies.

Death to whoever lets you post on here. None of my people do.
I know where the Bible came from
What does the Bible say about present times?

That things do not end well for the Jews.
Who is Esau?

Who are Esau’s descendants?
Who is Jacob?

Who are Jacob’s descendants?
What will happen to Esau’s descendants?
Will Jacob’s descendants be vindicated and their enemies punished?
Things seem to be coming together. For the one worlders; this is their last chance. They won’t get another.
The greatest moment of danger comes when they start jabbering “peace, peace”.

Watch out for the pandas.

>How do Jews and Christians reconcile the fact that nobody knows who wrote the bible?
by realizing that we do
>People have been researching this book for centuries, and yet still, nobody knows where it came from.
we know where it came from, people who have no argument against it's authenticity and historical/archeological validity act like they doesn't
stale bait, but bordem is not picky
Who cares who wrote the books of the bible?

What do they say about modern times?
Stars falling like rain!

Did somebody in ancient times see what’s happening in Palestine today?
Indeed, they probably did.
>laughs in multiple caliphates burning korans to get the leader's approved version.
Islam another makey-uppy religion.

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