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Anyone else's mom getting weird about wanting you to get married and have kids as they age? I'm 27 and my mom will ocasionally talk about the idea of me getting married and her wanting grand kids and internally I'm like '"fuck off".
>inb4 virgin incel whatever
You really think experiencing penile-vaginal contact = sudden and overwhelming desire to procreate?
Anon it's me mom, tick tock nigga
Most normies just have kids without thinking about it. Intelligent people actually plan it out, but as a result have few or no kids. Idiocracy was a fuckin documentary
your mom wants your benuz
Just rape the next woman you see that tickles your fancy. Tell her "Sorry, my mom really wants grandkids."
I think it's this
make a tinder account for you on her phone
let her deal with it
That's just thots wanting you enslaved.
I didn't fall for that trick and would rather sit comfy.
She just wants me to act as her means to the end of propagating her genetics
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Procreation is a case of quality vs. quantity. Intelligent people have fewer children but provide them with a quality upbringing and education so that they'll end up more successful. Unintelligent people shit out kids like rats and just let them do whatever. Unfortunately, this creates a feedback loop where the more low-quality children are produced, the less incentive there is for intelligent people to reproduce as they'd be thrusting their offspring into a generation with no future prospects and rampant violence/degeneracy. In the past, nature used to correct this problem by introducing famines and deadly diseases to thin the herd, but thanks to modern medicine and fertilizers the unenlightened masses are allowed to shit out as many kids as they want without any sort of correction mechanism to filter out the bad genes.
Are you white? Cause if you are an Asian man the nagging starts at 25 and never ever ends. That's why I am happy to be hitched to anyone who has a vagina and is a carrier of a potential for very high IQ. Otherwise I prefer men.
I'm white
Same difference.
Females can never see anyone else as anything other than a fashion accessory or extension of themselves. They will go berserk when they learn someone else, particularly a man is a real human.
>Alright junior, I've given you a great upbringing, now have fun in this jew controlled slave plantation which is 99% populated by 2 digit IQ dumbasses
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Correct and sane Muslim response
That's what I was getting at. It's a strategy that only works so long as there are enough other families doing the same thing. Classic prisoner's dilemma.
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Try being 43 like me.
No need for marriage just be like Chrischan
Have your parents gone insane? Funilly enough my dad is cool with it and tells me to avoid doing what he did, it's my mom who wants me to do the family LARP.
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>still talks to his mommy
Ngmi fag.
I'll.talk to her for as long as she is alive
No, even my parents always intuited that it would be too unrealistic for me
Nah, they've given up by now.
This isn't "cool /b/".
Go blog over there.
We don't owe them anything
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Sounds like a threat, I feel bad for your whore mother for having you.
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This you?
Have a kid and its a 50/50 chance picrel happens anyway
I could make babies and that would be kinda cool I guess but that would mean so much more waging

My main priority in life is to minimize waging
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All for her to end on an ON/OFF thread
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Right??? My goal is to retire as fast as I can. No one talks about the catastrophic effects marriage to a woman and having kids has on your finances and freetime / freedom. And bear in mind it impacts your sex life too.
Just eat your cereal and go outside in the sun fag, your mom knows best that every man in reproductive age deserves a good wife. This is impossible to be an outdated topic. God why is my generation so emasculated
See >>21316961
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Just impregnate your mom
No in his case a blood related individual is worried about mental health. This is his mom worrying about herself in a sense(because women of any age are very egoistical).
The rest is a question of finding the soulmate but generally humans are compatible to each other... If theyre attracted, like pleonasm aside.
You should strive for a loving marriage, faggot. I got married at 25 to the love of my life.
somebody post King Elessar's response
Oh yeah? Why should I?
You should.
Time is running out.
Yeah, and? Just do it faggot.
you say these things forgetting where you are and what times we live in. You are not wrong, just anachronistic. Be grateful for your love, but do not belittle others who are not so fortunate as yourself in matters of love and family.
Men have no wall and can get women pregnant until we die
No. i'll take the pussy and leave the wife and kids part, thanks.
My mother hates women so she pretty much encourages me to not marry and have kids.
You got lucky, women that are wife material and will settle for anything less than the top 1 percent of men are unicorns now. And even if you do find someone, there's a very high chance you'll have your life ruined in a divorce.
It's hard to believe how out of touch you tradcucks are, you act like feminists with how much you just blame me for everything.
KYS immediately you cannot be saved
Its also insulting if you had a rough time getting laid when you were younger, as if all those struggles weren't for yourself but instead so you can breed.
See >>21316980
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No, and that’s part of the reason why I’m probably going to end up dying as a genetic dead end with no children to pass on my white genetics. I wish my mom had pushed me harder to find a gf and I wish she had been more open to talking about sexuality and intimacy instead of avoiding the topic and then calling me a perverted pig the couple times she caught me watching porn as a kid.
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Mile too. How about we gay marry and rent a few surrogate mothers to deliver our children?
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Why do parents think we are only allowed sexual pleasure (in the long term) if we get married and have kids? I feel like they feel this way when we are virgins and no matter how sexually experienced we become.
Your mom loves you and cares about you. She wants you to be happy and experience the greatest joy in life by having kids. Be nice to your mom anon
I'm a 26 year old guy and want kids and a family really bad.
but I made many mistakes and have no one in my social network who I would even date, it's all married people or POC. there is nothing left for me

typically. but birth control and IUDs are used by normies to delay procreation too, only the normiest of normies and niggers still have teen or college pregnancies
>greatest joy in life
That's not what having kids is.
crab pot mentality
if they had to go through it, then their children must as well
they are not wrong about the merits of marriage and 2 parent households for the well-being of the children, however its slim pickings for fertile women interested in becoming mothers and men that want to settle and become fathers that are productive enough to do so in this economy
Because Christianity teaches that sexual pleasure is bad.
How would you know you don’t even any?
tell her to fix the economy lol

how will you have children when you can barely afford rent and women treat you like shit and ghost you if you aren't 1% chad
Whenever my mom asks about grandkids I remind her it's not her choice unless she wants to raise the fucker herself. That usually buys me a few years before she asks again. At no point in my life have I wanted to get married or have kids and I've been very vocal about it.
So is it an obligation / duty to them or is it something they *wanted* and think it would make us happy too?
*outside of marriage , yeah that it is part of it to christcucks. But the other religions are guilty of it too. No idea why they all single out sexual pleasure as the thing to condemn yet all the other senses are a-ok. We could all live off of water and boiled white rice in a 10x10 sensory deprivation box if you wanna get technical. Why not aputate the tongue, genitals, limbs, remove the eyes and nose, deafen the person, and keep them alive in a medically induced permanent coma? Can't have anything that is "good" to any of the senses after all.......
Because I see what it does to people and I can objectively and logically deduce that it will ruin my life. I can either be a wealthy playboy who does what he wants all the time and has endless pussy OR I can do the family LARP, struggle financially, have 0 free time or freedom of movement, and get way less sex than I could otherwise.
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You sound like a bad person. Please just don’t abuse your poor mom in order to live your selfish depraved sad life
>I can either be a wealthy playboy who does what he wants all the time and has endless pussy
assuming you have the wealth for that, you do realize in 10 years no early 20s woman will fall for you because you are too old, and there goes your supply of endless pussy, unless you start looking at the post-menopausal ones
>Bad person
>selfish depraved sad life
You mean what I've dreamed about since I started puberty. Pre-adult life sucks becuase you have 0 power knowledge experience resources or manuverability. As a cruel twist of biologically ordained fate nature decides to make you horny and need to fuck a girl LONG before you are in the position in life to have it on demand.
Bluepilled take. There are men old enough to be my dad who run through women constantly. This idea that being fat wrinkly and ugly is innevitable as you are just isn't true. Men have no wall if they take care of themselves.
*as you age just isn't true
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>. There are men old enough to be my dad who run through women constantly
not 22 year olds unless you are Leonard di Caprio. And news flash, you are not leonardo di caprio
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Just a money issue.
I was with a chick for 10 years then when that didn’t work I spent 4 years running through college chicks and that got old anon. You don’t wanna end up chasing that forever. Just get a nice girl and have some kids when you hit 30 it’s gonna hit you hard and hopefully you get your shit together that’s what happened to me.
Why not view it as a part of my lifestyle the same way lots of other things are? Chasing implies its the overall focus. I view sex stuff with women not as the greatest thing in life (used to) but rather as one of the pillars of what you need to be happy. The more pillars you have at once the better. And what exactly will hit me hard? Women age like milk men age like wine or liquor, and although women become sterile early in life men only become sterile when they die.
I am 31, still waiting for it to "hit" I guess. Anyways, imagine having kids in a latam shithole lmao.
>Nice woman
They are all used up after 16 more or less.
I imagine turning 30 or 31 doesn't feel any different than any other point in life
I'm you in 15 years.

Once the path is revealed you'll be freed. Find the right girl.

She could be a hot married-in person on your mom's side (not related, but has the hotness of your cousin.)

I found mine, just need merneh.

Shortcut find that chick though. You'll fall in love and your priorities will mess up. Just make that ez cash without FOMO and you're golden. Don't mart or whatever.
I think I just think that life is ultimately pointless and largely depressing maybe if you do things right it can be just "ok". I think I've always been a hedonist and me getting older combined with learning about history, human nature, normalfaggots, evolution, evolutionary psychology, astronomy, cosmology, even some neuroscience, and the way the happy idyllic , we are all good nice people "it's a wonderful life"-esque normalfaggot LARP is actually bullshit. To top it all off being outcasted so harshly by other kids and even adults as a kid (HFA is why) made me realize how full of shit and driven by tribalism and genetic instinct most people are. You either conform or deal with the consequences. And getting pussy and head is gonna be a nightmare at first. Well getting married and having kids is one thing I will never conform to, not even as part of my "cover".
You sound like a faggot because you keep talking about how men age like wine go date a man and break your moms heart already.
Most chicks I would hook up with were nice and I found a really good girl that didn’t put out right away and knew she was a keeper. She wants to be a vet to help animals and she is a good person There are plenty of nice girls out there
All that matters for a man is genetics. If your life sucks, it's because you are ugly. Women throw themselves at attractive men, life literally just happens to you if you are attractive.
not true
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>hook up

Is this goth jd Vance
Not getting married not having kids
I'm 29 but nah, my mom never cared or nagged me about it. Your mom sounds like a cunt.
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Get married to a white woman and have kids, you miserable fuck. They want grandkids, now that they know how to raise kids better, and they don't want a genetic dead end in your race's time of need. Have kids faggot.
I don't care that they want grand kids. Dad should have made me hit the gym, get some nice clothes, and taught me how to seduce girls. Mom shouldn't have cockblocked me. Both of them lied by omission about sex stuff. I didn't go through hell and back for their sake I did it for me.
Both parents know how vehemently against marriage and kids I am. Mom one day a while ago out of nowhere when it was just me and her said "its better than any orgasm." (Referencing having kids), as she walked away. I didn't prompt it or imply anything or reference anything. It is as if she read my mind and knew my priorities. I don't believe it (what she said), plus she is a woman so opinion about that sort of thing is automatically discarded anyway. All that cutesy lying shit they feed kids and teenagers about sex, how it feels , and how to obtain it (lying by omission or not doesn't matter) makes my blood boil. Talk about leading you on and hanging you out to dry. Boomers, burn in hell. Remember guys! When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they moan and groan in pleasure as daddy cums in mommy's pussy balls deep. In fact this feels so good they do it all the time, even when they aren't trying to make babies! (99% of the time). But none of this for you unless you get into a romantic relationship (they will push for marriage and kids anyway).
>40 posts of you crying about your mom
It’s kinda sad anon I feel bad for you
I want her to permanently stop putting pressure on me to make off spring. Recently she went on a cruise and sent me pictures of some girl and talked about how shed love her to be her daughter in law. Then texted and asked why I wasn't responding, and has brought it up twice mixed in with the times I've seen her since. Like stop. Let it go. It's not happening. When I saw the image of that girl I thought "you never cared if I got my dick wet, in fact you undermined it. You just want me to make you grandkids and to help with my happiness."
*you just want me to make you grandkids and to HELL with my happiness
Fuck phones. FUCK PHONES.
My mom stole 50,000 dollars from me and prevented me from ever being normal. Now I'm stalking a vtuber and will somehow insert myself into her life to become her boyfriend. This is what happens when you don't let teenager boys coom.
She is trying to hook you up with a chick and your seething about it. You have a nice mom she’s a good lady. Mine left when I was 3 to smoke meth. How the fuck are you so jaded when you don’t have any excuse. Stop being mean to your mom and go give her a big hug your gonna miss her a lot when she passes away and it sounds like she has done nothing but be a good mom to you
No she's trying to railroad me into marriage plus kids, she is not simply trying to wingman fot me. Besides this was on a cruise I have no idea who that girl is and will never meet her anyway. Plus she probably "joked" about marriage and shit to the girl which would be a HORRIBLE opening to my interactions with her. NEVER bring that shit up. I am not being mean to her wtf do you want me to do?
My parents don’t care because they know that I am emotionally cold and cruel
27? Get out there and find a wife, anon. Do your duty for the family who raised you.
I owe them nothing. They failed me anyway and even if they hadn't it wouldn't put me in their debt.
Welcome to /bant/, I love Anthony
I didn't ask to be born. They conjured me into being with their sex ritual. They are sinners and eternally indebted to me.
Talking shit behind her back is being mean to her. You don’t even respect her enough to talk good about her. She isn’t trying to railroad you or being selfish she wants you to be happy and to have a good fulfilling life and that comes with a family of your own. Maybe the girl was nice and would have been a good fit for you. Moms know who would be compatible for their kids. She probably wanted to spark your interest in taking your life seriously. Your very lucky to have a mom like her anon,
I wanna spend my life the way I was brought into it: fucking and cooming.
I've started getting harsher with my rebukes, but I'm saving the nuclear shit for the future when I'm older if she still hasn't stopped bugging me. Ultimately I'll say stuff like " I bet that girls pussy is loose and she has a strong gag reflex" if she hasn't STFU come like 5 years from now.
>>>21317053 (You) #
I wanna spend my life the way I was brought into it: fucking and cooming.

Just solved the riddle of life. Play the fucking credits and music score.. Shows over. God screwed up.
Like I said you are a bad person. You should have a sense of filial piety.

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