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-You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this.
-Wait ... no ... not like that ... no ... please stop! .... STOP!
Imagine the smell
well now that's something you don't see every day
thank you for posting this educational video to /pol/
>clicked this
This person wrote a poem once, which nobody read.
That escalated quickly.
>God will not be mocked
His creation mocks Him every single day of my life. Is He coming?
>First reaction
>Cool, some amerimutt slop made with marshmellows and eggs
>5seconds in
Nigger what the fuck
2 more weeks
Islam is right about women.
>why do i need diapers in my early 30s
>shit on her own vagina
Also wouldn't the air be drying out her ass canal making that feel horrible? Did she humidify the air with a hot shower?
I don't understand humans.
now post the part where she craps them out her mouth
This reminds me I need a new arse torch
this thing has the same voting rights are you
>>women: we want freedom
>>gets freedom
>>puts eggs and candy up her ass for money

at what point do we put them in chains again?
i closed it the moment she showed me her colon. kek.
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Verily. Gnight
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Lol .... Humans are hilarious
Guys, I'm having a psychotic breakdown from this video. Not because it was visually disturbing but because I can't understand why a person would do this. I've seen gore and it didn't make me feel this way.
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She just drops the flashlight in there, like "Use this light to look around".
>I don't understand humans.
It's better not to.
I'm sure it still tastes better than Indian's cuisine, even with the literal shit coming out in the end.
Please help me wtf. I'm having a panic attack
Did she eat all the eggs?
it would have cost you zero dollars to not post this and the world would have been slightly better for it
>better than Indian's cuisine, even with the literal shit coming out in the end.

That IS part of Indian cuisine.
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Roastie found a way to get some eggs back into her.
how did we get from
>man puts penis into women's vagina to make baby come out
to this?
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I am literally crying now by just reading the reactions. It's too funny.
Not yet
>this was someones baby once
>they held her and wish nothing but happiness for her
>turns out like this
Like I always say, at this point I'm wait for God to push the reset button again.
what a waste of perfectly good eggs
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I hace a fetish for female prolapse(vag or anal), and i knew this whore was a filthy cunt. This webm is new for me though
But this makes her happy. This is her true self.
shid breh
That's HKJ!!!
Document everything. Then when the next republic is made, make women voting illegal.
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interesting politics
Looks jewish.
Im not 100% certain, but something tells me the ancients used to do this kinda thing too before it all came crumbling down...
I didn't want to see that.
I didn't need to see that.
I didn't know somebody did that.
I didn't want to know that somebody did that.
I didn't need to know that somebody did that.
But here I am.
Can I kill myself yet?
Somehow this shit is heavier than all the drone kino from the Russian-Ukrianian war
fucking christ
In Cambodia, it was,
>The Killing Fields
still more appetizing than that dude with the scabbed diseased inverted cock
Is the e coli and Hep A free of charge or do I have to pay extra?
By giving the middle finger to God.
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sad thing is that's not even in the top ten worst things that has been posted on 4chan
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I want to eat the candies
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Modern feminist would say she is a brave, unorthodox, creative artist... free of patriarchal sexual oppression... she has created a modern work of art to last the ages
Best part as she was rocking back and forth and appeared semi retarded.

Also wonder how much she made off this vid. With residuals bet over a grand.
imagine projecting this video on a zeppelin during the Normandy landings. Like the beach is completely deserted and the bunkers are empty and a bunch of zeppelins are flying around with this playing on their sides.
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Flo! NO!
4chan a magical place every day til you like it
And very fairly, he gave us the finger right back.
That's not at all where I was expecting that go.
white women moment
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Well... alright.
I’m literally gagging
Your just afraid of empowered women
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Yeah, a very expensive hobby
what having no eggs left does to a mf
Really? because she was sitting naked on the ground in a bathroom. I feel like there weren't that many more directions it could go. What did you think would happen?
I guess I'm too perverted because I'm not grossed out by this like lots of the guys in this thread are.
How does one get off on this?
The mental illness just radiates from broads like this. As for "narcism" unless you were raised by parents that were yelling at you all the time, hitting you or a spouse that did the same I call utter bullshit.

Its the fucking victim olympics with these dumb whores.
WOULD(n't feel anything)
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Since when did 4chan become such a bunch of whinging fucking faggots?
That's not how it works. Once her eggs are gone, she can't put them back.
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I'm not grossed out. It's the philosophical implications of it. I'm being mindbroken.
I'm hungry for hardboiled eggs now.
I wish I had a GF to make and feed me hardboiled eggs
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Where does it all go?
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Go easy baby... I have never done anal before
The crazy thing about this video is that after 25 years of tubgirl, 2girls1cup, the glass jar, all the gore, the drone kino, all the suicide videos, and all the other crazy shit I've seen I wasn't phased in the tiniest bit by this one. Even when she shit herself I didn't think "ewww gross" but rather that she should've fasted beforehand like a proper professional before engaging in, what I like to call, extreme anal escapades.

Fucking amateur.
Is this the new Progressive Insurance ad?
you have just learned an important thing. no children are innocent.
It was an amateur video as she shot it solo for her OF
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But just looking at this picture should make you realize how corrupted you are.. it is just a woman with family dog... but that is not what you immediately though
This. Guess zoomers are fags because they didn't grow up seeing lemon party, goatse, tub girl, harlequin babies, screamers, stileproject and so on. They're lost
why did Whitney Cummings do this
I laughed my ass off through that whole thing
How could you just know that? What? You think you just know someone and you just know what they know? Do you assume that you just know immediately what people just know and are thinking? You just know that's crazy.
Damn he didn’t squish the bread in his armpits first, hard pass.
Women get shit in their cunts a lot more often than they want you to know.
Dog has seen shit.
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That costs extra it is a special flavor.
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bitch could lose a 6 cell maglite down that hole.
I prefer the one where one girl eats milk and cereal out of the other girl's ass.
>fasted beforehand like a proper professional
They don't """fast""". They just have enemas beforehand.
For fasting to work they would have to not eat anything for about 3 days.
Here’s your Russian tradwife, bro.
Her parents must be extremely proud.
I bet she has to wear diapers because she's constantly leaking. There's no way she can keep it in when she's that stretched out.
omg I can see her feet
You say that like its a bad thing..
I need to see this please.

Well then she should have squirted more in there but 3 days is nuts. No way a normal person's digestion takes that long. Lol 3 days .... by 2100 I'm already shitting out 0600's first meal of the day.
Where did you even find the cut birdo scene from Super Mario Bros
wrong eggs. wrong hole.
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>ow could you just know that?
>Dog has seen shit.

Why is she not eating all the eggs?
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jesus christ
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I didn't need to see this but 'scool
You could have just googled it, but here you go:
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I thought it was going to be a vanilla binge and puke video.
okat wtf did i just see
not true. lies.
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>It's the philosophical implications of it. I'm being mindbroken.
The average media production has more sinister intent than this whore-video. I'd rather have kids watching this than the new TV show or movie with a male nigger protagonist and a blonde slut begging for sex from him.
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The height of mankind intellectual achievement a world wide instantaneous communication network and we use to watch people eat food out of girls asshole.
Why are white europeans like this?
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Nah, that ain't right.
The kids are not alright.
One lead to the other so we know it doesn't work
This isn't fucking /b/ please leave us alone in our containment board thank you
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>5 sec in
oh boy, that escalated quickly.
>has picrel from gay porn
Why? What would your Mother say?
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Why are jews like this?
It truly is marvelous.

Hahahaha that's hilarious. Ideally this is how my wife would serve me breakfast every morning. The best part is when she laughs and her diaphragm contracts and some of the milk and cereal falls inside her.

(you) what's in the bag? speckles? is that a taffy or marshmallow?
absolute maniac
You have parasites that make you infatuated with feces.
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>You have parasites that make you infatuated with feces.
no, that leads to infections
women have to be careful how they wipe etc
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And how do you know you God forsaken faggot?
Dios mio, that poor cat
>Wiping feces all over your nether regions with wadded paper then having shit all over your ass and junk all day like an animal

One word: bidet

You're basically an animal if you don't use one. Women know this. I use maybe one roll of TP a week as a pretty big guy.
>This. Guess zoomers are fags because they didn't see gay porn, gay porn, scat porn, incest babies, corny jumpscares, hardcore porn and so on. They're lost
I found a longer version that is more amusing:
i made it about 20 seconds in
we are definitely in some kind of hell
Elliot Roger should have shot one of these places up instead.
I don't know why you niggers didn't close the video as soon as you saw her massively agaped asshole like you know shits about to spiral out of control at that point
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That shit escalated fast
These videos are direct evidence that people are not made equal.
I thought it was going to be a wholesome European eat egg thread :(
She didn’t even shove them all up her ass. This would have been much more satisfying if she had engulfed all of them so that nothing was visible until she shit them back out. 2/10 for poor execution.
How does Hot Kink Jo avoid the wall?
She never looked under 30, but doesn't really look over thirty over a decade later.
Can some anon explain this phenomena?
Probably prop glass, but I wouldn't doubt this whore is that retarded.
Great genetics she's just naturally sexy as hell
>he's never heard of oeufs derriere
Why are jews like this? My Jewish ex was always hiding boiled eggs in her ass
I thought that was Christian Ronaldo?
Stretching her anus is her Lazarus pit

>imagine the smell

hahaha, im eating tacos right know lmao fuking puking haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Death is a part of life
Self sodomy with food, is not
Wait, is this real?
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Yummy delicious fuck farts
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>Wait, is this real?

No, but this is... don't EVER mess with a Roo
Man of culture. Isn't she Ukrainian?
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TSUbros... our response?


The eggs are kino, but the marshmellows ruin it
that's....actually amazing. I would unironically pay like 5-10$ to watch this happen in person.
Shes attractive except for wtf.
sauce is hotkinkyjo btw, she's a legend if ykyk

Nigger this is Realpolitik.
Another man of culture.
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>Crusty Minge
Where can I order one?!?!?!?!?
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Enjoy your ban, or delete this.
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>only dreams now
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No. Thats what caused the unbelievable irresponsibility in the first place. They need the consequences.
damn the based hezbollah would cut her head off for this.
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>The eggs are kino, but the marshmellows ruin it

A true connoisseur of porn
What is Islam even wrong about ?
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she'll never be a real man
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there are many things in this world that you don't not know of yet
How is this nasty thread still alive? Did all the mods in Israel get bombed?
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You are here forever
Thread would be better for /gif/, ya?
im sure its already there regularly
Why did mods not delete this thread WTF?!
Probably found it amusing.
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>imagine the smell
>this thread
Ngl I'd eat that

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