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Vore fueled chest edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:

Previous >>21340653
line go up
Love giant women and I’ll keep looking for bargain stocks..
As I have been saying since August, I am 100% in leveraged pms, with 70% of that being silver.
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Slow and steady wins the race.
silver on leverage sounds like hell.
Not when you time the bottom, and I plan to time the top.
congrats on the $400
UUP CHADS and DXY KINGS eating good today
Seething, I'm up 30%.
sorry, $300
What the absolute fuck is going on today?
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Look at the dollar go. Pushing to 150 against the yen again. 1.095 against the euro.
yo frozenpizzanon
i was just scrolling thru my fred meyer (KR) app and they have red baron pizzas on sale for $2.99
Kek. Anyway, silver continues to try and break out as it keeps hitting resistance over and over again. You have time to get in before it does so you can make some money instead of being jealous.
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>so you can make some money instead of being jealous.
i just enjoy ribbing annoying smug posters
These fucking red necks in Appalachia with the water levels all halfway up the wall, like just keep flushing your toilet until the water goes down.
>In the US it is actually too early for PM.
I think so too
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Depending on what you're holding, those gains will disappear when the music stops. I don't have to worry about that with pms.
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I have no clue what I'm doing. So here are some legs.
yeah famously volatile silver always keeps its gains.
what's our big think on the OIL
Like I said, there will be a big breakout, then pullback before it goes up to test ath. Pms are currently the safest thing to be in right now. It isn't normal for the movements they are making to be happening. The alarm bells are going off. This time it's different.
playtime is over
make room for some V-power
>Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas set off outrage Wednesday when he told reporters that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “does not have the funds” to see Americans through the rest of this Atlantic hurricane season — after the agency spent more than $1.4 billion since the fall of 2022 to address the migrant crisis.

It is heavily record level shorted. So a chance of a short squeeze. But what do I know. I only can make money in chewy.
vagina power!
How the fuck is Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas not being investigated at this point?
can't wait to see what the answers our resident reddit*rs have for this
Congress always gives them supplemental funding when a hurricane hits. So he is saying the obvious.
To be fair Appalachia does get a fuckton of food stamps and disability

White niggers
Some of the oil gains of the last week are excessive. Israel is actually showing some restraint and this whole blow for blow thing with Iran seems pretty tame. The US is probably offering the israelis and Iranians more funding for them to wait until after the election.
You can't short squeeze a commodity that can just turn on a few taps and flood the market with new supply.
Has there been a single day recently when the market didn't just bounce back and forth around VWAP all day? Shit is annoying
just looked, they're blaming republicans
Oil is up to $75
I warned you. You laughed, mocked me, screenshot my post. You were wrong.
>ubisoft stock blasts off 30% after rumor of tencent buyout
Fuck me.
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yep, top results for the week
also this site is shitting itself again with connection errors
I've been making loads of money in uranium. Maybe you're watching the wrong market?
Just believe harder in democracy bro. Maybe the next administration will be the right one!
just hold tmf like rest of the posters here so you can have a day where it just goes straight down
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Fellow oil chad here. Bought when crude was $68.
Told you niggers to buy the dip
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ok but what changed her thinking
What are all you never-TMF posters going to be saying next year when everyone who loaded up on leveraged bonds as a long term hold are in the green??
It's all so tiresome
CPI for October is now 0.31 - up from 0.27 yesterday
Tick tock
First for fuck Canada.
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Sounds like you're too stupid to make money off the obvious trend.
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BUDDY, look at yields. The bond market knows that the government's economic numbers are total horseshit.
>market downturn
>gas prices up
>car sales drop
>palladium prices drop
to bad. not gonna slurp.
Really need to make it a crime to waste taxpayer monies this blatantly...
I've been living under a rock for the last 4 days, what's the news?
Everything's too expensive right now. Nothing looks like a good deal.
Oh. I just felt that. A change in the wind.
Precious metals are more worthless than paper money.
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This is the top
You are one dumb nigger
No pls it can't be the top I'm not home to sell
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im finding it difficult to find any trading opportunities
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>buying the top of the Chink pump
I'll pass, thanks
>has to make up an imaginary scenario to cope
you guys are hilarious
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counterpoint: everything looks like a good deal
The bond market is pricing in a US sovereign debt crisis.
The top isn't in until Daddy Xi says it is
me too. too many fake assets on the books pumping up market caps. we need a reckoning to put these companies back in their place.
chink market correction though
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It's not a crisis if we just inflate it away. Robbing bond baggies = robbing Boomers.
bobosaim please allow oil to go up 5 more dollars
Did China pump on any news whatsoever?
yeah but the news is in chinese
Well I hadn't thought about it that way
The next few moves are unironically critical for oil. It's backtesting that big trendline from below.

It flips it, that sumbitch going to 87 easy.
i should have learned a useful asian language instead of korean
Money printer go brrr.
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How inconvenient
They are starting to roll out stimmies. Xi said it's time to pump.
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I am the bottom.
Margin loans, mortgage refis, rate cuts, a slew of stimulus news coming out of the politburo...

Positioning wise this is crushing a ton of shorts and making people stuck in crabbing US stocks look at the relative outperformance.
You can't cheat the bond market like that, because it will just raise yields even higher.
Fuck all of that they're literally printing money and giving it to speculators to buy stocks.
They'll mandate that banks, pension funds, and, hell, why not 401ks, buy treasuries. The house always wins.
i'm rofling at all the hedgies and their lackies in the news. china has been undervalued for a long time. did they really expect the recession to last forever? china is going to hit a new all time high.
I wonder who they learned that from lmao
Yes, a bit like we did in 2008.

So what was the right move back then?
thats a good way to cut bobo's balls off and put him on hrt drugs and fuck his ass while his vagina grows in
The U.S. is ready to catch another credit rating down grade
HSI futes are collapsing yet china ADRs be ripping
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Nothing ever happens.
>just topple your own government in one easy step
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SPX to 4700 before anything else.
>Imports a million Haitian voters in you're path
Bros the bond market is trading like a shitcoin right now wtf
who was shorting china? we should short them before earnings.
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im tired boss
ffs I leave for a few weeks and you mfers nuked TMF.
These are alternative facts and have been deboonked chud
Doesn't the recession make the outlook bad even a few months out?
military aid
>one time payment
it's a loan
This is typical. That $750 is basically instant with limited checks. Katrina I think it was $400. That is not the big aid they get later.
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This poster is a Russian disinformation agent. Please refer to our state sponsored information here.
i also don't exactly know what people expect. FEMA has a yearly budget of under a bil but people seem to expect they will send out massive checks to each person whos house got btfo'd
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why haven't you answered my question >>21342607
clown country but wouldn't that be $750 per person? still shtty but still.
What recession?

If anything, we're seeing the bond market panic over too much growth/inflation for the amount of issuance.
we getting debooonked! by fema now?
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We're talking about Chyna. Why do you think they're doing all they're doing now?
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The same people call on shrinking the government. They should be bitching to their state.
They giving these people who lost everything $750, mean while the illegals are getting free rooms at the roosevelt hotel in mid-town manhattan and all the dope they can smoke. Sucks to be a hard working American, should have been a border jumper who can't speak english.
>FUD 1 week after stimmy
10-bagger confirmed
taxable too
Furthermore where are they supposed to spend this $750? All the stores got fucked and aren't able to sell anything anyway.
Everyday I'm reminded why I'm not 100% invested in america
Per household
why am i getting a very strong feeling china stocks are getting set up for a rugging
The panic was over them growing less than 5% and the US staying too tight for too long (forcing the PBOC to hold off on stimulus).

Jay's 50 bepis meant the Chinamen could stimulate and the current "good enough" status quo can keep trucking along.

Yeah, those are big factors in the long bond. Want me to screencap some upticks in oil/Truflation/employment?
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actually cruel and disgusting.
the consequences of allowing niggers, jews and women into political positions.
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another fry day for china chads

If you're buying into China now, right now, after this retarded stimmy pump, you deserve to get rugged tbqhwu
Clearly on gas money, burgers and fries.
Should I buy TLT or is it gonna continue to dump moving into next week?
yes / yes
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nah i think thats just paranoia i think its safe to get in here.
China markets open back up Monday and it's going to pump like crazy
Probably gonna sell my JD today. Then I'll take $1k of the winnings and dump it into Genshin Impact.
My own Chinese stimulus.
Or chinks are gonna take profits like crazy. Historically however, the chink market has pumped following the Golden Week so you may be correct (unless this time is different)
reports are surfacing, that radical ultra maga republicans in North Carolina have beaten a fema director to death.
Unburdened. By. What has been
Well I can't sell today so I'm putting my faith in ching chongs. What could go wrong?
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LMFAO'ing at you bobo, just gas yourself already you will never make any money
>reports are surfacing

you mean ONE tweet you saw on /pol/?
That's a strong increase in government.
This is the only oil chart i believe
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>line goes up
>"haha bobo sucks"
>line goes down
>"reee bobo how could you pray for people to lose money"
It's all so tiresome.
i guess that means im holding my XOM
it do be that way tho
Oil 90 bucks a barrel by EOY 2025
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the numbers Mason, what do they mean
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big doggo gains!
well the tweet was the first report, and then the repost of the tweet was the corroborating report. sir, i am bagholder extraordinaire, i have journalistic standards that need to be upheld.
reminder that chink market wont open up until monday night
the chink market was open sunday night on the 30th so it will be closed sunday night the 7th
the numbers are fake
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Russian Misinformation agents in /smg/ btfo
Had to google your reference, cause I don't play CoD dogshit. Still I could tell it was reference. People who prefered CoD over Battlefield were basically niggers.
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Are they also........ gay?
Yes, silver prices are crazily volatile. (It could be worse: imagine holding leveraged natural gas.)

People talk about using precious metals and cryptocurrencies to diversify a portfolio, but I'm not convinced. The volatilities are too high to be worth it. Gold might be the exception: it's about as volatile as equities, so tamer than silver.
big girls are for cuddling and loving, not vorephilia

>tfw no zentradi gf
nigger, everyone knows that meme
I just woke up to only 38 of my 41 stocks being green. WTF
bet on it
I don't know that meme...
why does anyone take these clowns seriously?
I think Gold and Silver have hit cycle highs and we are more likely to have lower, not higher, prices for precious metals for the next couple years.
>Roasties have breached the trading floor
>cancel all orders
im starting to realize the "you wont do shit" tag line is true. I really wont do shit. No one will. They government will keep doing this over and over and over and they will keep getting away with it.
Pro Kamarade Kamala Iranians posting in my stock market general? BAKA BAKA
No, I actually didn't as I didn't play CoD.
>the jew is fudding you out of precious metals
so uh, what's the inflation hedge then?
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My dad who'd been a BABA bagholder for some time at around $95 and had to add another $7k to bring his average down to $83 now tells me he "always knew the china stimmies would've come and pushed baba back above $100"
No, he didn't just have a hunch about baba recovering for whatever reason, he specifically knew about Xi's helicopter money.
i played more Bf2 than cod tho so back off bro
It's like every down candle even on a minute timeframe gets fought like hell. Like a repeat of 2022. It's like it's illegal for stocks to go down.
idk what youre watching but
what is it again now?
any news?
what more than good non farm niggers do people want
bitcoins ironically enough
The market sucks today. Not sure how you are supposed to be making money. Just guessing on swing trades is all there is.
No ones buying bitcoin at $60k
don't try and fight the cybercrab
For whatever reason I think I skipped that. I remember playing 1942, Vietnam, Bad Company 1 and 2 and BF 3 which was my last. But I can't remember if I played BF 2 too.
Somebody needed to make quick options money
Strike at Karkand
Gulf of Oman
good shit
because we have 0 inflation
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I’ve invested in shares of an adult diaper manufacturer with the intention of holding them as an heirloom. In the event of my untimely passing, I want these stocks to cover my nephews’ college education.
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Last chance to buy BILI below $30
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why is that pic a gif and why is it blurry
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so; place your bets, is 3pm going to be
Way ahead of you, I'm a private investor in diaper companies for furries
>A “Holy jobs data, Batman!” moment - BBG

These niggers are going really hard on that jobsdata. The revisions are forgotten. The fact +60k are McD, Burger King and whatnot seems also secondary.

I loved playing Valparaiso with a buddy. He flew the helicopter, I was at the minigun and we mowed everything down.

Bad Company 2 I remember the best. Cold War. Isla Inocentes, White Pass.
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consumer for and investor in are two different things you freak
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The gipsy i sent my laptop to be repaired fucked up, been phoneposting
You fucked up
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dont care still writin in biden
As much as Metro was the mememap, I loved it. The fights in the shafts were just hilarious. Sneaking past the enemy team and encountering them from the back with an MG and blasting them all down was just too funny.
I didnt pay anything tough, they just wasted my time and i sent it to a better store
deficit is still inflating
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extremely based
depends how it's handled but i'm an autist who likes getting squished and would kill to have a warm squishy disassociation chamber.
>I gave my laptop to a homeless man for him to fix
he probably put a bitcoin miner on it lmao
only because these greedy corporations and people like me don't pay our fair share of taxes
Sounds more like he brought it to one of those mobile phone shops like we have here 5 million of.

Ok that sounds fair.
Reminder that fundamentals are irrelevant and all that matters is perception
The company already made its money in the initial offering, what the fuck do they care what you sell your share for outside a buyback?
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He wasnt really a gipsy, thats something i called him at the store

There used to be a cool fat guy working for them that used to get me shit done in no time at reasonable prices, but this new kid younger than me quite literally called his father when je started getting nervous
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You were all sold a lie by the way. you will never be rich. you will never be "new money" you will never "own" anything. you will be an indentured debt servant for the rest of your life. They will inflate you into poverty. They will stagnate your wages and double your hours. you will own nothing. and you will be happy.
Invest in hasbro, I laughed when I saw the commander bans and knew I was justified in not purchasing high value cards that would get wacked

The secondary market is full of thieves and bandits btw, I'm not buying a good looking mana vault for more than 49 dollars. Duskmourn looks like it did pretty solidly though bloomburrow did much better and had more people excited for it.
>Between 1979 and 2024, productivity in the U.S. soared by 80.9%, while hourly pay grew by just 29.4%, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
>Some economists have suggested deliberate policy decisions have actively suppressed workers’ wage growth. http://cnb.cx/3XREBMu
0:06 / 1:00
7:35 PM · Oct 4, 2024

>They will
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Oh. What course of action do you suggest?
give up.
my only regret will not be buying more
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another day another hickory ham and cheddar hot pocket.
I'm eating a nice subway sandwich
Tuna is good
good times
Bought DRM.TO - they're pretty fucking good financial wise lots of investing in Canada, real estate, land and what not
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Watching today’s gains circle the drain.
Congrats, Norskbro. What tickers?
lil chonker in the corner doin hims a heckin chill
US credit downgrade
Not a bad idea, buncun...
>investing in Canada
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AMD at $200 eom. Prove me WRONG.
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>The US economy added 254,000 jobs in September, well above expectations

Watch those numbers get revised down months later
we're the soviet union in the 80s
What exactly are "investors" imagining that META is about to accomplish?
What the fuck are they thinking they're frontrunning? More ads?
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I got a refund from an eBay seller for the clock that didn't work, so now I've got an extra ~$90 or so to deposit into my account.
They won't get revised until after the election chud
sold unity covered call at 22 ending today. thanks for the money retard.
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henlo mister jerome
please activate stock market fix
this is urgent
thank you that is all
everything is getting corrected once trump wins. it's a loaded gun.

kamala wins = here comes the money = economy good???
drumpf wins = the music stops = economy bad!!!

if trump wins they will immediately say the economy is shit and every single "experts say..." article will be drumpf bad and that he inherited a booming economy that he ruined. if kamala wins it's she has to fix trumps first term that biden couldn't because it was so bad. the economy is both good and bad right now and that super position will be resolved based on who is elected.
pypl, baba, ibkr, kspi, siga, nisn, fairfax (canada), cb, coll, acgl, icnt (chinese etf), eqnr, pdd, rnr, googl, mkl, chcl, ulta, amzn, igic, skwd, eg, hg, talk, rail, virc, ppih, bidu, megp, amph, obt, thc, hoegh autoliners
Oil just rugged lmao
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RDDT is one of my top performing stocks
Damn, the ones I recognize are elite picks. I'm gonna dig into the rest.
wouldnt it be affected by the strike?
I hate zombie companies so much
Why is the dollar so fake and gay?
make a zombie etf
im surprised there isn't one
Ticker: RMRO
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Yes, in this case i hope he finnaly drops all false pretense and allows prostitutes in their plataforms, like a facebook of sorts that works as a universal escort site.
It's called Instagram, I unironically get ads from hoores all the time
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Please tell me the OXY pump will resume. I was hoping to cash in on Monday, but the price is starting to look shaky.
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I dont know since i dont use it, but that doesnt make sense to me. They should target it at facebook which has an older audience from what ive read
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is it true the average age of disney world goer is like 60 years old now?
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The whole thing is targeted at boomers (see Club 33)
a hundred percent this happens
Pump in the last 10 mins to a new high?
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close. it'll initially be really bad for trump but will quckly get fixed so we can go fight for ww3. if kamala wins the economy will crash and the balkanization of the US begins (keep an eye on the TXSE).
It's crazy they can just do that by pointing at some salty mud pit in the dessert.
we all made money today. pat yourself on the back
Today has been a good day for berk therefore I beat the market today. Quite a bad day for TMF, any ideas why that'd be?
What is the best international dividend fund?
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>Tencent & Guillemot family are reportedly looking at buying out Ubisoft
>Multiple games have underperformed in sales this year
>Company has lost more than half its market value this year

hahahahahaha video game market crash on its way
damn meta flying
>hahahahahaha video game market crash on its way
Bubbles never pop.
Also is there a good site for comparing dividend growth?
any news on why the usd pumped heavily this morning?
Can't stay til the ding so here's my daily


portfolio: pypl, baba, ibkr, kspi, siga, nisn, fairfax (canada), cb, coll, acgl, icnt (chinese etf), eqnr, pdd, rnr, googl, mkl, chci, ulta, amzn, igic, skwd, eg, hg, talk, rail, virc, ppih, bidu, megp, amph, obt, thc, hoegh autoliners

Strategy is profitable companies at any cap with ROIC, general uptrend, avoid red flags like dilution and manipulative Beneish M-score. I find them by screenshotting all the companies' trendlines and visually browsing the screenshot folder for winners
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yeah but not ENOUGH
niggas with 5 figure portfolios really have shares in 20+ companies like this >>21343543 ? lmao
Maybe because expectations of future US interest rates jumped higher (because of the jobs report).
6 figures, and it works for me. I outperform both s&p500 and nasdaq
i have made more today than i have ever made
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yes i made money
but that's not good enough.
i need
So much looks like it's setting up for yet another le leg higher.
You are right, already happening
5800 today
6000 eoy
u will have all your dreams come true next week
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>another 50 points today
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mumus rejoice
If you own spy you have 500 companies
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>small pullback after 2 days of runup, still green day
>oIl jUsT RuGgEd lMaO
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let's celebrate! what is /smg/ drinking? red whine here.
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will china still be pumping next week?
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oil barons ignore poor chuds like him
i boughted the oil dip
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>tfw you accidentally delete some tickers off your tradingview
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eight even bid!
six half, six eight...
seven even bid
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My watchlist is full from before the times that they cucked it.

Now I can't delete any of them or else I'll be cucked.

Also we're going to 5800 on pure copium fumes. The leg down is going to be brutal when Drumpfmptmpfy inherits this fucking mess.
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>And you can't add it back, without paying.
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fuck kikes
Fucking speculator faggots bidding up oil, like lmao you fucking morons are going to get what you fucking deserve.
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I removed CVX by accident, a blue chip OIL company. Fucking fuck those motherfuckers. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
power hour was real?
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shut up bobo
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Remind me again WHY the USA is so fucking obsessed with Israel? Why do they allows jews to control them so much? A country the size of the New Jersey state should not have this power chokehold on America...
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meta setting new ATHs today.
Anyone wanna inform me on WHY the FUCK did TMF take a hot steamy shit this last week? Are we about to get inflation run 2 electric boogaloo 1976 v2?
Why aren't (You) buying TLT right the FUCK now...? You're not fucking STUPID, are you?
Peach wine
Dem niggas gonna pump
no profit taking before weekend, bullish af
So AMD is just gonna go up 5% on literally NO NEWS???
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>baggie bearish on oil
>r*ddit faggots bearish on oil
>random idiots from investing.com comment section bearish on oil
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i was called retarded for not buying it 3 weeks ago
Everything is pumping but my MSFT is crabbing why jerome
call ambulance for bobo
anon are you looking at some futures? SPX is tapping 5750
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ES, nigger
S&P500 futures all that matters
Market pumping on 60k burgerflippers being newly employed daaaaaaaaaymn
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How did it go today?!?!
How did it go this week!?!?
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apparently i made 300€ - by doing exactly nothing.
Today: +2.74%
Week: +0.84%
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that too
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still bagholding
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didn't make enough
ive always wanted to touch those things. but im sure they get lots of applicants.
meta to $600 by next week, zuck should pass elon as worlds richest man by next earnings report.
Less than 0.01% today
Around 1% by the week
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TIGR pumped 33% today. how do the chinese do it
The market is topping almost as hard as I would top this silly little boy and leave him gaping, gasping, and covered in hickeys and grab marks. Yet people are still fomoing in on faked data. After we already had a 1 million revision down. Unreal!
Did you shave just once today? Did you try out the imagination trick I told you about?
Today's Gain/Loss
see yall monday
I shaved five times and my face is fucking raw
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>he didn't pay
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At least it's green
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talamudic post
I denounce the talmud.
Can you stop being a self destructing reject. Because you are a autonomous unit, which has full control over the things it's doing. Just save once do not touch your face do not give a fuck.
+1.94% today
+5.53% for the week
Feels pretty good
I wish, but apparently not
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No bro you can, I know you can. You just need to realize that you can as well. You ARE IN CONTROL! YES YOU CAN! SHAVE ONCE DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE DO NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK WALK A WAY FROM THE BATHROOM DO NOT SHAVE AGAIN FOR 24H.
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I use it for FREEEEEE!!!
lots of stocks either right about to double top or else sitting right at the top of their trend channels. next week we either pull back or else we somehow break out to the upside.
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truly disgusting
Next week thursday is CPI. So there is the high probability we are going to pump another 1% on cuthopes like we did 50x this year already
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>just rips into the close
God it's not fucking fair.
It can't just keep going up forever like this.
Nah, I'm too mentally weak, and I don't have it in me. The worst part is today I tried shaving with a different razor and blade that I wasn't used to, so I cut myself all over. Literally smelled like rust from all the blood.
simply put they are the only democracy in the middle east and we need to spread democracy from the river to the sea, and deliver a couple extra servings of freedom and democracy to Tehran.
Because they blow up Muslims and make them seethe which is always a noble thing to do.
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Horrible week. Not how I thought it would go.
>Nah, I'm too mentally weak, and I don't have it in me.
NO! You've convinced yourself of something which is not true. I believe in you. I know you can do it. You need to believe it yourself, and you'll make it.
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>DING DING anon suffers from self-harm and depression
Really makes you think. We should be asking him "how did it go today"
She looks like one of scoopsies collage whores.
Poem anon has convinced himself he can't change some bullshit in his life.
>get 30 day free trial.
>fill watchlists up.

this is offically a porn dump thread.
I need to use that strategically.
>pay credit cards
>FICO score drops 30 points
make it make sense
Are the markets expecting another 50 bps rate cut in Nov or a 25 bps one?
The market doesn't really care about rate cuts. They just want to make money.
Having bought crypto yesterday I’m up a few percent. Went to sell and my little profit is eaten up by the conversion spreads and fees. Complete bullshit stay away from crypto and invest in the superior asset classes like stocks.
NAK anon explain yourself
No shit?
I'm like ~30% down on my crypto positions I literally would've been better off even buying some boomer bullshit like bonds
No piss?
Skill issue
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Well tell us what broker it was so we can avoid them?
You'd be better off buying CHINA, because it trades like a crypto shitcoin.
This thread is already blown out
Australian exchange, Coinspot.
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No cum.
Anyone here on an extreme diet. I basically am shorting my fat stomach portfolio.
im gambling on chinese calls. help
How many calories are you consuming daily?
Ain't it kind of late for that?
Would it be retarded to buy DJT calls for when God Emperor Trump inevitably wins the election?
No it's not but you better expect some sheisty shit to go down within the next couple of months.
1000 calories. Enough of a deficit to lose a half pound a day.
>Enough of a deficit to lose a half pound a day.
Doubt that's all fat.
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Third attempt at contacting poem anon. Are you out there?
Only if you aren't a nigger
I can only control what I eat, not what my body decides to burn. Regardless weight line go down.
It's fucking over Rocker, he committed suicide because he had too much going for him.
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Slow and steady wins the race.
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He doesn't have a goddamn job and he's a richfag, this is inexcusable.
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I'm not sure if FEMA because giga DIE-ed the last decade but they are insanely incompetent. This is becoming a Katrina level happening because they are trying to cover it up and local law enforcement are threatening to arrest the ((FEMA)) workers if they keep blocking citizens from volunteering
I'm here but busy, I'll be back in like 1.75 hrs

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