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Is chinese food considered goyslop too? A lot of it has fresh vegetables and rice
The stuff that is breaded and deep fried and covered in sugar sauce is.
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it makes you fat
"chinese food" as in the americanized shit? yes, the it's original goyslop

Unnatural slave food that humans recently cultivated that cannot be found in nature.

Humans are carnivores. All the fruits and vegetables you eat are modern, unnatural, and harmful. Most of the wild ancestors of the modern vegetables/fruits you eat don't even look remotely close to what we have now.

A lot of it is covered in goy sauce and will make you grow tits.
Cooked in a pound of vegetable oil and breaded
Literally any food can make you fat.
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Here's your real vegetable brassica oleracea that you would never eat in nature.
no it's perfectly healthy, sneed oils and sauces made with sugar are perfectly healthy
WAIT it was the same plant?
>Always has been
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>cats, rats, dogs, babies... is it goyslop?
Goy food
Cheap oil, onions, and MSG, it’s Choyslop
Humans are not carnivores. I eat anything and everything, but I do feel bad for the animals I eat.
Maybe there is something else to it if chinese food makes you fat. You don’t see many fat chinamen.
>A lot of it has fresh vegetables and rice
That's goyslop. They feed it to slaves. Chinks love it because slavery is in their blood.
>but I do feel bad for the animals I eat.
oh no no no did you post that one absolute schizo..
>he did
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Watch the local news sometime. They will do report on local restaurants health inspections every so often. You'll notice its always the chink places that rank the lowest. Lower than nigger restaurants. Lower than spic places. Lower even than poo restaurants. Yes, chink food is goyslop.
They are importing and using gutter oil to keep costs down. Gutter oil is industrial lubircants that contain toxic heavy metals among the used oils.
vegetables and rice are slop and will give you bitch tits.
>You don’t see many fat chinamen.
they eat totally different stuff.

i used to know a guy whos family owned chinese restaurants. his family called 80% of the menu white people food.
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>Humans are not carnivores
Yes we are, here's your real natural carrot (Daucus carota), would you eat this? Humans totally scavenged, craved, and lived off of these things instead of just eating the nearest animal.

None of your fruits, grains, or vegetables exist naturally.
it's oil and sugar anon
a bit of broccoli isn't going to change that
Everything is slop that isn't a high serving of meat and also breaks you out of nutritional ketosis.
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>fresh rice
That looks like unbranded Panda Express. Doesn't look like typical recipes of those dishes.
american chinese food is some of the worst shit you can eat health wise
All chinese "food" is slop.
any food fit for goyim is considered goy slop so yes
>eating food prepared by someone else in 2024
ngmi senpai
This was apparently an art performance where he later admitted it was faked.
It's goyslop. They cook it in corn oil and drench their food in soi sauce, and sugary sauces made with corn syrup.
that looks like poison hemlock
shut up kike
>oil and MSG
Nah, but it is pretty fucking good
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if you eat this you will be fat
Am I not allowed to feel bad for the suffering God has inflicted on creation?>>21345854
Yeah, I'd eat that.
Rice is pointless carbs. It's used in asian dishes because it's traditional peasant food. It's cheap and fills you up when you can't afford real food - like meat.
There also aren't enough cows on the planet to feed 20 trillion hungry chinese people, that's why they eat rice and bats and dogs etc.
my dad went to china unironically, they eat way different food. He couldn't stomach what chinamen eat, even fastfood chains sell different stuff there. The exception being mcdonalds. The chinese food we eat is way upped in sugar and nothing like theirs. They also made fun of him by saying dog tastes so good, kek
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Not bad, leaf-kun.
Goyslop or not Joos eat Chinese food on Christmas so there.
Putting parasite eggs in food to make people fat, docile, addicted and easy to manipulate has been a form of black magick practised in China since ancient times. It's called Gudao.
The way (dao) of the Worm (gu).
Jews order Chinese food on Christmas. That's all you need to know.
>Humans totally scavenged, craved, and lived off of these things instead of just eating the nearest animal.
They did both because one keeps better than the other
First we start cooking to ease digestion and increase bio availability, then seasoning for taste and then add more for pleasure of taste until we created food porn that is very yummy and make us sick.

Sin is to use your gift of ability to imagine for your animal body pleasure. Sodomy cripples our life.

Let it be our mammal body needs: eat , poop. sleep and have each other, uninterrupted by our minds from natural order of nature.

Animals with ability to imagine, please use your minds only to serve life and not abuse it for short lasting pleasure.

I am here because we all are here.
yes that limp piece of salty oily broccoli is good for you, have some more
Jesus ate meat and didn't feel bad about it so why should you then. If you're justifying your stance with religion
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The word GOYSLOP means slop that you feed meaningless goys, but you would not serve to one of God's children.
If the food you are eating is made with subpar ingredients at the expense of your health, just so that the company can make more money, then it is goyslop.

In the case of chinese food, or as they call it here, "Ching-chong yum-yum", it is most likely made with oils like canola oil, seed oils, and other cheap commonly used oils which are known to cause cancer in the long run. If you were to find chinese food without any compromised ingredients, it would not be goyslop.

It all comes down to the ingredients that you are putting into your body and whether or not you are eating poison to make the company a few more cents.
>then seasoning for taste and then add more for pleasure of taste until we created food porn that is very yummy and make us sick.

That is one thing I always think about whenever I see those cooking videos, they always add an obscene amount of seasoning that is very addictive, and yes it does make you feel sick afterwards, yuck.
Chinkslop, maybe. The vegetable and fish dishes might be better than frankenpatties, but MSG and vegetable oil still aren't healthy.

Only eat if the other choices are actual McSlop.

Except in mainland China, because goyslop will be more hygienic and kill you slower.
If you can't make out at a glance what is it made off it's a slop, if you can it most likely isn't.
I don't consider stir-fry a slop same as I wouldn't beef Wellington. But tofu is.
Based and trad way to eat a fresh kill

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