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Feet edition for (U4AXpOiI)

>What is Fish Tank?
https://files.catbox.moe/5a314g.mp4 (embed)

>Who is this thread about?
Letty and her princess tummy!

>Thread Rules
No revenge porn
No Bettyposting until she apologizes to Letty

>Letty's accounts:

Previous: >>21223352
I'd eat her pussy
But where the fuck is her left tit?
Letty said she "hates chicken" today

Who the fuck hates chicken
Her neck looks like toyotaro drew her
Her head was decapitated there.
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You ever heard the cliche fried chicken and watermelon? Letty eats filet mignon. Because she's smart.
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Just post the full videos atp
hey prosecutors you can suck my fucking dick
Drop it Jezza, where do you think all this is going to end for you my deranged king
why are we still doing this man
What's the alternative
Why the fuck didn't she get the love she deserved, Jeremy?
Good post.
her only source of love is self love... and thats what she deserves. oksana and yuri fucked up somewhere along thhe way
>her only source of love is self love... and thats what she deserves
Is that suppose to be bad?
Women aren't meant to love you the way you think they are. You only have one mother and only she can give you motherly love...
you might have bpd lol. when your only form of love is self love... ur a narcissist
We're more alike than you know my deranged king
lol you can't be serious... r u discourses on letty looooooool
name calling isnt an argument
Maybe one day you'll realize that you're the one who's not right in the head.
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women arent meant to love me the way i think they should? women have literally caused me nothing but pain and suffering. i hope they love differently than the way i think
im definitely not right in the head... im not stupid. victims of abuse are often turned into psychopaths
damn she getting chubby
Oh yeah that's right, you said yourself you're a level 3 psyopath among other things
Can i write your name onto me?
factor 2 psychopath yes... also any letty cells wanna talk i will tell you anything you wanna about her
What's the secret to her princess powers
no dont do that. love you man
ok i won't, <3 luv u too as crazy as you are
bpd and charisma there is a reason i was obsessed
Take care of yourself Jezza, don't want you in Jail or worse. Have you been talking to any nice galpals meanwhile?
I wanna know what went wrong.
It's okay Jeremy, you're in the right. She's gone now. All she deserves is pain.
thanks bro. nah i dont talk to women. lets be real im probably going to prison for a couple years... its up to nina
do you get flashbacks?
They wont put you in Jail. They'll likely fine you and give you probation.
In your heart what do you think she would choose
if hes saying that hes probably going to prison its most likely because his lawyer told him so lol
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She never deserved any of this... I could've protected her, Jeremy. I swear on my fucking life I could've kept her safe. Why the fuck did it have to end up this way?
Hmmm. Has he considered fleeing from the country? Starting over as "Juan" down Mexico way?
do you keep this pictures and her nudes in the same folder?
i have nightmares of nina very frequently
why don't you use a trip
im not a trip fag. that shit is gay af
This. Maybe a vanity one? with "JEZZA" in the middle somewhere.
Why do you still love her, Jeremy? She deserves nothing but pain and death, why did god bring you into her life? You deserve someone better, not someone like her.
its funny you say thhat. ive considered it. my name was juan in spanish class haha
she's the only girl ive ever loved. my only girlfriend
I'm very sorry to hear that Jezza. Love makes us do things we normally wouldn't.
Why? She doesn't deserve any of that now. Stop loving her, she only deserves pain. Please.
inagine saying this shit to the crazy stalker of a girl on the internet you dont like. you are just as worthless as jezza
You truly understand nothing.
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also if any girls want some clout and wanna create some drama... date me!!!!!!! ehmmm abi plz
go back to posting children and stop encouraging violence, retarded gypsy
eric and dylan did nothing wrong
>ehmmm abi plz
Never thought Jezza would make me laugh.
Love yourself, Jeremy. Not Nina. There's nothing left of her to love, just let her rot. She deserves to rot alone.
Just how much content did she send you?
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A Jew that needs to cleanse their sins

Wtf is that build lmao
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she was decapitated
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Love me barefoot Letty in a skirt, hate how the first feet thread turned into a nude spamming shit show.

what a semen demon
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TJ just needed a hug...
Letty is a princess!
i ship nina and tj so hard. plz i actually like tj.
Letty really is the prettiest and most perfect princess ever!, i love her so!
when did they get in the pool? who was streaming
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it was on fishtank.live stream two days ago
You should be able to still watch it here. Might want to download it before it's taken down.

Lucky guy. Wish I could cuddle with barefoot Letty, maybe poke her soles or play a little footsie "by accident". Wonder what Taylor is gonna think about this.
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I love stern Letty!
she really is such an energetic princess!, no wonder she needs so much princess rest..
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Hopefully she rests somewhere sunny by the pool!
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This from Powtank?


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does jet neptune have a bigger penis than you?
This thread has brought all the fags out, and I'm not talking about the foot bros either.
Are those all suppose to be him?
They are
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Princess booba
imagine blowing raspberries on Letty's tummy..
Imagine pecking her soles with kisses! Do you think she'd giggle?
TJ you lucky bastard. For once you get to touch an actual attractive girl.
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I wish I could apologize to her. It hurts so fucking much.
What have you done
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Love her crazy hair!
I don't know. It doesn't even matter, she can't be helped anymore.
Did she go live recently?
That was during Powtank. Got the screenshot from Twitter, but somebody's got to have it. Not sure if it was from IG Live or the FTL site, or if it was a Live from her nicetogirls IG or Jacob's.
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Hopefully someone has it and can upload it.
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it was a live on lettys instagram
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Pretty letty
i love her so..
As do I. White is her color!
Agreed, this is one of my favorite Lettys
Imagine going to Catholic church with Letty!
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Sounds swell....
Cool ig post
She's like the quintessential example of exactly what I'm attracted to
Same. Smart, dark, complicated, European, medium height, big breasts, leggy, cute feet, etc.
People can convert, no? I dunno, I think she'd like Trad Catholicism. That can be her replacement for white girl healing crystal bullshit.
can someone pick me up on the 27th we will troll the fuck out of nyc lol

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