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Black men are the master race of the male gender.
>most muscles
>biggest dicks
>best at sex
>most masculine faces
>highest t
>deepest voices
They're better than whitebois at every physical activity by a mile. They can make you their bitch against your will and you can't do anything about it because they're too strong. They are the alphas and whitebois are the betas. They are predators, whitebois are prey. All arguments against this is cope, "bwc" is cope. The sooner you accept them as superior the better you'll feel.
plus they're better at
>harvesting cotton
>doing crime
>getting back to work
>getting kept as pets by whitebois
all of this and still they were so easily subjugated. and remain incapable of governing themselves. i'll admit, it doesn't make any sense.
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Say it out loud "black daddy cock is superior, black daddy cock is superior!" it'll feel sooooo good
if what you say is true then why is it that africa isnt a superpower country right now? please do tell and educate us since you know so much.
it's a chinamen. i don't think he'll reply to anyone who isn't being overtly racist.
Colonial oppression
I didnt ask you, you fat fucking syrup-drinking french faggot. shut up.
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i long to be so oppressed that people come and modernize my country. then i think i'll let it all rot just out of spite.
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You will never be a real nigga. You have no hood, you have no crack, you have no bitchiz. You are a FAKE NIGGA twisted by the paper and the game into a crude mockery of the street's perfection

All the “hype” you get is two-faced and lyin. Behind your back people snitch on yo ass. Yo daddy and momma are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "niggas” laugh at your honky appearance behind closed doors.

Real niggas are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of dollars spent on gold chains have allowed real ones to sniff out fake ass niggas with incredible efficiency. Even niggas who “pass” look wack and unnatural to an old head. Your pale skin is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a bad bitch home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your little white boy dick.

You will never be cruisin down the streets in yo '64. You load your piece every single morning and tell yourself the next nigga who tests you gonna get smoked but deep inside you feel the FAKENESS creeping up like too much lean, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight of the sauce.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll screw a dealer, try to rizz the wrong hoe, and you'll end up fulla holes nigga. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of having a fake ass nigga for a son. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your "Street Name", and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a fake nigga is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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10/10 black aryan ubermensch supersoldat

9/10 black Viking

7/10 black wood elf

5/10 Mexican

This is now the official ranking scale no other rating is valid.
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All that ruined by simply being niggas.
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blk boys are inferior to White men by every metric, blk boys are an under evolved servile slave who's greatest possible achievement is serving White men.

>White men have larger penises than black men, the average size for a White man's penis is 6.5 inches compared to 6.1 inches for black men

>Erectile dysfunction
>Infertility (most likely to be infertile)
>Sperm quality (black men have the weakest least virile sperm by far)
>Intelligence and iq
>Heart health
>HIV (blacks are genetically more susceptable to HIV)
>General health (not it isnt just economic)
blk boys cannot and will never be able to compete with White men sexually or evolutionarily. They are unadapated to life outside of the savannah and jungle and suffer for it constantly, they have weak obesity prone bodies with fragile immune systems that make them more vulnerable to every disease. black women know this and are increasingly abandoning blk boys for superior, more evolutionarily fit White men, even nature itself seems to acknowledge blk boy inferiority and curses blk boys with weak sissy sperm and non-functional "penises". blk boys have always been treated as slave cattle by superior races and have been unable to fight back or compete.

>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women

>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

women are master eugenicists and refuse to have sex with blk boys because their bodies recognize blk boy genetic inferiority. blk women orgasm less than women of other races because blk boys have inferiorty sissy clitties and women are aware of this. White men and BWC are the sexual apex and most desired by every race of women
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