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A lady and her Ponch edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season 1 of Fishtank. She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.
https://www.twitch.tv/betty_fae (embed)

>Her cat Poncho

Prev: >>21359804
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Betty usually streams once or twice a week
These threads move fairly slow unless there are new developments or drama.
Please try to be nice to each other in the meantime

It's funny I used to bake /ftl/ all the time during S1 but haven't in a while. You forget the small things.
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I have not yet figured out this coding thing but I’ll practice with it more because it seems interesting. Maybe I need bash instead of python since it’s a bash script
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Bio when you see this, if I were to get a real laptop eventually what type would you recommend? Windows laptop or something else? I legit have no hobbies so if I could learn to code and stuff it would be fun.
Betty you're a retarded stupid cunt people here are constantly trying to frame others as being pedophiles for fun wise up or cut a little deeper and end yourself
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>Betty finally meets up with Jacucki at UK airport
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Figured out that the Linux terminal thing already uses bash i think.

Would I delete where it says streamer name and type in her twitch name?

And to start it would I just hit enter?

Sorry if I’m asking a lot of questions
She looks so good in this picture.
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why do white males do this?

is it any surprise that white males are all addicted to BIG BLACK COCK?

Januki's actually skinny IRL.
Black balls anon, how does it make you feel now that Betty is gonna date an aryan
i dont care because i have sex with random women LOL
>random women
Have fun having herpes for the rest of your life
i'm immune to vd's doe
>i'm immune to vd's doe
yeah, no
Says who
Look up his X account.
Jr you need to install certain software first:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

streamlink (i've never used the appimage but it's probably easiest):

you're gonna want to rename that to just "streamlink" and move it over to /usr/local/bin:

mv streamlink-6.11.0-1-cp312-cp312-manylinux2014_x86_64.AppImage /usr/local/bin/streamlink

then you're gonna open a text editor, nano works:

nano record_twitch.sh

then paste the following in:

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <streamer_name>"
exit 1


while true; do

echo "Recording $STREAM_URL at $QUALITY quality..."
streamlink --stdout "$STREAM_URL" "$QUALITY" | ffmpeg -i - -c copy "$OUTPUT_FILE"

echo "Stream ended or disconnected. Waiting to reconnect..."
sleep 30

after that press CTRL+X, and on the bottom it will give a little prompt about saving the file, just follow what it says.

now all you need is to make streamlink and the new script executable:
chmod +x record_twitch.sh
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/streamlink

once that's done just type in:
./record_twitch.sh betty_fae

and it will do the rest. That's as concise as I can make it because i'm on my way out the door.
You can learn to code fine on a windows laptop Jr. and you're more likely to find help with a windows laptop than with a Linux one. We should probably avoid shitting up the thread with too much nerd/tech talk for the time being though.
she's brown
That ain't him bro he's fat and old and gay
>avoid shitting up the thread with too much nerd talk

Yeah I was thinking that. Thanks for the explanation though I’ll read it when I get home. As for today as long as she has a vod up for a little bit I have an app to download it.
The future we all chose
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Good afternoon bros I love Betty
She had a great stream last night, and we might get another one
It's great to see that she's feeling better, I get worried since apparently she hasn't been able to eat solid food due to her tooth, and is living off of nutrient shakes
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Betty is dying. Does this look like a healthy person to you?
She's really starting to age poorly, once they hit 25 its all downhill from there
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Betty + glasses is a dangerous combo
she has aids LOL
Only now she looks like TF or Charls
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>Hurrican Milton continues to defy odds as the second strongest hurricane on record in the Gulf of Mexico
Treeeeeefingers where are you, are you near a starlink? Can you read this or am i talking to the void now :(
He's probably not gonna have power or cell service for at least a week
God may test and cast tribulations but won't harm his holy warrior
what are you working on?
Saving her streams for when I’m not there. Eventually I wanna learn to save her tweets but that’s a little more difficult because of Elon musk
Lord have mercy. Another hurricane right when he started becoming devastated. He will see this through
Absolutely not but I’ve never found her attractive anyways. I’m here for the inevitable crash out.
neat script! (it's probably best practice to use [[ instead of [ if POSIX compliance isn't absolutely required)
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imagine ever typing a mean word about this angel
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Tf is going to be fine he's not even near the path on todays updates.
TF lives to see another day
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This anon knows what's up
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>Betty cares about all of her fans, even the weird ones like treefingers

She is truly the best girl from fishtank
Awe <3
It’s insane how accepting and forgiving she is
I wouldn’t have made it this far with any other Fishtank girl
Bitty quite literally saves lives
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She needs to apologize to letty
I meant this far without being blocked not that I would’ve killed myself but yeah

I love that bitty
why would anyone apologize to a goblin?
So what are we gonna do the exact sams thing we did last night? Just argue? Don’t start again
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Betty bug general, for Betty bugs. If you wanna complain about how much you hate Betty just get a journal or something
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Why can't she just apologize to the people she's wronged?
Ok so when I said don’t start you said where do you think we are implying it’s 4chan and the internet is free speech and anything goes but now you’re asking her to apologize for things she said?
Are you putting words in my mouth again?
Nothing will be done nor said until he uploads a timestamp
Then explain what you meant by “where do you think we are” I can’t wait to hear this one lol
>So what are we gonna do the exact sams thing we did last night?
Klaus(Matthew) not being a namefag for once like it isn't immediately obvious it's him. Why couldn't you post a photo of your setup in /ftl/? Would have taken you less time than it took you to compose this post.
Idk what you're talking about sorry
Yes you do.
>hop on /bant/
>Micro penis thread still up after multiple days
>Gay furry porn
>interracial hentai
>normal hentai
>like 20 shit threads that get bumped by people calling it a shit thread
>Retarded politics that belong on /pol/
>like, 2 decent threads

This board is legit becoming /b/ and it fucking sucks, can the mods just straight up ban any form of porn here? Even blog posting is better than this shit.
You lost me
>>Retarded politics that belong on /pol/
Most of those threads actually /pol/ threads that got migrated here by mods for being too shitty.
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You silly billy you made an appearance, how have these past few days been treating you
You need to apologize to everyone in this thread for being annoying piece of trash and denying us more free bitty vag
She doesn’t owe you an apology She doesn’t owe us vagina pics. She doesn’t owe anyone shit
>todays updates.

TTD is still on the menu
Re read what I wrote and try again
Oh you were replying to that guy sorry
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Bitty should jump in her cop car right now and head down to Tampa to give us all the live hurricane news happening on live stream.
Think of how many viewers you would gain with a live Hurricane Milton stream. And be expanding your talents as streamer. It would be epic
i definitely havnt spent the last several days crying and sulking
Oh about the hurricanes...hang in there champ
i cleaned my room today
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Betty converted me
I now prefer brunettes
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Hell yeah
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You are the warrior of light set to defeat the knight of darkness. Heavy is the crown TF...heavy is the crown but you will make it out & become stronger
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It's not up to me it's up to her bf get cucked nerds
why is she crying here?
i got some incense that kinda smells like cake
i killed the thread i knew this would happen :(
She was talking about going to Sam's comedy show and being surprised at how nice everyone was to her

Betty has another Twitter?
Nevermind I think she’s making a joke about having an alt to look at egirls not her posting on it
relax jr, it sounds like a joke or maybe she does have one. Does it matter?
You've done no such thing. DW.
Yes, multiple. You're missing out.
You agree with my post above? She means a Twitter where she watches stuff not for her posting on it
Guys is this true? I know she has this one other account but she hasn’t posted on it in like a year

No bullshit, Jr., she does have a couple of other Twitter accounts. 1 for sure if defunct and she hasn't used for years. The other ones are just back up alts in case she gets banned. She has another IG where she was posting her edgier artwork a few months ago, but she stopped.

No, I won't tell you want they are.
Does she post anything on the backup alts
Those screenshots are pretty obviously fake. There's real ones of me making much lighter jokes. But I aint said any of that shit so Idk what to tell you. I was sent fake screencaps too of other people allegedly talking shit about me.
wasn't it jeremy who had a fake twitter account of yours at one point
Ok. I think I know the ig I won’t say the name but green pfp right?
>No, I won't tell you want they are
You are a responsible one
Just out of curiosity what do yall think I would do if I knew the alts? Why would I be considered untrustworthy? She could always just block me if I wronged her in any way. I already think I know one of the twitter alt’s she posted that little squirrel guy from Madagascar on it
You need to focus on building a life outside of Betty instead of burrowing yourself deeper.
It's for your own good
Why? Explain
lol. This is why I need to get a P.O. box before ordering off the etsy store.
I don’t care as long as she doesn’t have this whole other community of people that I don’t know about. I mean if she did it’s her choice I’m not gonna complain but I just don’t like feeling
Un-included you know

Why how does that relate?
He still does. It's _pinksox_
I'm worried about friendly fire.
hi bitty :3
Yeah you got ick tonight get it together or leave I'm trying to see bitty vag tonight
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I almost forgot all about that, crazy lil jezza
TF is worth ten of you, scumbag.
Oh that’s Betty without her trip code I didn’t realize
>I just don’t like feeling Un-included you know
Get tougher skin or else life's going to knock your around harder than most.
I'm on PC doing radar omega
I've had this discussion with him a few times now. It never seems to take?
It’s not about that. When the secret discord joke was going on I just wanted to know what I did wrong to not be in it
He has a goldfish's memory.
>I just wanted to know what I did wrong to not be in it
You definitely need tougher skin if you're neurotically worried about wronging others and being excluded from things. It's not healthy for a man to act that way.
I haven’t even read the screenshots cuz anything skull says I don’t care about


Still not hating on him but you could say a lot of this same stuff about TF
It kinda pisses me off when u do that shit tho. I couldn't even have a secret discord etc. If i tried.
Yeah my bad Betty I also had irl stuff going on during that time, it won’t happen again. Are you still pissed off about it?
She has spoken. Stop being a neurotic little sperg, Jr. We told you it's a big turn off for women.
jr take a quick autism test rn & report the results
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Ariel why are you lying again? I was there in the discord when you talked shit about Josie and letty also why do you keep pedo baiting?
I like getting constructive criticism from you so if you think I should stop doing anything just let me know. I wanna be enjoyable to talk to
I did "talk shit" as in explain what I experienced them doing while i was there? And you probably are the one lying since it was like 5 people there at the time i discussed it and i know who all of them are and you're not one of them.
>I wanna be enjoyable to talk to
This is why you fail.
I will I’m just waiting to see what she says real quick. I know obviously the sperg out was bad but I’m wondering if there’s any other small things I could work on
The boys in the secret discord it like when you are coy about it.
I also would really like to see the results of this. What would be more damning "yes, autism" or "no, autism"?

>I know obviously the sperg out was bad
Lol maaaaaan I hope she didn't see that one JT.
I fucking hate discord. I've always hated discord. I barely even used bettycord.
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When are you going to apologize to letty and klaus for talking shit?
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unironically Mr. Rodgergs would take you so far in life, linkrel:
a picture for ants.jpg
Im totally chilling right now I’m just asking if she’s still mad and if so what I can change. I feel like thats a good way to improve
You're a dumb shit
Worth absolutely nothing
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Two more weeks
>and if so what I can change
She explicitly told you to stop asking about things as if you were excluded from them, like the "secret" Discord.
Yeah like over half of those are except for like the whippet part and i did tell them they can't afford to loose more braincells lmao i remeber that.
G'day cunts! How are we today?

You're still posting out of context screenshots from a convseration you have no insight of. It's been a whole year now, fucking move on mate.

Mate you need to let go of the screet discord and telegrams. It ain't healthy for ya.
I bet the wiggers are on cloud 9 with that new Galaxy Gas.
Okay but all of you were egging it on. A lot of people were lying about Betty saying that there was one which is also bad desu.

I already know it was a troll now don’t worry
I don't really know from Discord, I've managed to avoid using it somehow, are there such things as secret Discords anyway? I thought they were all basically open?
These arent even out of context half of them are straight up faked.
I never got the point of nangs ayy. The high comes from fucking up your brain while highs stimulate in certains ways.

You didn't answer my other question, how are ya?
Started working out yet
while *other highs

Even then it's been over a year, and you've been in much more interesting drama
i think i having pretty thick skin tbf
I inhaled once on one of those balloons it gave me the worst migraine ever. I have other friends irl who do whippets like over at the farm and I don't think less of them or anything it's just something people do for fun or whatever like drinking. Hurts my head too much though.
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I’m assuming Betty’s good with me as she still replies to me on here and stuff

Another example of Betty’s remarkable forgiveness

Skull is a fucking dick
Are you the one that cuts himself and wants to be pegged?
They're not you just always snake on people that are nice to you for some reason
I'm pretty sure he's on parole now for CP statute of limitations unfortunately still applies to the situation with the 13 year old cousin. Imo he should be in prison though.
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GTA IV port is a fucking disaster.
They are pretty obviously fake and if you can't figure that out by the message deleted shit poor photoshop job and way i type you're kind of retarded.
it stressful in here tonight ;(
Btw that's a really stupid bold assumption to make about internet people you've never met. Projecting is really sad to see.
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Here's a lewd of me to help
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It's not that I think more or less of people, I just think you can do far better than them.

Would this image cheer you up?
that is very kind but im on no fap day 1
How do you guys feel about vanity tripcodes? Post related. Free one for ya:

TRIP: '!yuEqrIMGaY' -> PASS: '8MM^t]@v'

Stress relieved. TY Betty.
What does this mean like we would start using a trip code?
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Unfortunately for you some of us were there and took screen caps but ok lol

Ariel why do post underage photos of yourself to pedo bait along with wearing toddler underwear and videos of you wetting yourself in lolita dresses?
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Got everything but AA working which is being a bitch. Well, it does have AA with SweetFX but not enough and the whole thing is still a mess. DSR doesn't seem to work with dxvk even though it should.
I'll just put up with it probably since I'm not exactly playing it for the visuals and it's not super distracting once you get into it.
After Rockstar's ridiculous 'enhanced' rereleases I wouldn't trust them to come back and fix it, even if they wanted to.
Nah that would be weird. We can already identify ourselves pretty readily just by writing style. I mean just what ya think about em? Gay? Unnecessary? Lame? etc.
The game is old enough, you could run the game at a higher res and down sample?
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I'm starting to really look forward to hanging out later night with Betty in this general
Like I was thinking about it earlier in the day
Should I take a step back bros?
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That’s that Betty magic for ya
That's DSR yeah. Should work but it ain't. idk I'll ask around tomorrow
You're here forever
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>Should I take a step back bros?
Welcome it
You could try brute force by creating a custom resolution that's 1.5x or 2x great than your monitor. Nvidia or AMD?
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Please do not stalk her. Welcome fren. Enjoy one of my favorite Betty pics.
Poncho grumbled at me today
He still loves you he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings
Kot knows you're a good bitty. Probably just thinks you're a little obsessive him
angry grumble or hungry grumble?
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Poncho loves Betty so much. She’s rescued him from the crack house and became his new mom.
Grew up in a crack house and now lives with a mentally ill pisswhore.
Poncho has seem some shit.
Maybe he's just jealous of something and wants attention
Haha you blocked and you're always going to stay blocked theirs nothing about it you can do. Stay blocked faggit
I got into the wrong fuckin field man:


I think we get access to coffee that I do not trust at most? I wanna be xbox product manager...
You do fuck all as a PM though, management consulting is the peak "doing fuck all" path if you wanna go down that route.
>You didn't answer my other question, how are ya?
Started working out yet

Just saw this. Yeah I mean I’ve worked out but I’ve never gotten consistent enough
He's been moody as of late
I wish to be paid for doing little to no work. How do I achieve this goal?
All you need is an EMBA program or some bullshit. Consulting firms love those for some reason.
Too much work. I will continue having sex with men for money. TY anon.
>I will continue having sex with men for money.
How does one get into this? Asking for a friend btw.
Posting ads in the back of mens magazines with a shirtless picture of yourself and the words "NO RULES" at the bottom. It's pretty simple really.
Subtle wording in m4m personals
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did i ever show you guys this picture collage of some of the readings i gave for people? i thought it looked really pretty
We were on a walk and he was on his leash and he wanted to go under the deck and i was like no poncho and i went to pick him up and he thought i was going to take him back inside so he did this little angry sad grumble sound
Can you give me a reading?
Aw he didn’t want to go back inside. He’s so cute. Was he happy again when you kept walking him
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what would you like to know?
my destiny
hmm maybe i only have one candle and its orange cream scented but let me see what we can do
Save up money and have a catio built in your backyard. I made one for my cats and they love it. Plus, you get the peace of mind that they're safe, can't wander off, and still get to be outside.
>so he did this little angry sad grumble sound

Poncho knows that he is handsome, he's turning into a little prima donna!
What happened with his 13 year old cousin?
Is there much wildlife that poses a threat to cats in the burgerland?
Quite a bit actually. Not just cats, but people also. Mountain lions regularly fuck people up and coyotes are a big nuisance as well (attack dogs and cats).
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Would you guys have a threesome with Jeremy and Betty?
Yes, coyotes in many parts of the US. Wolves, mountain lions, bears (black and brown), snakes (mostly in Florida), Haitians.
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so a young man wants to know his destiny..

im seeing maybe you've been for a very intense ride so far. you may have even had a close call with death at some point.

you might feel your ready to let go of something you've been holding onto.
what im picking up could be future energy but i feel strongly this has already happened.
there could have been a bad situation in the work place with bullying or some kind of trouble makers. there may also been a situation there or at home with someone being secret about money. this has gotten exposed or will be.
when i asked about your destiny we pulled this 2 of swords. it is unknown at this time. its possible you are being called to meditate.
good luck
Glad you weathered the storms well, TF. Stay safe out there.
the storm didnt happen yet guys
How long until touchdown
thursday in the early AMs i think?
Only if she brings her strap on and we spit roast him
i may have done a very tfers thing and made betty annoyed at me again but ill maken it up to her with a vow of silence 1000 years
Is this skull hyde pedo shit real or are you niggers just trolling ariel with lies because you know she'll believe literally anything
I’m late to the party on that stuff but he himself definitely confirmed he fooled around with an underage girl.
it's real, he dated an underaged girl
truuuu desu there's a few screenshots from his discord acc confirming it himself
What did you do man
i can tell you in 1001 years
Tell us...also why did you delete your twitter
Why don't you fags ever post the screens then
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Post them for who? Everyone already knows.
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So sick and tired of hentai gifs being at the bottom of my screen. What if I open bbg in public and someone thinks I’m watching porn
Use Brave Browser from Big Brain Anti-Vaxer Brendan Eich. I'm so mad I bought that fucking crypto... the browser is good though.
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lol you dumb niggers stfu
F for fantastic btw
I made a tier-list and put Betty in S rank. /ftl/ was fucking SEETHING. Buncha dweebs.
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It actually works thank you. So nice not to see ads.
i have made life plans to leave the internet forever to prove to betty im not a qanon cloutchaser
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Yw np. I’m full of tech tips like if my name was Leo Laportly.
Anon did you send Betty something inappropriate?
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This is true
why does she thinks if someone likes her a bunch they must be an actor. she must not see how special she is.
im stuck on the coffee train 1 more then i g2bed
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They know where she belongs
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/tv/ is a ck board now
I haven't been watching but she seems fun and a good sport.
/ftl/ has no clue. S class rating was frankly too low a rank for Betty. SSS class would be more fitting.
im pretty sure qanon was friends with production they just use him to make fun of me but im not actually anything like that and my heart is pure i love betty even though i make her really annoyed mostly im always gonna love her even when i am a 60 yr olds man i will keep it secret in my heart they will ask me why do i cry and i will just say "you wouldnt understand.."
For real. Next stream she’s getting tier 3 from me. I’ll probably just do 6 months and then do another 6 months when the times up just to not complicate it.
You guys ever kept up with an online crush from years back? I can't be the only one right?
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You'll drop her in when she hits the way in 10 years or less she already looks like she's on meth
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no i love her a normie couldnt understand
should i do it??
she not gonna believe me if i stay but i dont wanna go ;(
can someone pick me me up ill troll the shit out of her in nyc
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Btw this Ariel's ideal mate l000000l
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What she wants from you is to relax, TF. Stop being so uptight and worried about everything.
You have a good spirit and soul.
We love her so..
No TF, you stay. This is your other home, you come & go as you please
Too far from you sadly
He looks like a sad seal
I say stick around TF, you can't protect her from astral threats if you leave.
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Get a job nigger how are you 20+ yr old with no car
Do you think Nina would be open to having a conversation Jezza or would it be immediate panic?
Jet is a cutie pie
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There's a dossier on Skull Hyde you can download which shows you some of the proof, I say some because despite there being hard evidence that he has distributed CP and revenge porn, the proof is illegal to store and distribute, so you now have a redacted sample in this QR code.
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jets teeth look like baby teeth that feel into a door knob and hasn't brushed them ever

he's balding

he's fat

he's got a unibrow

he's short

OBJECTIVELY UGLY (this is reason alone not to simp for her she's off her fucking rocker)
If I were gay, and Jet were gay, I still would not go for Jet Neptune. I believe very strongly in my heart... no, I know in my heart that I can land a more attractive gay man. I'm certain of it.
He looks the cutes in picrel
spooky btw that anon knows full well the lore on skull
Fuck off just post the text logs or audio files I don't wanna see illegal bullshit
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Jezza do you still have the shirt?
>had a close call with death
Yep, checks out.
>go of something you've been holding onto.
>some kind of trouble makers
>this has gotten exposed
if this has already happened then it's talking about my ex.
>its possible you are being called to meditate.
Defined being called, a call to action?
I know he does, I'm humouring him.

What part of the illegal stuff got redacted don't you understand?
Kek these niggas must think you're Ariel levels of retarded
Hi. Post images of text logs or audio recordings on vocaroo or fuck off. Thank you.
Sing for your supper, whore.
The legend lives on.
How's AA treating ya?
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>Game show host
Come on over Anon
Kill yourself predator faggot
you are a pos ngl
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>betty previously larped as a nazi and would dress up as an ss officer
>betty follows an interracial porn account
>betty posts a selfie wearing an interracial porn brand clothing
>betty reposts interracial porn
>betty posts bait for interracial porn twitter accounts to interact with
>betty posts herself sucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a white dildo that she makes sure to mention is “small” and “realistic”
>her simps have no problem with any of this
I'm not lol if you got to know you would realize im not as bad as people say about me
betty plz hmu i want to be with you so bad. we would make the perfect couple plz. i have the biggest crush on you
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He's driving to my place or no deal. I'm the trophy gay in this pairing. He needs to impress me.

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Jezza have you been quietly lurking these threads? Be honest with us bro.
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>Defined being called, a call to action?
it may be so. there is many meaning from 2 of sword outright i see the blindfold but it can also mean meditation, deep reflecting or decision making. because of its location it is not pointing between 2 things so i think this leans more toward what is hidden from sight and internal reached through deep consciousness. this might be how you see your destiny.
i'm not the one cheating on my boy friends and charing my ex boyfriend with revenge porn while i illegally work in the usa for mde and powtank.
gross please go away
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Your lies don't work on me sorry cuck
Keep crying bitch nigga lmao betty got a new bf now you ain't shit
Man this guy is just not having a good day since he realized everyone in /ftl/ was filtering him.
Still no denial about being attracted to 14 year old Letty huh? Jezza this guy right here is posting pictures of your ex when she was a child.
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Oh no some the discord for underage emo boy lovers and a mentally ill e girl filtered one of my names (except not really because they still respond to me everyday to say they're filtering me again kek)
Your lies don't work here
Keep crying bitch nigga lmao
I tracked his posting over a couple of days. This unemployable faggot literally spends all day refreshing and posting on /ftl/. Mind you this is just when he's being a namefag.

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Keep crying
Ariel is in bed with another man RIGHT NOW
And basically
You're a dumb cuck LOL
So you're not even denying being a chronically online, unemployed, minor attracted fag now?
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Man shut your bitch ass up
You niggas always crying about some gay shit yall made up in your head to cope
The truth is ariel is fucking a real man
Not a simp
Keep donating though I'm sure she'll come around eventually (lmao)
Don't reply to my posts pedophile.
heated up in this b
Sorry nerds she's with me now that means no more interracial cuck porn or lolita watersports fetish pedo shit (me and her had a LOOONG talk about that stuff) anyway don't forget to like subscribe and donate $$$$$ haha DEUCES XD
be good to her pls ;(
Don't worry brotha she's in good hands ;)
Btw I downloaded these links here and my virus alert went CRAZY dawg it all like RED ALERT RED ALERT GAY VIRUS DETECTED SKRRRT SKRRRT haha fr tho DONATE WE WANT $$$$ XD
Wasn't funny 8 hours ago when you first posted it either. Unoriginal faggot.
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Stop cryin' bro aint nobody clicking on your bitch nigga links on fucking 4chan is you retarded or what dawg
You've got a big heart TF
so i had like 4 more cup of coffee i should have stopped
Thread is such a dumpster fire
No wonder bitty won't post her pussy here anymore. I don't F ing blame her

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