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Om Namah Shivay edition. No links!

Previous>> [deleted by jannies]
first for complaining about the bake
Anime butts
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He Bought Calls Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>21369920
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/bant/eens shouldn't bake /smg/ threads. herbs
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>bought the BILI dip
>bought the YINN dip
>bought the JD dip
Anything else I'm missing chinky bros?
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all 1pbtid bakers should be ignored
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I hope you eat shit and die.
I buy puts every day and I'm not gonna stop until your fake and gay nigger market is exposed.
Hasbro is currently getting courted by two cities with extra tax breaks for moving. I hope they don't have to spend shit and Pawtucket subsidized them more

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I really hope for you that another stimulus package is coming or you'll be holding these bags until they are delisted because of the coming Taiwan invasion.
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>*second post blocks your path*
Ooooooh, whatcha gonna do now LIBTARD?
I would buy SQ calls but I'm out of money, so just pretend I did.
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Okay I guess we decided to use this thread.

Sold my chewy position for the second time today. Was a very good day. Even made a little in my taxable account.
>Okay I guess we decided to use this thread.
I was gonna stay in the old one, but buncun moved over.

He's the heart and soul of this community.
>coming Taiwan invasion
Taiwan is rightfully a Chinese province
Poorfolio crabbing: day 3
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It's an upward crab though, right?
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Thanks. Just bought some Disney puts to go my jpm puts. They look nice together. May the dow rest in peace!
Taiwan is the only Democracy inside of Communist China. We need to support their right to self government.
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Whoops forgot the pic.
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what dates/strikes on your spy puts
Xi's already told us how he'll get Taiwan back. And it won't be through invasion.
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Hurricane literally walking in the door. Disney stock up 1.5%. Tourists don't care cause they are dumb. Man Bobo is going to win here.
Damn, maybe I should evacuate
They're plenty inland. There's some rain and wind for a couple hours? Oooh, scary.

Meanwhile, zero lines.
People will die and then blame politicians, lol lmao
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I would.
Florida is getting fucked up!

Taiwan is the new Chicken Little. Wake me up when Taipei turns into a radioactive mushroom cloud bigger than the Tsar Bomb.
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Doubled my Disney puts.
What would be the next thing that could cause a 15% SOXL day?
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What happened to sell in May and go away?
What happened to Red September?
What happened to Red October
the bagel place forgot my 4oz side of tuna salad. oy vey its over...
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Is the chinese anon still here?
I think he was Xi himself and wanted us to believe in him.
Thank you Xi for lifting my bags again
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We're Columbus rallying now
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>you are short how much???
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uhm.. what will be the impact of this... uhh.. "Hurricane" in Florida on my SPY and QQQ?
any memes, or nothingburger?
he's not even short, he just enjoys fake and gay posting
Holiday porter, do we close early Friday because of Columbus day Monday?
Xi Jinping is the kind of man i would totally think capable of paying shills to spam this image. to get rid of the winnie pooh meme.
No, there's no trading closure for Columbus Day. In that sense, it's about as real a holiday as Halloween
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Oh okay. Well now I am short with 121 Disney puts and 10 jpm puts.
I'm -800 today on puts you nigger faggot
And I buy puts every fucking day
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after a month of crabbing...
Oh cool. I can trade and be off from work instead of not doing anything and getting in trouble.
The boomers can't sell their stocks if their dead, and so everything is going to get tied up for months in probate court. It will lead to declines, but the declines won't come until much later.
Did you buy Disney puts? I can't think of a better target with a daily high and a massive hurricane.
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SPY wouldn't go down $1 fucking dollar for me to break even.
I hope all Mumus eat shit and die.
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China bros... Fuck my life..
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i am forever doomed to stay poor
Shut the fuck up.
You've had 24 straight up months of green.
>didn't buy chewy
>didn't listen when we said hood is going to $25
>not shorting disney now
There is still hope for you fren. But the light is fading.
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i see
Will they unironically pump it higher into the close? Lmao
We had our very own CCP agent come into /smg/ today with good news. It's fine.
>CHWY call still open, already took profits on HOOD
it's my 0dtes - they went very, very wrong today
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>What happened to sell in May and go away?
Ur supposed to buy back in around autumn season sometime. That saying refers specifically to May through September ish.
Full lmao.
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I sold my puts for -$800 loss
You cant fight the market maker nigger faggots.
They're not gonna dump it until after the election.
>You've had 24 straight up months of green.
And yet P/E ratios are near record lows, soft landing has been achieved, unemployment on the historic lowest point, inflation has been tamed, the economy is thriving, the fifth industrial revolution is on it's way with AI and we're about to have the first female president in the history of the US. We're set up for a CENTURY of green. The market right now is the most undervalued it has even been.
Chewy crabbed at $30.50 for hours. Better opportunities. You can come back to it. What is 0dtes?
>They're not gonna dump it until after the election.
Things will never dump again, period.
>P/E ratios
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What did he say?
NVDA is fucking garbage.
It's not AI.
It's just chat bots.
>What is 0dtes
the most degenerate options gambling in existence
Looks like I'll be up for the day but I won't be beating the market. My position is gradually becoming more conservative both due to my own capital accumulation as well as berks ongoing stock sales. therefore I am unlikely to beat the market much prior to a crash or serious correction.
he said buy chink stocks, and that the chink stock market is the newest hottest thing and to keep buying until everything limits down 10 percent at open.
Well I for one had enough today. Going bike riding. Did well so I don't think I could even fuck anything up if I tried. Still it is only twenty left. Time I could be driving to the park.
Yeah buy deep in the money like I do.
Any good anime this season?
Enjoy the ride
Why are you Jews doing this?
Patience, Bobo-san
Soon we will feast like gods
haven't been any good animes in 17 years mate. Death note was the last one.
Happy now bobo?
I think G_d sent to storm to clean up the nigger problem.
>Ordering Dominoes
>Looked for coupons on website

>Deals progressively getting worse

Bearish, pizza index is real
It's a bank. It's no market anymore. That's what Gigabobo Burry meant in early 2023. He can't have commented on economic factors back then he said he was wrong to say sell. He must have meant the actions by the Fed and their meaning for this shitshow
unironically how many people will die?
my link where I can find a collection of these?
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New smiggers, dont listen to bobos they are always and never get to cum. Just buy , just long ... the market always goes up
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Okay but I want to hear your top stock in the current market.
Just went all in on GDXU, what should I expect?
Is dca retarded or what
Dang that line is nutty for a consumer facing company.
I dont even care if the market crashes to zero now.
I already lost all my money trying to short for the last year and I'll never make it back.
Pray to god.
It seems I have bogled adequately today
Works in the long run
hey uncle /smg/
first ultrasound was a green light, no causes for concern
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How did it go today?!?!
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>DCAing in le golden bull market

NGMI. Just ALL IN with leverage if possible
If he were getting outsmarted, just bumbling all over the place, you bet I'd post that.

But as it stands, shit, FXI is beating SPY YTD and we're the ones with our dicks in the honeypot.
Not as good as yesterday, but bretty gud
Eyeballing it I'd say about 0.3% up.
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Man are we really going to go from having a pedo zombie to a low iq indian whore for president? USA is collapsing in real time.
It all depends on tomorrow. Make some money on PLTR, but that is about all.
Best Performing: ARGT +3.05%
Worst Performing: EIDO -0.32%
That's great, anon
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sold out my china stock that was up massively, but ive lost confidence in it now, couldve walk away up +60% on that position on monday if i sold then. sold my oil as well, not sure what to get into next
Pure stock is up 0.47% but holy fuck that Roblox PUT is going to fuck me over. At least it’s only 20 bucks max loss
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i am financially bored at +1.2%.
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Pretty fucking boring. Xi scared me for a bit but now im not to concerned anymore
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i am financially black
Dumb mumu faggots ITT. Here's what will happen:
>Trump gets elected president
>They crash the markets with no survivors
>"Hey, look at what le bad orange man did!!!"
he can just grab em by the V-shape
Ching chong xi
For a medium to long-term investment, keep an eye on YANG. I'd get some now and then, if more stimulus gets announced on Saturday, you should be able to get even more at a larger discount.
>Losses are green.
>Gains are red.
Chinks are just built different.
It really is a different system.
The upside down V shape.
the risk of china pumping for no reason is too great. i think there will be a pull back until it runs out of steam then its going to continue climbing again. shake out in the short term into recovery
The market can stay fake and gay longer than you can stay heterosexual. Make of that what you will...
aren't you used to sideways ones
whats the deal with natgas? why does price continuously go down?
Got fucking heemed again. All my stocks except apple were red, and most of the damage was in long dated calls.
I don't know they're too always blurry to tell which direction they're going.
I hope TUSK gets some good contracts for repairing hurricane damage this season
We just broke to the upside after several days of consolidation. Tomorrow is fake and gay government data. Faker and gayer than SIGA + GRND + AZZ.

Why are you not 300% long?
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Any wagies? How much of your net salary do you invest each paycheck?
+.19% still looking for something to dump 70K into
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CNN is looking weird right now, bearish?
Roblox is a front for child sex trafficking. I wouldn't short it.
Usually around a third
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Because the economy is bad.
Inflation is bad.
Company earnings are bad.
Inflation data is fake and gay.
Jobs data is fake and gay.
Gold is at an all time high.
Why are you not -300% short?
Jews have wages?
More than half.
The 24 people who watch CNN must be shitting their pants right now.
markets closed strong today, same as yesterday. I expect cooler inflation data.
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>Omg what? You're telling me people in Israel work? No fuckin way dude...
The rightful government of China resides in Taiwan.
But why would that make markets go down? Where would the money go? Gotta start thinking of capital as fluid like the big bois do.
My Son Jack needs to CALM DOWN and fill the newest gap so I can keep buying. Who is getting so exhuberant over him? It is unsettling.
YMAG paying 0.28/share this week, XDTE paying 0.20/share
Aren’t they private?
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>Study on 1.7 million kids that got jabbed ALL have myo/pericarditis, the non jabbed were fine

>Canadacucks admit jabbed are dying way more often

This looks super bullish for insurance stocks, but incredibly bearish for everything else....
the ones dying from vaccine also have other conditions or perfectly healthy for the most part?
It's tied to 2 Year Yield Computer. Don't ask me why.
+0.56% I need tesla to dump hard tomorrow. Either norobotaxi or have the overall be it's clearly still a concept they have put no work into
Up 1%
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your broker is proud of you right anon?
>the hurricane is likely to cost Disney $200 million in repairs
God I'm just having the most brutal of shits right now.
Just raise cost of dismey+, no problem
Does it burn?
Cacator, cave malum
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So the market maker niggers are just gonna pretend everything is perfect and keep making new highs every day for 12 months straight.
Clown World
A little bit, I like eating pickled really spicy habenero peppers with my food sometimes and if I have just black iced coffee on empty stomach before I eat lunch with my spicy pickled habenero peppers I just get the most brutal shits later. I'm talking spicy bombs dropping out of my ass harder than a suicide bomber for Allah here.
isn't that pretty much nothing to them? not like their only activity is in that one place
>Florida real estate market was already under severe pressure
>Crisis for insurance
>Hurricane hits
>Exacerbates already strained real estate markets - who wants to buy a home in Florida right after a massive hurricane
>causes Florida real estate to implode, dragging under regional banks
>drags under other banks with cross exposure
Been on vacation for a few days and completely out of the loop, what do I buy now?
50 to 75%
Nothing ever happens
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Remember when everyone here bought TMF one month ago when I told everyone it was a bad idea

Remember when I recommended NVDA the same day at $105

Remember when everyone said I was wrong and an idiot

Remember when I turned out to be correct
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Compare that with my shill
I get paid a lot by my customers
Osint industry
People who had no idea about bond markets and leverage products chose to ignore an expert (me) giving them sound advice and instead thought they knew better after 5 minutes of research (dunning Kruger), all the whilst of ignoring me
I shouldn’t say ignored me they actively argued with me

God.. what fucking morons hahaha I bet they must feel very fucking stupid now I hope they learnt their lesson and lost a fuck ton of money
bonds are terrible if you're not crazy rich so you can live of their non existent gains
Victory to diversity.
I decided I want to play online poker again.
im having difficulty deciding where to put money. i want to invest for long term but cant justifying buying the top so i have to stick with short term trades which can be tricky to find
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like 60%. 20% goes to interest on mortgage and 20% on utilities and food.
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CNBC talking heads are saying:
"Wow everything is great! Joe and Kamala saved the economy and stock market!"
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I've never had sex
who needs that when you can look at graph going up instead
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Is inflation under control?
This picture if from a live cam of Key West, Florida a few seconds ago. These are hurricane winds and storm surge. The people are taking pictures, a kid is playing, couple people are at the edge. Sure it is early and things aren't intense, but the stupidity of these people is really eye opening.
Just pay for it and get it over with. Having a girlfriend/wife these days is more trauma than it's worth. I envy people now who have never had sex because they at least didn't waste their time and mental health on such ordeals.
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since there is literally nothing in this market I want to buy, I am considering blowing my portfolio on a house
talk me out of it
Stop noticing goy
What about access to cheaper credit and/or lower taxes?

Save up for it like a vacation
there isn't any way to pay down the national debt is there?
What about it?
yeah but go on r9k or whatever and you see these absolutely demented incels who make their entire existence about not fucking and they end up spiraling into loli/trannie gooning for hours every day until they kts or someone else. my time and mental health is not saved honestly.
>bond buyers when they go all out and buy an asset that yields less than inflation
>jahy smug slurping.jpg
There is, and its quite simple, your politicians are just retarded, even most european socialist parties have learned that lesson.
House is a leveraged asset that provides a nessecary service to survive as well as appreciating in value. but its best held long term due to the upfront costs of acquiring the asset. If you expect inflation to be something like %2-3 over the lifetime of the loan then you too must make an equivalent amount of gains in wages to off-set it.
>You currently make 75k
>Over the lifetime of the term (30 years) your income will be 130k based on a 3.5% inflation rate
>At end of the term you will still be paying a fixed cost that you could pay at 75k which reduces the burden of the loan
>In addition, when rates drop to 0% you can debt arbritrage in the future and refinance cutting something like %4 off the interest rate
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S&P and Nasdaq look exactly how they did in mid-2021. RSI and MACD are eerily similar. Are we really going to just keep melting up for like six more months?
It involves cutting or eliminating entitlement programs. Politicians will not do this because they have no idea how they'll ever get elected if they say that.
It requires long term sustained inflation without massive upswings in government spending. Too much money has been concentrated into the hands of a wealthy minority that will make extraction of that wealth increasingly impossible without nationalizing their assets outright which will frighten propertied classes to flee or revolt. The whole goal of any successful government is to prevent the entrenchment of the aristocracy.
Yeah but here is the deal with what I see on r9k, human beings always become fucked in the head whenever they obsess about anything they don't have and not having it. It doesn't matter if it's sex, status, wealth, drugs, something material, or whatever people have to realize that none of that shit defines them or will make them happy/satisfied with themselves because life is all fake and gay in the first place. All this shit just comes and goes and if you were to determine your self worth/happiness on any of it you are just falling into a bottomless pit of misery and despair.
thats called proscriptions
It's worse because corporate earnings haven't gone up any since 2021 and the stocks are twice as expensive.
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Oh look, MDA Space is up. Yet again.

>B-but it's overpriced
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I am hearing A LOT of sirens right now...
You aight, leaf.
somebody get Odysseus
if everything is fake and gay, why do you feel the need to justify yourself?
Claudia Sahm escaped the pleasure dungeon and now I'm on the run
Key West is way at the edge of the storm. They'll be fine.
guys I think I don't really like black people
Roblox went down 2.5% when the shirt report came out and today it’s back up 3%. Wtf. Hindenburg doesn’t hit the same anymore
This is fine.
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whenever i notice excess money in my bank account i dump it in to trading account. this usually happens twice a year or so. it is not a set percentage as my income is variable throughout the year.
Because the material world is evil by virtue of being fake and gay. If you center your happiness around the material you will never be happy and a slave to the material. We as human beings are burdened with material bodies and wrestle with our desires of the flesh and the material. I seek the spiritual that exists out of the material realm. Sometimes I do bad and sometimes I do good but I do it as part of the process of becoming a better version of myself. We are not born as blank slates like liberals and progressives want us to believe but as a new generation of ignorant and immature beings like an acorn is to a tree or any young animal is to apex form. I am simply an educated barbarian because it's what I choose to be, in touch with my nature and forever learning.
I'll dump a few thousand in from my savings account any time it passes 30k, and I'll dump about 7k a year into my savings account. So probably 14k a year including roth ira contributions
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Brick and mortar is literally crashing down
I've been tempted to do that but a house would still be over half my income unless I move somewhere farther away.
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>consistently make 1k/week swing trading the past 6 months
>not enough dopamine
>new goal is 1k/day
>still not enough dopamine
Yes, we changed the calculation so beef isnt in it anymore. Inflation during this period is 0, economy is strong.
Biden had to go on tv explaining that the government being able to control the weather is ridiculous. My sides have left orbit!
I have actually been enjoying Biden trolling Harris.
>Harris claims Ron Desantis has been ignoring her call and doing nothing for disaster relief
>immediately Joe Biden goes same day on press saying he has been talking to Desantis and coordinating disaster relief
>Ron Desantis comes out saying he has been talking to the president and doesn't need to talk to the vp Kamela
Lmao Kamela got cucked
Human beings are all fucked in the head, it is the human condition
Probably the most demented, demonic, detached from reality thing you can think is "wow, that person over there is so fucked up, good thing I'm nothing like them"

No, you're very similar to them. Far more similar than you would be comfortable with, if you truly knew

We are all corrupt and fallen, and fall short of God's grace. Which is why we must ask for it, humbly. And we must also treat those around us with patience and gentleness

The devil wants you to scandalize people who have a different set of pathologies than you, scandal is entrenched in the culture for a reason. It's a very consistent, reliable method for demons to drag you to hell. It works mostly on midwits
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>My sides have left orbit!
It's actually hilarious Kamela gets clowned on by a dude with dementia and there is nothing she can do about it. I have to say Joe Biden has grown on me since he has dropped out and seems to be having more fun with it and giving his fuck you to the democrat establishment for tossijg him aside.
Yeah but I never denied I'm mentally ill like everyone else. I'm a based schizo
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I like that even before this year, enough people had asked "why don't we just fire nukes into them to disperse them?" that NOAA had an FAQ page about it.
that is, the US government has a formal, official, position on the subject of firing nuclear missiles into hurricanes.

(it has some kind of auto-redirect to some other page, presumably because there's a hurricane going on, you might have to be quick on the "stop" button)
more ppl are giving me hearts on stocktwits :)
I got banned from Stocktwits for calling somebody a nigger
i got ip banned for a long time before for posting the suicide hotline on GNUS
everytime i made a new account it would instantly get banned, now im safe and can be the board schizo for my ticker
Endorsing Kamala was his biggest ’fuck you’ to the dems
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>if this 500 billion yuan tool has a positive impact on the market, further SFISF will be introduced.
>if this 500 billion yuan tool has a positive impact on the market, further SFISF will be introduced.
>if this 500 billion yuan tool has a positive impact on the market, further SFISF will be introduced.
People are retards. Funny they took it seriously.
I’m watching a random safari in Rhodesia
What a fucking nothingburger this hurricane is. Nothing is happening in any of the livestreams.
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>He discovered America is what he did.
>He was a great Italian explorer.
>And in this house Christopher Columbus is a hero.
>End of story.
Lately I've been watching random hiking videos and food prep for them. I don't even hike. Even found their autistic king. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbmQRmuv88c

Jeff found a sunken boat in the eye of Sarasota.
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White dudes for Harris bros....
I used to watch hiking videos when I was getting ready for the Grand Canyon
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Yea I'm thinking puts
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>White dudes for Harris bros....
You rang?
how do you decide what to trade? i have choice paralysis
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Based winner
"She" is going against both God and science, how stunning and brave.
Not them, but don't you look at stocks and instantly think oh that is too much or that might be worth it. Oh that is cheap and they have this popular product. I'm not a machine or an algorithm just screening stocks. If have to make a story of what I think is happening. I could be very wrong or I could get it right.
It is a cross dresser with big fake boobs. God probably gets a kick out of it.
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I hope this happens
I have cash to slurp the dip
I'm pretty sure he was just an anon trolling in leafland. Pretty legendary stuff actually, especially from a leaf
I go full port 200k+ balls deep in Meta, Apple, Microsoft on days they're red. I put in a 24 hour limit order to sell at whatever number nets me 1k profit.

I dont fuck with options but I sometimes fuck with 2x leveraged bullish ETFs.

Options trading is for poors and jews who insider info during shabbat dinners. If youre not a jew dont expect to make serious money options trading

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