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For me, it's trench coat and a mini
I’m a fan of 5’3 with an attitude
for me, it's remove all women's rights
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Itty bitty titties and a bob for me.
>Y2Tg0y captcha lol
I was discarded by a 5'3" with an attitude narcissist, I just found her so fucking cute and precious and I learned she completely discarded me
Stay away from 5'3" with an attitude types, they are permanently victims
I love working with this kind of girls. They were all ugly in highschool and are desperate for some cock, so they will do anything for a pretty boy like me. I just sit back, relax and watch them do my work. Love it.
Most of those look like they were hot in high school except for itty bitty tittys and a bob and trench coat and a mini and maybe bottle and a sneaky link

women will fight for decades to stop men from making anything resembling a sexual comment in the work place and then make a fucking video where a group of women tease another about her breast size.

What I like about that video is the near infinite depth of cringe contained in it.

Also gen-z bosses are the absolutely fucking most inhuman monsters imaginable. But I'm glad they find it hilarious.
No, they were not. You are just a swede faggot who complains about magical narcs because you can't get over the fact a girl just didn't like you that much. It warps your perception of attractiveness. Try being more manly next time. I can smell your estrogen from here.

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For me it's Ralph
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>i can fix her
Trench coat seems like an over-eager nerd who is absolutely relishing being invited to hang with the cool girls.
Yeah they objectify each other and everyone else around them, which is peak hypocrisy.
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The one in the black dress, I'm coom
Is there a tvtropes page for these girls yet?
I need lore
Wtf is this shit
I just wanted to see a narcissistic spaz woman get rekt
>Most of those look like they were hot in high school except for 80% of them
But she liked me for years then I did something she perceived as negative and she stopped talking to me. She always put 2 layers of makeup. She was 5'3" with an attitude. I liked her a lot ands he was cute but she crushed me emotionally. Now she is with an estrogen cuck while I learned a lesson not to idolize 5'3" with an attitude

You understand, you argentinian retard?
Two twins and a forged passy
you want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket?
I'm done helping western woman.
Unless its my wife I see one of these creatures drowning or their car engine billowing out smoke I'm going to let them wreck themselves.
These cunts will get pissy at you if you try to help so why fucking waste your time.
>i can fix her
I thought this but you can't
based good song catchy tune
For me it's the Gen Z boss and a mini.
Even tho I have read that she is a Stacy and a Jew...
I did think it though
I understand. It's her fault. She is a bad thing. She was ideal, perfect even. But despite you doing everything right, she perceived your totally normal behavior negatively and discarded you because she was an evil narcissist, a despicable woman. How awful. These narcissists man, they are everywhere, and most don't even know it! I bet at least one of us is a narcissist too!
no women want you weird ass white incels lmao
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As a leg man, its GenZ Boss for me.
Ok, what is this?Its people in a n office environment, so probably somethign bad is happening to them. QRD?
Gen Z boss and a mini is going to live rent-free in my mind and make me seethe and mald until I die. If we somehow manage to establish the 4th reich, I'll still be malding about it, I won't ever forgive.

The DOD should study this cognitohazard because they might be able to weaponize it
ive seen some other videos of her and she really cakes on the makeup and filters and you can tell she isn't that good underneath them
this shit was so funny because chuds were literally acting like the world was ending because of this video
Yes it was cringe but some dudes acted as if it was cataclysmic
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This video baffles my mind.
I hate everything about it but I cant stop myself from also being excited for these little cunts having fun
Almost father like feel for them, like watching children play and pretend to be adults. Why is that?
>be in the US
>sitting at a red light
>by the side of the road is a woman helplessly spinning her tires in the snow
>zero traction
>I look carefully and notice she has a flat tire
>roll down my window and shout "YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE!"
>she asks if I can help push her car
>yeah, let me just go park my car somewhere and go out in the snow and try to push your massive SUV off this ice patch all by myself while you sit inside and do fuck all
>I just laugh and drive away
Total new frank green and a sneaky link death
Just a few little tarts having fun and laughing at themselves, it wasnt that big of a deal. and its kind of catchy
They have 0 appreciation to even have manners or not act like cunts and then they want mens help.

Based mate, I'd do the same.

Wonder if all these simps with daughters in the west have any idea whats coming.
Gen z boss in a mini is actually a self made millionaire after creating a cosmetics company of her own. They're not even HR people like everyone likes to think.
How does that make you feel, chuddies?
I don't know how to explain to you how big of a deal it is without sounding fucking rabid.
Sounds like you had a run-in with my little sister. I felt so bad for the dudes she used to date. I never had to give them any attitude or scare them because she had it taken care of herself.
There's an image floating around of some small girl hopped up on a desk at an airport chewing ass and it never fails to make me get a boner.
I like them small and really bitchy. The bitchier the better.
It's not her fault. It's my fault. I didn't want her enough. She is a narc because she chased me for years and then lost interest the moment I unintentionally hurt her feelings a little. I tried seeing her to say sorry and make up to her but she moved on because I accidentally hurt her feelings
Then she talked about me behind my back while fucking other guys
She was a diva but I felt bad because I hurt feelings of a qt 5'3" with an attitude
No one will ever say narcs are great
i saw their products at priceline the other day lol
yeah you are rabid, you are unironically chud-wild and need to calm down
>TFW you'll never have the self confidence of a moralized, pampered, masonic whore that pretend to work for a living while making thousands of dollars without generating a thing.

why even live bros?
>fake tan hands and a hoop
>secret product and a trench
same, she's the cutest one
I was less offended that she wanted my help and more offended that after being told she had a flat tire she just planned to drive on the rim the rest of the way.
Unironically doing more for our country than you do for yours
>the black dress one
She ain't fucking your white knight loser ass
Well that is the other half of the problem. I watched a woman the car was making a metal on metal grinding noise.
Told her when she stopped.

Bitch started lecturing me about how "Imma good driver".

Ok Karen when your car explodes and kills you or your breaks fail what the fuck ever. They're just so painfully dim.
I actually don't mind women so much, and find them to be fun, but thus childish shit pisses me off.
I go and get drinks with the waitresses where I work all the time, I've never been in one of their faggy little TikTok videos though
why can people not go a few hours without sipping water like a bairn?
Is that genz boss and a mini?
Stop diagnosing people with shit you don't understand, faggot.
Short skirt and a looooong jacket.
More! She needs of
a blowie..lol
Why are you defending someone you don't even know? What is the matter with your simp ass
Nah that's itty bitty titties the jump scare hapa. Trench is hot and tries to understate it.
I have no interest in any of them faggot, I'm just stating the point that you're rotting away while she's a CEO. Kind of proving my point by being an angry Chud. All you and a lot of other men do is masturbate and play games whilst women are kind of winning
Parasocial e-relationships have fried these people's minds.
Yep, called it. Stay mad loser.
I'm going FITS and a calc in this one. I want to make her cum until she makes the ugliest faces.
You wuss. I met my wife in an underground Japanese tittyfucking competition. She made me cum in 12.3 seconds, a national best. I had no choice but to marry her. After settling with the Yakuza she cost me about 3k Canadian. For reference, I paid 4.5k for my 2003 BMW e93 which is a good car but will not and cannot tittyfuck me so it was a good deal.
Here's some tikthot lore for you: Women like attention. Attention is to women what porn is to women. Women will do anything to receive said attention. /Lore drop
>selling lies to other femoids
As expected
>what porn is to men
Alright then kek, i'm calling it for today
she's ugly as shit look at her interview with the news. she's a gross ran through australian skank and her business is relabeling and selling dubious chink made cosmetics and skin creams at 5000% mark ups
Thing is, Gen Z boss and a mini is actually 28, making her a late Millenial.
>The DOD should study this cognitohazard because they might be able to weaponize it
>Is that a roastie, filming herself for the internet?? Aaah help me niggerman i'm turning insane!
I'm not defending anyone, I'm just calling you a faggot because you sound like one.
I am diagnosed with npd and you clearly don't have a clue about how our minds work. You clearly don't even know how your own mind works since you very clearly exhibit narcissistic traits, that is, if you are being genuine with your comments.
Literally zero voices of antiquity criticized pornography, but they did criticize women who dressed as today (whores).

As always, knowing things is quite difficult for the retards.

I sound like a faggot because I was idealized, seduced and then ghosted the moment I unintentionally did something bad?
>I'm a narcissist
that explains why you take it personally
I call bs
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Wtf are they doing?
I want to hear the conversation they have when choreographing their dances. LIke how do they explain to eachother what any of it means?

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