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hi bant i bant : 3
kus kus kus kus kus kus kus kus d d d d d d d d d da dadna dan da

i love people so much. obsessive, even. i feel i could fallnin love with any person if i learned them and they wished me to learn them too, passion is my humanity and i am made of it. that and anxiety. and lard. lol
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oh hey it's you again hi
Hi Internet wife
How are you doing
kys cow
lose some weight
gain some weight
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Are you wishing for her to get a heart attack?
That's mean anon
The leaf is right
poo comes out of there
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hi mr frog
hahahhaha i catfished u guys with hq selfi enow im on my shitty dell xD

hi nonny how ru : )
\i am so happy
hello austrianon why am i your wife ?
i am too happy and my story is not voer yet i need 2 lose weright and get a job ^_^
meow already discussed emow meow\
no sorry nonny . i re measured my heigh t and im thought i gained an inch but i didn t so am still four foot nine and a hlf aso it is lot on my frame desu so cant gain any more : 3
>300 pounds and brown
you like sonic?
favorite game?
is she considered to be average in the usa?
You are my internet wife bc i say so
You should really Post pics of your Butt or tits
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this guy makes a good point
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i psoted my boobs on /b/ 2day cus someoene asked 4 a timestamp yayayaa .
2, sa1, rush but havent fully played them out cus the pserson who was watching me got acc banned i thin k ? idk but lost their contact 4ever ago T_T same happened with books n shows. gh. so much unfinished shit i wanna watch with som1
sonic adventure fan. based. lovely body btw
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This is worse than the sodomy
Great the simps and disgusting torta pounders have attracted a ham planet attention whore.
sorry nonny
waht do u like : 3
sa2 and fat women
Be nice...
10/10 في العراق، ذوق العسكرية
هلؤؤؤؤ do you like trannies? didnt think id ever see a fellow retard here :3
احب المربربات
you actually look pretty, just lose weight and youll score a rich normie
Girl you are fat
Terrorist attack
الحجي بيناتنه هاي تريله يا مربربه حتئ العير ما يوصل لداخل كسهه من وره السمن
eww kill yourself pajeet youre making this thread stink
Nice boobs baby. Wish i could suck them <3
Muhammad was a peadophille
dude all muslims are pedophiles, thats why im an atheist and a tranny faggot
If you said this IRL in your cunt would you be executed
id come close in the past but im keeping it lowkey these days, dont worry americanon
Terrorist dropped the trvthnvke
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damn. ah well your secret is safe with me
..... ولك ارييددد اتزوج بس هالوكت كلش متسوه الشغلة
مو زين توصف نفسك بالترانيفاغوتيا ترى
محد يهتم بعد إلا لو طلعت للعلن وطشت السالفة ويبدي الاستشراف
مسوي خوي ولد الأحبة
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You like them chunky, huh?
long big fatty bump limit thread
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>my brother, the son of love
What is that supposed to mean
That line goes pretty hard ngl
خرب شكد تلعب نفسي من الافتارقية الهيج تحجي وياه عادي إلا يحطلك الزراب دطييييييير لو تسويها وانت تحجي ويه ضراكيع يشاركوك لو تستجن وتكوم تجر عدل
لك أيييييي ولچ عمة هالحلوة گاتلتني گتل زوجينياهااااا
it means we can smell you from 2000 miles away
My love, the son of brother
Do I smell nice?
iraqianon is yapping about the use of anime pics on this site yall, he must be new here
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باعوا شملاگي قبل شگم يوم هه
you smell like onions and shit, take a shower, not that a showers gonna help since yall shit in the rivers in the first place
He’s not new here you fucking idiot
Interesting turn that this thread took. I still just wanna see some fupa.
حرفيا بينتلي من باب الشرجي
Why are you so mean to the guy arent iraqis and indians the same
>yall shit in the rivers in the first place
Im not a cow worshipping hindu
لا يا انمي اني قصدي علافتار فاقنق بشكل عام
ماعندي مشكلة وياه اذا بمقام مناسب
بس مال تحجي عادي وياه او طاب نقاش جدي ويجيك يذبهن أني تلعب نفسي هنا
i will fucking kill you fucking retard
yall are the same retard, i dont know how muricans and brits can just let you live in their countries
I don’t know either, I think the leafs should take all of them

Do they really?
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لا الصراحة ديكثرون عندنا البنغال والباكستانيين والهنود هنا يمي وتقدر تفرق بكل سهولة بين العراقي وبينهم،، غالبا
Iraqitranny brother
غير نسلويلهم ابادة جماعية ان وصلو البصرة هو لفو المحافظات ما حاملينهم
go fuck a cow or something i dont wanna chat with you fucking retard
I would rather fuck your axe wound brother
>I would rather fuck your axe wound brother
wut? and stop calling me brother you shitskin
But brother
dude can even come up with a new insult, go sell shitfood in the streets or smth baka
Brother is not an insult dumbfuck tranny
اوووف شكد حلو من تبول، راحة نفسية
هسه وينها الدبابة ذيج
شنييي منيييي من البصرة نته
وماعتقد لأن همه يجيبوهم علمود عمالة رخيصة وهيج
أكو واحد هنا جان جايب بال8 عمال عراقيين ليگلي بس يسختون وبالگوة يشتغلون
وراها حطله ٢ بنغال واحسن وارخص منهم كلك بالف مرة يشتغلك عشر ساعات باليوم وراضي
I came twice on your b thread
share the pics you got from b
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No, they're all mine
Arabians and Indians are literally the same people, no reason to this infight.
dude can you shut the fuck up, i dont shit in the streets and im not a shitskin
brown ppl saving bant
ااااخ لبسني الضلع الماينشلع.. معلم على الصدعات گلبي
وخربنه يمكن هذا احسن خيط علطاولة هاي كلها شكد زفارة قسم اريد انيج نص الي هنا
Brother stop it, it’s not funny anymore
There is no fight, he’s just acting edgy
not fair
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Normie: I hate wahmen
*real wahmen show up*
curious to see how this one turns out
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is m " military taste " good ?
ye i looked a lot better at a lower weight ;_; like insanely way better. gh.
uhhhh o_o
ah, thanks ?
>is m " military taste " good ?
no its a meme, they like fat milfs
lard-ball you are so cute, will you be my girlfriend?
ehhh, you are two countries below me, how?

idk what happened in the theead LOL
yea am trying to be Less Fat
: )
nomnomnomnom. can i hav a steak with it or no.....
What happened on your b thread why do people hate you so much aside from being fat
i used to drawfag and they got upset at me fore being fat and i guess they dotn like that i post my body ya
why do you guys keep giving it attention? what is wrong with all of you?

I told you fuckers we should've pushed out the fishtank niggers
imagine the milk
English(or spanish), pls, señor. Arabic doesnt translate well. It comes out gibberish in English.
Huwhiter than you, Mohammed.
Can you continue to post your body
I am the whiter person in this thread
No, I am
You are moortuguese though

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