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i just wanted to post an ebil, not actually mad at anything, having a pretty chill day.
fuck off tourist >>>/s4s/
Eric Braeden won't ever count as white, but your phenotype were before plants spared you from the ovens.
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eat my whole ass
you don't even have a bad sense of humor, you have no sense of humor.
lighten the fuck up tranny.
niggerlies and timmyprojection
last good joke you had was when you dropped outta your Mama's back end.
bottom text or however the shart soup is digested
forgot to sage (downvote)
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you can't expect bantoids to understand esfores memetics or culture.
*cronch cronch cronch"
lockedfags lost today
bro changes IPs more often than he changes underwear
no, your natural state is just failure.
didn't read
Rise, my champion
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if you're betting on me, sorry, ill try my best
I doubt anyone will ever do anything ever
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a coin is a coin.
pay me something.
at least the Argentinian made plague doctor drawings, that's enough but they were too dumb to ask for anything.
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I have no coin only mountains of random words and infinite images
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how to say gab without saying gab
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ga-vu or something
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gab you or something
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or nothing
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i will relent when all is nigh.
i will ring the last bell
calm your tits, it's no time soon.
I stink horribly but I showered like 3 days ago
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bathtime demon
no maybe next monday
hello Mr.FRIGa
Frisky shower Friday
Make you're to get all the spots.
allo' gado'
I was just hit by a truck of problems I'm afraid, might take a bath or shower for a while to nvm I don't care anymore
how is it going c:
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shower time sweaty
good :) finishing projects.
I deserve to feel like rotting fruit..
nice do you know is the swede poster is still here and such
that's just what tha demoralization joos want you to think.
you can just decide to do a thing and do it
I demoralized myself by being myself
gee i wonder who made this post
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you're literally from a board called very important, that's impossible.
nah I'm from my bed
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no, one of the people I chose as friends is the only active poster in vip.
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stahp posting samples
how unfortunate
it is ok
i actually care about what you think some times
whats about all the zoomie phone posters
i just wanna save them some precious mobile bandwidth
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also unfortunate, for I don't think
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it's okay sorry
no need to be sorry
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I'm a sorry person in general sorry
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i am the edited parody of a fart joke.
Futasuck trvke+trips
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I was mopey as shit for nuffin
you are such an erping faggot
what happened in your life to make you such a loser so i can avoid the same mistakes
stop that
you are here y banned from making erotic fanfictions about me without my consent.
Hey guys, I found this anime called Azumanga Daiou last week. Shit is crazy.
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wahmen doesn't b3nus
Yea they doo stoopit birb sighte tel me so! :((((((
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aaaaĆ aaaaa
burk overated gore misery porn go be depressed elsewhere l00ser
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abababa blah blah blah stay forever tighter
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I hope this isn't too offensive! It's just a joke
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thank goodness you are a fag with no say
did you call for a tardis because you got a tard is
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a wuh
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my man
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my human
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how hard do I have to shove something in my ear to make it stop hurting, eventually the pain will stop right
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clean ears
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I do but not super well because that's also kinda bad
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install awoo
I already have firefox installed sorry

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