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>bro just have white kids
>bro why aren't white people breeding
>average 8/10 white woman in 2024
Sure its easy for you other races but think of what we're working with here
I would breed this sow but I'm positive she only dates black men
>Shitty sexy girl bait image
Slide thread
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Shitskins don't belong in western nations
You have to go back paki.
God I love her fat
This is why just breed Asian women.
white people arent breeding due to social and economic conditions fostered by kikes as a form of tribal warfare

read culture of critique
What a fucking sick thing to do. Fuck these soulless NPC's.
At least give us sauce you stupid nigger
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>he doesn't like shade in the summer or warmth in the winter
>he doesn't like a soft woman
>he doesn't like the beautiful climax you achieve when you're on the bottom, thrusting your turgid cock upwards into her 20lb pussy at mach 10, with all that warm weight softly cupping your balls
>he doesn't like having some who'll get rid of the leftovers productively
>he doesn't like someone who can guaranteed cook
>he doesn't like a woman who has the necessary fat to carry a child full-term
just say you're gay
Built, curated and sculpted for BBC
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>if you point out women are at fault then you're a jew!
Post tits.
Would plap
my wife literally looks like this
No, the problem with white people is expectation. I see poor ugly whites breeding all the time.
nobody cares, racist
No she doesn't.
>white people arent breeding due to social and economic conditions fostered by kikes as a form of tribal warfare
>kike spammer bot
It's literally just giving women the right to vote. It's not jews, it's women. Jews are just a symptom, women are the disease.
these niggas didnt read culture of critique, dont be like these niggas

You can tell that she has good genetics to work with, you just need to exercise her.
That's better than any nigress/slant-eyed slut/whatever abomination out there. The real question is why are you gay?
>It's literally just giving women the right to vote. It's not jews, it's women. Jews are just a symptom, women are the disease.

retarded, women were idiots but manageable for two thousand years until jews came into power in the west and gave them the rights of men
Fucking kill yourself then leave and never come back. You are not welcome here redditor faggot.
So because of socioeconomic factors? Sounds like dindu bullshit made up to take the heat off white women.
Meh, it depends. Some people don't cause trouble and go out quietly. Others are a menace to everyone around them and it's a relief that they die.
Whites are breeding, but it's single mothers with multiple baby daddies.
You're tellig me you're not rock-hard for those cottage cheese thights?
Imagine the texture squeezing them, My God.
>So because of socioeconomic factors? Sounds like dindu bullshit made up to take the heat off white women.

women only have the agency kikes gave them, this is the same as saying "its not kikes its blacks and mexicans" while ignoring it was kike slave ships who brought the blacks here and the hart cellar act was passed by kikes that invited in the mexicans. in any case its not gonna be very effective hear as to many of us have read either the bible or culture of critique
>Whites are breeding, but it's single mothers with multiple baby daddies.

these are the social and economic factors that are fostered by kikes as a form of tribal warfare i was telling you about. its explained and thoroughly proven in culture of critique
Nobodies breeding dumbass. Even spics are reaching Japanese level birthrates.
Fat isnt healthy for pregnant women
avoiding the use of the word "socioeconomic" here made me debate your intelligence momentarily, but in the end I realized that separating the words made you sound less like a black woman on nbc, and it added to the overall effect
I worked with a girl who no shit was probably at least 160kg. So big her legs rubbed together while walking.
One day we are talking about relationships and dating and she tells me she is on Tinder. She shows me she has literally dozens and dozens of guys messaging her and that there are new guys every day.

Yeah dating apps are a problem, but these thirsty males out there willing to stick their dicks in anything have made a 2/10 girl think she is a 10/10.

Now imagine how bad it is for a fit an attractive girl. Im talking like 500 men messaging them a day.
yes she does
>chile at .88
jesus christ that's almost Korea bad
pick one. as shrimple as that
Some people have a humor about this sort of thing, and other people take it very seriously.
>the text could not possibly be an edit
wait, is this implying that you shouldn't want to breed that prime breeding sow? kek
I would guillotine my cock and balls to the entire English mass while paying the Queens tax on tea just to catch a scent that British tarts fart through a portcullis
Don't scare me like that
>avoiding the use of the word "socioeconomic" here made me debate your intelligence momentarily, but in the end I realized that separating the words made you sound less like a black woman on nbc, and it added to the overall effect
socioeconomic factors fostered by kikes as a form of tribal warfare, there are you happy? kikes know white people are their primary enemy and for a short window of time they had almost full control of our media this is all proven extensively in culture of critique using mainstream jewish sources in attempt to guard against accusations of cherry picking (they still called it cherry picking lol)
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>Nobodies breeding dumbass. Even spics are reaching Japanese level birthrates.
Individualize society is caner only communities are having kids.
The most fertile group in my country that has families is the amish
At this point it really doesn’t matter what a woman is like physically or personality wise or anything except that she’s white. Survival matters. Knock up like 10 different white girls and you aren’t going to care about the individual things wrong with each of them.
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Being *too morbidly obese* isn't healthy. A healthy pregnancy requires a certain amount of fat. Skinny women aren't good ovens. This is just straight fact.
I was one of those guys and I regret nothing.
I'm a 8/10 myself and I don't give a fuck. If it breathes: I'm going to fuck it.
Hoeinflation only affects men who shouldn't have sex anyway.
jesus christ unless that woman past 8ft or 2.5metres that is landwhale mode
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That British girl? The fat one? Get ahold of yourself, man.
Even if they are so shitty of a person that they fuck up the kid it’s ok. Look at Elon, one of his kids went trans but he’s got a dozen more that are normal to make up for it.
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>white people arent breeding due to social and economic conditions

Yeah, imagine the feed bill if you bred her.
>Women having control over who reproduces is eugenics not dysgenic
Die in a car accident you delusional beef flaps worshipper
really its lack of opportunities for gainful employment, MOST men in their thirties and under live at home right now with their parents, its not really conducive to raising families.
Like a beach ball on legs or a parade float coming towards you.
>Now imagine how bad it is for a fit an attractive girl. Im talking like 500 men messaging them a day.
Dudes can't message her if she doesn't match with them retard
Dating apps let women easily take nearly all men out of the equation so they can be used for sex by just guys out of their league when it comes to actual commitment

> Would
Quite the booty and titties, if I do say.
Can't be an 8/10 with that BMI.
>live at home right now with their parents, its not really conducive to raising families

Multi-generational households were a thing until the 50s when boomers decided to blow their childrens' inheritance on dumb shit like RVs, time shares, vacation houses, and other materialism.

It's often better to have at least 3 generations in one large house helping each other than it is to have everyone living separately and struggling.
>read culture of critique
or On Genetic Interests by Frank Salter
This video gives an overview:
>Incel seething
It doesn't matter who's "in control." What matters is whether or not you can adapt to the current context and reproduce.
Adapt or say bye-bye to your bloodline, faggot.
Literally natural selection at work.
>Multi-generational households were a thing until the 50s

i never said they werent a thing, but they werent the norm when starting a family since bible times

Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
the fact that MOST young men thirty and under are living at home is not a testament to their personal failings but it speaks to a systemic problem. again read culture of critique
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As an old fag, women with giant asses (ie, "thick") were ostracized and couldn't get dates. Watch any teen sex romp comedy from the 80's and you'll see what I mean. The fact that these hideous hambeasts now have power over you incels (thanks to be simps that just want to stick your dick in anything with a pulse) is SAD. In yesteryear, you could always fall back on one of those pigs when you were in between relationships with good looking women; their insecurities and awkwardness meant an easy lay. But, as mentioned earlier, you losers came to worship that body style and now all women have power over you.
ill check it out thanks for the recommendation
Wow, Jilliyn seems like a huge piece of shit even though Faith's obituary calls her Faith's best friend and not just her sister. What a piece of shit.
>subhuman beta weebs
She kind of looks like Kelly Shamrock, peak braphog
IDF bot detected
Here's the paper the book is on. Should be required reading for all pro-Whites
I’m looking for information about a study that links appliance ownership to birth rate. Something along the lines that owning a freezer decreases the number of children someone has by X percent. I’ve had a look for it and couldn’t find anything specifically like that. I'm pretty sure I heard someone say it on a podcast a few years ago but I can't find the study.
tits too small
loooool those "countries" arent actually having less babies tho, they are just having them here.

this is all stat manipulation to make you think its not just happening to whites.

it is.
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Your tiny penis can’t fit in that thick girl only in ling ling who was built for tiny penis
Shut up poo
sadly would
To flat out deny it’s existence in other countries is disingenuous. It’s happening world wide from multiple factors but those factors tend to exist the most in east Asia and western nations with less developed countries generally having less factors and more kids on avg but still an issue for them.
>Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

This was not Adam declaring that a man who takes a wife must also have his own house, it is stating that up to that point the man has a duty to his mother and father, but upon taking a wife his primary focus changes to the wife.

Israelites did keep multi-generational homes and it was expected that the older generations provide for the younger ones.
Only an absolute faggot would dismiss this wide hipped lass
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correction: no HE doesn't
Delusional spic even in America your birthrates are below replacement. Just accept that your torta eating fat ass bitches no longer want kids.
>>This was not Adam declaring that a man who takes a wife must also have his own house, it is stating that up to that point the man has a duty to his mother and father, but upon taking a wife his primary focus changes to the wife.

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
i am not saying if you currently cannot afford to live with your wife alone and put your parents up in a house on your property to look after them in their old age you are not married, the one flesh thing is the marriage (really) but rather thats how most of us would chose to live if it were up to us. its not your fault, everyone is in dire straights right now that is the point, they are making it out like you who live at home are freaks but you are the majority thats how MOST young men are living, because they made gainful employment unattainable for whites specifically so they would not have children.
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psst hey you... yeah you! psst


That girl aint' no prize.

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