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>lets goooooo

When did white kids start talking like this, why, and how do we get them to stop?
aw hail naw bruh ain't no way
bro is mad
We said shit like this in the late 90s it's literally nothing new
In the 90s it was not as widespread among most young people and it was also not as stupid and niggery sounding
complain about zoomers thread #99999
And? Zoomers are fucking retarded. Nearly a quarter of them identify as LGBT. There's a lot to complain about
stale /pol/-tier observation
Let’s go back to shaming white people for appropriating AAVE
we would sing this song BUTTFUCKING IS THE WAY I never really understood where it came from but the cool kids would sing it I assume it is from a real song
My laste year of highschool in 2010 was when I started hearing these phrases. I have not heard them since I graduated.
I think it’s because they spend so much time online, a place where so little is expected of them, that they never learn to think before they speak, which naturally leads to them talking like niggers.
You're going to have to get used to the fact that every generation of teenagers looks and sounds and acts retarded, including yours. Once you enter your 40s you will have seen this cycle twice already. They do grow up and mostly become human eventually.

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