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are women over 25 really that hideous?
she's not hideous the issue is people rely on their youthful metabolism even when it stops working, takes them years to figure it out that they need to cut their eating in half and not drink alcohol. most never realize it
Shes had work done. The average woman is hideous under that make up.
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I hope she does find a nice White husband and finally has children. She doesn't seem like an overt libtard that deserves to suffer.
Most of the time, the problem are "white" American women but some yuropiñas also fall into this.
How about she finds a nice spic husband in Mexico?
Poison pussy.
she said she can’t have children because of her conditions
Really? What's her conditions?
Absolute hog-goblin
lupus, bipolar

I live in New Jersey. Every women is overweight, wears no makeup, or wrinkly skin from the sun. Comes wintertime everybody wearing winter clothes and they don't give a fuck. I knew a guy who was from New Jersey who lived in California said the women here are rough looking. You either age out or don't care about how you look.
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That doesn't sound like it'd be enough to not have children, just some bullshit that some doctors have been feeding her.
She looks like a nice person, any White guy would be lucky to have a wife like her.
She is a psycho, and is likely forced to take contraceptives as well as likely has an embedded contraceptive in her uterus or under her skin somewhere as a backup.
sephardic jew.
this isn’t a selena simp thread she was just an example. i just wonder why guys treat women over 25 like they’re men.
Latinas age better than white women
>any White guy would be lucky to have a wife like her
Until they realize there aren't enough hours in the day you can work in order to feed that beast.
It usually doesn’t happen, if she isn’t massively vaccinated, doesn’t take medications, eats reasonably healthy non convenience high fat organic food. Also no vapping.
I knew a Portuguese family who owned a liquor store. The mother and father had giant bags under their eyes from working 10am to 10pm everyday for 30 years until they sold the store. Every so often you would see their pretty daughter who started to get the same giant bangs under her eyes she was to even 30.
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Its so weird knowing she poops everyday
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Am I the only one who didn’t find her attractive before but finds her attractive now?

A average looking woman will stay the same but a pretty girl will not. And latinas get fatter than white women but white women get that nasty old neck and crows eyes. The average Latina is not that tall they get fat and stumpy after kids.
is she 45 already, wtf?
Im on both sides of the fence, if I had the ability id have a 3 some with her 16 year old self and current self at the same time
She looks the same?
She was never on my radar, but then sometime in the last year, I realized is turning into a Latina fertility goddess and I can't stop lusting after her.

I was talking to a Asian woman who said she was 35 and she looked good. The other day food shopping I saw a Asian who worn out and old looking at it hurt to look at her. In that same store there are older bleach blonde women. If it wasn't the fact they keep in shape from moving groceries around they would look completely awful.
She was smoking hot 10 years ago. She’s already well past her window and down the plastic surgery trap.
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Her body is hot now but her face looks like the fucking pot of greed
>Latina fertility goddess
Stop lusting after goblinas
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White cope and white lies
I think cold weather in general keeps the skin tight and fresh air is youthful. Being most white women come from Europe. They still stand the rest of time. Now Japan is cold climate too. So whites and Asians do not age as fast unless they move to hot climates where the sun and pollution destroys the skin.
>pink nips here
>brown here
That's why you get rich in your 20s and 30s then buy a couple lolis to run through and spawn lots of sons whom you leave your entire fortune too

It's true. Once a women gets fat her face hides her age but then it catches up. Plastic surgery is the greatest thing to happen to women but you have to not get bogged.
Thats just mexicans
>which color could be correct, the one from the real photo or the fake one?
Both of these are fake
Cutting that many calories is just going to make metabolism worse. Better to just improve metabolism
I don’t know what this post is trying to say, I’d rape and impregnate either.
That's because you like old fat women anon, but that's okay, there's a place for all of us in this world
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i don't see the problem

hell she looks better if you ask me
ive been down and out due to nerve pains i am recovering from and did not gain and excess weight even without being able to daily exercise like I had before. But I am one of the perfect men because I had not drank or smoked nor have I eaten like a lard ass.
another quality of mine is the sincerity of loathing the general public.
simple as
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none want's to fuck a chick over 25, it's simple ignorance and definitely not treating that like a man.
Or you’re a nonce
No that's an incel cope. I've met many people from the ages 20-29 throughout my university years and couldn't tell the difference most of the time. Some people looked older and some younger than their actual age. I'd say people tend to look younger these days
She's on corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants because she kiked her friend out of a kidney. She also has lupus
>what is bleach
Every hot girl from highschool hit the wall hard. I'm 30 and look the same. White women age like milk, it's kind of depressing
Never understood the appeal of this goblina, even when she was at peak popularity. Her face is that of a pig.
And this is just repulsive.
The average girl is ugly without make. Hitting the wall just makes them uglier and gross. Standing a foot away from a girl and you see the layers of make up and smelling it too is always funny. She herself has to smell it all day herself. Lmao.

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