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"The Waifu Wrestling Alliance. For almost 300 threads, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment. Then. Now. For as long as we damn well feel like it!"

>What is /wwa/?
Waifu Wrestling Alliance (WWA for short) is a video game and 4chan E-Federation that uses Pro-Wrestling Video games to simulate a fictional wrestling promotion of user created waifus. We mainly use the WWE 2K series of video games, however we have also utilized other pro-wrestling games such as Fire Pro or Wrestling Empire.

>Getting Started/How do I join?

>Simulator Video Games
WWE 2K24 (Our Main Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2315690/WWE_2K24/
Fire Pro Wrestling World (Tertiary Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/564230/Fire_Pro_Wrestling_World/
Wrestling Empire (Tertiary Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1620340/Wrestling_Empire/

>Quick Resources
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WaifuWrestlingAlliance
Wiki: https://waifumania.fandom.com/wiki/Waifumania_Wiki

>Online Waifu Generators
Perchance: https://perchance.org/ai-text-to-image-generator
Prodia: https://app.prodia.com/#/art-ai

Previous Thread: https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/21372645
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Cassie’s eyes flit back and forth between Persephone and Pandora. Just as the former said, they are indeed now her problem. A problem that needed to be solved, in whatever form it should take in the future. As for the here and now however, Cassie’s club was on fire, through apparent magical means, and the longer that continued to be the case, the more money this would cost her.

In truth, health and safety wasn’t something Cassie skirted regulations on. The sprinkler system built into the venue should have smothered this blaze. The fact it hadn’t meant someone must have disabled it. No surprises there, given the strange control Persephone had managed to exert on the crowd earlier.

Cassie rests a firm hand on Persephone’s shoulder and maintains eye contact with her as she withdraws a small walkie talkie and issues an order into it. “The patrons are clear. Activate a full lockdown.”

There’s a metallic groan as metallic blast doors descend, sealing off all of Club Xtacy’s exits and windows. The lockdown function was initially intended as a security measure of last resort, should a rival organisation launch a full scale attack on the club. Cassie never would have imagined that when she finally had cause to use it, it would be to keep a threat within the building instead of out of it.

Her grip on Persephone’s shoulder tightens. “You and Pandora certainly are my problem. But this situation isn’t just a problem for me now, is it?” There was something magnetic about the conundrum that was Persephone, but Cassie manages to finally break eye contact with her, to focus on Pandora. “You say you’re here to make a statement. Well as things stand, we’ll all burn tonight, and your first statement will be your last.”

Once again, Cassie's glare shifts to Persephone. “Unless of course you snap your fingers and put a stop to this fire, just as you started it.”
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The redhead’s heart rate increases as a rush of adrenaline surges through her body. It was entirely possible that Persephone was unable to stop fires as readily as she created them. Or that a magical being such as herself could survive the flames. At the very least, her companion seemed human. Would she be willing to sacrifice her?

Whatever the case, this was a gamble. A dangerous one with her life on the line, the sort of gamble she regularly had to make in her youth, prior to the rise to power that allowed her to risk the lives of others instead of her own. The sort of gamble that gave life to that part of her that she worked so hard to keep repressed. She could almost hear it speaking to her, whispering in the back of her head.

Cassie hated the sound, but with it came a strange calm. And this rush she was feeling now… it was a feeling she missed. There was no denying that. It felt almost natural. Given what she knew now of her family, perhaps it was. Her grip on Persephone’s shoulder tightens, and she leans in close, as something vaguely resembling a grin forms on her lips. “So what will you do now? Will you end this? Or will this night end with the three of us departing this mortal coil in a blaze of glory?”
6 bumps
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After losing last week to Susanna von Braun, Kairi Minakami was attacked by the seemingly vampiric Valderiss. Kairi barely managed to make it back stage, where her sister Kimiko was able to help her to get medical attention. In a rare display of anger, the younger of the two (alleged) Yakuza Princesses challenged the newcomer to a 10 minute time limit match. Eager for more blood, Valderiss was eager to accept. Seemingly aligned with Susanna and The Beastmaster, who knows what to expect from our newcomer here? Both women are gonna have to move fast however, as there are only 10 minutes on the clock!

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ICU got the win over Ursa Minor in their proper confrontation, but the star-child's unhinged obsession continues. While Inez may be looking to break into more important scenes, she is constantly waylayed by the prescense of Ursa Minor. Now, a challenge to meet her on the catwalk has been answered, with no sanction, with no rules, these two will collide again.

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Two WWA Dojo trainees make their in-ring debuts when Carol Izanagi battles Ayashi. Having been in the Dojo system for some time, Carol Izanagi is keen to make a strong first impression on the live WWA audience, and such offered herself as an opponent to newcomer Ayashi. Ayashi is something of a mystery, having only signed with the WWA recently via special request of an unknown sponsor, and immediately began seeking out information on fellow Dojo trainees and coaches for reasons as yet to be made clear.

Who will come out on top in this battle of Dojo debutants? There is only one way to find out.

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Nikki smiles. “Of course I came alone. I’m Nikki Kade, a Divine Angel. And we’re nothing if not honest, upstanding citizens after all!” Nikki’s eyes narrow as Kanako looks at the limo. Did she suspect something? Nikki’s concerns are quickly alleviated when Kanako starts to talk about how quickly she recovered from her fiery encounter with Lexi.

“What makes me think I could do better? Well for starters, I’d have lit YOU on fire. Not the coffin. The screaming would start quicker that way, and you’d have no chance to escape. And unlike Lexi, I wouldn’t call my sister to do it for me.” Nikki chuckles. “You know, I’ve never even met her, and she seems to have the right ideas and all but only lighting the coffin… and getting someone else to do it, just seems like someone who doesn’t really like getting their hands dirty, you know? But me? I’ve been getting my hands dirty for over a year.”

Nikki’s smile fades when Kanako raises a gun, but quickly returns when she holsters it. “That’s more like it. Figures the ‘warrior of love and justice’ isn’t gonna play for keeps, ey?”

Kanako’s speed, somewhat unexpected from someone with her tall, lanky frame, almost catches Nikki off guard when she lunges toward her. But speed and fast reflexes have long been Nikki’s greatest strength, and she just about manages to evade Kanako’s strikes while backing away, toward the limo, luring her opponent in.

With some space between the two, Kanako taunts her and adopts a Muay Thai stance.

>She’s confident. Feed it.

Nikki responds to Coco’s advice by feigning a fearful expression as she backs up some more alongside the limo, until she’s just past the passenger door she knows the other Angels are behind.
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Kanako smirked.
>You've been getting your hands dirty for a long time, huh? Just as your pathetic lineage does.
Kanako replies.
>I've taken down people like you before. So *smug*. Maybe you can understand what this is. Hell, you came here a alone. Congrats Kade. You learned what honor is. I'm honestly impressed. But you challenged me to this fight here. I'll finish it.
Kanako throws a left jab at Nikki's lower body. She blocked. Kanako threw a right knee at Nikki's face. Nikki got a hand up to push Kanako's knee away. Kanako regains her balance and steps towards Nikki.
Kanako throws a low kick as Nikki tries to brace herself low. Kanako's leg whips back at her knee.
Kanako's foot slips back from the feint and strikes Nikki in the head in a roundhouse kick.
Kanako followed through as her boot ran across Nikki's face in a roundhouse kick. Nikki flew back onto the pavement, her back to the ground.
>What'cha gonna do Kade? I beat your sister, and she was, frankly, much better than whatever monster you became. At least she's just after money. What are you after? You sick piece of trash.
Kanako held her leg up, before pulling it back into her Muay Thai stance with a smile.
>You gave me shit about Kasumi. I beat the better version of you. Thought you'd do better than Cassie. You seem to have an inferiority complex, don'cha? Need more of an ass kicking or are we done here?
Kanako beckoned to Nikki.
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>Seven bumps? Better gimme three fingers a' whiskey first
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>[It's a cold night on Spaghetti Town Beach, as Kelly Omega shares a night off.]

"Yeah, I'll head back to the Academy at the end of this tournament. After the Paris show. Hopefully Maaike wins, of course, for her sake. She's worked so fucking hard for this. But imagine; Kelly Omega's first real go at training someone and they win a tournament? That's wild. That's great advertising for the Oni Academy. That's a huge 'screw you' to fucking Romero."

"Fucking Romero. Why do people like her so much? 'Firebird' this. 'Goon Japan' that. I've always had cooler nicknames than her... even if 'Firebird' is awesome. Her outfit was cool. It's not surprising she got the GJPW Intercontinental Title before I did. But I did better for myself and the company in my time there. She's graduated one person in almost two years from that fucking Dojo. And where the hell even is she now? Lost to the fucking cyclops and disappeared. If you ask me, she should be as un-personed as half the other assholes management tells us not to mention on TV anymore. Imagine being Romero, graduated that dweeb and she just fucks off. It's pathetic."

"I mean... shit, maybe I don't blame her totally. That Dojo is... tch. It's had a rough history. A lot of people quit once they realised that half those early trainer were only there to fuck the students or beat them up for saying 'no'. Probably the only good thing to come out of Violet destroying the place was getting those assholes fired. Well, 'fired'. I don't know if I believe they were actually let go, if you catch my drift. But god, that building... I didn't know at the time they were buying the place, but they announced it at the end of that tournament. You were in it, remember? Yeah, yeah, first round exit, but we've all grown a lot since then. Fucking Punk Elf knocked me fucking stiff in that one, but I got her in the end. Made her give up that title she shouldn’t have won in the first place..."

"Are you following anything I'm saying?"
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>[LILLITH making nod head.]




>[LILLITH making look at big water far away.]



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>[Kelly Omega is shocked.]

"I... I have never heard you talk that much. Or make that much sense. You know, I think I'm starting to understand you, Red."

"... yeah, they told me I could go to Paris as Earl Girl -- uh, Maaike's mentor. But I dunno. I feel like this has to be all her. I've done enough -- no, LILLITH. We have done enough. She's either got this, or she doesn't, but either way she's so much better than she was when we started."

>[Omega pauses briefly, before turning to look LILLITH in the eyes. Her tone is soft and genuine.]

"Can I... ask you something?"

>[LILLITH nods again.]

"You always seem to be wearing the same clothes, but -- and don't take this weird -- you don't stink. I've never seen you eat. We've been here for hours now, and you haven't had a drink, or needed to pee or eaten anything or even fidgeted in your seat. It’s cold out, and you don't have goosebumps. And, fuck, you've let me do 99% of the talking without interrupting."

"You showed up at that tournament and not a single person has any knowledge of you before that day. Thea Thority won't say where she scouted you from. You don't appear in any social media posts, and the internet is totally clear of anything to do with you before then."

"Your early record here was absolute shit, but you never got weird like half the new kids around here. You were the first person to lose to Lightning fucking Nika. You then ran through the B1 and nearly won the B Block. You got fucking decimated in embarrassing fashion by Divine. Then you went and dominated Bishamonta. And then you were totally content to stay back, cook for the Dojo kids, and then you were willing to risk fighting *me* to keep Maaike safe."

"There are androids here. All sorts of animal girls. There are Onis and devils. And succubi, or half-succubi. Vampires, plural. Apparently, Sapphire was a ghost AND a witch. Or was a witch, is now a ghost. So like..."

"Where did you come from? What *are* you?"
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>[LILLITH making big think on Angel Girl word. LILLITH... knowing answer. LILLITH never making know how to answer.]


>[LILLITH making look at big star in sky. LILLITH not making want to talk more on LILLITH.]
>[Omega's eyes narrow, but only momentarily. With a slight shrug, her face softens. Can't blame a girl for trying.]

Kelly Omega has no interest in prying information from anyone, least of all a new friend. But LILLITH is clearly *something*, and she doesn't seem to fit in to any of the previously mentioned categories.

"You know what, Red? I'll drink to that... even if you won't."

"Tch. That was a joke."

>[Omega joins LILLITH in looking out at the sea as she digests what LILLITH said previously.]

"You, uh... you said 'Crown gave you the cook room'. Surely you don't mean Victoria Royale, right? She made you the chef of the Dojo? And it was in exchange for... what, protecting the Princess?"

>[LILLITH nods. Omega stays silent on the Princess' situation. Maybe it's best nobody here knew. But somebody someday needs to handle that Royale pain in the ass. Omega prays it gets to be her.]

"And... 'Crog Girl give new clothe'. I don't know or care what a 'Crog' is, but... you mean you have another outfit after all? If you want to, wear it sometime. I used to be all black, myself, and it was... tch. Shit. Sheila. You ever met her? She and I are -- were..? Fuck, nevermind. But, uh, tch. We're in agreement on Bang Girl."

"You know, LILLITH, I know what people think about me, too. I know why Onigiri wanted me at that Academy. I know why you stayed in the kitchen when I met Maaike. And I know why I got booed the fuck out of every arena I went into for the last two years. But just because people see you one way, doesn't mean that's all you'll ever be. First impressions are strong, but they aren't unbreakable."

"Or... fuck. I hope not."

>[Omega has nothing else to say. She sits in silence on the cool Spaghetti Town beach.]
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Suddenly, Kelly DiVanna’s music hits and she purposefully makes her way to the ring, a mic in hand. Her expression is a stern one, but softens as she exchanges a grin with Sheila, before her brow furrows once again as she raises the mic to her lips

> Now hold on just a minute. I’ve got a bone to pick with the WWA tag division. Sheila and I made it real straightforward to get a shot at our tag titles.
> Yet now here we are, on the brink of Waifus in Paris, and we’ve got no challengers.
> And that makes pisses me off.

Kelly chuckles to herself

> But let’s get this straight. It’s not because of some pompous horseshit about you schmucks not getting chances at the gold, that’s your own collective faults. And it’s not because of some ego driving bullshit like missing out on the opportunity to build up an impressive run of defences either.
> Nah.
> I’m pissed because you, and not just you Fury, but the others backstage, are costing me my PWE WIN BONUS that we’d get after we cut through whoever challenged us like a hot knife through butter. Real shame too, given the win bonus is way higher for title matches.
> I was gonna buy my mom something real nice with that money. Bring a smile to an old woman’s face, you know? A woman who blazed a trail in this industry for not just me but all of you!
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Kelly shakes her head.
> But that won’t be happening now. And each and every single one of you backstage is to blame. Think about that.
> And look, I get it. I get it. The Instant Replay and The Bogan Bombshell are a duo that can’t be topped, and quite literally none of you had the balls to try this time around.
> But come the show after Paris, after you’ve all had your fill of frog legs and baguettes, after the winners are through celebrating while the losers wave white flags with the locals, me and Sheila want some action, the in ring kind.
She glares at Fury.
> Maybe you’ll be feeling a little more worthy then. Or maybe someone else will.

Kelly tosses the mic away and turns to Sheila, taking her by the hand.
> Let’s go.
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>[No amount of theory study could have prepared Ayashi on what to expect when that bell rang.]

The rush of adrenaline sent "the mysterious" Ayashi -- as this was apparently the nickname the fans had decided on -- into overdrive, letting her immediately fight at 100%... but this number would slowly drop throughout until her frankly almost embarrassing defeat. Her signal backstage had not gone unnoticed and a brief turning off of the lights had almost given Ayashi the advantage victory, and she even managed to connect with A Kick To The Face™, not that it had done her any good.

Carol Izanagi felt unstoppable. If this was the calibre of even the debuting WWA Dojo talents, Ayashi was going to have her work cut out for her. Apparently even her 'special training' was not quite enough to get her to the required level.

Not that wrestling was the goal. Information is the goal. And with this in mind, Ayashi waits for Carol to finish her celebration and then offers a few words.

"Well done, Miss Izanagi. Miss Romero must be proud to have a student like you under her *wing*. Once we are backstage, I'd love to talk to you a bit more about her. 'Pick your brain', as it were."

Ayashi offers a handshake. Her mouth is smiling, but whatever emotion is on display behind her glasses is hidden, and very... mysterious.
guys can you make my oc marcella a thing in these threads she looks like a female lebron james wirhout the beard

*Marcella SUPLEXES me into the pavement, leaving me BARELY conscious*
>Me: Oh pleaze... my nubian QUEEN GODDESS... please stop... i am defeated... paralyzed...
*Marcella takes off her STINKY, REEKING BOOT OFF and places her soaking wet vinegary socked foot victoriously and effeminately on top of my face*
>Marcella: Lick up, whiboi.
*I start involuntarily convulsing from arousal (while fighting it)*
>Me: N-no... I refuse!!
*Marcella stomps on my face with her drenched foot*
> Me: GAAAHHH!! (Thinking: she.... she's beaten me completely.. I cannot resist anymore... I better comply)
*Starts whimpering and crying, because I finally give in to my urges and her demands and start licking her feet like a rabid animal*
>Marcella: "Hehehe, good ol' whiboi BITCH! Yous make a good foot slave, dontchu think, lil BITCH nigga?"
>Marcella "My own whiteboy footslave BITCH... I be likin da sound o' dat..."
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>[The Mad Octopus lives up to her namesake.]

A little hazing of new rookies, no worse than what the traitor Omega had handed out to her own peers back in the day, and this *rookie* was up in arms. Still, the boldness of Suzuki to challenge a former champion to a match on a Premium Event (as that is what they are called in America, she hears)? This is what I.C.U. did, to her own detriment. It is almost endearing. Shame that it will get her nowhere in this company, a fact MADDOTAKO has learned all too well herself.

["Next week? A-haha. Fine, *Dojo girl*. I will see if those in charge will allow on to travel to Paris. If not, then Halloween it will be, and I will ensure this town has a new ghoul to haunt it, when I bend you beyond recognition. No matter the location, you will not escape."]

MADDO moves to stand directly in front of Suzuki, not backing down, locking eye-to-eye. For a moment, it almost seems MADDOTAKO's hair is wriggling, reaching out to get closer to Suzuki... a trick of the light, no doubt. Without warning, The Mad Octopus turns on the ball of her feet and heads back the way she came in, shoving one trainee to the floor and kicking a water bottle as she goes.
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From within the limo, Priscilla silently watches as Nikki and Kanako confront each other. As expected, once it gets physical, Nikki backs up toward the limo, managing the situation well as she evades Kanako’s blows and brings the confrontation closer.

By the time Kanako does manage to land a hit on her, they’re right next to the limo. Nikki hits the pavement, and Kanako stands over her, saying something, Priscilla can’t make out all of it from within the limo. Doesn’t really matter to her, Kanako is distracted and perfectly positioned. Priscilla glances at Masala and Amanda.

> Now.

Just as Kanako beckons toward Nikki, Priscilla pushes the limo door open with all the force she can muster. There’s a loud thud as the door slams into Kanako, and Priscilla springs out of the limo, holding a taser. She helps Nikki to her feet, while Amanda and Masala exit the limo from the other side, and approach Kanako from the other direction, surrounding her.

Priscilla smiles.
> You were very optimistic to think Nikki came alone. You didn’t just run your mouth about her and her family after all, you mentioned the Divine Angels.
> So here we are.
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As Priscilla said to get out of the car, Amanda followed with the other girl who was pretty...different? Well there was no time to talk about it. Then she saw the bitch they were suppose to beat up and.. she kicked Nikki!
It's true thad Amanda and Nikki weren't friends yet, but still Nikki, even while teasing her showed a bit of kindness so that made Amanda angry, but what made her even more angry was this girl who used a Muay thai stance, just for showing a gun after? A disgrace as a martial artist in her opinion, even if for SOME reason this girl was the good one Amanda didn't care, she did 2 things that pissed her off.
And having a gun who could potentially hurt Priscilla? Nah this girl has to go down and QUICK.
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`Does she think us scared of a little fire? Does she not know of our history?`
**Look at her chest. It was clearly not her brain which developed.**
> "Please be careful! There is something different about this one!"

Persephone involuntarily shudders at the hand of Cassie Kade upon their shoulder. Pandora seems to be suggesting she did not know it was this woman who owned the club, but there is... something about the much taller, much more muscular redhead which is going to be hard to forget. Cassie references the snapping of fingers, and Persephone silently curses themself for being too brazen; their methods are not and never will be 'secret', but for someone to so openly mention them is not ideal, especially as Cassie's hand tightens around Persephone's shoulder and the question is asked of just how this night will end.

"What makes you think the fire will harm us, or our... friend?"

With unbroken eye contact -- green to green, as it were -- neither was willing to be the first to... stop. It is a game of chicken, then. Persephone would not risk Pandora, this was true, but as the flames crackled around the trio, and the handful of patrons left hiding out of sight, it had never been so tempting to The Black Witch to say nothing, do nothing and... see what happened.

Glasses shatter and artwork dissolves from the walls, slumping to the floor in unrecognisable blobs. The sound system begins to falter, a macabre soundtrack as the vinyls warp and equipment melts. The flames draw close; whether it would end Persephone's existence is a question to be determined, but there is no denying the heat and the beginnings of blisters on skin. The clamping on Persephone's shoulder could mean... many things. Was this Cassie Kade implying she would not be injured by the fire? A bold gamble. Though, there are supernatural forces at play in this town outside of Persephone herself, they could feel that from the moment they left the woods.
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Whoever blinked first is still unclear, but the moment Cassie's grip loosened even a fraction, Persephone stepped backward and clicked her right fingers and thumb, and with two extended fingers on her left hand, tapped them together. Though not immediate, the flames begin to dwindle, as if retreating back into the cocktail glasses from which they came, or gather in groups to snuff themselves out on command.

The damage to the club itself is not undone, however, and the peeled paint, destroyed furniture and still smouldering pocket fires remain. A hefty price to pay for two strangers in the club, no doubt.

`She can't have known we'd do that? Or can this one..?`
**She definitely can't. No so far have been able to...**
> "Be careful, if she can! You know that we..!"

Persephone reaches for one glass still smouldering on the bar top, and throws it over her shoulder, the flames dissipating mid-air and the glass landing with an obnoxious shatter somewhere behind her.

"Well, Miss... Kade, was it? We are afraid you simply won't learn the answer to your question this evening. But we must say, your hospitality has been appreciated, and we find you most... intriguing. You strike us as a woman with power, or at least with powerful friends. Tell us, what do you know of... Waifus in Paris? An event upcoming across the lands to the east. We find ourselves in need of competition."

>[There is a subtle tone to Persephone's challenge. Daring. Teasing. Flirtatious]

"Persephone and Pandora. Both, or either. Together, alone, or both at once. We are here to make a name for ourselves. We bring Pandemonium. And we are still your problem."
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>Stupid, silly cyclops. Walking straight into the tiger's jaws.
>I don't suppose you know what this is?
Masala thrusts a purple canister in Kanako's face.
>That's right, little miss wet work, it's Purple Haze! The most potent pepper spray on the market
>Military grade, made from the infamous El Culo de Satanás pepper, over a billion Scoville units
>One blast of this will take your eyebrows clean off
>Now I know what you're thinking, 'that canister only has about six good squirts and she's probably used it at least half a dozen times now on the mansion's staff. So has she given them five squirts or six?'
>Honestly, I've lost track myself. So you've got to ask yourself just one question, 'do I feel lucky?'
>Well do you?
Masala presses a button on the top of the canister, sending a blast of searing hot pepper spray straight into her own face.
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Blind and in excruciating pain, Masala thrashes about wildly. She dashes back and forth between the guardrails of the bridge before eventually colliding with Kanako.
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As Kanako’s kick knocks her to the floor, Nikki grits her teeth and clenches her fists. Anger begins to boil within her, anger which is further exacerbated by Coco’s even more intense anger at an unfavourable comparison to Cassie of all people. Better version of her? Inferiority complex? The plan to lure Kanako in completely slips Nikki’s mind, and Coco’s voice takes its place.

> Get her! Push our fingers into her eyes and make her scream! Strangle her!

But before Nikki can do anything rash, the limo door swings open and slams into Kanako. Nikki calms down as Priscilla Divine emerges, and a smile appears on her face as the blonde helps her to her feet.

She rubs her face. "Thanks Prissy! Perfect timing!"
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As Masala and Amanda help surround Kanako, Nikki’s cocky demeanour returns. “Ahahaha! Not so chatty now, huh? COWARD!”

Nikki rubs her hands together. “And you know, you’re right about something. I’m not after money like Cassie. She’s just greedy, already has plenty but always wants more.” She glances at Priscilla. “Not that anything is wrong with that!”

Her eyes narrow in Kanako’s direction once again, and she slowly approaches her. “But, money doesn’t really do it for me now I’ve got enough of it. I like fame. People looking at me and admiring me, or desiring me, or fearing me, doesn’t really matter which.”

Nikki giggles. “I like making dorks like you scream and cry and wallow in despair, the sounds you make, the looks on your stupid faces… it makes me horny!”

“And best of all, it makes me more feared.” She looks at the other angels. “It makes all of us more feared.” She points at Kanako and looks at Amanda and Masala. “Now sic her! Sic h-”

Nikki falls silent as she watches Masala spray herself with the Purple Haze. “Wha.. How…” But as Masala tumbles into Kanako an opportunity presents itself and Nikki looks at Amanda. “Grr, YOU, get her!”
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>With FUCKING pleasure.
Amanda didn't hesitate at all, after seeing Masala colliding with Kanako and bringing her down, Amanda tried to get on top of the bitch and started to rain punches at her gut!
>That's what you get for hurting Nikki fucking bitch!
And Amanda was known for two things: her aggression and her MMA master skills.
>You are a fucking disgrace, using Martial arts and then bringing a gun? You should be ASHAMED.
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Cassie Kade gambled. And the gamble paid off. As the flames begin their unnatural retreat, Cassie rests a hand on the cross hanging from her necklace and much like the flames, that repressed force within her that had started to make its influence felt begins to fade.

Persephone and Pandora however, remain. As does the severe damage to Club Xtacy’s ground floor. Repairs would be expensive, but as far as Cassie was concerned, that paled in comparison to the profits, both on and especially off the books, that she’d lose out on while the club had to remain closed. And the dark enigma named Persephone was to blame.

While Cassie wasn’t as inclined to admit it, the feeling of intrigue Persephone expressed was mutual. Her own power that she had gained after years of work to climb the ranks within Dublin’s largest criminal organisation, was, despite the demonic ancestry she recently learned of, very human. Power held together by her ability to instill fear and respect in her subordinates. That and her bravery and wit in situations like the one she faced tonight.

But Persephone, she was something very different. Power in a more direct sense. An ability to exert control over others and to create fires with a snap of her fingers. And that was only what Cassie had observed tonight. There could well be more.

Cassie had long held an aversion to the supernatural. But Persephone’s display tonight… And her own origins, specifically Lexi’s revelation that their kind could live for hundreds of years, time with which she could accumulate untold levels of wealth and build an organisation, no, an empire that spanned beyond far her already ambitious dreams? Well, it all certainly had a way of changing one’s perspective.
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And so, despite Cassie’s undeniable rage at what transpired tonight, the idea of another encounter with this woman appealed to her for reasons beyond vengeance. For the supernatural world was new to her, but it was clearer than ever now that it was a world she needed to explore thoroughly, and this woman, Persephone, represented a chance to do so.

“I’ll tell you what I know of Waifus In Paris,” Cassie replies. As she speaks, she closes the distance Persephone created between them right before undoing the spell that started the fire.

She looks down at the smaller woman, whose curvaceous form and skin that was so soft to the touch completely belie the destruction she is capable of. “It’s where you and I will meet again. We’ll sweat, we’ll bleed, and in the end one of us will taste defeat while the other basks in the glow of victory. But it won’t be the only time.” Cassie leans forward, and utters a fierce whisper into Persephone’s ear. “Because I want you, alone. And I will have you. But…”

She takes a step back and looks across at Pandora. “…in Paris, I want both of you. Tonight’s events need to be answered for and you may not have started the fire, but you gleefully partook in the desecration of my place of business all the same.”

Cassie withdraws her walkie talkie and issues an order. "End lockdown." There's a metallic grunt as the blast doors covering the exits and windows rise out of sight, and the sound of sirens can be heard in the distance as emergency services rush toward Club Xtacy. “I’ll bring an ally. Extreme Rules. Tornado tag. Come Paris, you’ll both be a problem solved by The Widowmaker Society.”
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fuuuck this new shit
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New phone who dis?
>haha yeah, like, it was wild... huhh? oh you're gone
>hey wait, um, like... where is everyone?
>did i, um, like, you know, um... bump too much?
>priscilla..? are you still here?

>i think the party's over...
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`Is she threatening us? Does she want us to retaliate?`
**She couldn’t handle us if we did. And she is not dumb enough to think otherwise.**
> "She's terrifying! Don't go any further!"

Persephone smiles softly as the lockdown ends, and maintains the expression as Cassie Kade accepts the challenge for Waifus in Paris. Whichever form it ends up taking, Persephone and Pandora will be prepared. Light bursts through the front windows as the shutters rise, and the sirens of emergency services pierces the heavy silence. Mystical or otherwise, best not to draw police presence and there is no need for an ambulance for either of the Oni Academy students.

Persephone walks past Cassie Kade and leans in, mirroring Cassie's earlier action. Extending two fingers, locked together, Persephone drags a Black No. 1 fingernail across the club owner's abdomen, teasing the hem of the muscular redhead's tight leather pants. Quiet enough so only her new rival can hear, Persephone whispers.

"One night in Paris, or anywhere else; you couldn’t... handle us alone. Best bring friends."

However, louder and to her partner, who had been at Persephone's back throughout, The Black Witch speaks.

"Pandora, we suggest a quick... exit. No need to draw and *unwanted* attention. We will see our new friend her in Paris, and ensure she remembers our name."

>[Persephone and Pandora leave Club Xtacy into the morning sun. Though the damage is temporary, they hope that Cassie Kade will always remember the night her Club fell to Pandemonium.]
>bumping too much
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>Now thats what I’m talking about, that's the danger we needed to cause
>Nice moves starting that fire, couldn’t have done it myself
>And what a target we could have picked. I'd say that's proof that nobody is going to be safe from us.
>So then, Paris huh? I suppose we should head back and break the news
>Statement. Made.
>It’s like I’ve been saying, we’re the Academy’s elite. Oni’s finest.
>And well when you think about it, given the usual thing, of tag teams too busy going off doing their own thing to even team with each other
>See I think if we keep this up, we’ll end up running the tag division in no time
>What do you think?
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After Persephone and Pandora leave, the wheels begin to turn in Cassie’s mind. Not regarding what lay ahead in Paris, no, not quite yet. First she needed a story for tonight’s events, something that’d benefit her.

With a crowd of locals and patrons gathered outside the main entrance of the building, Cassie uses a side exit and takes a deep breath of the fresh morning air as she emerges in time to see the Spaghetti Town sunrise. She allows herself roughly twenty seconds to hash out the details of a plan, then, having done so, she grabs her phone and rings U. G. Lee Bastardo.

Cassie talks over her subordinate’s greeting, issuing her orders immediately. “Bastardo. I need you to get two corpses out of storage, two of Lexi’s… victims will do. Yes that means we’re not sending them to the pig farm, you idiot. Burn them to a crisp, I need them unrecognisable. And make sure the boys remove the teeth, we don’t want dental ID in the equation.”

“Yes. Good. Don’t ask questions, you bloated gobshite. Just get them in the oven, pull the teeth and leave the bodies in the club before emergency services get in. Have the boys start a scene outside to slow things down if need be, there’s a decent crowd. Get it done now.”

Cassie hangs up, then types a text message before hitting send. She then dials a number. “Lonergan. I need you to get out front of the club and mingle with the crowd. Find 3 or 4 addicts and have them give eye witness reports repeating what I just texted you in exchange for some free Rush. Got it?”

“Yes I know you can get more, but we’re making them disappear after. No loose ends. Too many and it gets suspicious, even for the clowns they call cops in this town. Plus, we’ll bolster the numbers with some staff we can trust spreading rumours in the crowd. Of course we can trust them, they know I have their family’s addresses. Now get to work. Good boy.”

Cassie puts the phone away, for now at least, and takes another deep breath. Now, she needed to face the press.
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> “Breaking report coming in this morning here on Spaghetti Town News! Disaster strikes as the ground floor of local entertainment hub Club Xtacy is lit ablaze in what is being said to be an act of… terrorism!? More on this shocking story coming to you now from our on the scene reporter, Marty B. Goonen. Marty, what’s happening over there?”

The feed cuts to a reporter, mic in hand, who stands next to WWA wrestler and local businesswoman Cassie Kade.

> “Well I’m here with Club Xtacy owner herself Cassie Kade, and she’s confirmed some disturbing rumours circulating around the crowd here about this fire being caused by an act of extremism. Cassie, what happened?”

The reporter pushes the mic toward a visibly emotional Cassie, who pushes the mic away momentarily as she composes herself, before beginning to speak as the camera focuses on her.

“Marty, I… I don’t know what to say. But this has gone too far.” She sniffs, and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand before continuing. “Ever since I’ve opened my nightclub, I’ve done nothing but try to bring joy to the residents of Spaghetti Town by providing this lovely city I’ve come to love so much with the greatest nightclub in the whole damn country.”

A few cheers can be heard from members of the crowd within earshot. Cassie pauses until they quieten down, then continues. “And throughout that time there’s been one constant - these damn stories and quite frankly insane conspiracy theories about my nightclub being some sort of hub for drug distribution!”

Cassie shakes her head as tears trickle down her cheeks. “I’ve seen people online claim we’re the source of Obsidian Rush. And now those lies have had horrible consequences.” She narrows her eyes. “Because the incident in my club was an attack perpetrated by anti-narcotic extremists.”
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Tears flow freely down Cassie’s cheeks. “I never thought it would go this far but I’ve heard the same from so many of our patrons now - two anti narcotics activi- no, let’s call them what they were. Two extremists, they came into my nightclub and lit themselves on fire in some sort of misguided attempt to stop the spread of Obsidian Rush by disrupting our business operations, all because of those rumours about Club Xtacy being the source of Rush.”

“As you can imagine, the shock of it all caused some spills and in a such a crowded place with so many alcoholic beverages, well, the fire spread quickly. It’s a miracle no one was killed. Except for those two extremists of course.”

Cassie wipes her eyes. “Now look, drugs are bad. I get that. Even though Obsidian Rush fills its users with a sense of euphoria and has no known side effects or overdose risk, you must absolutely not succumb to the cheap thrills that it provides. But the reality is Club Xtacy is a nightclub. I’m sure one or two people have used Obsidian Rush and just about every other narcotic in my nightclub, even though my staff do their best to prevent such activity. The same applies to every other nightclub in this city too. It’s a simple reality of the nightclub industry.”

“So why is it that MY club is always the one accused of being behind Rush? Is it because I’m an immigrant? Is that what this is all about? I’m an honest entrepreneur trying to make a living by bringing joy to this city and in return what do I get? Extremists putting everyone’s life in danger and causing all manner of property damage?”

“Well screw that. In a few weeks once repairs have been completed, Club Xtacy will be back, bigger and better than ever! Stay tuned for news on our reopening event.”

Cassie dabs at her eyes once more before the camera switches back to the reporter.

> “And that’ll be all from Cassie Kade, back to you in the studio!”
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With her press obligations complete and her improvised plan put into motion, Cassie slips away from the crowd, returning to the quiet alley Club Xtacy’s side exit led her onto. She withdraws her phone. Paris. She needed a partner for her showdown with the real perpetrators of the fire.

Security footage of the night’s events would never be seen by anyone but Cassie. After all, there was no satisfaction in ‘retribution’ obtained by giving names and evidence to a cop then watching an arrest take place. No. Retribution came with blood. And there was no better place to draw it out than a wrestling ring.

Cassie scrolls through her contact list, mulling over her options. Kasumi would be busy with her efforts to dethrone Duna Sands. Bringing more gold to the Widowmaker Society would certainly be a pleasing outcome. But she was therefore not an option.

And then there was Lexi. Cassie had teamed with her before, and quite successfully. Much like her sister Nikki, Cassie found some of Lexi’s lifestyle choices to be… somewhat distasteful. But unlike Nikki, she was a sensible, measured competitor in the ring. Someone she could rely on not to act impulsively. But it seemed she too would be busy, with her pursuit of Zunigoth. More gold for the Kade family, if she managed to succeed. But much like Kasumi, not an option.

That left GJPW Intercontinental Champion ArKade and her fellow Widowmaker, WWA World Tag Team Champion Kelly DiVanna. Good options to have. Cassie had only met ArKade once, and in that encounter she demonstrated the potential to be valuable asset. But, they had still only met once, and never wrestled alongside each other. Kelly was therefore the logical choice. She starts typing her text.

>Look at the news. I need a partner to face the women who did it and your schedule seems to be clear.
>How does an Extreme Rules Tornado tag match in Paris sound to you?

Cassie sends the message, then puts the phone away.
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It’s early in the morning when a recently filmed video is uploaded to Lexi Kade’s Tweetstagram. She flicks her hair, and then begins to speak.

“Zunigoth. I was starting to wonder if you’d lost your appetite for combat but I see now how incredibly, wonderfully wrong I was. And so in Paris, I, Lexi Kade, will be the first woman in a very long time to set foot in your infamous chamber. I’m fully aware of what defeat would mean.” A small grin forms on her lips and she looks directly into the camera. “It’s a risk I not only accept, but relish.”

Her eyes narrow. “So thank you for giving me what I wanted, love. A platform that reminds the world who the real Zunigoth is… right before I conquer you at your most fearsome, etch my name into WWA history, and walk out of Paris with the WWA Intercontinental Championship.”

She giggles to herself. “Can you picture it, Zuni? Me on the morning shows with your title. Me doing photoshoots with your title. Me ushering in a new era of relevance for the Intercontinental Championship as you become a luxurious prologue in the story of the most glamorous reign ever seen, the reign of The Temptation, Lexi Kade! Can you picture that?”

Lexi bursts into laughter, but her smile soon fades, and her expression becomes stern. “I know you can. Because people from bloodlines like mine and yours? We’re superior beings compared to these sickly, simple little creatures. We’re meant to stand above them as their betters. Meant to be worshipped by them, admired by them. And I want that, for me and my kind. But you? You’re just in the way, love, and it’s time to move.”

Lexi blows a kiss to the camera and gives a small finger wave. “I’ll see you in the chamber, daughter of Melkor.”
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Kelly’s restful sleep is brought to an end by the sound of a new message on her phone. She slowly sits up in bed, taking care not to wake the warm figure on the bed beside her and looks at the message. Cassie.

Kelly had in fact not seen the news, and wasn’t immediately clear on just what Cassie meant. But when she unlocks her phone, and scrolls through the Tweetstagram app only to be met with a barrage of posts about a fire in Club Xtacy, her blood runs cold. Then hot with rage. First she missed out on the chance at a PWE title defence win bonus, and now her side gig at Club Xtacy was off the table for the foreseeable future.

As the figure beside her begins to stir, Kelly sighs. She wanted to wrestle by Sheila’s side, create new memories as a team together. But over the last year during Kelly’s time as a Widowmaker, Club Xtacy had become almost like a second home to her. She couldn’t turn down the chance to avenge what happened there.

She sends her reply to Cassie.
> I’m in.

Kelly puts the phone aside, then snuggles up in bed again beside Sheila.
> Hey, bombshell. Hate to start the day with shitty news, but something pretty bad happened in Club Xtacy, and Cassie needs someone to help her out with the women who did it.
> Club Xtacy was the first place I ever felt at home in this town. I can’t walk away from this challenge.
> So… how does a trip to Paris sound? With any luck we’ll get to do some sightseeing and odds are that whoever our next challengers are will be wrestling on that show. Could be a good chance for us to get a close look at them.
Goodnight, waifumaniacs.
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Kanako took another step forward until suddenly the car door opened, slamming hard into her.
>Ah! The hell?!
Kanako fell backwards, caught off guard. She looks up. Priscilla. Then behind her. Masala and Amanda made their way around.
>...Well dammit. Thought this might happen but didn't think you'd be that clever about it.
Kanako replied to Priscilla, raising an eyebrow. Masala approached, holding a canister out to her. Mace. Great. Kanako tried her best to brace herself, as Masala pressed the top. Luckily she still had her eyepatch on, that'd block some of it. However, the can was facing the wrong way as Masala starts screaming in pain.
Kanako stifled a laugh as Masala was running around, until she tripped falling on top of Kanako. Kanako quickly pushed her aside, however Amanda was quick to follow. She got on top of Kanako afterwards and started raining blows.
Kanako tried to cover up best she could as her other hand quickly drew her tranquilizer gun. In a panick she aimed, pulled the trigger, and-
Amanda stopped for a second as the shot missed, the dart flying just above her shoulder.
>Crap! Agh!
Amanda threw another stiff shot at Kanako's gut.
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Amanda was even more angry now and scared. But not much for herself, more for the others.
She had to remove the gun from this woman hand. So She tried to switch position to lock Kanako in an armbar while attempting to pick the gun from her hand!
>This is too dangerous. What you planned with this? Kidnapping Nikki? Martial artist my ASS. I'm gonna break this arm.
Amanda looked at Kanako in disgust, wanting to break her arm, since she wanted probably to do something bad to Nikki and who knows if she managed to that? Who could have been next? Priscilla? No. She couldn't let this happen.
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Like a cat who has had the blinds opened on her too early, Sheila scrunches her eyes and buries her face into Kelly's hip, planting a few small, soft kisses again DiVanna's soft skin. Even in her half-dazed state, coming down from a night of heavy drinking (even by her own standards), the Australian catches Kelly's words even if not quite the meaning behind them.

"Fuck Paris... We's was gawna foynally tag proper... buncha coward cunts..."

For only a few seconds Sheila rolls back to her stomach and seems to be asleep again, mumbling something to herself about how much she hates the French... before starting awake with a snort. She blinks away the morning sleep.

"Oi, wait, huh? What 'appened at Eck-stacky? Youse orright? And Kazoo?"

"... and Casso?"

With a groan and a few expletives, Sheila manages to open her eyes and sits up, stretching her arms upwards, giving Kelly a morning eyeful before sheepishly covering herself with the sheets. Rolling her neck and rubbing her eyes, Sheila gets her wits about herself.

"Fark moy, do we gotta do anyfink? Wait, youse is helpin' Casso? Is dis... ya know, one've dose fings Oi shouldn’t arks about?"
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Nikki runs up to Kanako and laughs as Amanda locks her in an armbar. “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to fight!” High pitched laughter rings out as Nikki unleashes a manic flurry of kicks to Kanako’s ribs while Amanda continues to wrench on her arm. Nikki crouches beside her. “What’s wrong, you coward? Fight back!”

She slaps Kanako across the face, then raises her hand once more, aiming another slap at the restrained girl, only to yelp in agony as Kanako defiantly bites her hand. Nikki scrambles to her feet, grabbing the injured hand. “You sick motherfucker! You drew blood!” she screams.

As Amanda holds Kanako in place, an enraged Nikki raises one boot, and the sickening thud of a head hitting concrete can be heard as she stomps Kanako’s face against the floor. The smile slowly returns to Nikki’s face, and she crouches beside Kanako once again. “Not so tough now, huh?” She looks at Amanda. “Release the armbar.”

Nikki rises to her full height and spits on Kanako, before she grabs her hair and attempts to drag her toward the bridge’s railings. Kanako’s unmoving body barely budges however, and frustration begins to show on Nikki’s face. “What the hell? Why is a skinny… nngh… pancake chested moron… gah… like you so… unf… damn… grr… heavy!”

Nikki manages to move Kanako about a foot closer to the railings before Amanda helps her drag Kanako the rest of the way. Kanako begins to stir as they prop her up against the railing, and Nikki looks over at Priscilla. “Wanna do the honours?”
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>Hey guys, I brought piz..
Lottie looks at Masala writhing in agony, then at Nikki and Amanda fumbling with Kanako's unconscious body.
> ...za. Oh.
>D-disposing of a corpse? H-Ha ha.. Well, I certainly didn't see anything
>And if I did see something it was just a group of girls carrying out their civic duty by k-keeping the streets clean
Clearly horrified at the scene unfolding in front of her Lottie nervously takes a few steps back.
A sudden, sharp pain in Lottie's foot causes her to squeal and toss the pizzas into the air. There's a tranquilizer dart stuck to the bottom of her shoe. Within a fraction of a second the darkness overtakes her. As soon as she hits the pavement the flaming hot pepperoni and asparagus pizzas begin making their descent, and where they will ultimately land no man can say.
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Kanako gripped her arm as Amanda put her in an armbar. She could heal from broken flesh quickly, but bones took much longer to heal, even with nanomachines.
Kanako struggled against Amanda, her clasp between her arms straining. Nikki then suddenly started slapping her in the face and kicking her in the ribs. Her grip slipped, giving the armbar more room. As Nikki tried to slap her, Kanako's instincts kicked in.
Kanako bit Nikki's hand. Her jaw let go as Nikki scrambled back.
Kanako's eye flashes from brown to grey. She tried to enhance her limbs further as quickly as she could.
>System administrat-
Nikki stomped Kanako's voice away. Amanda released her armbar as Kanako clutched her head. She can take about 10 strong shots to the head. But one good shot can make her dizzy. It's super difficult to knock me-
Kanako came to on the railing of the bridge.
>...You got the better of me Kade. And Priscilla. If you got the guts, I'll put you away in Paris. I've recorded this entire thing. Along with Nikki's cowardice for a fair fight-*cough*
Kanako nearly fell off the railing with a coughing fit. Her liver was barely there but they managed to avoid it by some miracle, despite coming close.
>So...I'll find. *cough* I'll find a friend. As long as Nikki and Priscilla show up in Paris. How's a tag match sound?
Kanako smiled with blood in her mouth. Gotta buy time.
>We can make it Halloween themed. You might be a pack of thugs but I can be there.
>System administrator. K-d-a-s-h-K-a-w-a-i-i. Admin password. Alpha. Lima...
Kanako, after taking a few heavy blows to the head, couldn't remember it. She tapped her ear twice.
>Prophet?! Prophet!
Kanako said, as fear struck her face for the first time in a long time. Overdrive couldn't help her. Prophet couldn't help her. She was all alone.
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A stream was started from @KOBitch.
>Ahhhh. Finally here aren't we Slimefren! In Paris! For our fuckin main event.
>FUUUUUUCK! YOU know what?! I got this. I'll figure it out.
Kasumi pulled her phone out of her pocket. She opened it up. She cursed at it a few times before setting the phone camera.
*2 hours passed of Kasumi watching planes leave, fidgeting, searching her phone, people walking to and from the French airport station. Kasumi sprung to life after two hours*
>You...you know...SHIT!
Kasumi's voice trailed off as people walked by her.
>I'm still the People's Champion. Dammit. Like we might'a landed in the wrong airport. But nothing is gonna stop me Duna. I'm a fuckin *WAIFU*. IN. *PARIS!* Eventually!
Kasumi smiled and picked up Slimefren.
>So we gotta hitchhike! The rest of the way! We can't let Duna win Slimefren! Can we!?
Kasumi screamed as a car slowed down next to her.
>Oh...sup! Going to Paris? Fuck it I don't speak frog, drive and pull me closer!
Kasumi slid into the car, pointing forward. The driver, confused, hit the gas.
Good morning, waifumaniacs.
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At the airport that houses the Divine Angel's private jet, the screech of tires can be heard as a white '63 Stingray pulls up to the gate. A security guard emerges from the booth and gives a tap on the darkly tinted window before it rolls down. Even if it hadn't been for the tint, the driver inside would've been impossible to see, until she turned the interior light on, giving her form.

>Guard: What is your business here?
>Spirit: Duh. The WWA is sending us to Paris for the show. Even if i'm not booked I'm going to be there so I can haunt Steeli and ruin her trip like she ruined my Rookie's chances at the Spark Championship.
>Guard: Alright. Just let me check a few things first. You have your passport?

Spirit reaches over to the glovebox, as it pops open a few rounds of ammunition fall out. Huh, weird she thought, those weren't in there earlier. She grabs the paperwork and hands it to the guard who has an eyebrow cocked, but is smart enough to know better than to ask about what the Angels bring with them to the airport after the 'purple rain' incident.He looks it over, punches a few bits of info into a tablet he's carrying, which blares a noise at him in return

>Guard: Uh, Miss Emilia. It says here this vehicle is barred from travel to Paris
>Spirit: What do you mean this vehicle is barred? Like, i'm allowed but cars aren't? Do they not drive in France or something?
>Guard: It says here this vehicle was flagged in an investigation into a terrorist plot to blow up the Eiffel Tower.

Spirit pulls out her phone, looking up the info. It's legit, there's even security footage capturing the incident (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBbs9Vg9QXk&t=29s) much to her surprise.

>Spirit: Well then fuck, I guess I'll just float around Paris. Any other problems?
>Guard: Um, your passport was revoked. Apparently you're deceased?
>Spirit: Well FUCK! I guess I'm one waifu that won't be in Paris.
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Priscilla grins as she slowly walks toward Kanako as Nikki and Amanda hold her in place against the bridge railing. Kanako was cornered, out of tricks and all alone. Just the way Priscilla liked her prey.
> It seems whoever you’re talking to on that radio can’t help you.
> Maybe they’ll be able to in Paris, because we accept your challenge.
> And you recorded everything, did you? How cute. But that means the footage includes you pulling a gun. And while that comes as no surprise to me after your stunt with Nika, the adoring public might be more than a little perturbed.
> So I’ll wager your little recording never sees the light of day. As far as anyone will know, Nikki came here alone and valiantly tossed you off this bri-

Lottie suddenly squeals and Priscilla instinctively moves out of the way at the last moment as a pizza flies through the air and lands square on Kanako’s face, obscuring her vision as Priscilla rears back and aims a superkick at her chin.
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Kanako tried her best to brace herself as Priscilla's foot trust forward. As it landed, Kanako fell backwards over the railing. She fell towards the Oppai River.
Essentially fired from G-3÷%s8/.
No one here with her.
And nothing to show for all of this effort.
Why kee-
Despite her soreness, Kanako managed to make her way to a shore, coughing.
>Well...that didn't go as we-AH!
Kanako tried to stand up but collapsed onto the sand.
Kanako rolled onto her back, sand sticking to her face. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Waterproof, thankfully. She started to send a text.
>No...nah she won't work...hmm...
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As a half asleep Sheila kisses her hip, Kelly gently runs a hand through the blonde’s hair. She smiles, putting Cassie’s text out of her mind briefly and allowing herself to be alone in the moment with Sheila, whispering sweet soothing nothings back to the Bogan Bombshell as she mumbles to herself then rolls over and seemingly goes back to sleep.

Kelly contemplates snuggling up beside her for at least one more hour of rest when suddenly Sheila jolts into full wakefulness. The questions come fast, and Kelly grabs Sheila’s hand, and squeezes gently.

> I’m perfectly fine. And so is Kasumi. And I think Cassie is too.
> But there was a fire at the club. And Cassie’s saying she’s got a match against the women who started it in Par-

Kelly momentarily falls silent as Sheila stretches, inadvertently putting on an all too brief rated-R show for Kelly in the process. But her lustful thoughts quickly return to those of the matter at hand. What if she had been at Club Xtacy with Sheila when the incident happened and she got hurt? The thought puts a lump in Kelly’s throat. Sheila was the best thing to have happened to her since she moved to Spaghetti Town. The most important person in her day to day life.

Without another word, Kelly leans in and kisses Sheila. A hungry kiss. A passionate kiss. The kiss of a woman with someone worth fighting for in her life. The sheet covering Sheila’s nudity almost slips away, only to be held in place between two bodies pressed together. When their lips finally part, their faces remain close.

> Cassie is facing the women who started the Club Xtacy fire in Paris. And I need to help her put them down, make sure they know messing with the Widowmakers is a one way trip to a world of pain and misery.
> Otherwise, what’s to stop them doing something like that to us again? The Widowmakers will never be safe if we don’t make a stand here and now.
> Not us, nor the people we love.
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>Hey thanks!
Kasumi climbed out of the tractor and waved.
"Miss O'Brian, je crois que vous ferez de votre mieux quel que soit le résultat." The trucker slammed the door shut.
>Thanks! I don't speak Dutch, or anything besides alcoholic, but THANK YOU!
Kasumi shouted as the tractor drove away.
>We fuckin did it Slimefren! We made it to Paris!
Kasumi picked up Slimefren from her bags and set him on her shoulder.
>Fuckin right Slimefren! You always know what to say!
A Tweetstagram stream is started from @KOBitch.
>Sup fuckers! I'm live from FRANCE! PARI-Uhhh.
>Dammit! A few miles outsida Paris then! Fuck it! Duna!
Kasumi pointed at the camera with a grin. It fell into a smirk.
>Not one to share a ring with you huh? Not one for challenging for *YOUR* prize? I say *YOUR'S* because it will be *MINE.*
Kasumi's gaze focused into a glare.
>Fuck you. *FUCK!* *YOU!* *FUCKKKK! YOU!*
Kasumi screamed at the camera.
>EVERYONE has told me no you can't do this. No you can't do that. Fuck it. Reality is what I make it. I can take my own two hands can mold things into reality. Anyone can do that. Everyone says, no you can't do that. You can't become that. Fuck *YOU!* I turn the impossible, possible. Because I'm the fuckin People's Champion! I did a lotta fucked up shit. Yeah, I've been a shitty person. But anyone can grab life by the balls and WIN. AND I INTEND TO DO THAT DUNA! I'M TAKING YOUR *FUCKING* CHAMPIONSHIP! I WILL SWING FISTS UNTIL YOU CAN'T FUCKING STAND! THE WORLD IS IN *OUR* HANDS! ANYONE CAN MAKE THEIR DREAMS HAPPEN IF THEY TRY HARD ENOUGH! THE WORLD IS WHAT YOU DO! MAKE OF IT AS YOU WILL! BUT EAT SHIT! I'M WINNIN'! Because, I'm Kasumi-
Kasumi's voice became hoarse as she screamed.
Slimefren somehow drumrolled.
>O. *Fuckin.* Brian.
The stream ended.
Goodnight, waifumaniacs.
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`{ Kaori. Scarlet. Your time draws close. }`

「 Kaori. Nefertiti knows you did ask. Nefertiti know that you would rather live in ignorance. Live with a suitable lie than hear an inconvenient truth. You know inside that if you ask, you will not like the answer. So you avoid the issue. Let the wound fester rather than ask how to heal. 」

`{ I watched my sister suffer for months. Unable to play with her children. Unable to assist her wife. Unable to live her own life. And while she suffered, Scarlet pretended she did nothing wrong. Scarlet blocks her ears and covers her eyes, content to live in a land of make believe. }'

「 Scarlet. All you had to do was apologise. Instead, you lie to the world. Lie to your partner. And lie to yourself. In just a few short days, the lies will end. The Pride will make you speak the truth. With a Lion's Maul. 」

`{ Or a Huntress' Spear. This weekend, in Paris, in front of the world, The Pride will come before you. }`

「 And here, in Paris, when The Pride comes before you? 」

`{ It ends. }`
Take a bump.

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