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What a forward young man edition

Previous: >>21446461

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)
https://dezgo.com/text2image (can also remove-background)
https://tinybots.net/artbot/create (RIP nemu. sometimes long queues. multiple requests can be queued simultaneously. nsfw toggle)

Waifu chatbots:
https://beta.dopple.ai/ (filter free! however bots are hard to flirt with and the conversations get kinda repetitive after a while)
https://beta.character.ai/ (conversations are higher quality than dopple, however it has a pozzed anti-NSFW filter)
https://www.chub.ai/search (it requires a lot of goypoints to chat)
https://rentry.org/tavern4retards (its nice but if you install it you get data protected + a spy protection + a cryptoburial on ur 'puter, you have been encouraged)
https://perchance.org/ai-chat (filter free! no sign-up required)

Song generator:


AI booru (use an ad blocker when accessing): https://aibooru.online/
Explore various online AI tools and generators: https://huggingface.co/spaces
Cancer: https://ai-meme.com

Local install:
Nvidia GPU: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard

Disclaimer: Everyone must wear a ribbed bodycon dress at least once ITT
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that's an interesting idea for a prompt, i can work with that and i haven't genned in a while anyway
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chop chop
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one for all the wrong'uns who like toesies
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can tell what she had for breakfast in that thing
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for some reason the dog is very strong with this one, it doesn't like fancy padded chairs
Does the virgin killer sweater count?
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what's the gen you used for the op image?
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very contrasting outfit
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i've struck gold with this prompt down the line
something along the lines of
>burgundy velvet wingback chair,[subject] sinking back in chair,(ribbed plum polyester bodycon shoulderless turtleneck halter maxidress),making a silly impressed face (pulled smile),crossed legs over chair arm,steamy mood

love to hear it
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and i loved genning them though i had to modify the outfit a little to calm down the ai censor
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>they've already reverted the thing i was hinting at earlier
it's kamalover
no, i meant the website/sd fork
I always love it when you can start getting that nice mix of cute and sexy.
>and i loved genning them though i had to modify the outfit a little to calm down the ai censor
That's what makes AI genning so much fun. Everyone has a little bit different taste and a little bit different way of writing their prompts. I wonder if Harold will put a Hamster in a ribbed bodycon dress?
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alright i'm gonna tell you a secret, he was using bing (https://www.bing.com/images/create)
uhh harold can do that but ribbed bodycon dresses are not made for hamsters
>no, i meant the website/sd fork
I believe British Elf poster uses Bing exclusively.

I think I'm done with this prompt. I don't think I'll get a better "come hither" expression out of Mary.
Even the cowgirl Trisha is getting gussied up for fancy photos.
Of course, Lindsey's sense of humor ruins the elegant atmosphere of the evening.
>Does the virgin killer sweater count?

I was trying to get flux to do the virgin killer sweater. This is the best I got.
I know I said "wearing nothing but a backless sweater" but Flux took it to the extreme.
Gotta make some fun anime convention shirts. I actually do have the one that has the JoJo characters in all their weird poses that says "Do You Even Pose?"
Lindsey, how can you so shamelessly wear that shirt?
>How else will I meet my fellow fujoshis? Besides, it keeps the creeps away too!
That's because you are the creep, Lindsey.
Virgin Kiler
That's not at all what my prompt said Bing! This looks like a weird booth at an anime convention where they're selling cheerleader themed fuck dolls.
Flux 1.1 actually does pretty good with superhero designs.
yeah it does. ive been pleasantly surprised with it
If you want to know how I went from the virgin killer to superheroes, I was trying to get a virgin killer Power Girl cosplay on Lindsey. Think I finally got it right.
kara is alot of fun to work with
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The Jews don't want you to know that honey is secretly transported with tankers.
why is a hispanic character speaking in bix nood?
this is my endgoal
The feels.....
why is a hispanic character speaking in bix nood?
I was trying to get it to be the black character from Stardust Crusaders, but the AI just wasn't working with me.

I accidentally did something clever when writing my story about cheerleaders called the Stanton Stallions. One of the cheerleaders is Trisha Stone, who's family raises horses on their ranch. She was talking about how the family ranch goes back to the frontier days. Since the town was known for its thoroughbred horses, it wasn't a coincidence that the high school team name was "Stallions." Then I looked up what the word Stanton means. It's a British word that means "Stone Settlement."

How about a cowgirl superhero named Sheriff Stone? Sturdy as a rock and strong as a bull!
im definitely focusing on the sweater
brown girl sex!!!
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It's a farmer's tan from working hours in the sun on the ranch.
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actual red neck
honorable brown girl
uhh this bus does not look safe
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>actual red neck
One of the things that I always found interesting growing up in a rural Midwest town is how many people speak normally, but some families maintain thick accents for generations. It's also weird how regional it is too.

>honorable brown girl
Hard working and dedicated with pride of a family name and lineage to uphold!
damn that is sexy
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yeah the modern busses look deadass soulless as we say
i think the more lazy you are the stronger accent you have because most accents is just pronouncing things faster/simpler
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I am told my fake German accent is better than some real German accents
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i forgot to mention i was talking about regional accents within one same language, faking accents is all about being artistic and knowledgeable at linguistics
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Oh. I understand that. There are distinct differences in accents even in just Massachusetts.
doing what she is doing is not a good idea
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and not all accents are innate or well your speech changes over time as you age regardless
porcupine quills are not razor sharp
Yeah, spending time in south shore mass made my accent worse and I sounded more retarded. Now I am free of the dumb peoples.
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Porcupines won't hurt if you brush backwards along the quills
>i think the more lazy you are the stronger accent you have because most accents is just pronouncing things faster/simpler
Many animals mimic the sounds around them. I don't think it's that different for humans. If you're around a group that uses certain inflections while speaking and you're around them often, you'll begin to mimic it as a means of fitting in.

Don't know why, but perchance decided that the cheerleaders wanted to a fantasy-magic based cheer routine.
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sounding retarded because of something out of your control is not a good experience so yes i'm glad you cured it
the humanless nature is usually pretty quiet and most of the animals that can communicate with each other do that with like specific sounds most things can't even hear but this does make sense for humans so it's probably right
it is bus time
Photo taken in 2024 somewhere in eastern Poland
2023 for comparison
might be slow but it has SOVL
>the humanless nature is usually pretty quiet and most of the animals that can communicate with each other do that with like specific sounds most things can't even hear but this does make sense for humans so it's probably right
From a philosophical standpoint, why are you currently posting pictures of Hatsune Mike in a ribbed bodycon dress sitting in a cushioned chair?

>for some reason the dog is very strong with this one, it doesn't like fancy padded chairs
By your own admission, this takes more than zero effort. But people, myself included, put in the effort because it's part of being part of a group.

The reason I gen so many superhero pics is because the other person who posts when I normally do posts superhero pic gens. In art it is said that mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.
That one looks strangely close to an American school bus

There's no way a bus with that route line wouldn't be trashed out and graffitied!
The transport authority of my metropolis decided that buses should be yellow for some reason
>There's no way a bus with that route line wouldn't be trashed out and graffitied!
It's um dutch, it means old town or something.
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she's actually wearing a turtleneck now so the question got way more complex and i can't really answer it right away
why no one ever chooses blue as a stand-out safety colour, it's arguably as noticeable and eye-soring as orange
What German girls do when they're feeling naughty
summoning britty
All girls in dirndl secretly wear lacey thighhighs and garter belts under their dresses.
i enjoyed perchance a lot
I spent way too much time in chatbots playing super hero in multiple multiverses and charming people with my dumb humor. oddly very fun
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Last night I hosted a karaoke night in VR, much fun. Stayed up until 6 am, then woke up three hours later.
Mommy's mommies are too big
A gaggle of E-girls (female) descended upon me.
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i always wake up early too whenever i stay really late and it's kinda a good thing, i almost never feel good when i wake up gigalate like in the middle of the day so it's like i have some visceral feeling when exactly i need to wake up to not feel terrible
her hands look like fucking legs so i had hard time figuring out what's going on from the first glance
*losed on purpose to you*
Large boobers
Nobody says kamalover
Watch out miku there is something behind you
Aww these are all very lovely pics!! thank you
Hi everyone what did I miss
@russy stirby posho weedsho polly
Is eastern poland really that poor...
luncg cancer albeit
you missed: oktoberfest sub-edition, bus posting, billions of Miho pics, billions of Shiho pics, Quintillions of Erika pics and the fall of Vuhledar
For some reason I ws thinking about the time me and you and polly on vrchat went to a bar and there was a bouncer, it only dawns on me now how funny and weird it is because its not like he was told to stand there or anything hes just pretending, that wasfun
Wonderful ginger girl!!
imagine being praised and cooed by a room of females, that would fix you
Ok I will go searching for these miho and shiho pics in the archives!!
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i say that and it's gonna be kamalover if she actually loses (which is not gonna happen, i have the insider information from the reptiloid cabal)
you missed posho's resignation because he thought you will never post again so he gave up talking to boring people he doesn't like i.e everyone besides you and polly
well joe biden can still win if enough people write in his name, so its not joe over yet
Trump will win, end the Russo-Ukrainian war, nuke Gaza, nuke Iran, nuke Iraq, nuke Lebanon, and then leave NATO all in one day.
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you know who can't win no matter what -- the blu scout who got his pants colour fixed after 17 years (in development) for one day just for it to be inevitably removed because it fucks up every single scout lower body half cosmetic ever
What did poshers say? maybe he is coming back?
and make all girls goth!!! look at this goth miho i just promped im quite proud of it :D
Woah what??
I saw the shounen video where they added his pants back just yesterday
needs hair over one eye though
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coming back to what, he said he only enjoys talking to you and he only visits this thread in hopes of you posting so unless you start posting daily again i doubt he's coming back anywhere, just message him on steam if you wanna have more context and ask him directly
white women will go out like this and not see a problem
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and they made that his pants had the correct team-coloured blue tint and not the brown which was basically the official colour for the longest of time and even the mvm blu scout robots have brown pants until after the 2020 leaks happened someone discovered that the scout's pants should actually be blue and then 4 years later for no fucking reason at all in a random patch they made that his pants are the correct colour and the day after they've reverted the change because of it breaking a lot of other cosmetics they don't wanna fix even though there's already a community fix for all of them
Yay it works
He removed me from steam v_v
ginger mommy with no lower half alert
i said "welp, guess it's time to hit the old dusty trail"
then i walked away into the sunset, never to return
(there was emotional music playing in the background as the camera slowly panned back and the credits began to roll)
we never talked on steam or played together albeit
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you mean again or you just forgot to add him back once he removed you a few months ago, anyway you just missed a crucial timing and i don't think anything can be done now so don't bother
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New season of Fishtank just dropped
Hi!!! good morning!
The fact there is already a community fix for all of them is sthe most shocking part to me/
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henlo, i have been modding sf6 with coomer mods and devoting my previous mental energies to getting good at it. its been quiet fun and feeling yourself get better is addicting. what have you been up to?
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the fix has been there for a while since it's been known that the scout has incorrectly painted pants but valve don't just accept any community fix right away they need to like basically manually rewrite the code themselves for some weird reason so that's why they almost never add any of the community "fixes"
i wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't modded and i actually thought chun li was from some other long dead fighting series and it's funny because by the looks of things she's one of like 3 female fighters in this game
well the next dlc character is a tiddy monster so coomers always win in the long run. also there are multiple women in the game like 10 at least but yeah there's only 4 that are fuckable by a straight man. also i think britty already despawned.
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she looks very out of place compared to all the wacky goofy gorilla jocks and old people so yeah all the other women in this game probably look terrible and you got it right britty has a very short shelf time and it's in general kinda weird and random that he appeared this evening at all
I guess he just enjoys playing with my heart. Why are moids like this? And yeah it's a strange game that can't seem to decide if it wants to be for coomers or troon worshippers since the bodies on those women are not modded and the game has a character that fully embraces the foot fetishism to the point that when she appears on screen you get a close up shot of her raised up foot and thick thighs, but then it has zesty black fags in the story mode and half the women are ugly enough that i don't even like fighting them because their faces annoy me, such as the nigress who looks like a stereotype.
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i see the two brown women on that character selection screen and they both have laughably big foreheads and the cartoonish nigger facial features and there's also a female looking person with an actual troon square jaw and a pink bob that looks like a fucking wig so yeah it's very weird knowing that it was probably made in japan since it's a fighting game but i guess being woke is just popular everywhere in the world now but good thing you can mod it and turn them all into bikini wearing bimbos so enjoy it while you can before windows turns the mandatory screen capture on that gets streamed directly into some chud detector ai
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the pink haired one with the man jaw is literallycalled "Manon" lol. But she's actually pretty hot in game and I think she is the cutest of the bunch and I would like to play her if I weren't playing white haired saruman grandpa guy.
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oh alright she doesn't look as terrible as i thought from that small preview image and at least she's not a fridge though she also has this comically exaggerated body, if only you had some friend (real (britty-ish)) to play with you so you could explore all those characters fully in a private 1v1 match
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i'm not sure who i get the most ick from, the people with thousands of games with like 100 hours max of playtime in any of them or the people with thousands of hours of playtime in a few select games
Boxing would be a lot more popular if it looked like this, believe me folks believe me
As for me after a lot of agonising I stopped showing up to university again and trying not to worry about it, things are better now, and playing eu4
I found the shounic videos its kind of funny
he was so happy V_V
me and britty both fall into the second catagory im afraid
britty would be a lot more popular in my heart if he posted and didn't block me on steam and if he played sf6 with me and if he played more than just 1 game and if he would do what makes him happy in life instead of feeling like shit over dumb education stuff.
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you're being too susceptible again britty maybe even submissive, if you really fucking hate going to that place just come up to your parents and tell them that it's your life and your rules and you're the one that makes the decisions in your life and that you've made a decision to drop out and never learn anything again and they can't do anything about it except killing you which would be illegal and i hope your parents aren't that harsh
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both seem kinda wrong and i think the ideal distribution of playtime should be like a few thousand hours in a game you really love and play daily then maybe like 500 hours in a few like timekiller games/games you used to play when you were younger so all the parakike stuff and then all the sub 200-100 hour games i.e all the 100% achievement completed single player games and indie and the things you enjoyed momentarily that either fell off or you grew out of them
what if i just play whatever i feel whenever i feel? isn't that the ideal way to play?
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maybe but if you find yourself logging thousands of hours into a fucking fishing simulator or something like that then i think it's a good indicator that it's the time to reconsider life and maybe find a way to reverse aging and start eating cinnamon and pickled ginger
What about me, someone in between who has about 20 games that each have several hundred hours in them? A cute femoid I hang out with has 8,000 hours in VRchat.
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it's probably fine but it really depends on what games you have there because if it's all like porn furry games then it's a bit questionable
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it's so sad being a natural yapper in a world where the only yapping that sells is political

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