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Enchanted forest edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

>Her cat Poncho

Betty usually streams once or twice a week.
These threads move blazing fast unless there are no new developments or drama.
Please try to be nice to each other and Betty in the meantime.
If you're not nice to Betty she wont give out gifts, we like our Betty gifts.

>Previous thread: >>21469246
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Betty hasn't posted on any social media for several days
Some prayers for her safety and all those affected by the wildfires in Connecticut wouldn't be a bad idea
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There's already a threadretard. >>21478057
Wonder if bitty is even going to go to church this morning or just stay in and continue getting her pipes plumbed out...I wouldn't blame her for skipping church if she really is getting pumped... she was really wanting to getting serviced for awhile
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hi vincent
>I know of the Chilean
Yeah me too.
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>Betty hasn't posted on any social media for several days

She posted picrel a little more than a day ago on her reddit account. I checked because anons were saying she might be dead lol.

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It’s funny cuz I almost went to check her Reddit yesterday but I was like nahhh

Good morning /bbg/
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Good morning I love Betty
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You realize Bitty is an old fashioned way of saying Bitch?
Says who? Also idgaf ...she a good bitty
bitty...go bye bye :(
She’s coming back she’s just taking a break rn
hate trashy latinas
Idk man
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You don’t think she’s coming back?
It's not like that
shes an absent bitty
...she might be at church...
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I mean it’s only been like 2 days right? Did she make a post about leaving that I didn’t see?
I can be dramatic sometimes desu pay me no mind plus i get all down on myself during the end of the year months
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>i get all down on myself during the end of the year months

/bbg/ wouldn’t be the same without you, you are appreciated

2025 will be the year of the Bettybugs!
Also wow bettycels#80. That’s close to the beginning
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Bettybugs are a sane & rational bunch
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brb gonna go smoke some weedes like TF & get ready for s3. Take care of yourself Jr. You'll be one of the last ones standing after all this
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Well I'm glad to see she's alive. I guess she just needed a break from all this. Probably not the worst idea desu. Season 3 is here, and with it a new distraction and more to discuss with frens new and old.
I don't like s3 so far it looks a little too artificial, that raw feeling to it is gone
This was the only time she looked hot
This. Stupid fucking retard bettycel is just killing off another bnat thread just to "get one over skull"
Take your meds
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Yeah I don't know, the quality is so much higher and the house looks nice. I think that it looks much better than season two, but it seems like it's full of normies not odd people. The show has just begun so maybe I'm wrong. We'll see.
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Total TF, Betty, Bug, Poncho love
Says the pothead
Just realized this is the retarded bettyfag since S1. How do you feel being cucked by a more super white man? Told you to take your chances a year and a half ago
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Jr, are you a burtbuddy?
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whats that?
New black fish in season 3
He's the male Josie & autistic
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i haven't watched it yet. should i?
I'm watching it through a restreamer for now
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apparently they already found nudes of the burt guy
He's a straight up gay porn star
sam is funny lol, i feel like every black guy hes had on has been gay. and that black woman from season 1 was a hooker lol
It's a Jew thing
You cannot make this up wtf
Sam's family is WASP
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Season three already has one confirmed gay/bisexual black porn star.
And there are still like a dozen more cast members to arrive.
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Warming up to s3 desu
Skull Hyde is a pedo who sexually assaulted a minor, any thread with “skull won” is just him seething and like skull it should be ignored until it dies
The amount of cameras is a little overwhelming honestly.
The good cameras behind a paywall honestly suck & there's no way i'm paying $200 for this
Yeah. I'm sure it's something we'll get used to as we understand the house layout.
What's annoying to me is that switching between cams by clicking doors or arrows includes sub only ones, with the onky indication of such being infinite load times. And since every cam takes a while to load anyways for a few seconds you don't realize which is which.
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So far this is hagtank
None of the women can compare to Betty
Swatting. Ended poorly. Family member in the hospital. I don't have a lot to say right now. I'm sorry. I love you all. I'm scared.
:( Stay safe Betty
Betty I hope everything turns out okay. I’m at work so I can’t say much but I wish you the best, take as long as you need
We love you, Betty. Stay safe, and strong.
Oh damn, I'm sorry to hear Bitty. I hope everything turns out alright for you and yours. Please stay safe.
Sorry to hear you got swatted, I highly recommend going to the FBI as it’s likely one of the seethers, if you can provide them a list of likely suspects along with evidence of continued stalking and harassment then they should be able to make an example out of him
Glad you’re safe regardless and I hope your family member recovers
Who was it...
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>Swatting. Ended poorly. Family member in the hospital. I don't have a lot to say right now. I'm sorry. I love you all. I'm scared.

Betty! We're so glad that you posted.
That's terrible news...just make sure to document as much as you can.
There was a guy in here a few days back that was looking into her bf, it's not a stretch to think they might know something.
Is the family member in the hospital because of the swatting?
That's fucked. I truly hope for the best for you rn. Stay Safe
If it’s jr you’re talking about I’m almost certain it isn’t him, he doesn’t have the motive or skill, it’s probably one of the two main haters that did it, either way the FBI needs to investigate this
I don't think it was Jr. It was someone who popped in late one night, talked about "accidentally" finding the BF and took the convo off-site shortly after. Things have been real weird ever since.
I didn't recognize that poster. They wanted to talk more about it on DMs with someone else
Yeah that was me but I was mistaken. I was not looking for him I just saw she had a Collab playlist with someone on Spotify so I was saying be more careful just in case that was her bf. I don’t think it is though
Come on Jr, don't be saying certain things out in the open
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If I recall correctly, Betty has a family member with a medical condition, so rough treatment during a SWAT raid could have caused a serious injury.
I don't want to speculate too much though I'm just hope that everything turns out alright.
Betty doesn't deserve any of this desu
There was even an IP hop for those posts... and you posted later asking "what's happening? Is this about Sylvia" or something to that effect.
>>21483020 >>21483039
it wasn't that person.

in defence of Jr, he was talking about a potential leak/doxx able area that Betty might be interested in plugging. It was in good intentions.
I'm starting to question him...what's going on man. People are taking it too far
Yeah I didn’t that night and I had to hold myself back from saying I wasn’t searching for him when everyone was saying you don’t accidentally stumble upon that. Like I said I don’t think it’s her bf though
Come on man...
I was just listening to her Spotify playlists.
No one who isn’t a dangerous criminal deserves to be swatted, having police pointing guns at your head while screaming isn’t good for your mental wellbeing
I've been going over posts from earlier in the year and things have just not been fitting together you know? I was talking about in the TFG and pipes called me schizo. Something just doesn't feel right you know? Like an itch you can't scratch.
You could have shot a DM but what happened happened
And who are you with the Belize flag all of a sudden, yesterday you had one of Klaus's names on
Oh I thought you guys knew. It's me Bio, I was hassling WigWigSparkle/Klaus/etc on /ftl/ when I got banned. He got real upset by it, so mission accomplished. Forgot to turn it off when I got back to /bbg/
Nah, the new flag threw me for a loop but yeah, things are off desu
Why is everyone so sus of me
Things don't add up when you take into account the offending parties & this past week or so
Ah my bad. I picked it specifically so there'd be no confusing me. I've yet to see another Belize poster. 12 more days thereabouts.
It's not Jr.
Whoever it is though there's a 99% chance they're American, which is good news. There's also a 99% chance they have holes in their brain from meth use, which narrows it down.
There's one more i'd put down on that list
Ok there’s been stuff the past week, but I’ve been here much longer. How does that relate to me?
There's a lot of theories floating around not all on you tbf, one of them is what i would dub "The Golem Act" plus something interesting happened last night with a Summer DM. I don't want to say too much
I have not dmed summer or shit talked summer on here
That's a family friend/former roomate who was helping show me how to drive. The playlist is bc i can't swap songs while i drive. I burn CDs now so i don'thave to worry about that. Stalking everyone i know and assuming I'm having sex with them is not helping bc rn everyone in my life is vulnerable. I'm sorry. I'm not in a relationship atm. Please, leave me alone. Leave my friends and family alone. JR, go do something else with your life ffs.
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For now I think that we should just calm down and send well-wishes to Betty.
If she wanted our help with something then she would say so.
It would be unfortunate if an anon who was just a bit awkward or silly got mistaken for doing something terrible to Betty
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Bad news
After having known, Wayne L. From /pol/
The FBI won’t catch who did it unless they do it like 50+ times
They don’t seem to care until it happens regularly

FBI a shit
You’re in deep darlin’
I’m sorry. I wasn’t stalking.
>go do something else with your life ffs.

You don’t want me to be apart of this community?
>Please, leave me alone. Leave my friends and family alone. JR, go do something else with your life ffs.

Well there it is JR
Summercord? There's 2 from there that I would expect this of, but I would prefer to think they're not that pathetic. But it is very possible.
I think she's worried about the parasocial aspect turning into something worse. Her ex simps turn into deranged stalkers. Fae magic makes men into monsters.
Do everything by the book & keep everything logged. Do you have any idea who it was, stay strong Bitty
Well I’m sorry I didint mean to come off like that. Would you prefer it if I leave?
She just wants you to make sure you're creating a life and foundation for yourself outside of this. Be aware that this is a thread on the internet and it going away is an eventuality, and to not get so attached etcetc.
She's basically telling you to not let your life to go waste and to accomplish something.
You don't have to leave but you mustn't stay. Does that make sense?
She said to leave her alone, I gotta respect that. I don’t know anything about her friends or family I wasn’t trying to stalk her. Betty I apologize for anything I’ve done that made you uncomfortable
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Huffcake'd and free
Lets go boys
Time to free the west
Time to shut down the United States Federal Government


Whoever did this likely has a long history of harassment, they will most certainly be going to prison for this
Uhhh okay
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I was not upset
I won
/ftl/ lost
You definitely had a little melty. You were still calling everyone "Karens" on /ftl/ well into the next morning.
Uncensor the user name
dude, they cant film or plan for shit. Hyde could literally sell videos of him taking a 12 hour shit straight and his fans would buy it.
World Peace 2 is going to show everyone how much work Adult Swim really did for them
There's a reason it's a over a year late. It bombed and they're trying to edit their garbage in some way to not get roasted for the rest of their lives
MDE is a little overrated all things considered
It is, but I can't blame people for being emotional when it's basically the only group doing that kind of media and they've been mismanaging it for so long now.
Like World Peace is the closest thing to Chris Morris' Jam we've had since that show ended so I really want to see more along those lines.
I don't get upset about it though, not really, just kind of a bummer.
Their tech side isn't any better, I'm trying to get the other nerds on /ftl/ to brainstorm a way to re-stream the feeds. The pay cams are a no go I think because they are using a JSON web tokens as authentication. If you haven't paid, you don't get the token to use. You can't even ask for someone to share theirs because your username/info is encoded into it. Oh so the tech side, I can get a working link from their servers every 4/10 times now (others are having the same issue) my solution? Just hammer the server till it gives me a good link. Their setup is janky is what I'm trying to say.
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Gentlemen, Let's be a positive.
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I almost don't want to bother following them around, the amount of cameras is demotivating desu. rip flowstreams. So far s3 seems to be going alright, let's see how it goes 1 week in apparently that's when we'll start to see the more traditional Fishtank

Jr, are you here with us? what's going on
>Jr, are you here with us? what's going on

It’s over man. Love you
I wouldn't put it quite like that. We're in unprecedented times don't go freaking out or sum
the s3 house is fucking large. however you can click areas of the stream to navigate, kind of like a point and click adventure game of old.
Bloodgames was great because it mostly was the director camera, then the POV cam of your favorite contestant. Occasionally you would switch to the town or basecamp camera.

20+ cameras all by location in this house feels overwhelming, and it will get crazier as more people arrive. Maybe I just need to adjust.
That was before you were impersonating me when everyone was acting like I care about my DMs being leaked lol
Wasn't just me btw. The funny thing is I mostly just copy and pasted your own words from your posts here.
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Lack of Flowstreams really fucking me up rn
>It’s over man. Love you

Don't take it personally Junior, it's just that Betty has had a few stalkers and there is still someone harassing her.
You were giving off a few warning signs. She's trying to help you.
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It wasn't that funny
I won
/ftl/ lost
Bow to your king
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure swatting is just a phone call reporting imminent violence. Sim swapping and spoofing is well known
I doubt she even got swatted
Probably just depressed because her cop bf went back to his wife and family again
Well if I was giving off warning signs then that’s bad enough, I don’t wanna be that guy. If I continued to post here after she said not to I would be no better than skull. I’m just gonna do what she said and do something else with my life. I have no hate towards Betty I understand where she’s coming from. Not gonna do anything dramatic like hurt myself or others. Thank you all especially Letty and Bio.
I think you're still misunderstanding her Jr. You might be misinterpreting it. Let's not talk about certain topics in places that anyone can read from here on out. She can clarify if she wants to, just stand by or sum
I will forever worry about Betty so..
They fixed being able to rotate to paid cams so that's nice
Also Jr the fact that you're concerned about this means you will never be on that kind of level, so you should take pride in that.
You've got a good future ahead of yourself that you're working towards.
That was the worst always forcing you to go out of your way to click out of it. Idk about you guys but i miss that little map they had in the corner awkward at first but i got good at maneuvering the cams that way
It's definitely performing much better now and resource usage is low. Switched to a stealthier miner or something.
Honestly if the site works and it's not wrecking my PC then I guess it's not too big of a deal.
I never noticed the mining problem desu what I did have a problem with was a downloading extension I had. It didn’t like the fishtank site so it was constantly creating stream links to download causing high cpu & the fans to rev up & down constantly
Hi Betty I'm glad you didn't die in a wildfire.
I had a similar problem during uh Bitchtank I think where for some reason it was offloading gigabytes onto pagefile that wouldn't go away unless I rebooted, maybe because of a Firefox extension [Video DownloadHelper].
It seems fixed but I have it open on Chrome now anyways because it runs better in that.
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I thought there was a guy who posts here posting over in /ftl/, I wanted to help him
There is. I thought you were referring to another thread anon. I was also the guy that re-streamed powtank (that's how they know me over on /ftl/ at least). Been working on this off and on all day, I think their server is kind of fucked at the moment actually
What do you thing of Wes as a programmer for the site, is he decent or full of shit
She means to stop obsessing over her and looking into her online accounts like a cyber stalker and assuming people are her BF.
As a frontend developer he's pretty good. I do think it was kind of a "hack job" to include all the user-items, sfx, messages, etc in JavaScript files the user downloads on every visit. Their backend is clearly lacking but I guess it works for what it is. It might be Sam or Jet telling him to bog down the main site with just a ton of bullshit though. I made a quick little re-created fishtank.live test site that was just the cams and some links. Ended up running 1000x better. I will go on record as saying that their decision to implement all these changes, with little to no stress testing (besides the public facing API on staging.fishtank.live) was a bonehead move. It's on the level of wigger incompetence.
have you figured out how the site generates tkn's yet?
You sound like a true faggot who lacks any kind of thrusting power. You’re gay and you’re a faggot. Now stfu.
lol nope! I'm doing a real quick hack job of hitting the API, getting the URL + JWT, combining those together with spoofed headers + cookie info, and just repeatedly hitting the m3u8 URL till it gives me back a working a file. I'm at the step where I need to pass these header arguments to ffmpeg to see if I can bypass the 403 issues I was posting about. So far no luck.

Gay AND a fag. I'm quite the overachiever.
Burt is so funny
If you want to play around with it. Where json_response=$(

Can be filled in by going to https://api.fishtank.live/v1/live-streams/
having developer tools -> network tab open. Choose the "copy as curl" option and paste it in between the () for json_response=$()

You'll find it gives back a populated m3u8 about 3 /10 times



kitchen_data=$(echo "$json_response" | jq -r '.liveStreams[] | select(.id=="kitchen-3") | {id, jwt, hls_url: .playbackInfo.meta.source[] | select(.type=="html5/application/vnd.apple.mpegurl").url}')

jwt_token=$(echo "$kitchen_data" | jq -r '.jwt' | tr -d '\n')
hls_url=$(echo "$kitchen_data" | jq -r '.hls_url')

encoded_jwt=$(echo "$jwt_token" | jq -s -R -r @uri)

echo "ID: kitchen-3"
echo "JWT Token: $encoded_jwt"
echo "HLS URL: $hls_url"

curl -k -L -l -H "Authorization: Bearer $encoded_jwt" \
-H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36" \

a simple loop of:
while true; do ./script.sh ; sleep 2; done

should be all that's needed to
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Lel I was there when Wayne was getting swatted almost three times a week

This person won’t get arrested if they’re doing a specific method that I won’t say here, it’s a loophole in the system that can be abused
I learned a lot from being around Wayne

Eventually Ariel will just get phone calls from cops confirming there isnt a threat
Itll be annoying if they’re coming in at 3am
so you're manually getting the api response, pasting it in, parsing out the jwt and the url for the kitchen, percent encoding the jwt, then curling them with a spoofed UA string
but why? what's your goal?
if you've figured out the api then you can already play the streams locally
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Not to sound like an irrredeemable simp, but Betty saying that she loves us all made me feel warm and fuzzy inside
She is such an angel I wonder how she gets any one hating her sometimes
>I wonder how she gets any one hating her sometimes
Mostly because they're mentally ill and socially maladjusted
goal is to get the m3u8 to play locally actually so I can then output the stream to YouTube. Unfortunately, if you try and do so you run into authentication issues that only *sometimes* occur. That's where my frustration comes in. Other /ftl/ posters have mentioned having the same issues, and best they can figure some manipulation of the JWT is in order, but nothing more than that. I've yet to be able to get the stream to play locally on mpv/player/VLC for example.
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oh, I see, my mistake
I didn't mean anything by it, just made an assumption
I'm a little worried about the method that's working for me getting fixed, are you amenable to talking somewhere more privately?
no worries if not
Do the wiggers take down the YouTube restreams or does YouTube itself do it?
If I were Jet then I would tell all the restreamers to include a link to the main site
Being on YouTube should drive at least some users to register on the main site
Bullshit. Whenever the she feels the attention fading she makes some wild shit up in an effort to get it back. Whether she’s shooting herself, or some other instance of absolute insanity it’s all bullshit. She just happens to come out about it the day season three starts LMFAO. We have nerds in here who can write code and everything else under the sun, but they can’t read women lol. You guys are fucking pathetically sad.
Try this

>mentally ill and socially maladjusted
All that ones I've tracked for are pretty much that.
Wiggers do it. Strange that Kick isn't down though, I guess they don't have the same kind of pull over there. Maybe they're just courting a new audience.
New Flow is good, would be better with arrow key navigation but that's splitting hairs.
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She could prove it by posting a picture of the police, assuming she recorded it like a sane person would for lawsuit purposes
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Oh no worries, I didn't mean for that to come off negative/confrontational. Impressive setup anon. I'm always up for tech talks of all kinds, my twitter is @Entree_da_Giant. Shoot me a DM whenever.

Oh flowstreams is back? Guess I wont have to re-stream after all. Thank you for the link!

people on /ftl/ were posting screenshots of DMCA claims from "Sam Hyde"
Your welcome. Yeah it's by mostly the same devs just different owners now.
betty Im a stable individual and I can save you. food, shelter, emotional and physical, I can provide it all. if you're watching this thread now, I can be there for you
You are not going to kidnap Betty.
you're right. instead, I would offer her a loving partner and life
I can only ask you to understand my state of mind right now. I don't feel comfortable posting anything at all. I'm scared. I want all of this to stop.
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Receipts or you're lying.
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I heard you're begging Jet to let you on Fishtank again lol.
You don't need to explain anything to these people, Betty. They're very sick and very ill, just forget they exist.
Stop being an asshole. She's got enough troubles without you fags popping up every second demanding proof.
You'd believe anything she told you.
Not everyone hates her
It will never happen because it never happened.
I can save her
I don't hate her. I find her fascinating the same way I find KingCobraJFS fascinating.
You don't have to post if you don't want to. It's ok to be scared.
Clearly she's posting... you're so gullible.
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House is too big
We need more people or for like, half of it to be cordoned off.
The wiggers are so silly. Big dreams little brains.
She's posting because we've been wondering if she's okay for the last couple of days due to the fires in her state. She's an angel for taking the time to inform us about what's been going on despite going through a swatting.
just sit on my face betty cmon stop being weird
There’s only a handful of people it could be most likely one of the two main seethers, considering they both have far right neo Nazi political beliefs and have attacked her for being Jewish then that makes it a hate crime, also take into account that someone got hurt and she has already spoken to the cops about both suspects, if they don’t find out who called them then they have to pay for the medical bills, it sucks that she got scared but on the bright side one of the see there is going to prison for a few years
Stop wasting oxygen bro
I hate that Jet went with having the cast & things in general so far away from the cameras
Techanons, what effect does 10k people sweeping through 25 cameras looking for content have on the servers/connection?
My instincts tell me not great
Don't even acknowlege these cunts. You're wasting your breathe mate.

It is cordoned off actually. there is still heaps more house.
Feef update while betty pretends to be swatted

You are the type of fucking idiot that believes his wife when she comes at 3am and tells you it’s because someone else no-showed even tho she’s never held a job. You are literally a bottom feeding faggot who needs to kill itself.
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Seethers are crashing out hard
Why are you so bothered in the first place
Jr, update retard. Are you still with us (I know you are)
You have 43 fucking posts in this thread. Your problem is you care too much. You’re the biggest fucking loser in here.
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Take it easy man
I’m sorry.
The door clicking is actually such a great addition.
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God is with you - fear not death, ye memetic child of the light
Betty has a modest but committed fan base that has stayed with her through periodic breaks in activity. Sometimes she has taken weeks off from streaming. Other people have fallen off hard but Betty still has her small core of fans. So she really doesn't need attention like many internet personalities.

And if Betty wanted attention she would post on her Twitter account with its thousands of followers, not on our obscure image board. She could be seriously farming some engagement right now because of the election if she wanted to.
She doesnt care about you. At all.
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For the past idk 3 hours the fish have been in places f2p can't see or at least hear/perceive.
Jet needs to fix this.
This is true. Betty's a tough girl, she'll pull through okay.
Fix what? He wants people to buy more season passes that's the goal.
This is a good pic of her, ngl.
Looks like Michael Jackson ngl
lol, stay seething
oh, you're THAT poster
Wow, I’m not gonna lie. I laughed pretty fucking hard.
Alex is basically a fusion of Jon and Jimmy. He's going to be interesting
If you're actually watching this scripted nontent with actors you better be gay or female
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Ha, calling it now

Season 3 will be the final season
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idk they could really do this forever if they wanted to.
Its survival rests on the laurels of the producers willingness and desire. Both Powtank and Bitchtank proved all you need is 4 people and a single room.
Just got back and ready what happened to bitty...not cool...threads aren't fun anymore...I'm thinking about unsubscribing from /bbg/

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