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the papal meme girl is ok, not a christ tan, but needs more art like this.
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I agree. Luce is based.
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lol i have been all through those imports
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how does the catholic church feel about gooning to burly men in kilts
Irish royal family don't give a fuck about some shitty english tradition
get a real hobby creepy ass nigga
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Part of Christ-Chan’s appeal is her religious zealotry, a bit like Momoko in the English dub of ghost stories. Luce doesn’t give off those kinda vibes.
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I like Luce' vibe better.
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Why’s that?
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Less heresy.
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both have a place in the great work
just like my evil getting shoved into a cofession booth.
Isn’t this the girl from little nightmares?
I was wondering what that smell was.
Someone should draw them together. Maybe Christ-Chan reading The Bible as a bed time story or something.
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one held the line so the other could thrive.
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The Jeanne d'Arc of our generation
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i mean, it only dropped a few days ago and it's causing alot of fedora tipper seethe but idk if i'd go that far just yet.
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heck yeah
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>a bit like Momoko in the English dub of ghost stories
That one was actually funny because we all knew it was a gag dub. Christ-tan is just annoying because it's used by anti-fedorafags who keep telling people to repent and tell everybody they don't like to go back to r/Atheism.
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i want to goon
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Petition to make Luce a new 4chan mascot.
Don't listen to Asmodeus Anon.
Luce deserves to be a Chan mascot alongside Yotsuba.
Deus vult!
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>hand Christ the sword
This Luce arc is really far from the original book
True, at least biblically. It was, however, the closest meme reaction I could find to someone Rule 34ing Luce
Lust is a sin.
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ops was lacking but this is nice
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i hunger for more but elections happened and /pol/ already memory holed it
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Jannies went into overdrive. I'm on my arse with a tendon injury so I was terminally online at the time. Out of every ten Luce threads, nine were deleted and one was sent here, for whatever reason.

I've never seen such seethe in my life, it was as hilarious as it was pathetic.
Even now, a Luce thread lasts only a few minutes before being deleted.
Truly wretched creatures, the mods and jannies of that board.
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Soooo nice
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Funny, but the clearly, severely broken leg makes it a little uncomfortable for me.
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the new christian anime mascot makes the jannies seethe?
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The crusade will start in /bant/
Anyone else wanna crusade?
The trannies of BlueSky are in need of a lesson learning.
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or you could turn the other cheek and forgive them
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I would but every time i tried to make them see the light they attack and try to oppress me for being Christian.
They know better, they know what they're doing, yet they do it anyway. They were hailing satan right to me.
Just want them to repent, or at least warn others not to go to BlueSky.
I got you covered
Goddess Luce
>You can't just single handedly get millions of young people talking about Christianity overnight!!!
Christ-chan is a pretty lazy design in all honesty. Her entire motif looks like a mischaracterization of a school teacher.
Luce has some interesting thought put into it, namely the raincoat.
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It's been interesting to watch how this image >>21520560 has worked, especially on Twitter. Within hours there was tons of original content, and by now you have several pages of the expected cosplay ect.

It was an excellent tactic if your goal is for the Church to make headways in Asia.
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wether intentional or by mistake there is god tier advertising going on here.
i do Sunday confession threads and still got roped into this over good design, something fresh and watching people argue about it.
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I'm not a fan of anieme; and sometimes not even a fan of the Catholic church; but it's been refreshing to watch it take off. Especially in /pol/ (before all the threads started getting set here), Luce had become popular as almost a counter-culture character, with all the meme potential that comes with it.
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we shall see, we shall see.
also this thread is like a week old now lol.
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I fucking hate catholics and protestants
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part of the reason I said >>21548454

I get that /bant/ is considered the island of misfit toys for /pol/ threads; and that most threads, once banished here, die a lonely and unnoticed death.

But what if you don't like being around the misfits? So someone is OP/reading a thread, and it gets sent here. What then? Maybe they hang around long enough to see what other threads are sent to Van Diemen's land.

Meanwhile, since there are so few people who care abound thread lifespan in /bant/; a reply once a thread hits about page 6 keeps it active for another few days.

Maybe someone will take the time to create a /Luce/ general, which links to the various related stories and events. That thread could be up for years in /bant/ before anyone notices
should have read:
> what if you don't mind being around the misfits?
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you might be overthinking it a bit
we receive all the threads that are too spicy or fun site wide
also you can post almost anything you want here.
good luck with the /Luce/ thing but I'm not the guy for it.
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This is why Aussies are hated here.
Unholy creatures.
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hawt but unexpected, still hawt doe.
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I will literally pay for versions of that and pic real without the writing plastered all over them like graffiti.
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did biblically accurate angel chan just become a thing too?
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keep them coming
is she a psyop
Of course. How else does the parasitic cath**** church propagate if not by the targeting of younger audiences.
im just glad i dont really find anime appealing at all
now if they brought out a catholic fursona like a hot one i'd probably be done for
I'm sure it was contemplated.
we live in dark times
Why is every aussie on this board a pedophile?
Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of pornography?
Not even talking in the context of Luce but in general.
More and more people are waking up to how gross it all is.
porn isn't going anywhere even with the trips and you know it

Even if things go nuclear, those who remain will find the communal curvy bit of curvy birch to wank off to. They will be saner though
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A fine thought indeed, that we might live in such contentedness that such desires of the flesh would never gain a foothold.
But these are modern times and men are lonely creatures who can choose to abstain, but only so that they can say "they didn't" at the end of it all.
And for most, that's simply not enough.
Which is a great pity.
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>the holy hand grenade
James 2:14 and Matthew 21:28-32 though
Actions DO matter
Anon, that just means those people are schizos in need of an asylum. I feel bad for those lost souls.
Your image gives me hope.
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Probably not, but I can see the industry declining as the alpha generation decides that sex is too boring.
Ya mean ascending.
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Naturally. Id hardly expect anyone who deliberately works against the Lord to be allowed into his lands...

Glad to hear it, anon. Hope and faith are nigh interchangeable.
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Me over right
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keep seething
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Lmao you shills made EXACTLY the same images for Bukhanka chan.
Fuck you people are pathetic lol.
Why are anglos so unholy?
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May you be seen by a thousand eyes.
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>saudi flaig
Mudslime propaganda trying to demoralize us good Christians
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dubs confirm!
Yep it's christcuck leakage
Of course it's the Muslim posting this filth.
This is why people are fleeing your dogshit country.
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This is why i want Luce to be an official mascot, so people who do her harm can get devine justice.
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>a muslim
So original
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Pornography is just artwork that you've masturbated to.
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KEK. Wholesome.
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what a funny turn of events,
/pol/ itself is giving my thread a life and meaning beyond it's initial one off.
on one hand ownership of my thread was taken over,
on the other hand i don't mind because they're using it to share images of something they like in the OP, what image boards are made for.
i am ok with this, content even.
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>what a funny turn of events,
>/pol/ itself is giving my thread a life and meaning beyond it's initial one off.
>on one hand ownership of my thread was taken over,
>on the other hand i don't mind because they're using it to share images of something they like in the OP, what image boards are made for.
>i am ok with this, content even.
who said >21592175 albeit
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me when
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reminded me of this one
>Local raincoat wearing kid literally too angry to die
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Kill yourself white trash
You will never shit up on christkikes as good as me
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Falseflagging kike
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Make your funeral arrangements Christworm
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Any about the Hussite wars? Saw one about the defenestration.
Saved and made wallpaper
There seems to be two main sources for original Luce art. Both are reddit pages:
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This is why we need to start kicking you pooskins back to the shithole you came from
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>They cannot create
>They can only mutilate or destroy
What a vile and reprehensible people you are.
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I don't believe anyone has asked for your retarded village subhuman opinion.
Desperately need more like this specifically. Need a whole Luce Lore series. I want to see Luce's adventures with the other churches and even religions. Shit would be so cash.

First thing is I wanna see Luce and her Byzantine counterpart.
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And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
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you're a mudslime
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> we keep killing them and they keep resurrecting
> we're running out of bullets and our swords are now dull
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If you're getting killed and keep coming back to life you're not in hraven you're in hell
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you might feel a tingly feeling as the demon leaves your body. When we're done, there's a juice box waiting for you in the fridge
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first of all he's a shota
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Bring cross to mark your grave
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Do you have evidence?

What in the frog ass do you think you're doing?
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"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead" - Matthew 8:22 (KJV)
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Luce made a fast beachhead in Asia. In another few months, it will be at your back
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I will send maleficium, upon your lame ass
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The old spells don't work like they used to. Why don't you come over to team Jesus, there's plenty of room.
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Death to catholic scum
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Breaking news... the conversions have started at the trade shows
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>One Luce thread left on all of 4chan
>The sad little janny that got bullied in school finally finds it and starts shitting on it in exactly the same way they ruined countryballs with "memespheres".

Lol, now that's sad to watch.
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Is Lucechan supposed to be the next pope? Is she a virgin?
she's the next coming of jesus
baby jesus had a baby? what was wrong with the first that we need a 2.0?
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In 2025, a World Expo is being held in Osaka Japan. More than 100 nations will have pavilions at the expo

Luce will be the mascot for the Vatican pavilion at the expo

It looks like Luce will also be the mascot for The Vatican's Jubilee Year of 2025

As part of the Jubilee Year, the "Holy Door" at the Vatican is opened; and followers are granted an indulgence if they walk through the door during the yearlong celebration

The mascot for the Osaka Expo is "Myaku-Myaku"; which is... hard to explain, look at the image. Though not the same, it does project a Revelations 4:2-8 sort of vibe
>In 2025, a World Expo is being held in Osaka Japan.
Sure, but why are they just now needing a mascot? Especially for an organization that seems centered around old traditions and ceremonies? What's changed?
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I'm not an expert on the subject, but as far as the Osaka Expo goes, it looks like nations are encouraged to have their own mascots. See image for what is purported to be the Czech mascot (on the right) See also:

So in terms of having a mascot at all, it's a matter of fitting in with everyone else; including having mascots which reflect the insane Japanese popular culture.

Having a mascot at all, and appealing to the anime fans does seem an unusual choice considering the tradition; but there is also a certain cleverness in it; especially if your goal is to spread the Gospel in Asia; (which happens to be one of the goals of the Catholic Church.

Still on the top of tradition, at least in the US there has been a change in recent years in the way that the church and parishes are set up. Because of both declining attendance and the liability from lawsuits; they created a concept of a 'community of parishes'; where 3 or 4 churches work together as a unit, sharing the work and spreading the labor where needed.

Seeing the Czech mascot with all the eyes, it's only a matter of time before all of the end-times theorists see it and freak out. It's not canon as it is being used now; but it's close enough to something in the book of revelations to get people's attention
I also think it's going to be one giant marketing gimmick. So , just as people collect pins from the different nations at the olympics; there will be people encouraging everyone to try to collect (buy) the mascot toys from each of the pavilions
damn, 25 years later and Japan is still stuck on the pokemon/ monster collector template.
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I think they've already got the merch operation running
5$ to a cause of your choosing says they do something with pokemon go to encourage more people into the venue.
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A quick search, and it looks like they milked that cow going into this project

> caption: POKEMON and HELLO KITTY appreciated as Special Envoys (Mascot Character) for EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN

hehehe fucking called it.
might be a rare promotional pokemon there at the actual event, bet.
Why has this retarded futasuck thread been up for 18 days? What the fuck is wrong with you people
since you clearly have dicciculty reading and need things spoon fed to you, see:
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If you knew this one would not spark joy, anon, then why enter regardless?
This is a wholesome LVCE thread. The only one on this entire website.
At any rate, take solace (if you'll pardon the pun) and relax. Unclench your jaw. Release your shoulders. Exhale.

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