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Russia has more minerals than any other nation by far edition!

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Thanks for the post, i dont have the pasta or i would have done it earlier.
Loads of things happening today in the world of mining.


Goldfields mining also had some huge news but the links to it seem to have vanished, if they pop back up again i ll post.
Everything radically changed after Trump got elected.
Are we in for a 4 year bear market or are we in for a giga bull market with all of the money he is going to print/spend?
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You are always welcome, PAN MAN sir.
It feels really bleak for silver
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so which one?
It might just be the case that silver is now an industrial metal, not a precious metal, due to technology and the industrial revolution. Remember that the industrial revolution is the biggest change in human ways of life since the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. It changed a lot. It may also have changed silver's millennia old status as a precious metal, downgrading it into an industrial feedstock metal.
Are the markets seriously under the delusion that Trump is going to radically cut spending with the help of Elon?
This isn't going to fucking happen. Trump is going to radically increase spending.
Trump's election seriously fucked my hopium for a commodity bull market in the next 6 months. The markets are pretending Trump is going to slash spending and save the US dollar so they're dumping gold and other commodities. When the markets realize Trump is going to destroy the dollar by expanding government gold will skyrocket, but in the meantime I'm going to stay poor.
Elon and Trump are destroying my financial future.
>Everything radically changed after Trump got elected.
Kill yourself
he might cut some fluff here and there but if he doesn't touch medicare and military spending it won't matter.
Only thing trump has proposed that might affect the economy is the tariff thing.

Last time someone tried a serious protectionist tariff policy we had the great depression. Most likely congress won't allow it, but if he gets a willing congress we might see the end of the US as a consumer powerhouse, with the rest of the world following into the pit.
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>cut spending
Lmfao. The US needs to inflate for a few more years to devalue the debt, then maybe they can cut spending, but I highly doubt it.
I hate the countdown, can't even post anymore.

What is our copium with mining companies and Trump winning. Will precious metals go down because of Trump?
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Everything will increase in value and everything will be cheaper.
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My resource stocks will increase in value and decrease in price.
The fuck you guys bought that your miners are down?
Kang Dollar broes are so back.
US will dilute less than jap, euro, bongs, cannacucks, swissies and antipodeans.
This is going to be a superb environment to short commodities and their associated securities.
>Response to Reports of Employees being Detained in Mali

>Resolute Mining (Resolute or the Company) (ASX/LSE: RSG) confirms that the Company’s CEO,Terence Holohan, and two other employees, have been detained in Mali by Government Officials. The executives were in Bamako to hold discussions with the mining and tax authorities regarding general activities related to Resolute’s in-country business practices, and to progress open claims made against Resolute, which the Company maintains are unsubstantiated.
>Following the conclusion of these meetings on Friday, 8 November 2024, the three employees were unexpectedly detained.
>Resolute has followed all official processes with respect to its affairs and has provided the authorities with detailed responses to all the claims made.
>Resolute’s priority remains the safety and wellbeing of its employees. The Company is in regular communication with the three detained employees who remain held at the Economic and Financial Centre of Bamako (Pôle Économique et Financier de Bamako). The employees are being treated well and continue to receive support on the ground from the UK and International Embassies and Consulates.
>The Company is continuing to work with the Government on a resolution and will provide further updates on the situation as appropriate.
buying this dip. Just pay the bribes you stupid upside down crocodile riding rednecks. They want the tax dispute money they think is appropriate, not the amount you think. Just pay the fucking bribe.
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Do you like cowboy hats?
>It might just be the case that silver is now an industrial metal
Major mints produce bullion silver coins, and the majority of the world's population does not give a shit about solar panels or Tesla batteries they want a stable medium of exchange. Gold and silver are downplayed by the central banks and their cronies which distracts the average folks trying to make it, but as the US dollar and the US economic power continues to decline more people are waking up and buying silver because gold is too expensive for them.

>Trump is going to radically cut spending with the help of Elon
They are trying to fast track business licensing of all types to boost economic productivity and taxes on that will help, for a while, but the western finacial system if based on exponential growth which will implode at some point.

>then maybe they can cut spending, doubtful, a lot of spending is for "black projects" for military and spying but also for looting the country so it will not stop. The US passed the point of no return long ago and this will be a major point for BRICS to exploit. They will put gold and silver and the new financial system they are developing to the forefront as a tool against US econominc power.

Besides with all the massive silver production from Graeme maybe silver we be worth nothing, is he not flooding the market as we wait the 15 minutes to shit post?
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>Do you like cowboy hats?
It did though.
Why do you think gold sold off?

Eat shit

Trump is never going to cut spending.

>They are trying to fast track business licensing of all types to boost economic productivity
That won't do shit

Cutting taxes will increase inflation
God dammit I hope this isnt true
Why do you think trump would help the dollar when the policies he advocates would destroy it?
Pretty cool CA historic mining video out in the hills
>gold sold off
lol zoom out, gold has barely moved

risk off investors buy gold in periods of doubt, either result in the us election is a removal of some doubt and creates a reduction in gold demand.
>Just pay the fucking bribe.
That's shareholder money they're playing with, they need to stay strong and drive a hard bargain even at the risk of their lives. Executives work for us.
It's the bribe or nationalization. Shareholders will benefit from the company paying up and ensuring they keep their social license to operate. Cost of doing business
It's just so tiresome...
For the same reason some cucks believe that BRICS wpuld introduce "le gel bak'd currency" exactly this year despite they are failing to deliver it for 20 years now plus economics of main BRICS countries depends on govs PRINTING - meaning gold is their nemesis and not their friend. You cannot reason to these morons because they are brainlets who cannot into logical thinking. Trump been a major money printer of recent years.
What happened to Polymetal?
Uranium's down again is it time to start buying again? Fundamentals seem to be about the same
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Depends on the company. Some of them are still priced really high for what they offer. UEC was a bargain at $4.40 in August/September, sold at $7.15, now $8.

Fundamentals are still getting stronger. Japan restarting yet another reactor beginning of next month. If Germany elect their pro nuclear party soon then they might save a couple of theirs from senseless demolition. Term market buying has really ramped up, but spot is slow because no one can find conversion capacity in the next 3 months.
its giga over
it’s so fucking bad. Silver has been failing miserably to resume a Bull trend in the greatest period of economic inflation for 13+ years
It just defies all logic when the market is so fucking small and vital
All commodities shall be heemed.
Is this literally the worst bear market for junior gold stocks on record?
It will get worse too. It truly is so over.
>It will get worse too
You don't know that, but damn is this a fucking long bear market even with gold at ATHs the miners are dead/
Wait till December xD
What happens then?
Santa will kill the rest of our gains.
Is Gary bullish or bearish?
I'll say this again:

It might just be the case that silver is now an industrial metal, not a precious metal, due to technology and the industrial revolution. Remember that the industrial revolution is the biggest change in human ways of life since the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. It changed a lot. It may also have changed silver's millennia old status as a precious metal, downgrading it into an industrial feedstock metal.

Gold might be the real money metal nowadays.
BTW fuck Posobiec with a stick
But the current system is so incredibly fragile and clownish. Certainly people can’t go down this road forever?
I agree. But don't underestimate silver's speculative volatility in a gold bull market. Which by the looks of it is over. Its over. Forever.
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I guess they better start mining more silver to close that supply deficit if they want to keep that feedstock metal price down to a reasonable level
Oh, noes, Rob broes!
Are you ok?
Remember, bois, let the jew work for you.
Today might be the reddest day I have ever experienced. -14% right now, though it was worse earlier too
>That won't do shit
your canadian flag explains your lack of understanding. Tax receipts are bases on business actually being in business and making money. Business usually make more money when they are not being strangled by retarded government workers. Trump can delay the inevitble dollar decline, or accelerate it, either way everything is going to be more expensive everywhere because the US exports inflation.
>all i have is silver
how much leverage you using on shitcos?
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Rick rule said miners that lost this year will get sold off at the in the lawt formweeks for tax sorcercy

Icant tane this psyop any longer
Damn AEM down 6%
Thats huge
kek, are you guys like commodity stocks virgins and this is your 1st year in the sector?
Dangerously based
My 4th year kurwa
just buy good companies that make money
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did they run out of gold?
On shitcos, not much. On profitable and cheap producers, too much
Four years in this sector and today is the reddest single trading day I have had.
Now that the sector is red and people are not gonna feel like they are too good to reveal their secret tickers, post your holdings so I can accumulate.
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It was over before it begun.
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typical monday action here
Am i the dude in the webm or what do you mean?
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Buying today's Snowline dip like a madman, just passed 20,000 shares. Balls deep over 40% of my portfolio. If anything goes wrong before the buyout will have no option other than samurai sudoku

Imagine her being your kaishakunin...
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>Everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually break down.
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I'm with you AEM bro, Agnico is one of my biggest positions. We're both getting kicked in the nuts today a lot more than we should be.
We will ALL get our shit pushed in. And we WILL be happy.
some news out of Ascot, looks like their trying to get back in the game earlier then expected.
Another million lbs of uranium taken off the market next year with Paladin announcing it's cutting guidance from 4-4.5m to 3-3.6m at Langer Heinrich.
down 28% so far what a bargain
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This is literally my only uranium stock right now. My portfolio is in tatters. Recently it seems everything has gone wrong for me. Fuck me.
Think its a good time to buy physical uranium? SPUT is getting closer to its lows from last September again without fundamentals changing it doesn't seem too bad a buy. Been thinking of picking up some more Encore and maybe Denison if it drops further. I've also been thinking that I should be selling the spikes then buying back in after the price inevitably drops
be interesting to see how it reacts if the fission deal gets pulled. still time to back out supposedly.
I bought most of my physical around these levels (yellow cake not sput). Sold some around the peak last month, but not as much as I should have. There's still time for a $90-95 spot price before Christmas...
NFGchads how we feeling?
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The cartel won, all my gains wiped out all my losses multiplied.
>gold $2,599.00
I don’t even know anymore
Is gold going to 2400?
no reason why not. it's just shiny rocks.
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As far as metals prices crashing, did Trump's victory restore confidence in American power and, therefore, confidence in the US dollar, thereby causing people to see no need, at least for now, to invest in metals anymore?
I think that as long as America is strong (or appears strong), then the dollar will be strong and will be the preferred money to hold onto.
more like trump's proposed tariffs on US imports would hamper industry demand worldwide.
Too much emphasis on "buy" here when you should have been selling. What a surprise, /cmmg bought another top.
Buy buy buy buy buy
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403 g-m and 307 g-m holes starting at surface for Snowline extending the resource boundary at Valley, plus a possible 2nd discovery, but with gold price down again, not moving much at market open

I bought some fission at 25% off.
Meh, the dip in shares i hold is minuscule so far. Maybe in December there would be some deeper retraction if gold would not climb straight back upwards.
This is what my poorfolios perfomance has been for the past 12 months, hopefully it breaks this to the upside in two more weeks
The dip after the first peak is ~50%
have you tried drawing more lines?
>gary is bearish now
FAN bros


This is part of the same structure as Benton's.
Benton definitely has some of this nickel on their property.
Holy fuck Benton is so undervalued, why does it keep dumping
Bath day today
I still think Benton is a genuine shitco.
LOL, not only gold price i still down but also prices of my hodings increased. Yes, they increased in price during the day since bottoming.
Yeah, we were all stupid to think the mining sector would turn around with gold rallying $1200 dollars in a few months... We should have guessed the miners would keep dumping while gold goes up. That's what usually happens in this sector right?
why's that?
why is this happening
If you think this news is so great then why wouldn't you just buy FAN itself? They have a smaller market cap than Benton.
because it already doubled in the past 2 weeks and I dont want to be stuck holding the bag if it levels off or dumps
Thank god
What the fuck went wrong?
>What the fuck went wrong?
The markets delusional think he's going to save the dollar.
It's not even true though, he's going to grow spending, debt and inflation much more than Biden.
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Thank God! The RGI never fails and our run is about to resume soon
We are so fucking back.
Can't believe gold went from $1600 to $2800 and the juniors are at fucking 2014 levels when gold was at $1000. What the fuck even is this market. This shit hasn't happened before has it? We are either really stupid or these shitcos will x20
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Everything went right and we are wrong
Should of bought microsoft and nvidia and cryptos
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>Everything went right and we are wrong
>We are either really stupid or these shitcos will x20
We're just early. It's inevitable they will rise.
Jordan Byrne said the miners are just extremely short term leverage/ options plays on gold. Crazy but nobody wants to own gold miners anymore because they’re so antiquated.
Without the miners there is no gold.
You gonna loose all your monies.
Ya but they haven’t gone anywhere in 20 years
They dump while gold dumps or crabs, and go up when gold goes up except this time they didn't.
Most gold investors would love it if miners all went bust as their gold would be worth more. It's not consumed, the world doesn't use it up, it just sits there or gets traded as paper (basically nfts). They can always print more gold for people who want the idea of gold in their portfolio.

Gold mining is a giantic waste of energy unless they're also bringing up useful stuff like copper or silver.
>Without the miners there is no gold.
sort of

a shitload of gold comes from miners you can't buy shares of because they're privately owned.

a lot more comes from copper miners and various other base metal operations people don't think of when they think of gold

then there's the fact that gold miners are producing the stuff at $2k/oz AISC or whatever while copper mines are producing it for a couple bucks an ounce.

and as long as people are mining any metal, we're going to keep getting more gold along with that metal. Hell, we get gold when we mine sand and gravel in a lot of places. It's basically everywhere, just not always worth recovering.
Any idea why the sudden surge towards the end of the day today with uranium?
what do you mean? you want tldr of uranium thesis?
Maybe the cop29 news about the US building another 35GW of nuclear in the next 10 years filtering through? Maybe someone did the maths on Paladin's drought-related production shortfall and remembered the Chinese have some big mines in Namibia as well. Term contracts are being quietly done behind the scenes, and a few buyers poked their heads back in to the spot market.
One of the US utilities also put out a big RFP yesterday.
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Gibs unraniumb soub recibe pl0x
I knew the copper byproduct. Forgot about private equity
Oh, noes, I-80 broes!
Are you ok?
You didn't listen to experts Taylor Dart, Allan Barry Laboucan and Shad Marquitz did you? They took Ewan's lies and ran with them.
What do you mean? They want build greenhouse on top of mines too? XD
Glowing rocks boil water so we get choo choo electricity.
Unironically over.
I hope you fags listened and didn't buy this shit.
I didn't buy it. What did they fuck up?
nasty red day for me. almost back to breakeven for the (tax) year now. thanks trump.
Why would I buy touch that garbage?
They had an infrastructure or water issue since forever iirc
Who is next Lion One? Every week there's one of these -50% charts.
Did Sprott fomo at the top of NFG?
Anyone holsing Veren $VRN?
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>What did they fuck up?
It was fucked up from the beginning. 3 of 5 assets have major water problems, one has stability issues, and the original estimate for mill refurbishment has now at least doubled. Given this and a lack of FCF there are no alternatives bar dilution and/or debt. Waterton got rid of its asset to retarded bag holders thanks to the likes of Allan Barry Laboucan, Taylor Dart and Shad Marquitz.
Wasn't it "The Dane" who tried to pump this here?
Yes. I am.
>Wasn't it "The Dane" who tried to pump this here?
I'm not sure. I think it was somebody else. I miss the guy anyways...
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When do we profit? No two more weeks answers please...
My posirion is up 14% at these levels, i fewl like adding more but the chart looks empty below this price
What is your opinion?
Its one of my biggest oil position
OIL has been gay for quite a while now... The market hasn't been making sense.
Nice, you caught the bottom. I don't really have a strong near term opinion on the share price. If it's already your biggest oil positions probably best to let it be. Oil market balances seem a bit bearish next year. If it goes down you'll get a better buying opportunity, if it goes up your biggest position will net you a nice hunk of cash
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>Nice, you caught the bottom.
Not really, i got in in november and december of 2021 and holsing since then

Yea long term i hope oil goes back up in favour of my portfolio on the other hand highe roil prices will mean real life pain

>OIL has been gay for quite a while now... The market hasn't been making sense.
Pic related points at historic oil seasonality, might give a clue on recent price action
As a long term holder, how do you feel Veren has treated you since 2021? It was a remarkably different company back then and has since changed its name, portfolio and general strategy, I think for the better. What do you think?
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I'll just leave this here
>I miss the guy anyways...
Yeah, he was a good sport.
Red BTFO! This was his biggest holding.
Yeah, it was the tattoo-headed nigger.
Rick Drule, Brien Lundin, Taylor Dart, Shad Marquitz, Allan Barry Laboucan, and every other "expert" are full of shit.
Silver is going back under $30
We lost... It's over for real this time.
trump killed commodities
Is the market pricing in all the things he said he was going to do (which he won't do)?
Rana broes get extra curry tonight.
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sure seems like it. elon musks companies are flying like they're going to get unlimited handouts, and the "bitcoin national reserve" has crypto prices booming.
>DXY printing sequential red candles today
Feels bad
I mean how early are we? Months? Years? A decade?
anyone else watching how this unfolds? South Africa's trying to crack down on illegal mines but we all know how thats going to go.
I still believe that if oul and gas go up that this company will profit
There’s enough bashers of this stock for it to truly 5x from these levels.
The gold is there,this thing is huge but there’s definitely some fun and games going on in the background.
Teh village is saved! Woohoo for Poo!
Some gold is there, but it's a far cry from all the hype imo.
>but it's a far cry from all the hype imo.
This sector is practically story telling. Considering it takes more than a decade to open a mine, and most management teams fuck something or everything up along the way, not to mention external factors like environmental protests and permitting issues etc...
Two more generations

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