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so bamt have you found a game to play yet
Previously, you just barely did: https://archived.moe/bant/thread/21505138/
So far best games out of not very popular:
1. Metaphor Refantazio - gayest game in existence, ideal roid tranny treatment, /pol/ primal desire perfected
2. Elin, Elona - basically acid
3. Trails of Cold Steel series something - Final Fantasy, but under imageboard influence
4. Spark The electric nigger - platformer but fun
i want to play sulfur but i don't own it
i meant the electric jester
what do you like about it?
it's fun
I played all gensokyo games
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To me it looks like visual design is being carried by sound design. About everything else I am not sure. I think there is nothing to give so many awards for, unless indie scene is that bad today
eat a fish wtf
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I am still not convinced and dont get it
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something is going here, how would a game with such an inconsistent visual design win so many awards, unless there is something fresh about the gameplay. it looks like like a shooter, it plays like a shooter
there is procedural world generation that generates some bleak areas. so many so fucking what moments
buy the game (for me)
Still looks soulless to me. Made by people who never played games enough, in it for the money and running low on budget, and awards look sus, as if indie is getting the cancer too.
Are you sure the authors have anything to say?
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Even the name of the studio, PerfectRandom. They literally don't care and they state it openly.
I am not a fan of slop, almost all stories in games are too generic. In fact, I don't know if visual novel as a genre can be good at all fundamentally.
still on the factorio binge, ready to fuck off to fulgora
Unironically still my top 1 most played game, but I last time I played was like in 2019 something
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When I said Spark is fun, it's because it is, Sulfur isn't fun. Spark was made by a literal geek manchild who loved Sonic way too much, he knows what does it mean to go fast through and through, he probably has thousands of hours in Sonic games and maybe abuses amphetamines. By playing Sonic for countless hours, he has developed an understanding, a vision on how such a game should be made, and you can literally see it, it is good.
On the other hand Sulfur was made by people who read game design books. They lack vision, they just plan according to what they read in game design books. Usually it's hard to put a finger on what's wrong with some indie games like Sulfur overall. It appears to be some echo of the worst part of AAA in them, restrained, distilled "fun".
Rogue-like genre works best with VR. Go VR niggers, VR people will appreciate any polished slop. Or join Minecraft modding scene and stop polluting PC/Console scene
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Not to mention, what are you doing in this predominantly male community? Do you like to be surrounded by men? You gay or something?
Hey, babt, look, I found a literal faggot
You can't make the game feel good just according to what you read in game design books, because you can't consciously compute everything that is required, there is too much. Just like humans perceive each others body language, we also perceive media, like games, movies, even novels. A huge part of it's perception and it's creation is intuitive. Intuition is a subconscious calculation of what you know, if you don't know shit, your intuition is almost always wrong. On the other hand knowers can read people like open books and almost see the future. See, we now know the reason why things in Sulfur look so disconnected, because unfortunately you are a faggot
Babt was hiding Sleeping Dogs kino, it's much more fun that GTA. And good writing too.
literally everyone sayed this but it must have been pretty tiring shilling that game for like a decade so people stopped
You could even describe it as "GTA but fun" because it has exactly what some people feel missing in GTA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGuE6vk1_1I
Is this game on some /v/ list, are /v/ people capable of baking like a pic, some kind of "/v/ choice"
It's like it has bits from both Punisher and Shenmue at the same time, that blend is hard to fuck up
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Not to mention you are thinking way too hard when you make decisions. Just like this guy, imagine for real going like "Merging High Speed Thrills and Exploration Seamlessly": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnPYt4IIY2g
Talking like this, imagine. Jfc, definition of a redditor, how is his head not exploding. Spark creator was probably simply like "this thing here would look good". He does not have to articulate everything this harrd, he knows it too well.
You are being mogged by some 0.001% japanese homo obese mystery meat brazilian manchild. There has to be something seriously irredeemably third-worldly about you, your motivation to make that game, and your audacity to shill it here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1nBFalsEYE best beat em up i have ever seen period, too kino
2012, definitely echo of old expertise on the team
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there's this game called "jogo do pão" that I recently became addicted to, the problem is that you can only play it with other people
single player games are great
An hero is the funniest one, but I always end up losing
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Thanks anon, this is by far the most decent suggestion. We must kiss right now before our darkest instincts prevail.
Oh hey, forgot to mention, if you were wondering why there is such a huge gap in talent even among the most hard working. You see someone like Hideo Kojima, if he plays your game for an hour, he will know more actually relevant stuff about your game than you remember about it starting from times it was just a concept, stuff that you are not even aware about. Kojima would spent an hour for what you would spend a thousand, how come? He is by nature a noooticer, you are by nature a consoomer. If I tell you right now "all you have to do to be as good as Kojima is to pay attention to details", it will barely work. It can work for some people, and if you would be the one who can do it, we could already see a glimpse of it at the least. Kojima does so naturally, effortlessly, his brain wants work, his brain needs those details. If he was asked to stop noooticing he would die of boredom the next moment.
You on the other hand would need to torture yourself by reminders all the time. Do you realize it now?
And memory, if your memory is not exceptional enough, you can't go back to previous experiences for further analysis, which will also hold you back.
It is the most complex medium so far in history which requires the most talent in history to properly execute.
Fucking Unity mobile slop niggers now dare transitioning back to PC. Literally this Sulfur was built like a professional slop mobile game, it's just spam, not a game. PerfectRandom. Sulfur is not fun and not funny, you weren't cut for this at all, you soulless whores were built for bbc, go back to amuse your phoneposters, or jab yourself now and then go jump off a building with a noose
https://store.steampowered.com/app/307690/Sleeping_Dogs_Definitive_Edition/ game without awards on steam page
https://store.steampowered.com/app/327890/I_Am_Bread/ game with awards on steam page
Note: 2015
If gaymoors only knew how much a modern PC can do in 1 millisecond, they would hunt down all triple a people in charge
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Unity fags will be guzzling Elin cum
Have you prepared to cargo cult the future overwhelming success of Elin? Since you lack mental capacity to truly comprehend things, you will have to cargo cult it, flood the market with 2d slop full of disconnected recycled ideas and "a twist", so it's "fun".
Even though I hope it is very clear on how much disgust I have for the likes of you, I am not entirely sure if you can be influenced properly, to a degree you have to be a psychopath to produce shitty games and present them as a great choice to buy. Therefore you probably have no real capacity to feel my disgust, experience what comes with it.
What a pathetic newfag you are. People can't have nice things because of you, end yourself. Fucking Unity devs.
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Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator is fun for anybody who likes charts and stock markets, and seems to be some kind of underground masterpiece, but of course anon would never bother to tell you that. Sound design is full of fresh takes, it's good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHX8_-mVE4M
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Wtf Earth Defense Force is something else. It has no brakes on how retarded things can be, it's incredibly good. It's like 80-90-s anime and so much more random than Helldivers, even though it looks similar at times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU2m3nab6DI
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hololive treasure mountain
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But anon you have to try Elin, you have to find fertilized egg of a public performer and see what comes out of it
What's so attractive about decapitated vtubers, chud?
Fun free strategy games:
Battle for Wesnoth
Eador Genesis New Horizons

Jagged Alliance 2 and old Chaos Gate are old and cheap
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You're a slav and you don't know your own EDF, Alien Shooter???
I played Millenia and it's crap, bad optimisation (i had like 10 seconds freezes on 32gb ram and ryzen 5 5600) and just garbage mechanics. Zephon looks cool, nice gameplay, but i'm more interested in historical games. Why there almost none realistic 4x strats like EU4 or millenia but good, civs are boring and not realistic. I want modern politics, so i guess i have to go back to stellaris. EU4 is boring too now, i want more freedom in ideologies, alt history and modern era. Don't suggest HOI4 i fucking hate ww2 theme and it's more wargame
Shadow Empire and its predecessor, Advanced Tactics?
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okay maybe vtubers deserve to be decapitated
Had to look at the trailer, because barely remember it. Alien Shooter is SOVL, I love how in addition to what's happening on the screen pistols have 999999 ammo and never need reloading, doubling down basically. Today triple a is infested with redditors, they cant design things like this, they think too hard.
But this, no-no, you just need the sound, voice lines and acting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaPFNyqIjlE
edf is special, mythical
Anon why are you trolling? Millennia is turn based! How can a turn based game even freeze for the whole total of 10 seconds on a modern PC?
Unless Millennia was built in Unity.
To think of it I never heard of an optimized 4x strategy game. It's like games like that are being built by special kind of autist, people who program like tech priests, they are excited by sheer amount of code and it's complexity.
If they don't use one of late versions of Unity with a hefty revenue fee, can probably decompile and see how obnoxious it is on the inside.
Wesnoth is pretty toasted friendly
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dragon's dogma 2 just got cracked
Well it's ps2 era game. It shouldn't be an achievement for a turn based game not to freeze. That 10 seconds freeze is not about gpu, it's cpu thinking too hard.
The consoomer really has ruined the industry.
Idk about cracked games, I don't want to install some xmr miner.
10 years ago Capcom would add 40 pawn commands, not 4. Unreal Tournament from 1999 has much better order system.
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>I don't know if visual novel as a genre can be good at all fundamentally
It can, and Unity is absolutely fine for it. I now remember, this game is a visual novel.
Here is the theme of robot-priest running on TempleOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMBvUL3SIsE
The game touches the topic of webcam biz, so I'd bet it's either from Russia or Ukraine. The geimu is soul, but could be better.
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I don't exactly remember how did the story of dystopian gf influence me if at all. The game is not necessarily about the author exhausting his hate for women, it could just be a story for anon audience. One thing I remember is how cheaper slop food left you with less energy and health, and you had to go for higher quality food whenever you could. Just like Deus Ex(a game for kids, if they are not retarded) was trying to convince you that smoking and drinking is actually fucking retarded.
And also, that rude Vietnamese who deleted himself from the thread, are you still around? I think visual novels will work for me if it's detective stories somewhat grounded in reality. I don't want to read shitty walls of text about apeshit happenings, for that there is EDF, such happenings have to be seen in action, not read about.
that game is some damn fine fap matter… I mean eehahh, the story and music is really good for a low budget indie game that you can just tell was developed by a full time basement dweller but strangely for some reason the writer puts more emphasis on developing the secondary characters that developing the relationship between anon and jun. still not too bad for a game that is basically an advertisement for a virtual reality fleshlight company based is taiwan.
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Okay, I remember now, the feeling I was left with is that she acts almost exactly like a human loving gf would, the only difference is that she talks less. And typical cyberpunk ideas as in hypercapitalist society is fundamentally deranged. Money becomes so important people abandon everything holy.
>basically an advertisement for a virtual reality fleshlight company based is taiwan
i found nothing and wanna die. i started sleeping for fun and started deliberately overtraining just so i could be sore and not just bored
Overall quality and expertise of answers in gamedev is still sort of high. Native gamedev is not overrun by retards yet. Eventually, retards like PerfectRandom will get here in stupid numbers and capitalist indie industry will turn into hypercapitalist indie industry. Until that happens no need to kill yourself.
i don't play games because i'm an adult
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Wtf an adult on my 4chan. So basically you are the worst drone operator around on that secret military base. You are the first in line for field work like all other gay muscle heads. Have you heard about that some governments have a budget for esports competitions?
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Picture the wonderful future: in less than 10 years there will be hundreds of indian pc video game studios. They will spam release pages on all platforms so hard, there will be basically no way to find a good new game.
I remember Jagged Alliance 2, I think at the time RNG was cool, and it was way too much RNG for proper strategy. Me, a jRPG enjoyer, couldn't stand it. RNG should leave an impression, not define the game. Other than that yeah, nice game
evil future
Are you allright?
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kind of surprised it is taking so long for china to do this. they have their foot in the door and are starting to google translate their shit though
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0oC0OGOG94 B-AAH! This is me explaining to retarded PerfectRandom that PerfectRandom is possibly the most soulless videogame company name I have ever encountered, and I am not even exaggerating, and they should all kill themselves.
Well even at this rate most indies are really-really dumb. First what a talented programmer does is he makes a game, and we are lucky if it's not on Steam. Many indie games on Steam are so bad, even the creators themselves wouldn't play it. And quite often best programmers don't play enough games themselves, so they can't make a good game. Something trivial like acceleration/deceleration during a jump that feels good is too hard for them. A lot of cargoculting occurs, Minecraft clones without identity, it can be better technically or visually, but there is nothing that would make people say yeah, Minecraft was Doom of voxel games, this is Half Life of voxel games.
And then there are pretty capable indies who suffer from cancerous AAA influence. They were basically never real.
And then there is the complexity of the whole creation process. Gamedev is considered extremely high risk because of how complex it is, so AAA even stopped experimenting almost entirely.
Maybe it's because of the fundamental difference between the markets. Every fan hated Diablo mobile game with micro transactions, but you can bet it made most of it's money in China. Their market is just too huge, they don't have to learn another language to bother exporting games as an indie.
But with India surely it's different, their domestic market lacks PC users, they absolutely will have to export their games.
In 30 years from now even elders will be gaming, it will be as normal and widespread as it was watching TV 30 years ago. Not playing games at all will be a marginal position. And thanks to overall diversity of genres, there is quite a bit of niches to occupy for a true Indian.
My studies take up far too much of my limited hours for me to involve myself in silly time-wasting antics like "games." Peasant.
I'm going to play through Half-Life 2 so I can make a montage of Gordon beating the hell out of people.
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Violence back then was so common, so it looked old. But today its a memoryholed classics.
Punisher is the ultimate turbo Mongolian Chud. Chuds always talk about "this is what they took from you". That's entire Punisher identity, his family was taken from him. I remember it vividly, how after the game came out, billions of Chuds rose up and interrogated a lot of people, then they had families.
I'd actually do what Punisher does in that game to PerfectRandom people, all of them(also to this >>21611185 guy, no reason). Their faces look very punchable, not in the usual meaning of gay muscle head punchable. It's like they were born to take an unnecessary amount of space, same goes for their "products" like Sulfur. Their photos lack genuine dynamic, they have nothing to say, show, demonstrate. Posers, in so many ways. Protojeets. Not even real.
Them less likely being criminals wouldn't stop me. Not being a criminal in no way should be an achievement, it should be the norm.
>I remember it vividly, how after the game came out, absolutely nothing happened
fix sry
The only games that I have ever dedicated myself to in my life were Minecraft, Geometry Dash, Mario Kart Wii and Splatoon 1 and 3. If I knew how many hours I had in total across those first three I would likely end it all right now. Worth it though because I am absolutely cracked on all the major ultra shortcuts in mkwii
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i managed to get 151 kills in project zomboid before dying, and i would've lasted longer if i didnt get jumped out of nowhere by a small group of them the moment i opened the door to this shed
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i also finished playing anthrology of the killer recently
very underrated indie slop and its pretty good
its cheap on steam but you can also just download all of the individual 9 games in the pack for free off itch.io
the whole story is an unhinged schizofest about our world being completely overrun by consumerism until nothing in society makes sense anymore
certified anprim game
this game strikes me as some tryhard bullshit
unless there just happens to be a surprising large number of people who can one hand touch type
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But can you back hop like a true physicist? There is no sane limit for momentum, it's probably possible to go hypersonic.
lol, lul, lel, lmao. Can't even react to visual stimuli on the monitor in time under a tiny bit of pressure of a single player game. How are you even supposed to operate a drone in WW3. Loser.
Art style is amazing.
I wish this game existed when I was getting used to fast touch typing.
>Can't even react to visual stimuli on the monitor in time under a tiny bit of pressure of a single player game.
no, my immediate response was to fight the zombies because i thought i could win but they immediately overpowered me since you have to be so close to a door to open it
smart thing would've been to run and book it out the window but god did not make me a coward
if i wind up in a warzone i'll end up like the hezbollah leader who chucked grenades at israelis down the stairs and made a drone operator flinch with nothing but a piece of wood lying around after surviving an artillery shell
also do you know of any good indie games like the second one i posted? its getting hard to find good games these days and my tastes have changed to almost entirely story games
anthrology of the killer was addictive like crack
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Square in the 90s

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