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Really bad things are going to happen soon that will affect everyone.

People are behaving like it's 2016 again because they are in a trance. That is by design.
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you are correct, probably
I farted and some shit squirted out into my pants. I just smushed it around against the chair and kept playing Factorio.
Latest 2 weeker just dropped.
we are heading towards the event
it will start soon, next few years so we really need to get our fingers out
I don't have all goddamn night.
I'm not making a guess here, I'm telling you. Words can't really convey what's going to happen.

I will give you some honest, personal advice though: Do not give your soul to anyone. Stand up, stand tall and don't be afraid.
What do you think it is? I've been watching stuff recently that points to Trump ending the world. You think its that bad?
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>People are behaving like it's 2016 again because they are in a trance.
Not me kike master satan.

I am ready to kill you, your nigger golems and kike archons.
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lol whatever doomer. fuck yourself demon. bring it on bitch.
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Please elaborate nigger
Yeah yeah whatever nigger
Nigger, go fuck off, nothing ever happens.
no one knows for sure, if only
whatever it is it turns the surface of the planet into literal hell
solar flares don't really make much sense because there is evidence of isolated massive plasma discharges (lightning on steroids)
Trump is one of them and so is musk. The goal was to kill everyone and start over, but now they don't want you to escape. They want your soul. They want you to forget, so that you never leave this place. Do not consent, ever.
we have been trying to leave this place for possibly millions of years and we keep getting fucked by something
It's the light. Don't go towards the light no matter what, no matter what you see or hear.
The demiurge will not be taking my soul again I can assure you that.
It was meant to be Armageddon, apparently it's been delayed.

nigga, you are larping, I am not. war is coming and on a tremendous scale, all of a sudden, lights will go out, it will be cold
Remember Anons, regardless of what happens here, regardless of who you love and who you don't, we all come into this world alone and we leave it alone. Don't be afraid to turn away from the light. You are your own hero.
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There is a storm coming.
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Aside from more tax cuts and a goofy administration, what exactly is going to happen?
People already live like shit.
Are burgers just finally waking up?
Two more weeks posting
Every huge work of man on this planet is related to the Event
The pyramids were massive power sinks to try to stop the plasma strikes
Stonehenge a calendar to try and tell us when the next one happens
Its all around us, you ever been hiking and seen a strange looking molten rock but its isolated, thats a strike spot
You won't do shit nigger. You missed. What you will do is know fear, and know pain. And then? You will die.
You sound like those guys who leaked the digital id thing, your posts are interesting, bit of advice, calm the fuck down. There's a lot of shit you haven't been read on. Thank you for what you do but take it easy man.
heres the full schizo version
the moon is the Ark that we used to terraform this planet and bring our own planets lifeforms
Mars was an outpost, we knew it was going to blatted by Venus
Then came the Event and we have been trapped in this endless cycle of growing and getting blatted for eons
We can go from literally stone age to space in 5000 years, that is so unlikely as to be impossible
We are so shit at giving birth our species should have died out before it started if we evolved here
Earth was literally a swamp without weather until the moon appeared and caused weather patterns, positioned so precisely it maintains its orbit
> Words can't really convey what's going to happen.

You don’t know!
Wow really scary image kiddo, two weeks right?
No doubt. I just can't work out what will generate the required amounts of loosh. I can only guess shame and despair and resignation if the vaxx turns out to turbo the majority within ten years, or it actually causes the prions.
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Stop being a larping faggot.
Full moon today, maximum jewish bloodthirst.
>bad things are going to happen soon
Not soon enough.
>because they are in a trance
No it's because they're really fucking stupid anon.
Time to get your diaper changed, Joe. You nasty old fuckhead.
You got a source for that?
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Shut up.
checked, but how can we be sure this isn't afterlife sabotage? gatekeeping heaven
Good. It's about time.
shut up evil boy
evil boys are being humiliated
you try to instill fear, but we are waking up to your nonsense
we will facefuck you with cheerful cocks
you will die of dehydration due to all of the dribbling spit you will lose onto the floor
Probably if you can't discern the true way to Heaven then you're fucked either way.
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Yeah right. Yawn. Wake me when it happens (it won't). Every day all day for the rest our pitiful miserable fucking lives we'll have to get up, wage slave, and pay taxes to pedophiles and that's worse than any fucking "happening" that could happen. Assuming reincarnation is real I am never coming back to this godless fucking hellhole. This is bullshit I want my money back.
You lose nothing by avoiding the light. You're not giving your soul to anyone or anything.
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>the event
My body is ready.

>It's the light. Don't go towards the light no matter what
Joke's on you.
If you don't go into the light it will start to chase you around like an old Benny Hill show. You don't even get to see any titties either.

>Full moon today, maximum jewish bloodthirst.
It's almost blotting out The Pleiades, and pissing me off more than normal.

Read my link. If you're lazy just search for "the light".
if you don't enter the light and rejoin God, you'll fade out and lose yourself to the void
You're not rejoining god, you're willingly allowing your memory to be wiped and being put into a new body.
If you have kids let you know this song exists

:( ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwPxhWU1koE
Fuck perfect. Deal.
Destiny is that you?
Can you be more specific and put some more in words? How many deaths roughly? How soon is sopn?
I've heard that angle, too. it's gonna be a white knuckle moment if I have knuckles
Kill me
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Only bad for some.


where should we go? I would like to avoid that if possible and I am pretty good at picking up languages
Jesus and His mom were bodily assumed/ascended into heaven, they won the game. If you don't want to reincarnate again just adopt the idea of heaven and how Jesus paid the price for you to go there.
>Really bad things are going to happen soon that will affect everyone.
Two more fucking weeks. You faggots say this shit all the time.
>feels like 2016
They say, 2000-16, party over
Oops, out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
uh oh! stinky!
What's the next crypto moon
Bug off Satan
How do I unsubscribe from your blog, Ron Pearlman?
are the aliums finally cumming in uranus?
Poor effort
Low IQ
I want nazi godzilla to rape me. The gayest part of the reptilian meme is that they don't exist so I will never experience being double penetrated by reptilian hemipenes.
based knower
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Not this again.
So last year
sounds really badass
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This, non christians get reincarnated. If you truly believe in Jesus you will be with him, with all your memories and personality. The other way is annihilation, go again.
Are you familiar with what BDA and BB and their gang have been pushing for a few years?
It's bizarre, it is not biblical Christianity.
But they frequently say to keep looking up - look for The Return.
I don't know if they mean some bluebean thing or what. I say, do NOT look up.
Christ has said unequivocally what to expect at the very end and it doesn't match up with any of their idiocy.
They mostly post on Gab.
Explain to me how some people die and come back and say they went to hell? Explain the DETAILED descriptions of people who were saved after going to hell for a short time. Why do gnostics avoid the topic of hell? I do not understand. Look I have researched the Archons and do not go into the light angle but I really want clarification here. If demons and hell exist and Saturn then why is "Light, Jupiter, Heaven" also now a spiritual trap? Explain.
I got a panic urge spike to buy boomer survival gear a week ago but nothing ever happens and I'll just go on vacation and bang ladyboys instead
>this thread was moved to /bant/
jannies making room for bbc threads i see
>hell NDE experences
post some, i'm curious
>a very merry redskull Thanksgiving
>doesn't know about the redskull threads
most based post I've read all day

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