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friday edition

>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

>Will there be a season 3?
>Will it be ass
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

>Season 1 archive Days 1-42 + the full motion capture archives

>Thread template if needed

Previous: >>21577925
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i love josie
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oot eisoj evol i
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>>Will there be a season 3?
Why is this still in the OP???
no one reads da OP
Where can I find a girl that looks like Josie serious question
i think she's a one-off bro...
I'm talking more about the hair/piercing aesthetic
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i'ma head out then
cool bit
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stop posting this other HOE

we only want BOBIE
i know right
these threads are like 'this is why we can't have nice things' personified
so im going to bed
just fucking scum all over the place
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not even close
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her east Asian brow & eye area is the only not-ugly part of her face which is why she hides the ugly lower half in pics. if that's what you're into you could just find an IRL Azn girl who isn't a titty-streamer. because unless you're Indian/eastAsian yourself they outnumber you

anons answered south-west USA before but if you want her specific look you need to go more specific than just Mex. Josie is majority central American DNA with only some Mexican. she literally lies about her ethnic makeup to claim more rights to a country her kind are conquering. why else does anyone think she doesn't look like other Mexicans or native USA tribal? it's because she's lower-caste Salvadorian specifically, which could include some west African given her nose & mouth looking more Bantu

that's easier than finding a Salvadorian. "alt-girl" look is common they just poach from different subcultures. Josie takes from emo, scene, raveslut, furry, lolita/age regression. what a typical unoriginal slut she is. ugly bitch
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You literally look like this.
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post josie
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good idea
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I know Josie is a weird looking mutt, that's what I like about her, and Asians just don't do it for me. She's basically a brand new race, which is why it's so hard to find look alikes.
I guess blasians wouldn't look close enough and they're rarer than wasians anyway. traveling to Central America is the only option for you... but El Salvador is competitive, lots of divested black men seeking their own Josie to impregnate
I've never seen a Central American that looks like her. They're all 4'8 and built like bowling balls.
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she's 1/1
So you guys going to end her fake career and blame me?
MDE pays people to astroturf the threads then harasses me here, and tells me to leave.

So end her fake career already lmao.
Josie is ugly!!!!!
MDE can you stop having your Freemason buddies harass me online and in real life? Its pointless to harass me back into the threads then tell me to leave.
please sam for the love all things. pretty please with sugar on top, leave this retarded nigger alone so I don't have to wade through his bullshit anymore.
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it's up!
Why does Josie wear a Christian bracelet when she can't thank who bought it?
Very rude to LARP as Christian when you help MDE abuse animals and can't say thank you.
If I say yes will you leave or is it some bs excuse to schizopost and you don’t actually mean it
MDE is full of a bunch of Freemason criminals like Sam Hyde.
Josie's career is fake and gay. MDE has spent huge amounts of money hiring view bots and people to engage with her content.
MDE's Freemason buddies hired me in AZ just before Fishtank started. Sam Hyde's Fishtank is a Freemason social engineering scheme.

Sam Hyde's Freemason buddies have been harassing me in real life for 2 years now. They harass me into the threads then tell me to leave and call me schizo.
MDEs hired engagement and handlers for Josie ignore her being a shitty person so they can bring it up all at once at the same time to "end" her fake career.
Awww all Josie's hired engagement is shitting around in chat acting like she's the most amazing person ever.

Why don't you Freemasons get real jobs?
Josie can you ask your Freemason handlers and the Freemasons at MDE like Sam Hyde to stop harassing me?
Awww Josie is too stupid to think about things like that.

Sam Hyde is a Freemason and has had his Freemason buddies harass me in AZ for over 2 years now.
I made you guys previous, ahahahahahahaha

Finally, a home for the canadian flag posters.
I made another one for you retards
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Why did she help MDE abuse animals?
Why does she lie to her fans when its convenient?
Uh oh she's wearing the cursed Chris Chan symbol. Surely nothing bad will happen to her career...
I think I could beat Frank up dude, like I don't even think there are any naval mines left in North America.
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i love her
She hates us.
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GOOD, we deserve it honestly
YOU deserve we are GOOD brosies
YOU are a BAD brosie
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You can consider me and the Israelite acquaintances.
Good. You're a bunch of paid for sycophants who encourage her to be a shitty person.
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what did i do?
cute wosie
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Someone superchat about helping abuse animals! We must get an answer!
lol i have a knife scar in the exact same place she drew that x thing
wosie soon
Why did this cute girl help abuse animals?
She has buldgy eyes! Look at how much they stick out! What is she a frog or something
That suits her, the fungus, primordial ooze she crawled out from
I fucking hate "Organic Pharming," everything he says is wrong and retarded

And today is no different. You do not need to parbake a pizza before adding the meat and obviously Josie won't understand that anyway
prettiest spruce
cookin' by the book was a documentary
utterly Josian creation
for fuck sake ren lol
i love orange sweatersie
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i'm pretty sure he's got a drinking problem and is just incredibly irresponsible with money when drunk
Can someone superchat Josie asking why she helped MDE abuse animals?
All her regular chatters are hired by MDE BTW.
No he's a MDE sockpuppet account like most of her major donators. Freemason social engineering.
A retard dumping pics of a girl is “avataring” but a retard spamming the same canned phrases is just fine? Are the mods freemasons too?
Uh huh this one girl happens to have the most loyal, drunk, and generous fans the internet has ever seen. Lmao.
MDE literally pays off /bant/ and /TV/ mods so they can keep their threads up.
Dear lord in heaven, you have granted me this gift.
josie/10 stream
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lovely spruce
i didn't read the description until after the stream but it made me lel
Food ball is the meta right now.
i really don't like this expression but i felt compelled to save it
the bangs falling over her eyelids look like pupils and make it seem like she's giving a very intense look. very weird. it makes her look like a chubby jewish creep
MDE really spends their time and money astroturfing a girls career because they can't make anything organically successful.
yeah it tripped me out for a good few minutes until i realized her eyes were closed lmao
>MDE totally doesn't pay off mods!
>banned for ban evading for a bullshit ban where the worst thing I said was I like Josie
Lmao. MDE pays off mods. Sam Hyde is a Freemason.
um--genocide? not too cool, buddy
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Maybe if MDE keeps having their paid mods ban people for following the rules, it can prove the mods aren't paid off?
rare hd chichi was nice
dumb hoe
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it wasn't me!
it was the chicken i swear!
4chan, the dark corner of the internet full of terrible people, suddenly love a random girl from AZ and throw money at her.

Yeah right. Sam Hyde and MDE are Freemasons who buy view bots, hire handlers, buy engagement, and fund peoples career through intermediaries.

Sam is too much of a failure to make anything that can succeed on its own. So he buys fake success. Freemason social engineering.
This is literally the purpose behind Fishtank. Sam Hyde is a satanic Freemason/Jew.

You aren't tricking god into thinking the chicken sinned. You're torturing it to death so demons protect you in the earthly realm.

Being respected for being a bad person is the foundational belief of Satanism/Judaism/Freemasonry.
>dark corner of the internet full of terrible people
yeah people like you bro
you are the terrible people
it's you
forgor my pic
Boo hoo a guy dares to criticize Josie in the astroturfed threads. You guys should be on discord.
Astroturfed Josie supporters will never acknowledge
>helped abuse animals on s2
>helped take advantage of a charity for profit on s2
>live streamed while someone drunk drove
>doesn't thank her fans for gifts
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you should be in a body bag
fucking hell. he's just after attention. stop giving it to him. you've been online your entire lives, don't pretend you're unfamiliar with this psychology.
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you make his day by acknowledging his pathetic existence.
just ignore him.
But the Freemasons have been harassing me in real life and online for 2 years now!

You guys harass me here to tell me to fuck off!
POV: josie just scalped you
Why is Josie wearing that white beaded, teal cross bracelet Bad Ideas bought her?

I thought she didn't appreciate his gifts since she's never thanked him and has spread many lies about him. Not very Christian...
Has Josie ever been honest to her friends and family about him? Or does she lie because it's convenient?
wosie smile
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IDK at least he's honest enough to point out her friends are Freemason social engineer criminals, and she can't even talk to him lmao. I thought she was tough, but apparently not.
Mindless Josie spam because Sam needs to manufacture a community. He can't succeed organically so he will fund every aspect needed for it to grow.
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welcome back brosie
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MDE having 1 guy criticize Josie who's probably VPN hopping and the same guy posting Josie screensbot spam. He's still right though lol.
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She's very pretty, but a huge dumbass too.
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whoa z
It's pretty funny Sam Hyde LARPs as a boxer, pretending he fights openly and with honor. In reality he pays people to lie and harass people. Sam Hyde is a Freemason criminal.

Even funnier all the Josie posters run to /sp/ due to the Paul/Tyson fight.

Uh huh Josie, your fans care that much lmao. They are paid to post about Fishtank by Sam.
Sam pays people to treat Josie like a religious object and ignore her being a loser retard. She eats it up because they give her money.

Josie is a loser for hanging around Freemason criminals who have been harassing me for 2 years now. Can Josie ask Sam to have the Freemasons stop harassing me? That would be nice.
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man that was complete ass, fake and gay
/sp/ mods don't like it when you talk about Sam Hyde being a Freemason. Dang.
Just like Fishtank! Freemason ran and operated. If you go off script then comes the harassment!
On /sp/ you're free to call Sam Hyde a SCHOOL SHOOTER or THREE DOLLAS or BOXING KING.
Don't dare call him a Freemason or you will get banned!
Glove biting is probably a signal desu. Obviously rigged publicity fight.
Sam larps as le honorable public fighter, literally getting into boxing.
IRL he's a loser. Pays people to make fake situations and harasses people with his Freemason buddies. You can't pretend to be someone you're not.
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i love night time shadow wosie
also checked
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double checked
its a different aura for sure
Its obvious its bots, right?
Who are all these posts for? Do you think Josie is reading them? Why would she come here when, if she wants to chat, she has a Discord that isn't full of your diarrhoea? She's probably on tiktok right now. She's obviously not gonna be in this thread (thanks to you).
Why was Joe Biden not recognized as commander in chief by the military after the 2020 presidential election? He was given a completely different salute by the military. Joe Biden was never recognized as commander in chief.
Good post. 100% this cunt is the worst.
Sorry forgot video. That's really weird Biden was never recognized as commander in chief by the military. Can any brosies give me insight?
Did you even read my post? How mental are you?
Sorry I'm just wondering why Joe Biden was never recognized as commander in chief by the military. Almost like the military was saying Trump has been president for the past 8 years. Why would they do that?
Wrong thread. Wrong board, even.
I love the josie wosie
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Why not? If the Freemasons will harass me here I'll talk about what I want lol.
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She's super cool
eww she's wearing a MDE shirt. Why won't she talk about helping MDE abuse animals and a charity?
Not to mention the fake career they set up with view bots, paid engagement, and donos through sockpuppet accounts. Very bad "friends" she has. Freemason losers.
angelic and hilarious
IDK why you Freemasons force me here to simp for Josie when it's obvious her brain is defective. She has no problems working with criminals if they give her money. She's a dumb hoe.
Angels don't abuse animals!
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Goofy and whimsical
Are you part of a psyop to build support for the freemasons? The more you complain about them in this obnoxious way, the more they sound like the good guys.
I have family members who are freemasons. I suspect they're very high up in the order as well. Maybe I'll see if I can join them. Maybe they'll help me get you out of these Josie threads.
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I'd expect you to have better material.
Even that seems reasonable compared to you.
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>constantly getting 33 gets
>constantly talks about freemasonry
>thinks all the low level people are retards and upper level people are actual demons
I told you they taught me their secret handshake. picrel.
>he has a pic of a man presenting his ass saved on his puter
checks out desu
josie would love me

>come home from 18 hour shift
>go down to basement
>pink moon has been playing on repeat for 36 hours straight
>”josie i brought you a ham and cheese bagel”
>josies lifeless eyes are swarmed by flies
>”okay miss sassy”
>i shove the bagel sandwich into her mouth, tears streaming down my face

yeah i think josie would love me at first sight
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I've got lots of cool pics.
What are those Freemasons doing to that fellow's genitalia?!
I'll ask my masonic family members. Maybe I can get them to do that to you, or worse. It shouldn't be hard for them to track you down. Apparently they already know where you live, and they already hate you...

But cutting your dick off is a religious honor in Freemasonry, not a punishment.
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Picrel is Josie's Freemason buddies highest aspirations for her!
I don't agree.
IDK the similarities are shocking. Both very evil.
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paypigs how did it feel when last week in the marry/fuck/kill game Letty said she'd kill Ben, fuck Jet...

and then Josie started smiling & blushing and said "ummm in that situation I'd be killing Jet ummm... not Ben... TEE HEE HEE" then made a face at the camera

they've both confirmed the sexual encounter publicly at this point. Chris Lynch already said while live that Ben "fucked an emo Mexican chick" in 2023 & Ben changed the topic after everyone chuckled
Fine by me, hope they enjoyed it. They're consenting adults aren't they? How do you think I'd feel? Like she cheated on me? I don't think she's my girlfriend you weirdo.
It obviously affected you deeply if you feel the need to repeatedly come here and gossip about her like a bitchy schoolgirl though. That's on you, brother. I'm sorry she broke your heart or whatever.
>I don't think she's my girlfriend you weirdo.
Yeah but her online presence is meant to be somewhat of a girlfriend simulator. I don't fully believe what that guy said is real but it's understandable how that would be heartbreaking.
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>Chris Lynch already said while live that Ben "fucked a starfish" in 2023 & Ben changed the topic after everyone called him a "two pump cump"
If you're pretending Josie is your girlfriend to the point where it hurts you when she has a normal sex life, then that's not healthy. In the long run, it's probably good to have that bubble burst ASAP.
Just look what uncontrolled fantasies did to our resident schizo.

I like a lot of the blokes in Josie's online fanbase that I've chatted with. Unlike some, I don't wish any misery on them. Obviously some will be incel virgins who imagine Josie is as innocent as they are. It's a sad day when that dream is shattered, but it's never good to live in a fool's paradise.
Having a one night stand with a balding Jewish manlet who tortured you for six weeks isn't a normal sex life. No one would care if she was open about it, but because she presents herself as prudish and asexual it's oddly deceptive.
She wasn’t so private with her love life until a particularly possessive creep started scraping all her mutuals to find a “secret boyfriend” she still has pics of her and winston up
>Chris Lynch already said while live that Ben "fucked an emo Mexican chick" in 2023 & Ben changed the topic
link + timestamp
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You're right, but for the wrong reasons. Balding? Jewish? Manlet? I don't care. And he didn't torture anyone. But he was the wealthy old producer, on a show where Josie was the young hopeful contestant. He was in a prime position to manipulate her into giving him sex behind the scenes.

Maybe Josie isn't as shy and awkward behind closed doors as she seems in front of the camera, but it would still be a gross and creepy old man taking advantage. And if fucking the producer was the real reason she won, that opens a whole different can of worms. If it was explicitly quid pro quo, then I believe that's actually illegal. The contestants (including Josie) could probably sue.

It's sad that when this rumour is mentioned, it's Josie who gets most of the hate from the outraged incels. Josie would be the victim here, not the perpetrator. If she was exploited, then Ben deserves to be exposed as a predator. But Josie keeps her sex life extremely private. Respectable women generally do, and Josie also has a career to protect, as well as her reputation.
Idk if you watched the show, but she spent a month after it ended hanging out with the wigger crew and there was speculation about what went on. It's really none of our business, but I just think it would be devastating (rightfully so) for her fans to find out their e-waifu that they praise and give money to was sleeping around like that. Again it shouldn't be anyone's business, but her job is parasocial in nature so it's understandable that people feel the need to know.
I watched a tiny bit of the show. I like Sam Hyde. I like Josie. Jon is entertaining. Jet seems like a good lad, but who knows with these guys? The rest is just background noise to me really.

You're right that it's none of our business what they get up to backstage. They're human performers, not zoo animals (despite the Fishtank format). If Josie is secretly sucking miles of cock, then tricking incel simps into thinking she has this childlike innocence so they throw money at her? That's kinda fucked up. But those simps have only themselves to blame.

I wish I didn't want to know all the prurient gossip. You're right that it's nobody else's business, but it's only natural to be curious.
Josie said herself on the show how she views sex and thinks people should take it seriously and not just sleep around. You can think she's some kind of manipulative liar if you want but I take her at her word. And not on some parasocial shit either. I just like that Josie feels strongly about that subject and agree with her.
>I take a woman at her word
You never stood a chance
Again, think whatever you want, but I believe Josie has a good heart.
I love Josies's heart. She tries like hell to stay positive, in a cruel world that keeps trying to knock her down. That's very admirable.

Maybe today she believes sex should be sacred, between two committed lovers. But she's a woman. Her beliefs are as changeable as the weather.
You're a faggot loser and Josie is a bad person who hangs around Freemason criminals like Sam Hyde.
Josie is fundamentally a dishonest person and her career is completely paid for and fabricated by MDE.

Josie LARPs as a good person but she's a liar. She has no honesty or morals.

If Josie had morals she would have thanked who bought her the white beaded teal cross bracelet, but she doesn't. Instead she spreads lies about him while pretending everything is ok to his face. Josie is a coward and liar. Her parents failed at raising her.
Ben was literally bragging out fucking her in the Josie thread and has for months lmao.
Plus you MDE VPN hoppers are evil. Freemason fucks spending huge amounts of money to set up fake social situations.

You'll pay people to lie about me for over a year, break into my house, and harass me, but never be honest for a moment.

People like Ben take advantage of Josie then get on 4chan and post about how she's a good person.
The only cruelty here is the Freemasons at MDE lying to Josie for over a year that's she's a successful streamer. She isn't one. Her community is fake. And they have the balls to claim the guy they harass for 2 years now is the bad guy. Lmao. Freemasons like Sam Hyde or Ben Taylor are evil fucks.
On top of being a bad person Josie is a retard. Cries when someone calls her retarded then has no problems abusing animals, humans, a charity, or taking advantage of people.

Josie is too stupid to have a consistent morality. Unironically needs a husband to walk her around like a dog because shed run into traffic.
>its nobody's business
As a public figure its everyone's business. Don't want it to be? Don't be a public figure.

If Josie knows her fans want to fuck her, and pretends to be single, that's called lying. Its called lying by omission. Plenty of girls online have real careers with their bf/husband in camera. Josie lies because its convenient. "Its not their business" is the biggest lie.

You don't get to hang out with wigger drug addicts, screw them, then pretend it didn't happen on camera because you'd lose money. (The career is fake but let's pretend its real for a minute)
Also yeah Sam is fucked and is going to lose his shares in fishnet llc and also probably pierce the corporate veil and have to sell his fancy cars, to pay back investors and the contestants lol.

Sam is fucked because he's a greedy retard. Ben really will be bagging groceries at Safeway. Jet is Josie tier retarded and will keep being a "rapper."
Cmon MDE Freemasons hurry it up and flip on Josie and air her dirty laundry out there. Quit pretending she has a career. Prove me right lmao.
Josie sleeps around because she's a retard and her parents failed at raising her.

She literally worked at a garbage factory because they didn't givs a fuck about her then they don't care they are basically pimping her to wiggers for a kitchen renovation lmao.

I gave up on Josie because she's a retard and bad person, so you Freemasons harass me back here because you've already spent too much money to let me leave.
Ironically you setting up situations to punish me for being mean to a Freemason HR director is also what is going to bring down Fishnet LLC and Sam Hyde by extension lol.

Sam got played. Guess that's what happens when you're a Freemason playing manipulation games. Sometimes you're the one that gets manipulated. "Normally I'm the puppet master" is what Sam will say soon lol.
Never happened. MDE were the ones who cyberstalked her before s1 and leaked all her online history while S1 was running.
>the Jew cries out as he strikes you

Plus I literally said she should say she has a boyfriend when she doesn't to drive creeps away, but she doesn't because she's a greedy liar.
Remember Simmons being kicked out with a karaoke bit? Simmons wrote in his book he wanted to be famous for being made fun of for singing karaoke as a kid.

Why would Sam kick him out like that if he just learned Simmons was a pedo? Unless Sam already read Simmons books?

Just like how the Freemasons at MDE were posting Josie's old email password. Or scraping her family's Facebook accounts. Or scraping all of Josie's social media accounts.

But yeah, blame me for your MDE Freemasons stalking lmao.
Also Josie is a loser. Winston is the perfect loser she deserves. Get groomed, used for sex for 6+ years, and call is "love" lmao. Josie is a retard and her parents don't give a shit about her.

I 100% believe she wanted to break it off with Winston, screwed around, then he proposed or something. I might be autistic but even I know marriage doesn't fix a non relationship lmao. I can guess how losers like him operate. Guilt someone into staying with you.
Meanwhile the Freemasons at MDE pre select her and I, her as romantic bait, then harass me for 2 years and do nothing but lie about me.

At least the Freemasons watching can see how Sam played himself and his career is over, right?
It's really really funny how badly Sam/MDE played themselves.
>worker safety violations
>worker relationship violations
>worker pay violations
>creative accounting
>sam will pierce the corporate veil and lose his cars

MDE was too caught up in trying to punish someone who offended a Freemason HR director and instead killed whatever is left of MDE. Great job fellas.
The usual script recently must be
>josies fucked Ben
>josie abuses animals
>she’s a retard
>josie is a prostitute that fucks her fans and everyone she interacts
> Josie is a bad person
> Josie hates herself
Am I missing anything?
Cause you stupid nigger seethers are so predictable and boring now
It's funny because I don't even have to date Josie, even if I like her. I only needed to be here so the Freemasons could get revenge for me being mean to that Freemasons HR Director.

MDE basically punched the wind and lost.
So let's review
>I piss off a Freemason HR Director
>They take note, hire me in AZ, select romantic bait, then degrade her and lie about me, and harass me in real life
>I still don't get Josie and now MDE committed suicide
Wow the Freemasons at MDE really played me lol.
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I guess they got the right guy for the job?
>smart enough to figure it out (not that complicated)
>ballsy enough to call out a criminal organization (Freemasons like Sam Hyde)
>pointing out MDE has committed suicide, and why
IDK bros it's extra funny because if you tried setting me up with Josie quietly, I probably would have joined! Instead you're too intent on punishment. Now Sam set himself up for failure and his career is over.

Sam any progress on Automile? The show you had no hand in writing but won't sign off on?
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josie - "the beloved"
>MDE who cyberstalk fishtank contestants and share what they find claim you're the stalker
The Jew cries out as he strikes you.
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Maybe Josie really did suggest it?
would be based if it weren't fake and gay
Josie's so romantic!
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>Josie has received 423 gifts on throne
>has not sent a single thank you message
>all her gifters are MDE sockpupet accounts
Lmao. Greedsie strikes again.
This guy can spam the same schizobabble over and over as some epic trolling but the 20 or so pictures of a better looking latina were the real problem!
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she's amazing
It's really ironic Josie is basically dating her computer, just like her fans get a parasocial girlfriend experience. That's why she will never tell them she's taken. Lying for money.

Shinji was completely right when he said a lot of his female clients were egirl streamers. Fundamentally damaged people incapable of intimacy or a real relationship.

It was really funny when Shinji coped that you can be a whore and still have healthy relationships (both male and female.) Casual sex is damaging for men too. That's why Ben and Tacx can't keep their dicks out of pussy. They are damaged losers.

If it comes out Ben slept with Josie then Sam will be forced to fire him, right? Like Tacx? Is Letty still with him? lol.
Even more funny when you realize her longest term relationship is basically discord dating with casual sex meetups (and the grooming.)
She's just not smart enough, and surrounds herself with very nice, but also bad people.
What kind of parents let their daughter hang out with drug addict wiggers because they get to buy a new kitchen?
I'd ask Javier to his face lmao. He's a failure of a father. Failure of a family leader. MDE hires astroturfers. They sockpuppet. They lie. The Freemasons at MDE claim I'm the immoral one? lmao.
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Sam Hyde and Ben Taylor are Freemason criminals.
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i love josie

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I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
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hope you are too man
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Thank you!
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not bad, not bad
you too sir
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Pretty mid with the Freemasons harassing me into being here.
Sam made quite a situation for himself.
It's obvious to everyone nobody cares about Josie on 4chan and her fans are paid for like most other fish, right? Another "coincidence" MDE sockpuppet accounts are the ones buying gifts a year later?
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Hell yeah
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Dang the MDE shills are ignoring me. Why are you Freemasons going to harass me here just to ignore me and tell me to leave? Freemasons like Sam Hyde or Ben Taylor are losers.
You guys fucked yourselves over for no reason and still feel the need to harass me into being here. Why? It was over before it started. Sam fucked himself for no reason because he's a greedy retard.
His only skill is trying to build a cult by lying to people. Buying them view bots and fake engagement so they "owe" him. Sam can't do anything meaningful so his Freemason buddies harass people into playing his fake and gay games.
How far would Josie go without Sam Hyde the Freemason buying her view bots, chat engagement, discord friends, and donating for over a year?
She wouldn't get anywhere. Sam is required to lie to operate. His only skill is bribing people and working with harassers.
Fucking ugly
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insanely cute
What were you even going to do anyways you have spent the last year+ posting essays all day every day. You don’t have anything going on in your life. No gf no friends no education, just addiction to booze and drugs. Sad!
>successful career and multidisciplinary skillset
I'm here because the Freemasons have harassed me into the threads.
>Freemasons hire me in AZ
>Freemasons set up Fishtank
>Freemasons harass and lie about me for 2 years now
>Bro why are you in the threads? Why don't you go somewhere else so we can harass you more?
Alright the freemasons said you can go now there won’t be anymore harassment
No they didn't. They would be honest and stop harassing me if they want me to leave.
Tell Josie her career is fake and how you've lied about me.
Were being honest we won’t harass you anymore and if we’re lying you can come right back
See? You're trying to blame me if I ever did want to come back.
Why don't you start with being honest about misleading Josie, before trying to cut a deal with me?
Ok if you want to come back you can and we will tell Josie we were lying about you
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the cutest
How about you start with being honest to Josie, instead of promising it later?
We will be honest as soon as you leave that’s the deal
Just got off the horn with Josie. Told her it was all a big mix up. She said that's fine and no hard feelings.
No were not giving that chip away until he leaves dipshit
I'm pulling rank. We're ending this tonight. Stand back and stand by.
>betty general is dead
When will you people go back to /tv/ or disappear?
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he can spew forth his faggotry into the void eternally for all i care. he's filtered.
Pull this dick I’m in charge here
Why do Freemasons harass me here to ignore me and filter me? Big waste of time which is why I left and they had to harass me.
You’ve been given a chance to leave it doesn’t seem like you are serious about it but if you are then don’t post anymore
Stand down.
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Sam Hyde is a Freemason and he runs Freemason social engineering schemes.
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>he thinks we'll stop posting
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>id rather spend my entire day spamming essays instead of leaving and doing something constructive with my life
Confirmed for black pilled and given up in life. Im just gonna be le heckin troll its all I got left :(
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You will stop posting when Sam Hyde stops cutting checks or good boy points to his Freemason buddies.

>I'm forced to be here
Yes. I'm not allowed to play video games, have hobbies, or friends. You Freemasons stalk and harass me back into the threads just to lie about me. You're losers who don't contribute to society.
I have a real career but you guys harass me. I'm not allowed to have any hobbies or friends. Freemasons like Sam Hyde pay their buddies to harass me. I'm not allowed to have a life. Then you complain when I go where you want me to. Freemasons are incapable of contributing to society.
You Freemasons harass me, damage my property, steal from me, spy on me, and pretend to be my friend to backstab me.
You guys are dishonest loser criminals.
I have real skills which is why you faggots commit crime and harass me. You losers are incapable of being honest.
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very pretty side profile and cute nose
If you're going to harass me here, it's pretty simple. Be honest to Josie. Tell her how thoroughly you've lied to her. You guys will spin up a fake career for her while harassing me.
You picked romantic bait for me, make it clear I'm not allowed to leave, then sabotage me.
Man Josie is ugly
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amen brother
Only if you leave
You guys could probably find someone as ugly as Josie in IRL
But you guys want me here. So why would I show up for you to tell me to leave?
Alright I guess I’ll delete this dm draft for Josie….
The captive protocol backfired and didn't work out how we thought it would. You are free to go.

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