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Why does this keep happening?
Doo doo fart.
The most racist white men want to fuck brown women. The most self-hating white women want to fuck white men.
This is because men think with their dicks and women are retarded.
she is making sure his bloodlines ends, and he has to raise a streetshitter.
disgusting smile. you just know she eats babies
>kike thoughts
the child will be Italian.
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Every nonwhite girl that's antiwhite is the biggest slut for white men. We've known this for years. Personally I like rejecting nonwhite girls for this reason to watch them seethe. Never works, it always just makes them more chasing and desperate.
Her facial expressions piss me off. It's just like that "if you don't want to get the vaccine, then die" guy from tiktok. So annoying.
She's trying to emulate white women because chinks lack natural confidence. Kind of like forced nigger actors on tv.
think about it the other way around. why do many white men date non-white women?
You wish you fucking POO
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Can't resist
White men date Asian women because they see them as superior. Nonwhites date white men while constantly seething about the white race and being in denial about their love for them. There is no symmetry here whatsoever, we are not at all the same, nonwhite girls are pathetic trash. The only white men indulging this are guys with peanut allergies

What difference would it make? They both smell about the same
That's great, I have fucked more Asians than any else and I always pulled out. Most were one night stands. I guess you won, huh? Stupid chink bitch.
Most guys tend to date the first girl who gives them the opportunity. For some, that girl is from overseas. It happens like this: you see a girl, you recognise she's attractive, you become smitten with her, you don't even think about why you shouldn't date her, all you know is you love her and want to spend the rest of your life with her. And then you grow up a bit, and start to think seriously about having kids, and realise that your kids will be mixed, and that's not ideal. Then you break up with her and look for a white girl. That's what happened to me with a Mexican chick I dated for a few years. I never once thought about what our kids would look like. How my bloodline, my pure white bloodline, would be forever tarnished. Also she was a complete moron who would fall for pyramid schemes, I mean she said someone walk up to her one day on the street offering her a job selling knives, and she came home to tell me she'd been offered a job and that she was considering calling the number. What a stupid cunt. Thank God I came to my senses before I got married or worse put a kid in her.
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Yep. The neo-nazis are obsessed with Blacked porn, the race-baiting non-whites all have white boyfriends.

>hurr Durr if you hate spiders you want to fuck a spider

Basically yes. "phobias", that is irrational, foaming hatred and fear of gays, blacks, whites, trannies, etc normally indicates the person has some sexual pathology. You can be "race realist" and not hate people of other races.. you can be woke on LGBT statistics and not hate gay people.. the ones that endlessly talk about "niggers" "faggots" etc more often than not have some gay-BBC fetish also. It's masochism.
Because it's easier and you can get younger more attractive women who are willing to play 1950s housewife. If you want that you are most likely going to end up with a flip, spic or Paki wife
It's a jeetess.
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>What is a shit test?
The stupid whores literally want us to. Last girl I was with was this skinny slutty East Asian girl begging me to cum in her without a condom, literally on the first date. Then this stupid bitch kicked me out of her house after sex at midnight, and called me the next day asking me to come over again. Didn't know if she was antiwhite, but I'd be willing to bet a lot she was. Seriously fuck these scumbags. All my white brethren worshiping these sluts thinking they're "based" are just looking for easy pussy.
Jeet women here are smart and successful who are either already married or aim for a realistic white guy. White women are dumb and unsuccessful dreaming of a chad who will pump and dump them blaming less attractive men for it or even worse are femcels because their ideal of a man doesn't exist or won't acknowledge their pitiful existence.
>Every girl is the biggest slut for white men
I don't think she knows how recessive genes work
Niggers are legitimately too ugly to fuck. Other races are fine but niggers are just nasty. I'd rather dick down a horse.
This, dating asian women is the easy way out. Finding and dating a nice attractive white girl is literally nightmare mode, so most white men just settle for some east asian average girl because they are willing to take so much shit.
They are simply realistic, it's not about being a slut. White women bring nothing to the table and expect superman because they have no immediate needs. Jeet women have seen how low some men are and have seen poverty so they are more inclined to see value in men whereas overstimulated white women only look for defects. They are completely useless and if critiqued for severe failings they sperg out like crazy.
Add to the fact that there are simply fewer of them around too. Other races have become more attractive in comparison because their middle and upper class comes to the West to work here while the middle class parents with above average genetics in our countries have like 1 child as our own underclass has 2-4. So eventually fat, undisciplined slop addicts outnumber the better ones increasingly. A fit Pajeeta from a richer family can easily outcompete a mid white woman while the reverse is more difficult due to the differences in male and female gaze.
Stop pedestalizing these retards like some incel. I've been through the hay (will be 29 in 2 months) and I assure you all nonwhite girls are retarded, backstabbing sluts who hate white men yet simultaneously fetishize us. Go ahead and fall for that bait to massage your ego though, most young white men do, including my younger self. All women are just bags of flesh with holes to be manipulated by a masculine vision and our sole focus should be on white people, not thinking with our dicks and propping up whores. Asian women's vaginas smell like eggs.
She just looks for excuses to follow her sexual interests. Aside from that east Asians are doing horrible too demographically
White men can't be incel it's almost impossible
>White women bring nothing to the table
oy gevalt tell me about it
femoids ruined freeze peach
Compare them and look who wins objectively. White women lose against some migrant women, that includes Jewish women.
Trad woman: Indian or Muslim
Successful woman: Jew or Indian

White women have no needs anymore so they just go for what they feel like doing. That's awful for most men as they quickly ruin their life's becoming unmarriageable while also maintaining high expectations. If you cant recognize that they are the most delusional group of women you are ignorant of the problem.
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Go through the LinkedIn profiles of high academia. It's all dominated by Jewish and Indian women. White women are midwits in academia who get basic business degrees and think they are nuclear physicists now demanding a guy with at least a master if they have a bachelors. They are the worst
Poojeetas are the least desirable women, they smell like shit, they’re awkward, they look like abbo monkeys, they’re particularly femcels. Only white and jewish losers go for poo women. Or men that are desperate for money.
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Expect men don’t give a shit about how successful and nerdy a female is.
Some dude in my office, total loser disheveled, smells bad, kind of retarded, has an Asian immigrant wife. She just had his hapa baby. I guess its weebos who go for that
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>hates men
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>is married to a man
Women really love hate fucking, huh?
That’s a man you damn tranny.
evil bitch fuck china dick
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Dude get off the internet. There are trad white women who are conservative. And by the way, all women are what you describe. You see this is what pisses me off, the whole world shows time and time again that they hate us for our white skin, and white dudes sit on here acting like shitskin women are cunts because they spread quickly for a white man. Our white male youth are preoccupied with sex and nonwhite approval, and we wonder why we don't have the mental fortitude to usurp Jewish devils. I mean mug every dumb Asian dog I see on the street, I've seen the nastiness those people have for white people. Your mixed child will hate their white father, while you foolishly consider yourself king. Picrel is a BLM activist crying about white men all day. "Based" white men are seriously arguing for miscegenation with antiwhite devils, heckin' le bazed!!!!!! XD
Their average story will go like this
> entire existence directly enabled by white men but hates them
> Useless and overpaid
> Will never have children because men she finds desirable either are cringing at the thought of being with her or don't exist
> Will be eaten by a cat and found 3 weeks later after dying of alcoholism at age 75
Some manage to marry an idiot though but that's the minority

At least they try to be somewhat useful. White women don't. They are the worst women on the planet by a long shot.
I don't want children. It's not worth it in my eyes. The compromises for either suck and its too unfair and expensive to inflict negative externalities of my choices on potential children.
if you aren't in a relationship with a member of another race, you don't even care about those people.
Most race conscious folks are in interracial relationships
>women are midwits
and one day you may even get to talk to one
Unfortunately I regularly have to, they can't be avoided since they invade every male space that isn't based on hard physical labour.
Stop watching porn and fapping and go impregnate a white woman, ffs I am seriously so done with our confused, dense, self-destructive race.
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Rest assured the feeling is mutual. Remember to avert your eyes, lest you forget your class.
What games did this tranny write?
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Why do niggers always complain about America but refuse to go back to africa?

> Class
I work in academia. Among the common folks that's as high as it gets. Given that I am a white man and this entire system selects hard against me I am better than them almost by default
I think she's Latina but if she's Indian she should be ashamed of herself

Indians are unique and special... We have the oldest surviving and most complex culture... We need to be strong in our constitution and believe in each other as a people

Insecure little girls going for gay white boys or smelly small brains niggers will hurt our community...

How can you go and get with a puny white boy in this day and age?? Whites are laughed at everywhere.

Hindus were too nice in ancient times, look how they treated us, came to Bharat and snatched our ancient wealth and left us to die

Shame on any woman who goes and sleeps with the enemy... May you and your children suffer great misery.
Fags like you will be shot in the street when the ethnostate is established. You are basically a Jew.
I wish you losers who hate us would stop dreaming about our women

It's sick... You can't hate our race but then trick insecure brainless women into relationships and children

Those kids will be mentally damaged...

Leave Indians alone, we don't like whites or Black's or any lesser races... We invented caste to keep away from you lesser animals
Yes saar very good saar
Young women have the minds of children now, its similar to growing up and pulling on the girls pigtails that you liked.
he's not lying, how many racist white guys end up with chinks and seamonkey waifus?
Did the east India company traffic fossils? Zoomers are retarded. East India sold tea and opioids
nips are aryans tho. no objection to a german japanese hapa
All browns hate Whites, some just so it more overtly than others. Especially in the West, when they go to college and just have it reinforced.
Anyway, from my experience, brown girls in the West have somewhat of a distaste for their own men because they see them as momma's boys. They claim that their brothers get the attention growing up, more special treatment, etc. And growing up, the boys get an inflated ego as a result. Imagine an only-child with helicopter parents, they usually end up like brats. And this is brought into adulthood, but they're all bark, no bite.
White guys serve as the antithesis. I know White families where the daughters get more attention than the sons, and boomer/genx/millennial parenting ends up being a "fuck you, got mine". It makes them more independent, assertive. This is the personality side of thing. There's also lighter skin, generally taller, you see Whites in all Western movies, porn etc.
I'm just regurgitating what brown girls have told me, there's some truth to it but women also lie.
It's been said a million times, literally nothing women say matters
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senza cipolla
Stay the fuck away from our women you low caste drug addicted tranny

Beggars in India have more class and brains then any yank fag
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das rite, we indians are the real aryans
It "keeps happening" but somehow you have to post the same pictures over and over again year after year to prove how it's "happening"?
I don't get it, also they're looksmatched.
Why always the nigger flag?
Why can't they just use their normal flags?
Not at all. He could do way better.
She's pretty but she's hairy and has body odour like hell
Yeah, she's Indian.
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>I'm being genocided, nooooooooo

Recessive genes are pretty powerful. Dominant genes can be eliminated from the population by simple sexual selection. If X trait is dominant and X trait makes you uglier then the population can decide not to reproduce with X trait people until they’re gone

Recessives are almost impossible to eliminate. They can hide for generations in a population before cropping back up again. If recessive genes spread out far enough and those genes make the subject either more attractive or more fit to survive then over a long enough time period the recessive will eliminate the dominant

Recessives don’t appear as much in the short term but they win the long game every time

That’s why genetic disorders are usually recessive. When you have the rare dominant genetic disorder like huntingdons it’s because symptoms don’t manifest until after the individual is past reproductive age. All dominant genetic conditions can be eliminated by choice from the population choosing not to let individuals with it reproduce

Hot Lava was pretty good looking when I was young and had a really nice meaty wang.

I hooked up with a Korean woman for a while and it was like a highlights porn real. She came the 1st I put it in, started speaking Korean, and would finish 3-5 times before I came she. She had squirting orgasms too.

We had sex 4 times the 1st night and she came 3-5 times each. She slept all day after and would wake up ask to see my dick and suck it before falling back asleep.

I guess my point is, sex with white men is unreal for them.
Sick that a White man would be with someone that hates his people.
Based genetics understander.
Tell the tards dwarfism is dominant, that always makes them sputter.
Brown women shitting on white men socially is a social play to stunlock white women into thinking white man bad.
Then, they swoop in and claim their prize.
>right wing males are looking for traditionnal virgin brides
What's so surprising?
>gets pregnant
>crosses fingers
>"Please be a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes".
Every time.
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Beating women should not be illegal if proved they acted like the whore on the pic.
Women are like children, immature, egotistic and needy. They should be punished when needed, it has always been like this and civilization grew. Now, since they have more right than us, since they became part of politics, things have gone downhill.
I am a married man and I thank God for my wife, she's a traditional woman and knows her place.
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Muslims literally anywhere have a bigger cock than you lol!
SARS your women belong to us now, I dint want you to watch because you smell
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Kek "B J"
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lmao, its ok. Nature is healing

>This is because men think with their dicks and women are retarded.
Nope, it's just that racism always leads into fetishization. Liberal women always harp on about how much they hate white men yet ONLY fuck white men.
Rightoids always spam about how much they hate shitskins and saving the white race but always end up with a beaner or chink wife.
Bro, how does it feel to fuck your cousin-wife and have inbred children? Does driving a cab support you and your retard family?
It's not realistic to expect the pretty ones to not end up chasing after the white dudes if they come to our countries.
You marry children and your own cousins

Check mate, fuck pisslum the religion of pedos and bomb makers

Disgraceful animals...I hope Israel keeps kicking your asses
That's it lad

Tell that dirty Paki dog what's up... Shameless bloody cousin fucker
white men are the only race cucked enough to put up with a mouthy bitch
>Why does this keep happening?
It doesn't, you retard. No one likes or worships wh*te "men", except maybe Asian women but that's going to change quickly in the next years.
Poor bait, try harder next time.
He's either being fleeced or he knows that he's simply an easy green card and meal ticket for life and can still get laid while being a smelly hobo.
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If you can somehow convince them to stop eating their spice laden slop every day for every meal, they will smell better, assuming standard good hygiene. Cumin and fenugreek are the worst offenders.
I think you will find that you are the bloody bloody.
Wow you are such a beta. No wonder you women crave us
Hi anon fuck for an aryan your a dark bunch Im brown ffs and Im not as dark as you, not that being dark is bad, but lol when you fetishes all things white it just seems weird since you are the colour of charcoal
>Rightoids always spam about how much they hate shitskins
You know there's a whole spectrum of "Rightoids" and not all of us are obsessed with race. Many of us are old fashioned and just want to throw commies from helicopters regardless of their melanin levels.
Happa girls are the biggest stacies that fuck white guys around. I have seen so many blonde haired blue eyed women who say "oh btw i am 1/4 japanese tee hee"

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