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Personally, I find that as I get older the age range of women that I'm attracted to tends to follow that. When I was in my twenties I was attracted to women in their twenties. Now that I'm in my late 40s I'm attracted to women in their mid-40s too early-50s.

While I'm still attracted to women in their twenties, I'll be honest and say I'm not as attracted to them as I was when I was their age. I had a woman in her mid 20s making a move on me when I was in a few months ago. Aside from the fact that I was with my girlfriend, I thought about that woman and realized that we had nothing in common. Unless I just wanted to use her body for a few hours, there was little more than she had to offer me.

In fact, one of the things I hate about the red pill movement is that it tends to imply that if you are a high value man in your 50s or 40s that you should be dating women in their twenties. I have zero interest in that. The last thing I want to do is date a woman in her mid 20s because it's highly likely she's going to want children. I don't want to be 70 years old going to my kid's high school graduation.

However, dating extremely beautiful women within my age group, particularly when they're successful in their own right, has been extraordinarily fulfilling. You can date beautiful women with great personalities whose company you enjoy even those hours when you're not in bed with them.
This is based and means you’re not a pedo.
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Roastpost, sorry about your eggs but we're just not gonna date the hags ok?
Creep detected.
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Woman confirmed. Tits with timestamp or GTFO
Definitely seems like attraction changes with age. Most guys would probably do a 16 year old in a vaccuum without judgement/ethics involved, but in general i noticed i stopped really looking at teens in my mid 20s

braces = wall hit
there is no reason to ever date a woman in her 30s

if you want a family and the best looking, go 20s

if you have a thing for older, go 40s or up. their kids are adults now and won't interfere

literally no reason to go 30s lmao
Women peak at 14, and then start loosing till 26, after that it's just expired/used/avoid goods.
Men start at 27 and peak at 45
this is how women think, no man organically thinks like this

men want nubile brides
Honestly Im with you on this. Im in my 40s and I have zero interest in women in their 20s except for their beauty - Id rather have a well-kept and preserved good-looking woman a couple of years younger than me if I were to get into a relationship... I mean wtf are you going to talk to your partner about if shes that much younger - "Sooo uuuhmm - whats your favorite pokemon?"
There’s a reason
> Dating extremely beautiful women .. particularly when they're successful

This is how I can tell you're a chick. Men don't think like this. No man wants a "successful" or "educated" woman because "successful" and "educated" women have necessarily undergone years of competition in male environments, which only has two potential results:

1. If her company has DEI shit, she will become ENTITLED. She believes her promotions are her own success, instead of a carefully calculated corporate ploy to balance gender numbers on a spreadsheet. These women are absolutely insufferable to be around, any trace of natural femininity vanishes from them as they are embedded with the false belief that they can compete against men.

2. If they don't have DEI shit (rarer now, but it happens), they will become JADED. They will be outperformed by male colleagues in every metric, and this leads them down a path to feminist conspiracy. They are also largely insufferable to be around, though less so than group 1. However, most of them profess to hate men who they blame for somehow conspiring against them rather than accepting that they will never, and should never, be men.

Whichever way they go, women that have been through 20+ years of corporatist brainwashing become fundamentally broken individuals. We should, as a society, be discouraging such activities for them across the board.
If you are healthy you wouldn't want a woman over 30.
Your pic related is so dumb and unfunny I cannot.
Do half these bitches even need braces
When I wore mine I got ripped on and my teeth hurt. Schoolyard fights every day, kinda miss it
Show roastbeef.
This is why you’re alone.
Show whats beyond the Trench your in right now
>Men start at 27 and peak at 45

This is a monumental Cope but yeah Men starts at 17 peak at 25 then slowly fades away but slower being over 30 is hell.
Who is better? Young anti-gamer Anita Sarkeesian or current bimbo Anita Sarkeesian?
If preferring a girl from 15 to 25 is being a pedophile then I am a ultra pedophile, as long as I am concerned any whore over 30 could die and I wouldn't give a flying fuck.
It's both. They lose some value but gain other values.
Men peak is strength, not how smooth their skin is. Women peak is how many eggs she has.
I think a 10-15 year gap is max normal for comfortability or synergy. Wider gaps are fine by me too. Shit if you have a sexually mature 13 year old I don't see anything wrong with her being with a 60 year old. But it is certainly a creepy thing at the level that the 60 year old is that childish in mindset.
Also, men will put their dick in any willing participant, so it comes down to if they're grooming or being predacious imo. If you're baby fucking you deserve death, and you're a baby til you're sexually mature, so that includes the majority of youths perverts
Wow. You’re an absolute weirdo my guy. Seek professional help. (And no 25 is not pedo territory but under 23 is if you’re in your 30’s or above.)
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>Do women gain or lose value as they age?

Men start off their life with zero value.

Men can both gain and lose value as they age (depending on what they do).

Women start off life with 100% value.

However the trade-off to this is that unlike men, women are incapable of gaining value - only losing it. Any value lost can never be regained.
Don't be stupid girls prefers skinny pretty boys slightly older than them not middle aged gloated baldies they will go for incels over 30 years old weirdo these are statistics.

I don't care what women over 30 prefers I would rather do semen retention.
>latinx loves young underaged girls
Wow im really surprised
Braces are a sign that your teeth are still developing(plus spare money in the 3rd world)
33-36 is the best my man, you're missing out.
>women prefer
women prefer faggots that look like harry's style with degenerate tattoos, that's not what peak is, that's preference.
No you are just an imbecile or a woman but they are the same thing anyway.

13 years old are disgusting have you ever talked to them? They are basically children I would say 15 at best and not all the cases 17 - 21 is perfect 22-26 ok 27 is a boomer
Your Peak is irrelevant if young girls reject you.
Thats fucking retarded you're probably just gay faggot
women aren't cool
everything valued about them is some sort of decoration or cover-up
Yes, I prefer older women, as the younger ones are so pozzed and I don't want kids.
Sadly, despite all the bullshit likes and matches I've had online, I am just as incel as I ever was.
Fuck apps and social media ruined everything and made women Chad-only.
Would be nice to get some unpaid fucks before I hit middle age soon.
>current bimbo Anita Sarkeesian?

You mean after she turned 40 and decided to marry herself.
Like... all women are crazy and cope in some ways. But thats a whole other level of crazy and coping
You have some terrible hatred in your heart. Get well.
Stop getting mad at OP because he isn’t a pedo.
That's pretty much my point.
But the 70 year old with the 23 year old is just fucked up unless he is giving her children which was made possible by God so I'm not gonna judge on big gaps, I just think it says something more about the elder.
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youre a fag
You’re a creep.
More jewslop, woman that are 16 is true peak

You can mold them however you want at that age, breed them, and rapidly give them wisdom from your older age to speed up the process that way she *can* become relatable, depending on how commited you are to molding and controlling her as your loyal pet
>women that are 16
A 16 year old is a child NOT A WOMAN.
>Women peak is how many eggs she has.
women peak when they are a fetus
Are you a woman? Don't you have an appointment for checking your thyroid? You obviously have hormonal imbalance.

Yes is weird but most 70s years old men are weak blupilled and stupid and most young girls takes advantage of them for money.
This has to be satire
Is it just me or are these younger generations becoming less attractive?
Im not a fag , I just require mental and intellectual stimulation as well as physical stimulation from my partner. I want her to be able to grasp wtf I am talking about and I dont like to explain my jokes. Which is also why I think intelligence is attractive in a woman. I doesnt make me a fag. Its simply my personal preferences. Otherwise I am really attracted to blondes with bit tits , small waist and nice asses who are naturally submissive in bed. These are also preferences and doesnt make me shit except a man with good taste!
Hes not a creep either for preferring younger women (as long as their old enough) its just a preference.
Is neither a child retard they have a word for them teenagers and they are hornier and can breed healthier children and they have more attention and power without even trying

Nobody in here is predating children honestly you sound like an envious old whore and you should get the fuck out
>as long as their old enough
Is key. Children and girls borderline out of their teens for men in their 30’s is weird. They have nothing in common.
men are entitled to college-aged bodies, simple as
You are one though
Personally I agree with you. There may be exceptions to this with really mature women or really immature men but honestly men who prefers much younger women mostly just want someone looks good, can give him children and thats it. There isnt much in common.
There are plenty of men who are like this toh. And there is plenty of young women who likes that shit too. A daddy to take care of her while shes playing house
It’s a child. Anything under 18 is a child.
They really are like this. It’s a dark side to the culture, why I ended it with my Mexican ex.
A creep or a fag? And please elaborate on how the fuck you managed to put me in either category?
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I agree with your whole post.
Show warface

>Pic rel, it's the jews no matter who wins or loses
Im not elaborating but you’re both

In the entire history Most men are more or less alike in some things this only applies if you are not ridden with toxoplasmosis or xenoestrogens

#1 we prefer younger women this is a common knowledge we are all aware men exclusively like women buying a dress with pockets.

#2 we want to simp is pleasurable to be the savior unfortunately is being used against us to exploit us

#3 we don't want old women unless is out of desperation

#4 we want a sacred wife and a side whore

#5 we are attracted to whoever type is attracted to us ex if we receive attention from chubby women we feel attracted to chubby women
this is the purest love and pair boding either of them could possibly get fyi, per science
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It's a myth that young girls like older men. Teen girls and girls in their 20s exclusively fuck guys in that age range. There's nothing about a 40 year old man with kids, wears cardigans and works in an office all day thats appealing to them.

Guys their age all have washboard stomachs without any effort, can move around without any physical pain or fatigue, and have what everyone wants: youth. They can also fuck for an hour per time, 8 times per day, on demand.

Once you get into your 30s it's over. Everything is over. Your life is working, coming home to watch TV, and fading into obscurity as the younger generation takes over. And Your ability to get it up decreases. End.
>you going to talk to your partner about if shes that much younger
You train her, clearly. In more ways than one.
You are a faggot have you ever touched a penis? Let me tell you this Homosexuality is a mental and endocrinological disorder.
Your clearly retarded. NEXT!!!
bla bla bla bla No. We have different opinions in this question. You do you. I will do as I please. Thank you very much!
He's a weirdo
What the hell is he doing here?
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Fuck you for posting that nauseating WEMB, jungle nigger OP. Faggot dick sucker
I don't think he belongs here.
As long as she's over 18 (16 in some countries), there is jack shit you can do about it apart from shaming.
It may very well be, people are different and have different preferences. Most people are literally stupid troglodytes this includes men who need a weak wife to feel good enough and secure in their masculinity and women who cant fucking take care of themselves and needs a daddy.
She will still be a retarded child without the life-experience that would make her wiser.
Seriously Honduras if your going to be so fucking insecure that you cant even agree that I have different preference than your cookie-cutter-spec that your screaming I am fag maybe its time for you to go to bed.
>She will still be a retarded child
What part of (you) train her don't you understand? She's at the right age to impose your will and to shape her thoughts
Value is subjective. Something has value to an agent to the extent that that agent would expend something to obtain it, be that energy, or money, social capital etc.. So the question is reversed - instead of asking "does X woman have Y value", instead ask "who the fuck is going to want this woman, and why?". This way the situaiton becomes clearer - because the woman has to be okay with it too. Plenty of coomers out there want to fuck cougars, and value them for that reason, but they aren't committing.
>It's a myth that young girls like older men. Teen girls and girls in their 20s exclusively fuck guys in that age range. There's nothing about a 40 year old man with kids, wears cardigans and works in an office all day thats appealing to them.

Sadly this is 100% truth I even cringe at the thought of it

>Guys their age all have washboard stomachs without any effort,
>can move around without any physical pain or fatigue,
I crashed my bike and broke 3 ribs and I didn't even realized it until later while I see zoomers dying from common cold maybe is the covid vaccine I didn't take it perhabs this was truth before but not anymore

>and have what everyone wants: youth. They can also fuck for an hour per time, 8 times per day, on demand.

>Once you get into your 30s it's over. Everything is over. Your life is working, coming home to watch TV, and fading into obscurity as the younger generation takes over. And Your ability to get it up decreases. End.

I don't know man but zoomies are weak spend all day inside playing videogames and wanking I see them as weak gulliable and dumb

I have dated girls I could be their father technically
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I am a 39y old 4/10 neet chud with no job, no house, no money, no future, nothing. But I won't settle for anything less than a 7/10 with a banging body and pretty face who is half my age.
God owes me a beautiful loving white wife to make up for the cards I've been dealt in this life and for all the suffering I had to endure.
This is absolutely correct. All of the talk about not caring what women want is just some weird incel/mgtow talking point that isn’t pertinent to the conversation.

But unless you subscribe to the theory of absolute lookism, male peak is most certainly not 27. This goes way back to PUA theories about how men are judged on various metrics and not just appearance. And even then, most men (not male models) look better in their early 30’s if they avoid being fat.
>Plenty of coomers out there want to fuck cougars
This, they just want some easy lays with a woman who looks somewhat decent for her age but nothing more.
>Seriously Honduras if your going to be so fucking insecure
What? Who ever use the word "insecure" outside if reddit? I would feel "insecure" if I am talking to a pretty young woman I don't feel "insecure" talking to older women because I don't care

>that you cant even agree that I have different preference than your cookie-cutter-spec that your screaming I am fag maybe its time for you to go to bed.

Preferences? Do you realized how unhinged you sound? Women have "Preferences" we are competing for women and specially young women this is a competition for young women we don't have "Preferences" you put our pp inside a young woman and cum whenever you can the "preference" is you are horny eveey day period at best you could discard her if she is too ugly I have news for you dumbass women do the same thing all the time.

These are open secrets retard
Women are more valuable younger than they are older, just due to how their reproductive systems work. However a wife that's popped out your kids and helped you raise them well is priceless
Based but realistically you will have to passportmaxx is an impossible task in Europe/USA and hard mode in Latin America specially if you are fat, SES or Apefrica maybe.
You’re not entirely wrong, young women are significantly more retarded than an older woman, but older women are generally retarded and crazy (especially if they’re unmarried by 30). If somebody isn’t married with kids by 35 than just throw in the fucking towel.
Old people dating is just pathetic unless they’re a widow/widower.
Cleary I am not if you’re this jaded by me
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Good for you memefag, you refuse to drop your standards
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Lose because the younger, the higher the potential for offspring.
as a 36 year old man I see any non fat high school girl as a 10/10

but when i was actually in HS i only found like 6 girls in my whole HS class hot
>two homos watching hetero porn
I don't understand.
Forced bi's anon.
The photo is for their dumb gooner reddit community; but when the camera is off, they work on each other while looking at what they are attracted to. A mouth is a mouth.
>You’re not entirely wrong, young women are significantly more retarded than an older woman, but older women are generally retarded and crazy (especially if they’re unmarried by 30).

This is a common misconception, young women are more reasonable, open minded and social and they learn faster and they live kids, older women like 33+ are conflictive, often out of touch with reality, snarky, demanding and if you are not exceptionally attractive they hate you with passion they despise your existence.

Older women are bootlickers with the authority and unreliable they are opportunistic parasites and always play the victim unlike younger women they have more emphaty.
>nigger porno
>not gay

By the way there isn't such a thing as "hetero" you are either normal or you are not.
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I'm just not going to give my seed to an old no eggs roastie that's all
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>you are either normal or you are not
my fault

>A mouth is a mouth.
you are not normal if you really think this
You sound like a little boy who have listen to alpha-male-podcasts and now everyone has to be like you or otherwise you get fucking hysterical.
Just fuck off
What did you miss with life-experience? If I need to raise my wife as if she were my daughter thats a turn-off for me. If you like it. Great you do you!
I have never listened to a podcast in my life this is not an exaggeration and I think men are send their own ways, alpha-beta-sigma memes, etc are utterly copes.

You sound like another manipulative woman.
I am explaining to you their line of reasoning; perverse or anomalous as it may be.
You asked a question, I gave you an answer.
Truth is most men just go for what responds to them. For many of us when we hit about 25 women our own age stopped caring and the younger ones became more responsive. Then with more aging the pattern continued. The true creeps are those who try to force their beliefs on consenting adults making their own choices.
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Because I have fucking different preferences than you? Im fucking 44 I dont want a god damn 20 y old. Unless its just for sex. What a fuck am Im going to use her for other than that?
Are we going out clubbing together or play 2-player games on the x-box? I dont fucking want that I want a hot one a couple of years younger than me who is well preserved and intelligent. Thats what I fucking want, you can have whatever the fuck you want. I never once in this thread took a shit on other peoples preferences (unless they were about children). Why are you fucking even arguing with me?
women have no value period
Ok weirdo keep your "preferences" just calm your tits don't forget your medicines and just in case allow me to tell you is too late to "transition"
If they're childless... lose. if the opposite gain
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I would get her as young as possible and just keep impregnsting her.
That's what a woman is for.
She'll probably be wrinkled and experienced enough for you after her second or third child.
That's not where I intend to stop. The ride never ends. When she gets infertile, on to the next one.
What's up with non children having braces
If you're attracted to old bitches you've got mommy issues.
I'm in my mid 40s. I have Z E R O interest in sleeping with girls over 30. I honestly stick to 23-26 as much as possible. As soon as they turn 28 they start going baby crazy and want you to marry them immedately.

At 23 they are much less likely to have really stupid ideas and act super emotionally about everything.

So 23-26 is kind of that, "a real adult" female but none of the "my eggs are dying because I'm an old female" issues you get from 28yr olds.

The only 40yr olds I would consider dating would be A-Listers / Models that have taken very, very good care of themselves. They tried the natural routes first, and have done minimal "nose job" or "face lift" shit. But thats like saying, "Hey I'd date Taylor Swift if she were 40".
Younger the better is always better
Peer group mating has been a disaster
Taylor is a tranny and you are a run of the mill goyboy
So what's the wonderful exciting conversation the 40 year old provides that the 20 year old doesn't?
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I'd still hit it even if Taylor was a trannie ( which I don't think she is ). I am a jew boy, and not quite run of the mill in some ways, its mostly been luck though.
the value of a woman is to be a wife and mother. single mothers have decided they don't want to be a wife.
a true man wouldn’t consider her personality but instead the tightness of her pussy and the firmness of her ass as this is all that matters
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Imagine writing all that for such a stupid thread
Why are braces so erotic
casual sex is the problem and why it becomes exploitive. In a marriage for the purposes of raising a family the age difference is not relevant.
yeah and then looking at the yearbook the ones i thought were ugly are now like 8/10 wudbangs
A humble family woman can be an important influence in her family's life as she ages. A woman who only ever sleeps around finds herself getting increasingly more unloved and lonely. But you all hate traditional families and you were lied to when you were taught only white Gentile men could be responsible for anything bad. One of your biggest moral failings is pretending that a woman can't choose virtue over sin, thus it isn't her fault when she sins. It's the fault of white men. Good luck with your lonely society. You worked hard to create it in the hopes of making everyone a slave to Jews. Herbert Marcuse would be delighted to see the mess his poisonous ideology brought to the Western world.
It’s because you have been programmed
And are a cuck
Youth adds a point or two to any female
I just can’t believe the absolute state of plebbitors
>Harold don't forget to watch the dishes against I am tiered of repeating myself you inconsiderate bastard I work lot and I'm going for a trip Friday FYI.
I would smash all these teeny boppers before you could say r/eddit
if I wasn’t going to be executed for doing so
I’m not even going to talk about when I was in my late teens and early 20’s
I noticed this Smart Girls/Mothers/Boss Bitches vs Dumb Boys/Fathers fantasy started being pushed really hard in the late 80's and only gained steam each new decade. Some classic examples are The Simpsons and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. But you can see the troupe all over TV and Movies since the late 80's. Note that big hit Sit Coms like Seinfeld and Friends were pushing the promiscuous lifestyle hard in the early 90's. 30 years later and you have a ton of men who have never had sex and a ton of women who rode the cock carousel until no man they would look at wanted to touch them anymore. Used up women and life long loner men do not form families no matter what Jewish lies are pumped into everyone's heads. The West is heading for interesting times and it won't be apparent until they lose a major war or two. The curtain hasn't been pulled back yet. The charade still goes on.
>I don't want children
Stopped reading there
Enjoy evolutionary suicide
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>boss bitches
>loser loner men

both of these are a very small subset of men and women
If this is true you wouldn’t need so many prohibitions and laws to make it the worse than murder
Women have the highest value while young and they lose value as they age in looks and breeding worth BUT they demand more and more and are more toxic and cunning and pimping their own pussy as they age so they lose worth at an accelerated pace.

At 30 they're like trying to sell you rotten fruit at above market place and having a bad attitude while doing it.
That white woman looks so creepy
I see satan though her eyes and expression
I only wanted women in their 20s because they're loose and easier. Now that I want to get married I want a 13-15 year old virgin. The marriage won't work if she's had a slew of dicks.
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Plebbit raid
A 13 yo with a lobotomy
White people depreciate as soon as birth. They know their time is short just like Satan’s so they have to do as much as possible for their master.
>It’s a myth
It’s not a myth you go to jail faggot
Your argument is basically
>It dose’t happen but we need strict laws and regulations about it happening because ah reasons
Oh sweet sweet summer child
I wish I was special
>What are you going to talk about with a 16 year old
This is probably one of the funniest roasty copes
I think that’s the whole point of demarcating generations and youth culture is to keep people boxed into feminist approved age group
thank god that’s dying
You don't talk about pokemon you sperm her womb and she pops out children to keep her occupied.
Of old white women wants to be the center of attention again they could just travel to India.
Is to keep Pedos and rapist in check, I don't mind it but realistically young women prefers slightly older boys not middle age men unless Chad.
Jeets are ugly and they probably don’t want to be raped and murdered.
I'm 35 and I feel similarly. My wife just turned 30 and when we started dating even that age gap weirded me out a little bit. Same rationale, by the way: what the fuck do I send some 20 year old teenie bopper have in common? What life experiences can we discuss? I know what kind of strength and support I can offer her as an older man with steady work and my shit on straight, but what the fuck can she offer me? When I was dating, I wanted a woman and an equal; not some kind of servile human-shaped dog I can fuck. Those relationships rarely last.
> You can date beautiful women with great personalities whose company you enjoy even those hours when you're not in bed with them.
I rather stay single
Your whore old wife is lusting the young nigger neighbor Richard.
>At 30 they're like trying to sell you rotten fruit at above market place and having a bad attitude while doing it.
My experience as well, I am 31 and waited too long because I was rather focused on my degree and then Corona happened. It's not worth it, or me staying single seems better than going for that. Sucks but whatever
If women are serious about freezing their eggs they need to do it in their early to mid 20's for some of them to be viable a decade later. Eggs harvested in their early 30's won't last a decade in the freezer.
They do.
Maybe it's just that I enjoy seeing females cry, but she looks so much better when she isn't ask niggered up
whore wife is lusting
Its the average single 30yo and life is better for men without her
You’re weird.
I got that. I really didn't mean to address you specifically. I should have used "they" instead of "you" to avoid this confusion, but wasn't thinking about that in the moment.
Good for you, they are lonely, have fun.
>be 30
>23 fiance

feel like king of the cats
Can I get the sauces on all these bracefaced sluts
Braces is my #1 fetish and I csnt get enuff
This is a wise post. You can't get the mommy experience from a chick in her 30s, you can't get tight pussy either. Mogged by chicks who are older and younger. 30s and single is the worst for women. SAD!
I love hebes with braces.
The only difference between a woman at 18 and a woman at 45 is the amount of debt, number of some other guy's kids, and all that baggage. Women stop maturing at 16 and women of any age are really only in to you for what you can provide. None of them can talk about anything but themselves or, to the degree to which they talk about things that aren't them, it's always within the context of how those things affect them. Once you make peace with that and understand that a woman is not necessary, and often detrimental, to your personal fulfillment, it's best just to fuck the youngest ones you legally can while not getting too attached to any of them.
This is sorta correct. Have dated/fucked both age ranges and all were zogged out normie tier apart from one or two and even they were kinda insufferable or total sluts. The thing with an older girl that’s slightly younger than me - so mid-30’s - was they tend to get your humour and references. Can be funny themselves at times too as they’ve also had life experiences and knockdown’s themselves. At the end of the day they’re all cocksleeves and as Nietzsche it’s all about which one you can have a long conversation with.

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