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Don't you think it would be really cool if there was some sort of process you could initiate with someone that would be like the opposite of procreation, like instead of all that energy buildup from sex resulting into the creation of a new body where a soul is entrapped and forced to suffer on this plane of existence you would instead merge body and mind with your lover and become a new being? I feel like this is what sex with someone you love was supposed to be desu. It doesn't feel right that the buildup energy would be expelled "forward" into the creation of a new individual instead of concentrated through the fusion of the two people making love.

I posted this on /r9k/ yesterday and it made people seethe. I don't know what to do!
sounds gay
Are you saying that gay love is true love? Interesting idea.
Yes, I think it would be really cool if there was this sort of process...
I had a strange dream tonight
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Only one person would be left alive on earth though
And it won't even be me...
only billions of consciences diluted to nothingness.
This is depravity
I don't think everyone would agree anyway. People like you who enjoy endless, pointless pain and destruction could keep playing this game.
OP poopsie how about i just slit your neck and lock you down in my basement instead that could be our own little procedure of anti-procreation ^_^
That doesn't sound super romantic though?
This is a highly romanticized view on love.
i want to torture and kill homosexuals
hating creation isn't love.
Because it's about true love. As opposed to whatever the hell it is people do that just generates more suffering and misery in the end.

Because you hate yourself and your life.

Neither is taking away someone's choice, which is what you do when you create a new being.
Even in true love you don't form a new entity. This is something women write about in novels that doesn't really happen IRL.
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your idea is not that original, even though I find it amusing
> just generates more suffering and misery in the end.
lol, lmao
normie cuck cuck cuck cuckold kekcold kek kek kek cuckcukcuckcuck cuck cuck cluckclucklucluck KEKOLD KEKOOOOOCUKOOOCLUCLUCLUCK
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My neighbor just greeted me
I literally walked past her without even looking at her.
Why am I like this...

so you're saying there would still be the option to procreate., I see
Don't misunderstand, I don't want children, I just know that no new people makes the line go down. Line must go up
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if I fused with your mother would that make me your father?
Yes this is what makes me sad as explained in the OP.

Amusing? You don't find it nice?

You need the tender embrace of a lover, anon. It would fix you.

Woah being rude is a no-no. Apologize to her.

>Line must go up
Why? This is something natalists and economists keep chanting like a mantra but they never say why or how they plan on magically bending the laws of physics to accommodate for infinite growth.
;p u need a blunt rusty knife deep down ur throat anony ≧◡≦
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if they took off their pants while fused does that mean the pants also unfused wherever they left them?
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I'm too shy/socially retarded to respond to someone greeting me, let alone start a conversation to apologize...

Line must go up because I want the purchasing power to not go down, so line must at least stay the same and ideally go up.
It is selfish, yeah I do not care about condemning millions to suffering for me.
Besides, life is amazing, if you can't enjoy it, its a skill issue and you should kys.
since you're French flag "amusing" as in interesting concept I would never wish upon myself.
I don't think so. Just a new being that's partly my mom. I would advise against doing this with my mom. Would not be a pleasant experience.


That sounds really cruel and materialistic. Maybe you forgot about your own death? I don't see how the accumulation of material goods can be so important to someone.

Because you're scared of the totality of yourself being exposed to someone else? Or because you're too attached to your personal sense of identity?
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> Line must go up

/biz/bros we finally mindborked even bant fags
Where do you think he came from ideot
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It is not just about the materialistic goods.
Billions of men have walked this earth producing greatness after greatness, wonder after wonder. I want to see it, all of it, all the greatness men have built and when I'm done watching I want even more greatness.
Among the millions born each year, there can be individuals of spectacular character, mind, sense, or something else entirely. I want to see it

I couldn't live in an earth where decay of humanity's wonders ensued.
In that sense purchasing power doesn't just mean how much you can obtain, but what you can obtain. When the material flourishes, the minds flourish as well.

I do not hail from /pol/
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fuck, wrong image
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you're talking about being consumed not exposed. that's some vore/suicide fetish
You're from /biz aren't you
Wonders, huh. I feel like you're being generous with this term. And even if you weren't, the horrors mankind produce far outweigh its "wonders".

I'm talking about becoming one with someone in the literal sense. It's fusion not consumption. In that sense your minds and memories would become one as well, which I thought was what made you dislike this concept.
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you won't fool me, the great old one!
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I'm willing to dig through mountains of mud to find gems. It is just noise.
If you truly think the horrors make it not worth it, there's a simple solution for you
You're being kinda unserious right now...

I think eventually you'll understand what I mean. Maybe you just haven't witnessed enough! Good luck with the gems and goodnight.
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no need to thank me.
I'm waiting to see a stream of you using it now.
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oh am i?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

make my dick enlarge oh old one!
No I don't think I will, my new mission is to force Switzerland to get absorbed by the EU.

Y' ahor ymg' goka ahf' ymg' gotha
One very large cock coming right up

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