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>ordered a commission that came out not exactly how i wanted but i'm not pisscelish enough to critique it and tell the guy to edit it a bunch of times to satisfy my tastes that can change on a whim tomorrow so i had to buy something i'm not 100% into like a cück
post it
i'm saving up money to commission someone to build my favorite rifle, fully functional and ready to fire. the BR-75 Battle Rifle.
If the creator does not create that exact rifle, design and with the three round burst perfectly, I'm sending it back as many times as I have to. the weapon must be perfect. I'm going to have to spend a lot of money on the device, if it's not perfect, he can shove it and try again.
don't you need a unobtanium-grade permit to own newly produced burst-fire weapons?
I don't care. everyone involved doesn't care.
do you mean an actual working firearm or a realistic toy
or i guess it doesn't really matter since americans treat guns as toys anyways
aren't your people actively murdering other white people for fun?
You can’t even muster the will to ask the artist for a better product and you’re going to criticize his character?
will it be based on a pre-existing platform or is the entire thing made from scratch? 55.6?
like you aren't pitting ukraine to fight your wars by proxy like you always do, the ruskov is right your guns really are toys
I want the entire thing made from scratch. it's meant to fire a really specific caliber, but i don't really feel like paying for it, so i'll ask for whatever ammo is between most effective for this weapon, and what's easiest to get my hands on so i can buy in bulk. i have almost a thousand saved for it, i'll be ready to pay any price.
what the fuck would you know about it, frenchie? can you even own guns or just white flags?
waaah waaah muh ww2 (won by soviets)
americans are such faggots man
it wasn't even an attempt at making a jab towards the values you uphold and your national identity but i guess you people really don't need any solid reasons to start being dickheads and start pulling out irrelevant shit out of your asses to elevate your ego over random people on the internet
>Americans are such faggots
>I have too much anxiety to ask the artist to make a better product that I’m paying for
>you started being a dickhead
>I think your guns are children’s toys
you did, though. that's exactly what it was. you made an ostensibly racist comment and now you're mad about my ostensibly racist comment.
fuck off. i don't entertain double standards.
Everyone wants to be racist to America but as soon as America starts being racist they go
>See! See! They’re so racist and evil!
i don't think the word "toy" should always convey some negative or disparaging meaning, like what else would you call it if not a fucking toy or a showpiece or a trophy
it really is sad your mind is so corrupted by the internet's rudeness and constant passive aggressiveness you actually consider the phrase "americans treat guns like toys" offensive and something you should start getting defensive over
You wrote us both a paragraph each and we’re getting defensive?
>like what else would you call it if not a fucking toy
a weapon. not a hard question to answer, you were obviously being insulting and even if that wasn't your intention, that's still what you did.
stop being a hypocrite, lol.
you're just needlessly getting into semantics to continue being a sperg and milk out another double you on the internet and i'm gonna let you do that because i'm not autistic enough to sit here all night to try to prove my point which is ultimately irrelevant too so yeah whatever i don't give a shit and i think that you're a manchild for commissioning a fucking working sci-fi gun toy thing so i guess your life is over now and you will never get over some random guy throwing some cheap inconsequential insults at you
i'm really not. it shoots rounds, it's a weapon. referring to it as a toy is incredibly retarded.
you're a manchild for not having the balls to demand quality in the product you're paying for. you also don't seem to be getting over this argument considering you're derailing your own thread about it instead of just ignoring me.
>I’m not autistic enough for this
>y-y-yes Mr. Artist man, t-t-t-this is fine (it’s not really fine :0)
Yes but they're not unobtainable. I have one and other licenses that give me access to destructive devices like grenade launchers.
ATF: somebody come look at this
i'm on a proxy. to be honest i'm not even in america i just don't want to use my flag anymore cause it's basically an unwilling tripcode.
i just really, really hate hypocrisy. like, with a passion. i grew up with double standards and hypocritical leaders.
>Normie has a fucking grenade launcher, I guess
Y’all better watch out next time you call him a tripfag. Don’t come to /bant/ tomorrow.
you're the one who broke the NAP by posting your boring ass shit here in my god honest thread that i had to reply to in order to get the thread some traction so i'm in the full right to derail it and discuss whatever i want to discuss, i'm bored and i'm only arguing just for the sake of arguing and not because i'm actually mad or i'm actually deeply wounded by whatever you have to say
I was trying to make a point, and the point was you shouldn't accept an inferior product when you're paying for that product, especially when it's a commission you spent a lot of money on.
you ignored all of that, to say
>muh merican's n dere guns lol
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Dude, look how long your reply is.

You’re obviously pissed lmfao
That's great but your feelings don't stop a charge for illegal possession of a regulated firearm, potential illegal importation of said firearm and illegally transferring a regulated firearm. Most countries aren't as gun friendly as America.
Yeah it's really not that impressive when 3d printing exists. I have the Milkor MGL as the only produced launcher. The rest are 3d printed like this one.


It's really not that impressive and trying to present that I'm some kind of edgy teen because I'm a gunsmith is liberal reaction to Trump over the top.
>Most countries aren't as gun friendly as America.
mine is, lol.
in fact, mine will probably also be 3D printed and casted. at least I hope so, I need it to be 100% flawless.
Oh yeah post with your original flag and I'll tell you how you're not allowed to own what you want.
Don’t cellshame me nigger I am on vacation
honestly, setting this thing up was so goddamned complicated I'm not even sure how to turn it off.
and you ignored my actual question and instead focused on some shitty joke post like it's the only thing i posted and like it was 100% objectively insulting, i'm not gonna lie i wouldn't fucking care regardless if you answered or not but if you wanna bring that up here's my counterpoint
Nice attempt at deception. No country is going to breach ITAR for an illegally produced firearm.
your question seemed rhetorical. you're responsible for the implications of the things you say, not us.
it's not going to be imported, i can't wait that long.
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Homie finding gun loopholes is kinda my thing. Especially for other countries. Unless you live in Yemen or Switzerland (caveats below) you're blowing smoke.
In Switzerland there's still a long permit process that requires very stringent requirements to be met in order to own a burst fire weapon. One of which is a valid reason for ownership which you don't meet.
>won't be imported
Good luck. There's very few gunsmiths who would make this and all the ones who would aren't in the countries with relaxed gun laws. Again unless you live in Yemen.
I can smell your bs from here and btw someone already did exactly this.


It's garbage, doesn't have the same mag capacity and the ammo counter is mid at best. You're wanting perfection on a fantasy weapon which physically can't be perfect.
The ATF’s strongest auditor
I maybe might be one of those countries.
still not telling you. i don't want to be associated with the other anons that post here from my country cause they're all furries and weebs.
>Furries and weebs
You’re Swiss, aren’t you?
rhetorical or not it served as a conversation starter but you're right for making a bad faith argument because i wouldn't care to reply back if you actually answered because sperging and provoking people is a lot more entertaining than anything else that this thread would spawn if i would have chosen to not derail it
You’re still the one sperging out, lol.
and that's literally what i just fucking said, am i the esl here or what's up with this subpar reading comprehension
Admitting to sperging “but, like, ironically” is still you being a seething nutjob
Someone shoot his dog.
Ah so you're Swiss. Well anon you should read through your own countries regulations as you can't just own, purchase or manufacture firearms. You need a permit and with that permit is a compelling reason for why you NEED to own it. Just wanting it isn't a reason. It also doesn't fall under a collection. Recreational target shooting isn't gonna get approved either because it's considered military hardware.
Next I'd like to cover which gunsmith you're going to and the various permits you need. Since you don't want to import it you'll have to find a gunsmith that would accept this nonsense. Then you'll have to submit multiple forms, a permit application, keep a contract from the seller for 10 years and you're gonna get tripped up on all of them. Mostly because you have to go over the banned list of accessories and components which does include certain platform's and fire modes. Burst fire is on the ban list and then you'll need to submit a form for an exception which requires a REASON FOR WHY YOU REQUIRE IT separate from the reason you'd like to purchase it.
So let's recap. You live in Switzerland where burst fire weapons are regulated, you don't have a reason for need, you're most likely going to have to import it because no Swiss gunsmith is going to jump through the hoops for a private citizen who can't get the permits anyway and you're absolutely insane to think you would receive a flawless 1:1 replica of a fantasy firearm.
You feel retarded yet? You should.
and you should respect my innate right to express the seethe and mental instability i experience whenever ameriniggers start to bother me with their shit
You have every right to seethe, and I have every right to call you a racist hypocrite.
He isn’t even in America. If I’m right, he’s Swiss. I could be wrong, but even if I am he’s still, not American. You made an assumption based on his race, and then got mad when I did the same thing to you.
discord chatroom thread
I’m not reading allat
Tldr- you can't own this weapon because you don't have an exemption, it could never be perfect and you're retarded.
But didn’t he already say he doesn’t care about the law and neither does his guy?
The manufacturer is obligated to side with the law. They could lose their license and their business. Additionally he couldn't take it anywhere to like a range and unlike in America you can't just go innawoods away from people. The moment that he takes it to a range to test it is the moment he goes to prison. That's not even touching on the delivery of said firearm. The manufacturer has to declare that it's a firearm and have all their ducks in a row before they can even put it in the post.
No gunsmith is going to risk their business, future and freedom just to appease some tard. Just to give a peek into the punishment violating transfer law knowingly is a minimum 5 years in prison and a 69k USD fine. With the amount of laws broken you're looking at north of 100k in fines and at least 20 years in prison.
If you were a gunsmith would you take this deal? Rhetorical question. The answer is no.
…isn’t everyone obliged to comply with the law? That’s dumb. Criminals don’t care about the law, and it sounds like he’s working with criminals. This is exactly why gun control doesn’t work.
Look it's not that I disagree. Anon is obviously talking out his ass and doesn't know snakes from dildos about what he's getting into.
I can talk how gun control doesn't work and how we should abolish the ATF all day but I don't really want to. Not here.
guess i really am in the wrong here and this website is just not for me, fourchan is famously intolerable towards racists and hypocritic people
jesus christ mind TO THE BROKEN
I didn’t say you couldn’t be racist, I said you shouldn’t be disingenuous about it.
You’re a hypocrite. You’re allowed to be, but you have to be honest about it.
i can be both a hypocrite and a lier and i don't see why these two things must be mutually exclusive
I side with Russia in this debate. America is evil.

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